HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-10-19, Page 4PAO EA GODER!C 'liURWAY", OCTOBER 19T 197a
ountry Club
WafltS mors
ft's. time. again to think plan two eXenings. The
curling!- Organization is the Wednesday night (7 p.m. -9 p.m.)
keynote for- the Country Club's group will return, By popular
Upcoming season. An active demand, there will be a draw on
curbing committee has been Friday- evening from 9 p.m. -11
meeting 'to • draw up .this year's p.m. This will give couples a
events, good evening out on the
--Organizers plan- -ter have' -ice -..weekend.. Again • please -state
for the week of November 6. .preference when, signing up.
Alterations to the ice plant and Stan and Doris Paquette are in
reasonable weather should charge.
.Provide an early start.'Ladies curling returns -on
1V.ten,'s . night returns on Tuesday (1:30 p m.-3:30 p.m.)
Monday, but with two draws. and T,hursdaya (9 p.m. -11 p.m.).
Please sign up for your Eileen Palmer is in charge.
preference. Farmers are asked The Goderich Psychiatric
'to act as spares since full Hospital league is coming back
attendance is required for a stronger than ever. The club is
successful league. Therewill be, also initiating an Industrial
three - six week draws with league on Thursday from 7.
playoffs and overall trophies. p.m. -9 p.m. This will be pay -as -
The Farmer's league promises you -play curling, and will be
to fill two draws on Tuesday opeii to non-members.
night as. competition will be To kick-off a successful
keen preparing for the big season, the club will hold a
Foresters' bonspiel in the Bavarian Harvest Night` on
Fol, mixed curling, organizers Friday, November- 3, complete.
with an authentic German
The Snowmobile
By Wane Fisher
Snowmobile season is very
near, if not here! Local dealers
have reported that their sales
-steal' aie",wel-1~_above -last . ,.Ralph oster.:�,
year at this time, There are two Curling commences the week
good reasons for the increase. in of November 6. For this week,
sales. curling will be•free and open to
One is naturally the weather. new and old members. A film of
The second is the growing the 1972 Briar Championship
popularity of snowmobile Drag will be shown each night. This is
racing on the grass and in some a great chance for all old ,
areas circletrack racing on the • faithful members to encourage
one quarter mile and one-half new people to come out.
"oom-pah-pah" band and
German food. They are asking
old members to invite a new
couple to introduce" them to,
curling facilities. Tickets at only
$6.00 a couple . are available
from Victoria & Grey, Bank. of
Nova Scotia, Eric Moore and
wonosh Rec, Basoball.
Port Albert wins
Boys 12 to 16 years, Port The third game was played on
Albert against Dungannon. Monday, October !J in Goderich
- Port Albert has taken the at 8:30 p.m. with Port Albert
final series in three straight to winning with the score, Port
win the trophy two years in a Albert 26, Dungannon one.
row. The first game played at
Port Albert on Sunday, October The lin ' -for the Port
1 saw Port Albert take the lead Albert team is: pitcher, Brian
one game to none with the score " •Albert teamcatchis Clarence an
Port Albert seven, Dunganrion Wilson; first base, Glen Tigert;
foie. , second' base,° John Crawford;
tlre second game was played third base,, Lloyd' Tikert; short
in Qoderich at the Agricultural stop, Charlie Crawford; out•
Park on .Thursday, October 5 at fielders, Terry Austin, Eddie
8 p.m. Port Albert taking the Sinnett, Jim McKinnon; subs,
lead two games to none with the Robert Graham, Wayne
score, Port Albert five, Dungan- Graham, • „ Paul. Doherty, ;, Jim
non three.
Crawford; manager,. Philip
Petrie; coach, Ken Doherty. •
As this is the ' last of the
baseball games for this season,
John. Austin and Clarence
Doherty of the Ashfield -West
West Wawanosh Recreational
Committee, all the coaches and
managers of the teams, the um=
pires`,` who lave of their time to
see that the games were run
smoothly; ., to the parents who.
awe the boys to games and
practices, and- to the
scorekeepers, in fact to all who
.helped in any. way possible to
make this season so enjoyable.
.;•e s1 as
As you read the results of last
Sundays races at Hully Gully
R.R.. 1 Varna where there were
eleven hundred spectators and
over $1300.00 in prize money
given ; out, our Local Dealers
and drivers are doing well.
Keith Baer driving skidoo for
Argyle Marine is the overall
points man for the first two
meets of the Five meet series.
Jim Pfrimmer driving RUP
for Stewarts; RUP Sales is right
up in there also. Wane • Fisher
driving Polaris for Gord's
Sports is' the top points -getter
for 340 Super Stock.
250cc Keith. -Bae"r4 Skidoo;
Gary Rollins; Chaparral; Jim
B1 M Skidoo
+ � ei,:���k'�`doo;:
Bill Walsh, Skidoo; Larry
Lovett, Skidoo..
340cc Danny Bound, RUP; P;
Pete Nieuwenhuizen, Rup; Jim
Pfrimmer, RUP.
400 cc Danny Bound, RUP;
Ken Southerland, RUP: John
Blancher, RUP.. -
440cc Stan Shead, Alouette;
John Blancher, RUP; Jim
Phrimmer, RUP.
650cc Harvey Vincent,
Chaparral; John. McGuire,
Alouette; ° Jim Pfrimmer, RUP.
300cc Kathy Hendricks,'
Skidoo, Audrey Collins, Roto
Flex, Gwen Walsh, Skidoo.
340cc. Sharon Lapp, RUP;
Linda Blancher, RUP; Kathy
Hendricks, RUP.
440cc Donna Benford, RUP;
Ruth Benford, RUP; Sharon
MacDonald, RUP.. -
300cc 'Wade . Miller, Skidoo;
Scott Da ling, Roto -Flex; Brian
Argyle;"' liidoo.
340cc Wane Fisher, Polaris;
Ernie Pfrimmer, RUP; John
Vankoughen, Skidoo.
400cc Bill Fullerton, Moto -
ski; Blair McCann, Polaris; Joe
Roberts, RUP.
_ 440cc Harold Peterson, Moto -
ski; Bill Fullerton, Moto -ski;
Roger Stacey, Alouette,
membership, there will be no
increase in fees. They remain -
'' Men $75; Ladies $50; :Man &
Wife, . $100; Pay-as-you-p,lay
curling will be.- $2.001gam'e. -
—Miring the aarty- iio7rKaut ch -Doug~ rnickshank-has-been--skating---his:-prospective-
Intermediate players hard in an attempt to • assess their conditioning and styles. Here Bili
Fritzley, left, and Frank Hagan are put through their paces, along with other team members,
during a recent practice.
• M��D
300cc .Bob Henshaw, Skidoo;
Norm Simpson, Polaris; Phil
Engill, Polaris.
340cc.,Bobl enshaw, ,Skidoo;
J. Salmond, Skidoo; Norm Sim-
pson, Polaris.
440cc Keith Seaman, Skidoo,
Bill Fullerton, Motor -ski; Fred
Armstrong, •Skidoo.
•650cc Phil, Engell, Polaris,
Mike Turner, Polaris; Bill Ben-
nette, Polaris.
800cc Phil Engell, Polaris,
Mike Turner, Polaris; Roger
Stacey, Polaris.
— -Races_ Coming .1.1p A.. _
, Sunday, October 29, Hully
Gully R.R. 1 Varna, Ontario:
Sunday, • November 5,
IVMA'Y J►`R'S CUP, Cayuga Inter:
. national Speedway.
Sunday, November 12, Hully
, - unday, November 26, tinily
Gully, Championships.
In Next Week's Column there
will be tips'On preparing your
gaol/mobile for winter.
The new Mcite-ski free alt:
curr RATES and Location,
naltpli the c1* eB
A sport council. is planned for
Waterloo County, -
Plans were unveiled recently
at Waterloo Lutheran Univer-
say. Civic, 'and sport represen-
tatives.•werp told ,,he council will
become a reality at a conference
planned for WLU on Oct.- 21.
For the past nine months a
group of 15 people has been ex-
ploring the feasibility of such a
council. Numerous meeting's
were held and the group is now
prepared to make its move.
To be known as the Waterloo
Regional Sports Council, the
'organization will comprise of
representatives from all sports
in all areas of the county.
It would . also include' an
associate membership of persons'
dedicated to sport and involved
in .such areas as recreation,
government, university, secon-
dary and elementary' education.
Interim president of the
association is Colin McKay of
Waterloo. He explained the in-
terim council has already'
proven its worth in several areas
and in various sports.
"A communication system has.
been Set up -to inform school
board physical education depar-
tments and recreation depart-
ments of clinics being held in
various sports," explained
"Also, a sports directory has
been. developed (a) by
geographical area and (b)loy
sport, now on our computer, to
facilitate information sharing."
McKay also said ground -work
is being laid to provide non -c-
Goderich Intermediate Sailors Coach Doug Cruickshank,it ght, has been working his new
team regularly in preparation for the upcoming season and talking things over with his
players as he feels out his strong and weak points. Here he speaks with goal tender Rob
Kellestine whom he sees as being one of his strong points.
redit courses through the exten-
sion department of WLU forthe
benefit of coaches. "These cour-
ses will , mirror The needs of.
given sports and. localities." ,
Two groups made formal
presentations of financial
assistance to. the council
Budd Automotive Ltd. turned
over a cheque for $4,800 while t-
he council received $9,100 from
the Ontario Department of E-
ducation, Youth and Recreation
Some of the areas which the
council hopes it can assist in in-
—Knowledge of grants and
funding available through fede-
.ral and provincial agencies.
—Organization -and p-
romotion of clinics for coaches
and officials. ,
—Sports director for the
county. .
—Information centre -for
public as well as members.,
—Provide organizational net-
work for Regional •Games s-
hould the county host ;these
. games.
—Liaison between this region
and Sport Ontario and Sport
Sports equipment safety.
—Provide an unified voice:for
the county in matters of concern
in sport, •
—Purchase and publish
teaching, coa'chirig and of-
ficiating aids.
At the Oct. 21 meeting, the
keynote speaker will be Hon.
John Munro.
(Formerly Gower's) have tIieitstore - -
filled up with winter stork -
We have just marked our MID LENGTH,
coats . down . by 20% or more.
As an.:."OpeningUnder'New-Name" Special
99.00 • '
SATURDAY it a.m. to p.m.
FRIDAY 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.