HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-10-05, Page 111 ,t• )4RICU mNAL- 1. R, THIS wrifamorsomotosimiumpisigosiimospiiiml `1. ARTICLES FOR SALE WORLDWIDE Stamps. Loom• young dealer gives 1-3 off ori' orders, bonus with approvals. Phone 524-9106 for appointment. See your local stamp dealer. -- tfne° • REPRINTS of photographs are • available from the ,Signal -Star at the cost of $3.010 in advance for both 8 x1.0 or .5'x 8 sizes. -49nc • POPULAR music nowavailable at Anderson's Book Store. For more complete musical supplies, it's Henry's Ha3rmony douse, Seaforth, Ontarid, -6tf TROPICAL fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 °Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m: to 6 p.m. • daily and Friday evenings. - 51 tf CUT flowers„ seaa:c'nal, Mums, Snapdragons, Gloriosa daisies, etc, Mrs. Lloyd R Holman, 187 Cameron St., phone 524-8852.--g:31tf i AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner. Removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your ' toilet .tank. Available at Hoffineyer Plumbing •and Heating, Kingston Street, tGoderich. --14tf NEW.chesterfield and chair, from factory to you, $149.00. Trade your old one in. C and E New and Used Furniture, 1/2 mile south of 'G rrc , 524=723T. _51tf~ HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, , • sealed envelopes with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53, Nov -Rubber Co-, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. - ltf ' Case tractor, 90 lbs, Trefoil seed. Phone,•524-7080. --:3't t f nc• TOMATOES for sale. Phone 529- 7578.--37„:38,19,40x 29-7578.-37.,:38,19,40x CHRISTMAS Seal Programme blanks, serviettes and placemats available for your church Christmas Special Service or Bazaar, Write Huron -Perth T.B. Respiratory Disea,sa,ington • Street,,, er call 271-7500,. Strat- ford -38 and 40 • COINS -Bought, sold, exchanged. !t . V. Pope, 87 Kingston Street, 524- 7359,-38tf ORDER your apples and winter potatoes at Bellview Fruit Farms, Deliveries on Fridays only' Phone 524-8011.-38tf • INSTANT HOMES Solve your housing problem with a luxurious, modern mobile home or double -wide offering latest decors, modern equipment, comfortable year-round living, and monthly payments to fit every budget. 2 and • 3 bedroom models from $6000.00 fully furnished. Large selection, 10 yr. bank financing, immediate delivery. Buy now and save. Mobilife Centre, R,R.1, Preston 653- 5788, no. 8 highway between Kit- chener and 401,-38-4:3 NEW 1972 twin cylinder 24 horse power Sno-hawks $499,00. Supply, is limited, Buy direct from factory, Eagle Machine Co, Ltd., London. 433 0638 ask for Keith or Bill. Fac- tory hours daily 9-4, Thursday and Friday evening 7-9, Saturday 9- 2.-38,39,40 JUNIOR size bed; spring and mattress. Phone 524-7080.-37nc • GARDEN type mum plants, variety of colours, $1.75 each, For ..gin_ �,�ttzxCo:x.t:4-•S?�:>1�!.ol�z���� A,�� 4 5 5 • � 00 a m , and (00 $between 8:00 and 9, to 7:00 p.m. -39,40x WEEKEND SPECIALS Colonial Mix & Match - 4, 5 & 6 drawer chests, double and single dresser, night table and spindle l7ed. Special Prices Colonial Chesterfield, 2 piece by Kroehler in 100% Nylon tweed cover. Sug. List $499,95 Only $399.95 Sklar Colonial Chesterfield and ' "" " ` "tiia`fclung Sv�i'o'i"Rker�irt 1 Ota Nylon cover, Sug. List $529.95 ,Only $399.95 Small hoccasional arm chairs Only $31,50, Hostess Chairs Only $22.50, Bunk Beds - See our selection priced from $119.95. Bedroom group includes double dresser, 4 -drawer chest, panel bed, quilt -top mattress and box spring. Only $199,50, BLACKSTONE FURNITURE ' "Gudilrich• 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE .SPECIAX.J 1972 Starcjraft folding camper with add -a -room, furnace,' gas -electric fridge, 1970 Holiday, 17 ft. with gas-eleetric fridge and shower. 1966 Corsair, 1.7 ft. with toilet, gas fridge, stove and oven. Many, other models of new and used campers and travel trailers to choose from. Contact Travel -on Sales and Rentals Service. Phone 482-3364.-39,40 SPECIAL! 'Macintosh, Courtland apples.• Rick your own. Top quality. Also tomatoes. Bring containers,. Ross Middieton's Orchards, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river. -39,40b PORTABLE record player, god. condition. Phone 524-6372.-40 ELECTRIC Spanish guitar, and amplifier; used only six months. Priced for quick sale. Apply 92 Cam- bria Rd. N., or phone 524-8144.-40 Clearance Two Used •. Fiberglass Canoes REG. $179.00 - 1 -$80 °° 1..$90.00 These Were 1972 Rentals Chain Saws Rebuilt Saws 1-051 Homelite $800 C�• 1-C91 Homelite $1 O 5.°° ' As Is Saws' They Run 1-773 Remington $ 5 5.00 1 -MAC 5 McCulroch $4 5• 0O I -.GE Gear Drive, ,, ' McCulloch • $11 oo 1 u. Lawn Mower Clearance 7 - 31/2 H.P. DAVIS MOWERS .- Briggs & Stratton Engine Short Crankshaft Reg. 89.00 TO CLEAR $7 8.00 • ARGYLE MOWER & MARINE ; , 88 BRITANNIA RD. E; GOIDERICH DEADLINE FOR TAKiNG CLA'SSIFi.ED ADSS 2 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAy ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED' AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE SUZUKI Snowmobiles, sales and •service, Bank financing available. Open 7 days till 10 p,m. Carlow Suzuki, 524-6404.-g40tf CARPENTERS' tools, complete set, $300-$400 new. Sell lot $185.00 firm., No items sold- .separately. Phone 524-9159 after 6 p.m. -40,41 CHRISTMAS' Seal ' Programme Blanks, Serviettes and • PlacemAts available for your church Christmas Special Service or Bazaar. Write Huron -Perth T.B. Respiratory Disease Assoc., 121 Wellington 'Street, or call 271.7500 ,Strat- ford. -38, 4() TWO motorcycle helmets, also one TV aerial .and post. Phone 482- 7770,-40 HOOVER washer -spin dryer in good condition, $75.00. 524 -SHOP at, Art Bell's Fruit Farm for 6044.-40x fresh•,cider,Y Maclntosh and Cour- tland apples, pears, potatoes, onions, honey and .Hallowe'en pumpkins. Phone 524-837.-g40tf 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE WESTINGHOUSE range, 30" with automatic timing centre and rotisserie in good condition: Phone 524-6579.--g40x DOUBLE bed, mattress and i springs; small dining room cabinet. Phone 524-7678.-g40 UPRIGHT piano. Phone 524-7989 after 3:30 p.m. -g40 TWO natural gas space heaters. Phone 524-9339.-g40x OIL heater, 200 gallon oil tank with 100 gallons of oil. Phone 524 7405.-g40 TWO trailer wheels and tires, size 8 x 480. Price $15,00. Phone 524- 6037,-g40 r^ RUCKs 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3. REAL, ESTATEFORALE SALE 0, CARS 4 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SAO �.. A W.J. IWGHES REALTY, LIMITED REAL ESTATE ;OFFICE 524.8100 COUNTRY LIVING Custom built home, situated on 10 acres of land 11/2 miles from Goderich. 3 large bedrooms, -2 baths, deluxe • rec room,,, angel stone fireplace. Small barn. Ideal et -up for race horses or hobby farm. 8'-s' ACRES HOME Highway location. spacious '_" stone\ home, 2 fireplace,, :►" large bed looms, family room, cleat, c.'xcollent, lot (then, .e.; 20 ACRES RANCH HOME 3 bedroom rancher, full, basement. Scenic area, school bus at door, 'faxes $100. CHERRYDALE FARM. '200 acres, 3 storey house, with 8 bedrooms. Limestone fireplace, beautiful setting with :3/4 mile of river frontage, barn and shed. Spring water with pond. MODERN STONE WITH CEDAR ACCENT. Located a few miles from Goderich .7 on 10 acres of land, custom-built '-th-4arge-•••-living- room; featuring-- fireplace, patio entranceway, six bedrooms, 3 -car garage, two 4 pc, bathrooms. Broadloom 'and wood panelling with many other features. "FREE" your own snowmobile repair parts .& accessory catalogue - . "Save up to 30% " - just mail your name and address to "Direct Distributing Inc., P.O. Box 1178, Hull, Quebec, Canada." A complete selection of parts & accessories to choose from. No matter where you live, you'll always receive fast ser- vice: -40-43 LARGE gas space heater, 60,000 • B.T.U.s. Phone 524-9345.-40 TURQUOISE borg bunting bag, like new; jolly ' jumper. Phone 524- 7151,-40 USED range for sale, 22" Harvest Gold, 'excellent condition. Apply • Graham Electric, 62 Cambria Rd., or vphdneoS.24L867b--►x,'40 11 - ,_, 1 • t , BOY'S Bauer black panther skates, size 51/2, $15.00.. After six call 524- 9005.-40 THREE tricycles, one spring horse, two pair winter boots, child's size 7; one almost new, two piece winter coat and slacks, size 6; two pair win- ter slacks, children size 4 and 5; one lady's 3 piece suit, size 12. Phone 524-6246.-40x BRAM'EENDENBURG announces that the Endive (Andyvie) is ready for the freezer. Phone 524- 6480.-=40,4.1 p HALF Palamino gelding, rising 3, good with children, saddle and bridle. Phone 524-9846 after 5 DUO THERM oil heater, pipes, damper, 200 gallon tank with legs and copper tubing, $40.00. Phone 524-6527,-40, • GARAGE SALE, 196 Wilson Street, 524-9189. Name your price: cast iron bath tub, sink, toilet (& fittings), towel pole, divider book rack, wrought iron bed (frame, spring, mattress), gold carpet, hamper, buf- fet, gas can, panelling, door, chairs, paint, storm windows, curtains, etc., etc., some old, some new. CALL ANYTIME --40;41 "ca RECKI BUILDIN INCLUDING All Materials • CEMENT BLOCK • PANELLING • TOILETS !; LUMBER - x 4's etc. For Sale at Site St. GEORGE'S CRESCENT Harold Xeddy 9 524.7237 2. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 66 Oldsmobile Cutlass, Vernon Glenn, 132 Trafalgar Street, phone 524-7014.-39,40 1966 :Viva, good condition, reasonable price. Must sell.Phone 524-9356,-39,40 1969 Oldsmobile, 4 -door sedan, fine shape. Phone 524-6683,-39tf 1968 Ford Fairlane 500, light blue, V-8 automatic, chrome wheels. May be ,seen at 230 'Blake St. West after 5:30 p.m. or ' phone 524- 6193.-40,41x 1966 Pontiac Grande Parisiene, 2 - door hardtop, bucket seats, leather upholstery, radio, stylish wood dash, console with stick -type shift, ex- cellent automatic V8 engine, overhauled, power steering, power brakes, excellent tires, reasonable. Phone 524-2197.-40 1969 Plymouth Sport Satellite, dark green, 383 cu. ' in., bucket seat., safety checked. Phone 524- 6968.-400 1964 Plymouth, six cylinder, A-1, shape. Phone 524-8076.--g38-40x - 1967 Meteor Stationwagon, six cylinder standard transmission, new tires and brakes. ,Engine very good, hodv needs work, certificate given. Asking $450,00. Phone 524-- '7818,-g40tf 1947 Dodge two -door sedan, New -tires, brakes and exhaust system. Engine and body in very good 1'0e- • dition, Certificate giveri. Asking $550.00. Phone 524-7818.E-g40tf 1967 Beaumont, tv.-o-door hardtop in A-1 condition. Call 524-6280 after 6:00 p, m. -g40 SAFETY checked, 1966 LTD, automatic, power equipped, air con ditioned, two -door vinyl,.radio, good condition and' mileage. Reasonably priced. Phone 524.8090,--00 1967 Firebird sports convertible. Call 524-9657,-g40x 1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass, A-1 con d-i.tion, $1900.00•. Phone :35:3 5722.-g40,41 ' SEE THE COMPLETE UNE OF 1972 Datsuns 1200's 1600's and " Starting As Low - As 0,245,. DATSUN: THE MORE FOR' YOUR MONEY CAR GERALD'S D►A T'S u N 2i Goderich St. 11 V. SEAFORTH "S27.1010 t 'AND - 44 Newgate St. GODERICH 524.61066. HOUSE & HALF ACRE, One storey, 2 bedroom home. 4 pc, bathroom, modern kitchen, recreation room. BRICK SCHOOLHOUSE Situated on I'2'acre, treed lot. new wiring. Immediate possession, Taxes $40. Make an offer.' • 14 ACRES "$6,300 Good workable scenic land. Access • to river. -5 acres hush, paved road. 6 ACRE DEVELOPMENT " Land within town limits includes one and a:half storey house,- three bedrooms. Act Fast. • 23 ACRES & MODERN HOME IY4ear highway, •attractive rancher, full basement, garage, excellent barn. • SPLIT LEVEL ZURICH 3 bedrooms, 'nearly new, large lot with •privacy, asking $21,000. • ,BAYFIELD Ranch hone, hilly Iorni,hc`•rl, well W located. :3 hednlonl,, Pillu BENMILLER Situated on the River. 6 miles from Goderich with' panoratmic view, 2 extra lots 1.i acre each. 3 - bedroom spacious home. - 3 BEDROOM $11,000 West end, spotless throughout, cheery bright kitchen, spacious living room' Close to schools. Taxes $105. ATTRACTIVE RANCHER Treed lot 110' x 132'. Well main- tained 3 -bedroom home- in good location. Step 'right in and start living. - ' $1,000 DOWN ' Bright cosy home close to Square, reasonably priced. Lot 66'x 165'. • West end, taxes $72. EXCLUSIVE HOME Beautiful 2 -storey home. Central location,' 4 bedrooms. ,3 baths,' 2. fireplaces, frontage on 2 streets. 2 -car garage, Ort'ner moving. • • HOUSE ! EXTRA LOT Compact • storey and ,one-half, brick, 3 bedrooms; new furnace: 2 sun porches. Central location. Large, ' well-planned, 5• -bedroom home, ' double living room with fireplace. Patio and attractive swim- ming pool. NEAR' ROBERTSON SCHOOL Split level with attached garage .111(1 recreation room, tile and broadloom floors, New alsphalf driveway. WELL PROPORTIONED 10 principal rooms, full bath up, two 2 pc. down, broadloom, 4 -car garage, large lot 100' frontage. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Attractive 3 -bedroom, nearly new, idealrkitchen, built-in stove. Full divided basement, West end _,. QUEBEC ST. 3 bedroom, immaculate home, new furnace, garage. Situated on treed lot. Taxes $215. ° NEW LISTING Four bedroom hone, new vinyl siding, new roof, new wiring, 11/2 baths. Reasonably priced, GENERAL. INSURANCE 38 EAST STREET RESIDENTIAL LOTS 1/2 acre lots $3,500 t Brock St. 52' x 104' Regent St. 82' x 132' $1,500 • Clinton, Albert St. 84' x 117' Pt. Albert 1 acre lots CHARMING 4•BEDROOM Attractive 'home in ' choice - location features living room with fireplace, dining room, bright cheery kitchen, spacious family room on main floor, garage. $1000 DOWN Dick - home. Upstairs..,.',apartrnent Excellent location. Immediate possession, Mortgage arranged. DUPLEX $17,500 2- bedroom rancher; well main- tained, lot 110'x 132'. MODERNIZED 5 BEDROOMS . Located un a large shaded lot, double livingrooin, 2 hat ts, stone patio, extra lot, Taxes $215: 4 BEDROOM BRICK Charming centre hall. 2 storey, open fireplace. natlu•al beauty w•1,dwork, (lining room. '_' baths. Better built hll,►11e. t 'iitt'(1)1 - 1' WELL • MAINTAINED HOME Excellon.t•a alue; 3-bed•rtonnt--2-stera WHAT .IS YOUR OFFER? NQW reduced as owner 0 relocating and has offered many extras to the buyer who takes advantage' of buying NOW. Finished furnished recreation room, laundry room and workshop are some of the features in this well-maintained -•3-bedroom bungalow. Cathedral ceiling living roo iL-fully equipped kitchen, 11/2 baths, and tastefully decorated make this a horde you will love to own. Drive past 193 Shore Crescent and give us a call to see this OC- TOBER SPECIAL. MAITLAND RIVER Right on the banks is this attractive home. Where` else can you purchase over • 166' ft, of river frontage plus compact three-bedroom home all for the price of $ I0,500.00? Act Fast! YOUR LAST CHANCE To buy this attractive,, red brick home which has a lot to offer. Close to uptown and schools. We feel that this home cannot be duplicated anywhere else on 'the market today because it's for the discriminating buyer who wants a spacious living room, formal dining room, versatile kitchen with an eating area, and a family room phis your own private swimming pool. Shown by appoint- ment only. 1964- Volkswalgen':tngOo4. running condition. For infortnation,p.Ohone 524.9,,5,x --38;40x PONTIAC car, 1971, good° eon- dition, low mileage. 'Phone 524- 8178.--,40 1967 Ford Galaxi Convertlh1e, .e • cellent condition. New .motor, new transmission. Phone 524-6619;--'-g49 GOOD selection of used; tarsi") A-. 1 condition, fully reconditioned , and guaranteed, trace -ins accepted and .terms available. Rouse Auto Electric. --19tf 3. REAL. ESTATE • FOR SALE TWO bedroom home for sale, ven- trally , located. Immediate possession. Apply Box 87, Signal - Star, -g40 • THREE bedroom• britic,.lwnte.,Jarge.,:...-...,:. lot, good location, west end, close to schools, 4 pc. and 2 pc. •baths, •fully. carpeted: Available Oct. , 30, 1972. Phone, 524.6083.-38tf THREE - bedroom cottage with , . aluminum siding and oil furnace on 20 Britannia West. Phone 524- 6579.-39x,40 11111111111111111}111111111 111111111 11 A.E. LEPAGL . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIilllllll l spacious kitchen, irnrnaculate condition. 'Lovely treed garden.' Owner moving out of town. HOME AND EXTRA- LOT , Large 5. bedroom home, modern • kitchen with • built-in stove and fridge. Full basement. Garage. CHOICE SETTING' Ranch home, 100' frontage. with view of Maitland River Valley, natural fireplace, large livingroom, spacious bedrooms with broadloom, pati('. $8,200, steps to square, roust be sold, make offer, • Taxe;;- $60, MODERN BUNGALOW • $14,900 attractive 3 bcdroom'ranch, broadloom, spotless home, You will want to move .right in, see this today. Taxes $100. ESTATE SALE Close to square. Spacious home can be duplexed. Situated on large treed 1(0. Owner •will view all offer.. JUST' LISTED Britannia 4 MDonald, spacious duplex, well maintained: Immediate possession, Make offer. HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL Central location, low price $4,500. SERVICE STATION Garage well established, good location. Excellent solid building. Financing arranged. immediate possession. Paved frontage GROSS 20 PER CENT On investment •on this income property. Five self-containod apartments. ,all rented. • WAREHOUSE 600. sq. ft., located in Lucknow on 200' x 180' lot. Highway frontage,' NOW RENTING, .New )modern •apartments, 1 '& 2 bedrooms. Steps from Square. Im- mediate possession. 100 FT. LAKEFRONT -Wooded and private, attractive cottage log burning fireplace. 11 2 baths, beautiful setting on lot 100'. x 289'. Excellent view. BIRCH BEACH New Halliday cottage featuring broad • expansion of glass and cathedral ceiling, Cedar deck, 3 - bedrooms,° provides rustic luxury. Privacy is yours in this panoramic setting. Attractive 3 bedroom cottage on Approx. 1 acre river frontage, Well furnished. Taxes $37?-,. NEAR SUNSET PARK :3 --bedroom cottage, features large living room,° gas hot water heat. Shaded 66' x 132' lot. • 167 FT. ON 'RIVER 3 -bedroom, furnished cottage: im- mediate possession, LAKEFRONT COTTAGE Furnished, lot 50 x 575. Must sell this month. Extra lot. WALK IN & START LIVING Comfort; -luxury and spaciousness are yours in Marlette's family planned hornes. The interior decor is selected for perfect harmony. Narne brand appliances, price starts at $10,600. Buy before the end of September and receive six months free lot rental. RITA ALLEN Or"• 154 ESSEX ST, -- 524-8480' DEB SHEWFEL1 • 199 CAMERON STREET - 524-9581 EBB M. ROSS 92 NEWGATE ST. - 524-8756 ° ELWYN E. JONES 144 SOUTH ST. -� 04.8416 • $200.00 AN ACRE 40 scenic rolling acres with mixed , bush, reforestation and stream, Ex- , tremely private, yet close to -High- way 8, making this an ideal building • :site. ELUGANT OLD ESTATE Beautifu ly appointed three-storey dwelling .situated on well -cared for grounds. 2:3'• living' room, formal separate dining room; family size ' kitchen, 4 Pc. .ceramic •tile bath, 5 . large bedrborns with.3 pc, bath en - suite the master's, Richly carpeted throughout and tastefullv.decorated. For informal country living at its best, see this. You' 11 love the privacy and seclusion,- yet only'- a few.., - minutes from Goderich and Clinton. This ',is .a steal at '$22,500.00. ' WATCH THOSE EGGS What came first, the' chicken or the egg? 'Well, on this farm, the eggs come first, 5000 of them every day. See this ' :35 -acre hobby farm bn Highway 21, RELAX IN THE COUNTRY The owner has urgently requested us to sell now and will sacrifice this fantastically interesting property situated just south of Goderich off Highway 21. This charming home ' has an ultra -modern kitchen with dishwasher. fridge and stove, very modern 4 pc. hath and laundry room including washer and dryer,. There is an atmosphere of ,tranquility bringing you close to nature on this 5 acre treed property with spring fed creek rambling through. Until you inspect this. you won't believe so little can .buy ,o much. Only $19,500,00. A LOT FOR A BUCK West end treed lot, close to schools, fully' serviced and • ideal for your dream home. Where else can you get a lot with 74 feet frontage for only $4,500.00'? TAKE OVER NOW With $2,000.00 down you can start making money tomorrow. After 50 years, the owner of this Foundry is retired. Contracts for manufacturing castings, plow points and general custom work are availahle, if you buy now. Owner has made .above average income for years. No com- petition in the area. For the chance of a lifetime, call today. Everything goes with the full asking- price of $16,500.00. JUST OFF THE PRESS Another Newsletter complete with l 1 M • 1 T E 7 - R E A L T C R have LIYFFZS fc>r LAKEFRONT LOTS with or ,•without cottages, , BIG DEMAND FOR LAND, suitable for t.etit camps. Must'have creek, river or lake frontage, �• 'RUTH VAN DER MEER 55 Montreal St., GOD E R I C H. 524-7875 .g4Otf ellillammumilemomino p BAI[EY Real. Estate. 82' Albert Street , Cl into n Modern •cottage;• north Of Hayfield with 150 ft. of treed frontage on Lake Huron. Scenic 15 acres with modernized -brick home, large -barn and drive shed, near Auburn. Beautifully finished winterized cottage in an exclusive 'restricted subdivision at Bayfield. Lots of privacy. Qwner willcarry first • mortgage. 2 new brick bungalows in Clinton • with gas - heat, 3 bedrooms full basement, attractively priced. 100. acre cash crop land near Holmesville. Ideal for beans or corn. - Nearly all workable. Reasonable price. FOOD FOR THOUGHT 0 is better to appreciate the things you (1In'1 have than to have things you don't appreciate. • Contact Mason Bailey" Office 482-9371 Res. 523-9338 HAROLD W. THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW CLOSE TO SQUARE This older type bungalow' has been, l l phtrtto:���f3tt��rirnrrt�txr.�ffice.�nd piel�:<.,. �:».1�R13��Y,,�xycrt�z�ate ..�,,n d,��h�tt.�a _ up your copy soon. • FOR RENT with option to purchase. Immediate possession. 128 Eldon Street. Asking $13,900.00 with terms, but open to good cash offer. DO YOU NEED A MORTGAGE? First and second mortgages arranged. Drop in to our office and discuss finances with us. • Plenty of funds available. Fast and most reliable service. GINGERBREAD HOUSE BAYFIELD, Excellent 'buy for the price of only $10,500.00, IM- MEDIATE POSSESSION, Home offers new furnace and has recently been redecorated. Excellent terms available, EASY TO PURCHASE This nearly new 3 bedroom home at 333 Coox has been priced for quick sale. Qwner has purchased business and this bonus buy offers delpxe ap- pliances, making it ideal for a young couple. 53' West St. 5524.8951 JACK CUMMINGS 524-962411 BILL CLIFFORD 524+9O9 the features oa-new home, Situated on a well -shaded lot, 0 is economically heated by a new gals -- fired, forced -air furnace, THREE-BEDROOM FRAME CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Situated .on a large lot close to up- town, this „three-bedroom older -type home can be purchad for only $12,000. 5. TO RENT TWO bedroom downstairs apartment, well decorated. Available immediately. Phone 524- 7014. --35,36,37,38,39,40,41 24- 7014.•---35,36,37,38,39,40,41 *000.0 CLOSE to Square, 3 bedroom, two storey brick . home; immediate possession. $125.00 per month. Phone 524-8480,--36tf .0.100 .,. CLEAN self-contained apartment,., close to the Square. Phone 524-9693 after 5 p.m.-36tf TWO•-,hedroom apartment, living room, dinette, newl!v decorated kitchen- in modernized building on !fire Squame, heat and .hot :ict:er included. Call Earl Itiriwson, 5'V 9:31'2.- -;311T PO MAL RENTALS for allj' oetc a bions., Pickett & Cain t Lad., Clinton mid Godes ch. -7 1,