HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-10-19, Page 2GODE'R1I R SIGNAL—STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOUR 19, 1.972
What is affluence?.
What is affluence?
According to the handy pocket dic-
tionary, affluence is wealth, abundance. It
is.having all one needs -- and then some.
To the snowmobile owner, affluence is'
having enough machines for the whole
family to enjoy the spprt . To, the
homeowner, affluence is having the mor-
tgages covered, . up-to-the-minute fur-
nishings paid, sufficient money to 'meet
the utility and repair bills with ease and
, more than enough insurance to protect in,
every kind of possible loss.
To the young' lady looking for a
husband, affluence lis' a nice car, a fine '
wardrobe, a good job and a promising -
future. To the businessman, affluence is a -
steadily growing business With trusted
employees who leave him free to en joy -as
much time away from the office as he
And to the student? To the student, af-
fluence is probably having the bucks `to
put gas in the car, keep threads on the
back, buy a beer on the weekend, pay the
next semester's tuition and take the new
chick to the hamburger place after ..the
In the last few weeks, it has become
increasingly apparent that most students
in and around Goderich are of the af-
fluent type. For several weeks in a row,
The Goderich Signal -Star published the
rules for a,student essay contest which
would net for the winners prizes totalling
You guessed it. There was not one
single essay submitted, which seems to
indicate at first glance that students in
and around Goderich are either too busy;
too lazy — or affluent.
Who says the Trudeau government has
not given us prosperity? And security?
.And affluence like we've never known
Shouldthe Churcb pay taxes?
There has been considerable
discussion in-recent_weeks_concemiDAL
whether or not The Church should be
paying property . taxes. Some noted
Church officials, including the new
moderator for The United Church of
Canada, feel it is time The Church kicked"
into the tax pot. Sonie 'more Church
clerics' and interested parishitners say
The Church should be exempt now as it
always has. •
Few people who are closely connected
with The Church of today will telt you it
would-, be an easy matter to' raise tax
money on the property owned by- most
For instance, a recent news release
from the Christian Science denomination
tells that, last year, The First -Church of
Christ, Scientist in Boston,. paid
$1,195,460 in taxes in the United States of
America. This year' .the bill. was
$1,506,586, more than $300,000 over 'last
year. Few congregations 'could come up
with that amount of -money without
Causinsome cut-back in established
church' programs. ,
Still, the Church of today is a business.
It has its budgets, its fund-raising com-
mittees, its boards of directors, its
trustees, its pledges. -It has its -treasury
which perhaps should be tapped for
taxes the same way the fund of any other
business is -tapped.
Maybe by . taxing the Churches we'
could find a new source of tax money
which would alleviate some of the stress
and strain. on the general taxpayers. After
all, why should the non -church goer pay
extra heavy taxes because the Church is
getting away free and clear without ac-
cepting a• share of the financial respon-
sibility in the community which supports
Et is a large • question — a touchy area.
C,dmments of the local clergy for the
benefit of local readers and taxpayers
would be interesting and enlightening...
Please,no burning leaves
Medical Officer of Health, Huron County
Every Canadian is -,familiar with the
beautiful autumn colors created by our
maple trees - the windswept piles of
maple leaves and the traditional smell of
burning leaves. •
However, there is a se'g'ment of our
population who • are afflicted by bron-
chitis, asthma and emphysema. A group
of people who greatly fear the fall season
withjhe swirling clouds of smoke from
burning leaves, a group of • people very •
sensitive to ' atmospheric pollution and
who literally gasp for breath in the smoke
clogged air of the fall season.
Is it really necessary that we, who do
not suffer from these diseases, should
burn our leaves, pollute our environment
• and make life almost impossible for this
unfortunate group?
In this age when pollution 'is an "in"
our environment becomes so vital to both
our generation and the succeeding
generation, can we not, each of us, do
-our bit- #o prevent .atmospheric pollution
and to show compassion for those who
suffer from chronic respiratory disease,
and rather than burn our leaves, gather'
them into useful compost heaps or bag
them for pick-up by our garbage collec-
. There are other reasons for not burning
our leaves, such as the protection of
pedestrians from being struck by a car in
the dense blindness of burning leaf
smoke (and often these pedestrians are
young children who play around the bur-
ning piles of leaves completely obscured
from passing traffic by the leaf smoke),
and the prevention of car accidents when
drivers find the street so thick with bur-
ning leaf smoke that neither the boun-
daries of the road or other cars are visible
on the road until it is •too late.
To you, the readers of this article, I ap-
peal and recommend that you do nbt
r av+ anAhe---.irte s
big'-�yg�u . �
the prevention of accidents and preser-
vation of a pure air environment for all of
us, particularly those who suffer from
asthma, chronic bronchitis and em -
'Part of Museum
Dear Editor:
"Now what seems to be the problem.?"
Shirley J. Keller,
Signal -Star,
In answer to'your article on
the Huron'County Jail, would it
not be possible for i't to' become
part of the Huron County
jVlpseum •and run by them and
the Goderich Historical Society?
• My interest in the old
building dates back many years
as my maternal .grandparents
came first to Goderich from
their native Scotland to become
early citizens of Canada. It was
at that time the edge of the old
frontier. The enclosed paper
which comes to me as a member
of The'National
OCTOBER 10, 1902
Mr. justice Garrovv, who was
leaving Goderich to live and
work in Toronto, was enter-
tained to dinner by the Dar of
The final " sittings of the
Voters List Courts were held in
preparation for the upcoming
voting day,
A fire caused serious damage _-
to the interior of a home owned
by Bill Postelthwaite 'on
Waterloo Street. The owner was •
not at home at that. time. -
In his summary report Crown
Attorney Lewis reported that
over the past 12 . months, 12 w
criminal cases were tried in
Huron Courts resulting in eight
The initial Hop of. the season
was held at the Odtlfellow Hall
under the auspices of that Lodge,
with a good turn -out on hand to M
enjoy the activities.
• A.B. Macdonald announced,
that he would be opening an of-
fice from which he would prac- "S
tice law in Goderich.
An .eclipse of the moon took
place on the night of October 16
between; the hours of 10:17 and
11:17 p.m.
Due to the coal famine, the
iocal . churches were cancelling
all weekly meetings and saving
the fuel for.Sunday worship ser-
arices. only -
The Goderich Gun Club plan-
ned a shoot Thursday morning,.
at their grounds near Lewis
OCTOBER 19, 1947 -
All Goderich. churches noted •
large turnouts'for the annual
,,,�,��j�v�' Sunday services.
parent, I was most in- problem develop in your own , desire for more energy, or main -
in the comments- this home. tenant'. of physical ;dependency.
Trust in week from Dr. Frank Mills, • • then the alternatives suggested
America, I thought. might be of Huron County's Medical Officer if you can't make it to the by ,Dr. Cohen- are athletics,
interest to ..you at this crucial of Health who claims that drugs Goderich showing, the• film will dance,' exercise, hiking, diet,
Itime. am sendingare a real and present quantity be shown every evening of that health training or outdoor work.
the jail's to Mr. 'tames 13ict e, and secondary.
President of the National Trust As f spoke to Dr. Mills, I told
at 740 .Jackson Place; N.W., him that six - to eight months
Washington, D.C. 20006, U.S.A. ago, every parent you spoke to
He might `be able to give you was discussing the drug crisis in
some helpful suggestions on the area and showing concern
other uses for the Huron County
for the safety of their children. I
.Jail if you do not ,wish it to told him that in recent months, affluence or power then the
become a Museum of Penology. I had heard very little about alternatives might be political
Sincerely, drugs in this part of the country, service of some sort, political ac -
Katherine Harrison, and had -wondered "whether tion, non-partisan political
11026 Magnolia ipe, parents were just losing interest projects, such as ecological lob -
Cleveland, Ohio 11106.r , in the subject because they had bying,. or .field work with
Nero hobby lived with it so long, or whether politicians and public officials.
b Edit the drug pro
the article on in our schools, both elementary -week ' in one of..the Huron If the level of experience
County high schools - always at desired is political with the
7.30' p.m. On Monday. evening, basic motivation to promote
October 23, it is in Exeter at political change, to identify with
SHDHS; on Tuesday in anti-establishment sub -groups,
Seaforth; on Wednesday in to change drug legislation,
Wingham; and on 'Thursday in desperation with the social -
Clinton. The showings are free. political order or to gain wealth,
They are yours just for the- at-
. There is a very special reason
for this mass saturation with the
film. The obvious reason, of
course, is education. But the less
obvious result hoped for by. Dr.
Mills and his staff, is that
parents and children will be-
e-able to sit down together for the
first time and discuss drugs in-
telligently - and on the same
level Or as near to it as parents
and children can come).d
And one other choice tidbit
learned from Dr. Mills. For the
most part, young people whoh
turn to drugs do so because they
h .
are different - because theyhave
a special need' in their lives
which is not being fulfilled.
That seems to be the key when
working with these people - to
learn what special • need is
lackingand to either fulfill the
need or to provide a suitable
alternative to it.
It isn't a hopeless road, I'm
told. In fact, it is a very hopeful
way to follow - and Huron
County citizens should be
blemhad been .If the level of experience'
This may seem a very unusual solved by some miraculous desired is spiritual -mystics
ear or:
Four young men were in
Kingston representing Huron,
and the Huron Plowmen's
Association at the annual Inter-40,
Plowing Match being
held there.
At the regular evening ser-
vices, North Street United
Church announced they.would
be showing tl`the film "Beyondlj
our Horizons" which dealt wit
unanswered prayer.
Rev. Richard Stewart of Knox
Presbyterian Church , was
leaving Goderich to answer a
call to St. James Church in Lon-
Frederick Littlechild was
committed to trial, 6n a charge at
of murder in the death of
Charles Bell ' when a
preliminary hearing determined
there was sufficient evidence.
Rev. C.W. Cope addressed the
monthly meeting of the Central
Horne and School Club. is'
The Goderich Lions Club
hosted , their annual Hockey
Night and pi 'rented trophies to
the Outstanding/local players.
Guest speaker at the" event was
former NHL great Bobby Bauer
of the Boston Bruins.
1 —„ `OCTOBER 19, 1967
to develop transcend orthodox religion,
request and hobby, and I'm means. spiritual insights, or
hoping that you may be able to Dr. Mills• told me the'drugreach higher levels of, find me a small space in your problem was by no meansg
con -
newspaper for my quest. I have solved. And, he added, parents sciousness then Dr. Cohen
a very interesting hobby of are concerned. He knows, suggests alternatives such as
collecting regimental badges, because he's in a position to I studying world religions or pur-
my main interest being hear the fears of parents expre- suing applied mysticism,
Canadian badges of the past ssed. And according to Dr.' meditation or Yogi techniques.
and present. I'm especially keen Mills, people -want something For the ,heroin addict,
on all C.E.F. badges, Infantry, done to meet the drug•problem methadone is a. viable
Artillery, etc. ' head-on in Huron. " alternative to the physical com-
1 have 'seen a picture of the That's why Dr. Mills and his ponent of his needs but the
161st Canadian Infantry tat- staff are -planning this series of eventual • treatment program
talion's very nice badges but I films at every high school in must aim at providing more per -
am hoping that some readers Huron beginning October 23. - manent fulfillment of deeper
may be able to help me in my The Huron County Health Unit psycho -social needs. Dr. Cohen
quest for any Canadian badges is working .overtime for that believes; "The existence or non -
of the past and present. week to make absolutely certain existence of these deeper
Thanking you, I remain, that as many parents .as possible aspirations will determine
Yours truly, will see the now -famous Art whether the addict can resist
rugs. (You temptation after withdrawa
will remember, possibly, that tere�;a�.dTd 5 from methadone."
Why Pilgrim Fathers? M . and Mrs. Art Linklater lost grateful that Dr. Mills and other He thinks the most powerful
•.•,"'illt r ,tiFts 'm ries.....
a � � y"`�-iir T ea, m.- lc m���f`"�
Bert Pike (Postman) Linlater film on'
rAIsoAvtas OD°
gqe 6oeerlc4
•,.•I;j-.. Th. County Town Newspaper' of Huron r -�C}--
Founded in 1141 andpubiished every Thursday at 37 WestSt., Goderich, Ontario. Member of the Audit
SuraeuofCirculation, theCWNA andOWNA. Advertising rates on request, Subscriptions payable in
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services atawrentprice,goods erservices may notbe sold. Advertising is merely an offer to sell,
ani May be withdrawn it any tiro.. .p,
.PubiiIhad by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd.
't%O$lf*T O. SHIT president and publisher .
SHIRLEY J Kha.LErt—editor
H. Ilii. l AW dite rill staff
ODWARD J. • t°JYRSK$.—advertlsin0 manager
DAVIE K. WILLiAMl-advertisln0 representative
ilutinets and Editorial Office
TELEPHONE 52444331
*ea. 'cod. 515
class r(rlt(ril Legis ration , urrrb•r—O 16
Flames swept through the
Conklin Lumber Company
warehouse on Bayfield Road •
causing an estimated damage of
more than $150,000. The
Goderich Fire Department an-
swered the call.
Provincial treasurer C.S.
MacNaughton „was returned to
the Provincial Legislature in •
triumph in the general. provin-
cial election,
Town counciii 'r B.R. Robin-
son made a move to oust Reeve
Bert Such after heated
discussion on a town . move to .
have their assessment of $75,000
'for road costs to the county W
It was revealed that ..art in-
vestigation into the Goderich -
Municipal Police Force by the
1oe�1c�1_i�e�Arn�isaion�w;tm-ld•. ,a,
be conducted in secret.
A rash of vandalism In
Goderich had brought a
statement from the Goderich
Police Force declaring a severe
crackdown on all such offen-
The popular Treble Singers of
Goderich- Were -to -make-an ap- f �.
p'earance at a variety concert
being staged at Knox
Presbyterian Church.
Dear Editor;, aug
While visiting the pretty town few years ago.) psychiatric personnel. in the area model will be in the field of
of Goderich this summer, I read The film is being shown to are so keenly interested. drug education.
your paper" GDCI` students Friday, October "There is stilla powerful
Ever ainceT returned_h I 27 It will be shown to the premise circulating among
• ch at =GDCI _:_ - educators that • .md,ivadu-a1-sr�.
physema. •• have been puzzling over a letter pare 6f Goder
to the editor which was ap- that evening, beginning at 7:30 especially children can be
patently about morals. The puz- pm. It is a "must" for mothers frightened away from drugs
and fathers who want to know with the proper information
about dangers; Inallfrankness,
this hope is a utopian fantasy,"
he says.
He supports -this view with a
So, we're seeing the first step
in a three-point program to meet
the drug crisis with some con-
structive action. ;The film -
viewing is education. The next
step. is to show the way to free
treatment for the person who
hasbeen experimenting with
drugs and finds a problem has
developed; the third is for fin -
ziement is, as the writer referred
to the Pilgrim Fathers in-
troducing moral standards,
what have the Pilgrim Fathers
to do with Canada?
If there is an answer to .this
query I would be pleased if you
would forward the paper in
which itmappears;-and - am "en= -
closing money to cover postage.
Yours truly,
Joan Humphries (Mrs.)
R.R. 2 Warkw'orth
Thank You
Dear Editor: ' t
May we, through your
column, express our deep
gratitude to the young men who
conceived the idea of a bursary
to honourthe memory of our
son and. brother.
Thy have tihown a
compassion and, understanding
beyond their years. There is no
finer tribute they could have
more about drugs, their effects
and how to cope should -the
r-. .. - r 1.
comment that all the adver-
tising about- the dangers- of
cigarette smoking has failed to
•ding-alternatives-dto•=drug,abuse._ stent_ the.. „smoking _.-.-habits_ 4
What are the alternatives? "responsible" citizens.
1 Dr. Allan Cohen, Director of the He has a special comment on
Institute • for Drug Abuse_ the most obvious alternative to
Education and Rehabilitation drug taking -- not taking drugs.
at JFK University in Martinez, "Many long term users move
California, says individuals do away from drqgs because they
not stop using drugs until they . feel better not using them," he
discover something•better. When says.
looking for alternatives, Dr. 'But there are only two oases
Cohen lists the most basic when not taking them is a viable
motivational• forces leading to alternative:
drug use and correlates them 1) When the user is suffering
With the level of experience the and realizes the suffering is drug
become a graduate of whom .r drug user is trying to attain. related, or.
Goderich District Collegiate For instance: If the level of 2) When the pre -user has so
Institute will be proud. experience desired from the drug much going for him that per
Sincerely, ' is physical acid the basic ceived risks associated with
Florence and Max Cuts motivation list physical drug -taking threaten his present
Marrantl Jim ,, relaxation, relief fromi sickness, satisfaction.
paid William "Bill's Cutt than
such a memorial.
To those who organized the
fund, and to all Bill's friends,
young and old, who contributed,
our sincere thanks.
Congratulations to the first
recipient of this language
award, Kevin Cox. We trusthe
shall continue his education and
Letters to the Editor
,,a-re1X• A welcdmed.=---•soda.
encouraged by this
newspaper on any matter
of public interest. •
All letters must be
signed but pseudonyms
will be permitted on the
understanding that
should any reader
question the identity of
the writer, that identity
will be disclosed.
Readers art reminded
that the opinions
ettpressed in the
published "
"correspondence aro not
necessarily* tine opinions
held by this Signal -Star,