HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-10-05, Page 214-.
.00 E IC110 101+14 4 -STAR, T111/ROD Y. OY TOB EAk4' S.
Huron Boar
_sponsor .art �xiiihI,
In connection with University
night for grades 12 and 13 at
Central Huron 'Secondary
School in Clinton the Huron.
County Board Of Education will
officially open their display of
44, work58.4 art put together by the
Ontario Arts Council.
. Y
The -display was to be opened
October 12 but the board has
decided to hold it over and open
it in conjunction with the
University Night when a
Fashion Show "sponsored by a
Monday moaning, October 2; unbelievable and they crowd -
and the excitement of Teats around to see this miracle..
c' -Canada's return --is stilt upper- They tool a picture of the' two
most in our mind. little girls and gave it to them.
Last nite when the boys came There was much jubilation,
to the microphone and said you'd think you'd given them a
briefly "we're so glad to be back .million dollars. But you don't
in Canada" - and some of them. 'GIVE them anything - they in -
were too choked up to speak - I sisted you have their bar of
can now understand why. Near chocolate in return.
neighbours, Zoe and Mark This was a small, candy bar
Raithby were on the trip with about 11/2 by 2 inches and about
Team Canada and the emotion 1/2 inch''thick, -costing about 43
expressed by just, saying "I'm cents. Probably the girls' treat
glad to be back in Canada" is for the month. One of our 49
just hard to believe. cent chocolate bars is worth
You have to leave the country $1.80 there.
and see how the other half lives This is one place where the
to really appreciate Canada. I taxi driver is making more
said the same thing after my money than the doctor who
trip to Europe. We are just makes about. 150 rubles a
spoiled rotten, we have no con- cmonth. The cabbie gets around
ception of the conditions in 300 and will accept tips. Tipping
other countries. is an insult to these' people (up
Zoe Raithby says "I'd like to to now!). The taxi ride is pretty
talk to our school children to wild. The speed limit is 60
make• them realize how great kilometers per hour but they
our way of life in Canada really went 120 most of the time. At
is." We have EVERYTHING one time, the cab driver roughly
nd-dc r L ap sl o4wed-„ poli
abuse and waste our heritage ' way (they could see themselves
and it is disgraceful. Something in upper Siberia) but apparently.
should be done about it - and the taxi driver rules the roost..
They have a new and wonder-
ful Metro system there now and
a lot of underground streets.
There are a great many under-
passes for the fellow on foot, too.
Mrs. Raithby said you could
walk for miles under ground,
but they "kept coming up for air
-. to . get their bearings". The
women were astonished to see so
many THIN Canadian women -
couldn't understand it since
they are. nearly all `big and
heavy: Probably comes from
their diet of a lot .of bread and
' the hard work they do on con -
're ac.. ;•struction and other. menial jobs.
tupllypeace-loving people; One of the sights which they
quiet, hardworking and show couldn't believe was the body of
little emotion. They have been Lenin lying in State. After all
through too much. these years? - Not wax! They
.Mainly they live in small claim it is not - but what
apartments, two rooms and a methods for preserving' bodies
kitchen, and often one bathroom have they that we don't know
accommodates' 30 to 40 people: about?
They don't drink the water - In the Kremlin - in 2
have vending machines' that cathedrals where the Czars lie
contain something that tastes in• state, they said the stench
like our soda water - at I kopac was terrible,, but they had no,
or cent per glass and they all idea what causes it. •
drink out of the .same glass. The streets are clean' - ab -
The hygiene is as poor there solutely no littering allowed.
as in other countries. This was ' Tossing a cigarette butt away
another thing the Canadians calls for a "N'get-N'get" or No
noticed and said "Oh, to be back No!. Altho' it was clean, it was
home, where we have good dingy or somehow depressing.
water (which we are polluting), They have a great many
good health habits - altho' these parks, but little grass. The
people . are healthier than we leaves on their maple trees were
are, and our great FREEDOM huge, some over twelve inches
to come and go and do as we across. The white birch is their
wish." - national tree - but it is quite
• scarce, probably from their hard
Their arenas or Sport Palaces
are absolutely clean: No'
smoking or eating or
carelessness allowed. They -have
a huge university which was
built by the students from 1960
to 1964.
soon. •
The people in Russia are all
equal as far as possessions and
needs are concerned. There are
no rich and no poor. They're all
alike. They have been through
three , horrible revolutions and
are just now pulling out of it. In
the last war, ten million people
died • one out of every three per-
sons - mainly from starvation.
They have built a huge
monument to show where the
Germans were stopped, so ,that
their monstrous and beautiful
buildings were not destroyed.
In Moscow, .8 million people
but 3 churches, a synagogue, one
Roman Catholic and one
Protestant church. When you go
to church you get the feeling you
are doing wrong - and you are
told to go right home after and
speak to no one. Their fine
cathedrals are now museums
and it is „hard to understand
how they - obviously Christians
- could shy away frbm the
church. When questioned, they,
reluctantly claimed they were
atheists. You have the feeling
they are still good Christians.
Red,....,. _Square..,......with_, ..its.
magnificent buildings is all
lighted at night, but at. eleven
o'clock, all lights are out, even
the taxi cabs drive with their
Most of their buildings are
made of granite, marble and
such hard stone, but a lot of
their apartments built in 1961
seemed to be disintegrating. 'the
cement was porous and crum-
bling and lookedold before its
There are thousands of people
on the streets at all times.
Walking is a way of life, about
495 out of 500 cars are taxis.
The :only time you see
children' is when they are mar-
ching - thousands of them - like
soldiers, straight and proud.
There is strict discipline at all
times, especially for children,
who might be seen but not
Two little girls were on the
boat trip the Raithbys took
.4 down the Moscow River.' Prom
this . river you can view'' all the
important buildings and''it ap-
parently was a• wonderful sight.
The banks of the river are
bricked, this too was an unusual
sight. .
Cameras are a 'luxury and
"inttant camera" or polaroid is
The average Russian is
-perhaps. better educated than
the Canaiians especially';as far
as the Arts theatre, etc. is con-
cerned, and' also they know all
abouCanada where• we
coul nd 't%ven pinpoint Moscow!
Their buildings are tremen-
dous. One contained a chan-
delier which was bigger than
one of our BIG rooms and 6
tiers. high -and all gold.
Greenhouses and flowers -
flowers everywhere. Their sculp-
ture and other works of .art are
breath -taking. The statue of
"Worker and Collective Farm
Girl" .which is 24 metres high
is made of,, silvery stainless steel
and appeared in the 1937 World
Fair in Paris. They have a lot of
fine pieces of lead crystal with
an ordinary vase weighing 12
There is . an active black
market which is understandable
and altho' you feel guilty you
paid $5.00 for an opera ticket -
worth abo f 20 too them but
you HAD to see their opera ,and
other performing Arts. Culture
pis a way of life with them. and a
standing ovation tells the per-
formers they, appreciate his ef-
The Russian people were just
wonderful to the visitors,
couldn't do enough for them,
but for all this the Canadians
just couldn't wait to get air-
borne after the final game and
everyone broke into laughter or
tears they were so keyed up.
Mrs: Raithby would like to
return to Russia in about ten
years as friends told ` of the
tremendous changes. they had
seen in just the last seven ,years.
She would notbe leaving on a
spur of the"ytri oreent notion was
this time. If it hadn't been for
the great, .help of Beth at the
Coach. House and MP Bob
McKinley who rushed their
passports, thro, they might have
missed the greatest thrill of their
lives. -
Among other things they
carried home, the hockey stick
with which Henderson scored
the famous last goal nicely
autographed to 'their two boys
who had trained at his hockey
school last summer.
Brad Park donated his stick
also, so there are . two happy
boys. When you stand and sing
"Oh Canada" - sing it out, don't
mumble, we need to show we
are proud of- this Canada of
Love, Martha.
When You Shop Say...
These three ladies walked away with the top awards M the Ladies' Division as the Maitland
Country Club presented their annual awards to golfers. Left to right they are, Hazel Beaver.,
club champ and winner of the Maitland Trophy, Jean Knight, second flight winner and
Ladies' Night champ and Del Bedard, the Most improved Golfer and winner of the Rose Bowl.
Absent from the photo are Marie Huff, first flight winner and Ladies' Night champ and Mary
Lomas, the third flight winner. (staff photo)
Conestoga openhouse
uron ounty s first an
post -secondary school held their
Open House last Thursday and
a crowd of 175 showed up to
view the facilities and to hear
guest speaker Charles
MacNaughton, MPP for Huron
and Provincial Treasurer.
Conestoga College's Huron
Centre, located at 4Vanastra
(former CFB Clinton) was first
opened in February of this ydar
-and now bbasts an enrolment of
150 full -lime students and 225
part-time students. The college
offers both credit courses and
non-credit courses for residents
of Huron County. There is also
adult training in . courses spon-
sored by Canada Manpower.
Mr. MacNaughton said that
the opening of the centre was a
milestone for Huron Oounty- "I
could not have predicted or
promised that some day we
would see the development of a
permanent facility . for post-
secondary and adult education
in Huron," he said.
"I see it as 'one of the most
significant developments that
has occurred • in Huron during
mystewardship as your provin-
cial representative."
Mr. MacNaughton said that
the people of Huron should look
at the opportunity the centre of-
fers for young people, adults, in-
dustries, for municipalities and
individual and community
He said centres like the one
for Huron were established to
provide different courses than
secondary schools, to satisfy
secondary schorl--graduates who
were not going to university and
to meet the educational needs of
adults and out-of.ochool youth,
whether they ' graduated from
secondary school or not.
He said that the Huron Cen-
tre will become what the people
of Huron want it 'to be. "It
should, and will, I am confident
- respon . to what our citizens
President of Conestoga
College also addressed the
crowd and he praised" Ross
Milton, the Huron Centres ad-
ministrator for helping to push
the ced'tre through. "The initial
problems . faced would have
daunted a lesser man and I am
sure that Ross over the past two
and one-half years must have
wondered if we would ever
make the Centre 'click',"
Seaforth Mayor Frank Sills,,
Huron's member on Conestoga's
board of governors said that the
Centre would enable the youth
of Huron 'County "to live and
"learn atP :home "Huron
County's greatest export is
brains," he said.
The official opening of the
Huron Centre will take place at
a later 'date -
co imunityoriani ilt, ; • so
scheduled Tito be held.
' 'The Huron Board purchased
one of .these collections and It is:
to becirculated among the
schools of the. county. It is iwnten-
aded that it will be located in: the
Secondary School„ and' neigh,.
bowing elementary +06004 titi►ill
be, erncouraged to bring their a
classes to visit the• display,
This Collection consist'of,.21.
works of art and it will be open
to the public at dates later to be
a - Now Open:
See our latest styles in Plaid Baggies,
sweaters, Etc., "
OPEN 10-6 MON.--SAT..
�ib�w Are Back.
See Our
C�rnplet-e Line of
0.00 14.0100.11114.
G.ODERICH 524-6985:
new way to really
t your mail moving:
Postal Codes.
If you haven't already received it, in
the next few days you/ll be getting your
new Postal Code in the mail. It's not very
exciting to look at. But it is `very necessary.
And it's really not as complicated as it looks.
After two years of studying the.
systems of most of the countries of the
world, here's how we developed Postal
Codes for Canada.
The map sequence on the right
shows just how accurate Postal Codes
really are.
To uncdmplicate your Postal Code,
„c{ you will be recei ing-a-Postal-Code"P iek= ". '""
age. It contains your code, -instructions on
how to use it, a handy address book, special
Postal Code stickers for
v ' your envelopes, and
postage paid address
cards that you should
send to your friends.
If you don't have enough,
you' can get as many as
`":you need at
<r{,��}�:> ;., your nearest
<M?,r Post Office. Because, after.
<4.415-'7- all, your Coded doesn't
move your mail unless
your friends use it.
iw 112 Me. IS, M6. 24 MN. 31116. 4$ f4. 66 w.
$ 1001 6.84 l 6.06 .1
$ 2001 17.681 12.101 9.321
26.52 8.i6 13.91 9.621 7.76
400 35.35 4.21 18.65 13.10 10.34 6.70
500 44.19 30.26 23.31 18.37 12.92 10.67
600 53.03 36.31 27.97 19.65 15.51 13.05
700 61.87 42.37 32.63 22.92 18.10 15.22
600 70.71 48.42 37.29 26.19 20.68 17,40
900 78.55 54.46• 41.95. 29.47 23.26 19.57
' 1,000 30.38 60.52 48.61 32.74 25.85 21.75
1,500 132.56 90.76 69,92 49.11 36.77 32.62
,000 178.77 121.04 93.22 65.50 51.70 43.49
2,500 220.96 151.30 116.53 61.87 64.62 54.36
000 286.15 .1 1.5736.83, 98.23 77.55 765.24
309.34 :211,63 163.14 114.60.47 76.11
,000 303.54 2 166.44 130.98 103.40 86.98
,000 441,92 e1 233.05 163.71 129.25 108.74
EXAMPLE: $1,000 repaid in twelve con-
ssentivs 'monthly instalmerlt,o of $88.89
would cora 008 8 sit our true annual inter-
est rats of 11 pert per annum. Loans
Tule life (for insurable . tifl1b0 rs)
at no .ascira cost.
Check the'Credit Union
First and then COMPARE
Goderich Community
Credit Union
30 it 6avtel St.
pHON6 624•T031
_ or it:s HOUR ootti►y to Ftkl'ily 1d 8.m.4:30 p.m., *sturday 0 .tn.-1240 p.m.
Canada was first
divided into
18 Targe areas,
each designated
by a, letter.
K2: -
By adding a number,
we narrow that -
area down - for
example, a city.
By adding another
letter, we indicate
a specific section
of that city.
And if you haven't received your
Code by October loth, please call your
local Post Office. We will mail it to you
immediately. It is possible htwever,
'that you are not in the Southwestern
Ontario Postal District, in which case your
area t fay not have been coded yet.
Get the
Post , dada
K2P OP4:
And by adding three more
characters that section
of the city is further
narrowed to one side of
a street between two
Codes can also represent:
-an office building with
10 or more companies.
-ora company that
receives large volumes
of mail.
-or an apartment
buildingwith over 50
suites.. -
-or, in less densely
populated areas, a code
Will represent the whole