The Exeter Advocate, 1893-10-19, Page 5r J prm4 i1!!'vg,A , ere s aew eta. Lcvery tIMet, cure the worst cases -.et N,ervuus J.tttbrlrty Loot Vigor (54IT;•� A j t 49.11'111 7441houali restores il;v i.r,a.w5 weukeess of body or mindcpusud by taer.woi'k, er the errors or ex- ,M.w,+.i.wox,tiwrMs.xa t espied of youth, 'rids iteulody ab. ioluto,y puree the Most cbatitdato cases when all other t1a7.'asxx'is IMAM fellecleuento relieve. o1clbydrug, rets ut r l ee r lea elinge, c .• six fi3r ao or son by mail on rvipt of prlc4 by 4ddatsslt€g'1`kil),TAMI IKt.DIClN1I1',. „'Toronto,Sat, .,laritefor tumphict.: casaba. 1'ar Salle JlaaPaKetel' by 7, ir, Il roevxtA;,;• The annual meetin„ of the East York Befornl Association will be held at Ura ionyillia ou Stat ardaya October. 21. A RAIU COMBINATION. There is no other remedy or eQnbi• elation of medicines that meets so mmay requirements, as does Bilydoek Blood Bittersin its wide range of power over sora chronic diseases as dyspepsia, lii-- er and aidney;cornplaint, seroflila, and all humors of the blood. The General Mission Board of the :Methodist Church eolitinued • its 'busi• noes Hamilton Wednesday. THE PRINCE OF PEOTOR;IAL REMEDIES. Dr. Wood'sallotway Pine Syrup 'fairs rs C ou 1s Colds, l Asth rig Hoarseness and .Bronehitis without fail, Nietorious won again at Morris Park Wednesday running a lilile and half ' a furlong in 1.47. TIE POWER OF NATURE. From every evil nature has a cure.. In tlle'healing yirtties of Norway Pine lies the cure for coughs, colds, croup, asthma, bronchitis, hoarsuess, etc. Dr. Weed's Norway Pin Syrup represents the virtures of Norway Pine and other pectoral remedies. Pr ee 25e. • The annual meeting of the Eutolno- logical Society of Ontario began Wed- nesday in London. Smart Weed and Belladonna, com- bined with the other ingredients used in the best porous plasters, made by Carter's S. W. r, B. Backache plasters the best in the market. Price 25 cents. The Victotia Fall Assizes are briu• conducted at Lindsay by Chief Justiee Armour. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When sho had Children, she gave thorn Castoria. Fourteen new cases of yellow fever. were reported Wednesday at Bruns- wick, Ga. A PROFESSIONAL OPINION. Rev. F. Gunner, M. D. of Listowel, • Ont., says regarding B.B.B.: "I have used y our excellent Burdock Compound in practice and in my family since 1884 and hold it No. 1 on my test of sanative remedies, Your three busy B's never sting, weaken, or worry." Rad Eyes and Cypria rad a dead heat for the Czarewith. BURDOCK PILLS never gripe, sick en or injure. They cure Constipation .....and sic.: headache. 9110 Steamer Culonial, ashore for some days on Pigeon Island, has been released and is being towed into King- ton harbor by the wrecking tug Pet- rel. IMPORTANT TO WORKINGMEN Artizans, mechanics and laboring man are liable to sudden accidents and injuries, as well as painful cords, stiff joints and lameness. To all thus troub- led we would recommend Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the handy and reliable pain cure, for outward and internal use. It was officially announced Wbdnes day night by the Racing Committee that the Valkyrie Vigilant race will sailed over again on Friday. Women with pale colorless faces,who feel weak and discouraged will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Ca/ter''s Iron Pslls, which are made for the blood, nerves and complexion. ' An investigation' has been begun at Princeton College, N. J„ into the recent hazing, and the prospects are that the hazel's will be severely punished. b Prescription. The Great E>n 13+1 rI��IF >ri $ D A sucoessfui Medicine used over - o 80 years in thousands of cases. Cure. Spermatorrhea Nervous ^, r Weakness, Sraiasione, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. fsErottE] indiscretion, or over-exertion., [Arrran]. Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for r>araEe+.Enpnxh Pre.orlptl•n, take ne substitute.`. One package, $1. Six $6, bymail. Write for Pamphlet. Addres►. Eureka Cemical Co.. Dogrel!, Jilloii.N James C. 1•Iueston,formerlf rxianageatt of the New York Associated Pre✓is,. ded4, Wednesday from cerebral meningitis, aged 52 years. DIZZINESS CAUSED BY DYSPEPSIA Dizziness is a sympton of dyspepsia. "I have used. Burdock Blood Biters y► for 'dizziness, which came over me in spalls, so that I had to quit work for a while. The B.B.B entirelycured me." James Wright, Chesterfield, Ont. A reception by ]he city executive wastenderedto the Australian •elicket ers on their arrivalin Toronto ''Th•urs day evening.. • NO OTIIER EMULSION equals MYl' burn's Cod Liver OiI1 pu1.0,90 titatatia.,; ant taste, uourishing power or uzrati,ve effect. • The United States Senate ,hail an, Cir night session last night over thif Silver. Repeal Bill. No vote had been reached ON THE PLATFORM Public, speakers 'and.''sf i eiA` aro 'of-' ten troubled with sore throat, and •s nes9 and are liable to severe bronchial attacks which n,iRlltle pre;; vented and curtail by the use 6f: 'Hag - yard's Pectot•tal Balaaipathehest;throa and lung remedy in use, Dyspepsia in its worst forms, will yseld to the use of Caitor's Little Nerve Pills, aided by Cartels Little Lived Pills; They not only relieve' present dlst1esS but strengthen the btplY.rich af. dl„c•• tive apparatus, ,•;: g 1•11111111- HAFIyfi$;Tli`1G °Salib. Familiar i'allcs by Farmers, Who Cut'Ellolr .Crolrs With Macltittex'y, Within tllo past few years many clo- vines for cutting cern in the ;Field have been introduced. Most of the cheaper toole work on the principle of a sled With halves at the side to slice or cut off the tarn. The knives project at each side of the elect, so that when it is drawn along- sidotho row -the knives slice off the stalks. close to the Ironed, while a pian or two niers etanding on the sled catch the stalks :ma pull them into'bnndles as they fall. The Rural New ,Yorker, whioh, sent a series of questions_ to farmers who'have been using one of the best of these corn cutters to itscertain : how this method of cutting corn compares with theold hind plan, received among curer 'replies the r fallall lily x\nIul a farm or writes: "Thescientific corn cutter does the work more easily and cheaply. It won't work Well in corn that is badly clown, It does bust on drilled corn. From one to two acres can be cut by ono horse and two men in a day, The knives have to be sharp- ened once a year. It will cut tsvo rows at once." A Maryland farmer made thee reply: "One can cut eight acres a day if he has a fast walking horse. The cost here would be $1.00 per day, or about one- four ne- fourth that of tho old way. If the corn is not downbadly; ol'l toobad it 3iworks very well. It works just the same on drilled or ilillul corn. Ono does not have to stop so often to put au arm lead down. It takes two mon to work the cutter, and one horse and two men will cut eight acres a clay. There have been no acci- dents, Omagh I have used it four years. 1' trate sharpened the knives only three tines since I got it. We cut two rows at ouco. In the first Place, cutting corn in this wayis much easier than doing so in the old way, and, in the second, one can do much more in a day. We cut 10 hills before we stop to put them in a shock. That makes a good armload. I consider a corn cutter or harvester an in- dispensable tool on a farm if there is much corn to be cut and would not be without one for any money." A farmer who has had one year's ex- perience only ill cutting corn by ma- chinery said: "When operated by two men and one horse, it can perform the work of four or five men. My test was made in corn `that was fairly erect. It would not work so successfully in corn that was blown down. I should say that it would cut drilled corn quite as well as hilled. There have been no `accidents with it. It is not necessary to sharpen the knives any more frequently than one would sharp- en other tools. It cuts two rows at one thae. Its superiority over hand cutting consists in the rapidity with which it dispatches the work and the saving involved therein. I do not con- sider it an indispensable tool upon the farm, although it is a valuable one." Digging, Harvesting and Storing Potatoes. In clean, mellow soil our modern po- tato diggers do good service. Where none is available, a common one horse plow (or, a shovel plow) ,often answers very well. Small patches may be dug with a potato lzoolc or r1 digging fork, or even a. common hand hoe. If deg by machine or plow, the ground, after the crop is picked up, can be harrowed over with the smoothing harrow, thus bring- ing into sight for gathering the few tubers that had been covered up and hid- den. The tubers may be left on the grouird fora short time, and are then gathered in box crates holding a bushel. each, and thus drawn to market, cellar. roothouse or pit. The simplest, cheap- est, and generally most satisfactory man- ner of storing for wintering over, next to that in root cellar, is in pits, provided the potatoes are covered up when cool and protected sufficiently to keep them from contact with frost, writes the au- thor of "How to Make the Garden Pay." Profit Tn Roasters. There is in profit " more ro tin roastingchick- ens pc ck ens that weigh, dressed. about seven pounds to the pair than in broilers, and an experience we had this season illus- trates it, writes the editor of Farni Poul- try. Ho says: We hatched an incubator lot of chickens of five or six varieties Feb. 24, and cold 10 of them on June 7 at 80 cents a pound, live weight, they bringing ,$10.72. On •Julie 2C 40 more were sold, they bring- ing ring ing $44.33, and on July 6 41 were sold for•$44.26. The two laet lots fetched 26 cents a pound alive. Here were 91 chickens sold for $99.31. It isn't difficult to see a good profit there. As showing the bettor profits in roasters than broilers, we find the market quota- tions of July 8-10 to be: Spring chickens (roasters), 83 to 87 cents per pound,.and broiler chickens, 17 to 20 cents ` per pound. Not only is the last 1a to 2 pounds Of f growth easier to put on, but it pays the best.. Home Mixed Fertilizers. ..The analyses and study of home mixed fertilizers and fertilizing materials af- ford subject for an interesting bulletin issued by the New Jersey station. Fol- lolving are some practical conclusions :lbriefey drawn from the report alluded to: First -That the use of fertilizers in the state is increasing, and that the present annual ex- penditure of over $1,5,00,000 may bo very ma- terially reduced by a definite knowledge of what and how to buy. SSet:ond—'that in the preparation of formulas the qualify ofplant food isof r` a) q y prime impor• tance, and that the proportion of the different elements, as well as the amount of the appli- cat ion, should bo determined by the object of their use, • T::1rd--That • farmers can make mixtures whirl] are equal to the. best manufacturers brands and superior to the average—first, in mechanical condition; second, frit concontra- don; third, in (nullity, and, fourth', fn point of cent. Fourth—That in buyingmanufacturersi mix= tares distinct advantages in quality and cost g 4 Y aro secured when bought direct from the mane.• Iyoturors instead of frons local agents UNLocae ALL THE. .CLOOGEO ecca TI0►Jli OF THE DOWELS, -KIDNEYS AND LiVER, CARRYINGOfFGRADUALLY, WITHOUT WEA$E1 - iNO THE SYSTEM, ALL IMPURITIES AND FOUL HUMORS. AT THE GAME TIME CORRECT" ING ACIDITY of THE STOMACH, CURINQ DILIOUSNEBS, DYSPEPSIA, HEAD- ACHES, DIZZINESS, HEARTBURN,' CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATISM,. DROPSY. SKIN DISEASES, JAUNDICE. SALT RHEUM, ''ERYSIPELAS, SCRO- FULA, FLUTTERING •Or• THE HEART. aeavouCNEsS, AND, GENERAL DEBILITY. THESE ANP. ALL SiMILAR COMPLAINTS QUICKLY YIELD ,TO THE CURA- TIVE INFLUENCE OR BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ammussmasammoseusna Voir flan or yc'nfty 2'e.Lta s. AN On» xJo WELL -TAXED Rim:Dr.—Mrs Winslow'sSootliing Syrup has been used. for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teothira., with per- fect suoeess. It soothes the child, softens the duns, allays all pain, cures wind colic,' and is, the best remedy for Diarncaoa. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in every part of the World, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is inealeulable. Bo sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind The Royal Prohibition Commission sat in Windsor yesterday. LONG WORMS, Pili Worms, Rourld Worms W or Tape Wormsare promptly destroyed and removed by Dr. Low's Worm Sy; up Four thousand people attended the D ufferin Central Fair Wednesday. J. R. Hooper, the alleged wife mur• clever, has written to the Ottawa press, asking the public to suspend judgment until after the trial, ditctron IPEeclielil ttrisociationt. A meeting of the Huron Medical As- sociation was held in the Council cham- ber, Clinton, on October lOth. Presi- dent, Dr. Woods, in the chair. The fol- lowing members present, Drs Bethune Smith, Woods, McTavish, McLachlin, Armstrong, McCosh,. Shaw, Turnbull and Gunn. Dr. Gunn presented sever- al interesting cases in practice that elicited long discussion. Dr, Bethune read a very interesting paper on Pul- monary Congestion This brought out many varied experiences of the' mem- bers prefent;Dr. McLachlan's papers on alcohol in medicine was left over to next meeting, owing to lack of time. The next meeting will be held in Sea - forth, when a large number of good papers with be read. Miss Lttie Huntley Is the sister of r. W. S. Huntley of Cortland, N. , a well known car- penter and buil •r. Her frank state- ment below giv only the absolute truth concerning er illness and mar- velous recovery the aid of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sh says: "C. I. Hood & Co., L veil,11lass.: "Dear Sir: Twel years ago I began to have hemorrhages a€ four years ago became so low that the physi ans told me There V No Grope and I should soon di I could not be moved from my bed. IInde y face were napkins continually reddene with blood from my mouth. Y could c ssoshnag and had 110 action of the bowels a week. The doctors said the cause was ultirs in the stomach. At this time my mother sic' she wanted to make one more trial, and sked if -I would take Hood's Sarsaparilla.: told her it would bo A Waste 3f Gkf1f oney but finding it would cgfort her, I began tak- ing it. In a few daysthe bloating began to subside, I seemed to f 1 a little stronger, but thought it only fancy. was so weak I could only take ten drops Sarsaparilla at first. In two weeks I was a to sit up a few min- utes every day. In a outh II could walk acrose tido xoom. 1e day I asked what they were to have dinner, and said I wanted something hefty. My mother was so happy she cried. Inas the First Time. G lid Felt Hun- gry for Tei Years I kept on with Hood's saparilla and in six months was as well as r in my life. It is now four years since I I overed, and I have not had a day's sickness nce, nor any hemor- rhage. If ever a hum being thanked the good Lord on bended is s it was I. I know that Hood's Sarsapari , and that alone, unquestionably Saved y Life." Messrs. Sager & Jo gs, the well known druggists of Cortland, say at Miss Huntley "is is highly respected lady; h tatement of what Hood's Sa iaparHla Has done for her Is wort tho highest confi- dence." ills cure Liver ills, VC able Pills are pre. m ®®CI S pat to meet a legit], ma emend for a mild, efficient and reliable faini.l physic. They aro purely vegetable, cont ainii no . iii calomel, mercury, or ntinera b- IIIc stance of any kind. Hood's lis act upon the stomach, 11 , and alimentary canal, and euro Liver Comlint,Constipation,' Nausett, Biliousness, Ilea hoIndigestion, Sour Stomach, Distress aft�ating, Jaundice. A cold maybo broken u atf ver prevented by promptly taking hood's Hood's • 'lis Are prepared by C. I. Hood :»o.,Apotheearies, Lowell, Mass. Price 25 Cents r box. Sold by all druggists or Sent by Mail receipt of price. Study A Moment ! You are a b;isinessman and used to straightforward business talk— facts—facts—facts. Your wife has been longing for . . . . , A IV nee' Sideboard Why not get it now ? :SERE ARE FACTS We are selling handsome Goods cheaper than never. Call and see our big stook at manufacturers' prices. . . . . . . ®B it . 14 n G eS ' WE. How Many Children Have YauP How many times a month do you vis't a shoe store? Of course, your children are just like other people's— always wearing new shot's. 'You don't let them go to school with their toee sticking out. We have on hand a lies of boys' school shoos en which you can Save 50 per cent In Silo? Leather. If you want a pair of fine boots or shoes made to order, we are prepared to make them better and cheaper than any other firm in the country. Repairing a specialty, iEO.JllhlNSOtl, Naxt Door Southof Postaffice. llo»1esa1e &Retall F urllitllr el S cibnEY's FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING Establishment.— Odd•Fellows Bloek. Opposite J Grigg's Stationary. "II STITCH IN TIDE SAVES NINE," SO WILL A DOLLAR INVESTED IN MALTOPEPSYN :3;tor 1'1414g 11011114 Igo Dress Well 'novo - "Waited Drosse or Alive. Dressed II'ogs bought subject 4o the following eouditions:--2 lbs per ewt.off; li lbs extra if shoulder stuck; .3 lbs for either bung gut or Collett, if left in. All :leo„,s to be rut through from. Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. SNELL RROS _& Dog PALACE BAKERY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up bib parlor and restaurant -will serve— ICE CREAM during the Summer Season. Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, Buns, Cakes Sze. Visits. Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, All orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed fo, t Oysters and fruits of all kinds in tbeir season. D, W, FOSS, ITens Lab Bicycles, Sewing Machines, aby Carriages And Musical . Instruments. • We are the only firm who make a specialty of the above named goods and therefore claim that we can give the people of Exeter and vicinity, . . • Greater Largreins ! Greater Choice ! ! Lowest Prices. ! ! ! • allu *i1 The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods can be had by calling at our ware-rooms,—One door north Dr. Lutz's drug store. BRANTFORD STEAM LAUNDRY! A. HASTINGS, Agent. If you want your linen to look whiter than snow, take it to AL. KRSTINGS, � EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist. Ladies' and • Children' Haircutting, A Specialty. It is not DeceSsr:l ' that , ;ou should hal i your ( of les m iti:le from »the Very, best mator•ls; neither need you ha the very latest style': but to look well yell: clothes)il1ust fit. Th s i Our Al 6.s�14Aa-aM • Not only.' i to; make; suit fit proper but the latest style, We Guarantee . garment flint leaves our shop will k a perfect fit. BERT JGT BERT, 9 The Fashionable Cutter and. Fitter. CEN���� aRVG S'T01�. A complete stock of Pur andReliable Drug ALWAYS KEPT. Iftiiit Tokjolivis, SI1lle 4t rightand reasonable prices, Prescriptions and Family, •1 Carefully Prepared. 1!flR'S llOItflti3I! POwI the best iia the market. C. LITTZ, PROI' CLOT.ING ELL Masira.. bt. EXETER :CNTARlu Has now in stock liattun'. end Nin1r GOODS. IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trou erings, Scotch Tweed1 i Su t rigs and Trouser lags. French and English.. Worsted Clot All made up in the Latest Style,, ati best Rates. <f SNELL HO! R BARGA S. Atkinson's Furniture Ware - rooms is the cheapest . and, best place in the County to buy Fur- niture. . $9.00. ' A first-class Bed -room Suite for r only �J and' every- thing else in comparison. All goods • g'uaranteeed to be my own make, of first-class dry material, `nothir, but best hard lumber used. Ian artificial gastric juice -formula on every label] a SAVE 99 DOLLARS Lumber and Wood to any person suffering from stomach troubles, es- pecially if taken at the first symptom of Indigestion, Taken in exchange for Furniture. which is usually weight at the stomach, sometimes attended by slight pain, and may follow either a whoiesome or a heavy'meat At first, this feeling soon passes away,and is onlyremembered as a UM('Ire 1i�attresses un25te sant, whh, when epeated, gradually be, conies more pronounced. To the average person is. now suggested the cathartic pill, bitters, or other liquid puratives, that will clear out the bowels. Such treatment is worse than useless ; it is positively harm- ful The trouble to in the Stomach, the Bowels are not responsible, and relief will only come through an intelligent treatment of the disorder within the stomach. MALIOPEPSVN is the remedy for all stomach troubles. Endorsed by the best physicians of England and Canada. Send 2 cts. inostage for Valuable pamphlet to HAZEN MORSE, •....._•„ INTERNATIONAL DEMOS. ONTARIO. The only place in town where you can buy the Patent Dominion NicklePlated Wire e Tatti ESS—W al- ranted not to rust..