HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-10-05, Page 9Goderic annual flower 09D IIIOf. SIGNAL TAI. THURSDAY, TOO,ER 5 i ; 2 PIM • P.espitn .heavy rains and an uncertain growing season,, many lovely individual blooms and at- tractive • arrangements were displayed a.t the Goderich Gar- den, Club's Fall Flower .Show, staged in the 'Christian Education wing of North•Street United Church. President Wendy I-Leernig an- •.nounced the winners in various classes. The Royal Bank Trophy for the best basket,of Mixed Flowers was awarded to Mrs. Edwina McKee. Recipient of the Sheaffer Pen Co. Trophy for the highest number of points in the Horticultural Section was 'Mrs. J.I-i. Johnstone. Goderich 'Gar- den Club prizes were won by • Mrs. J.H. Johnstone 'for the highest number .of points in the show; Mrs. Mary Carroll for the highest number of points in the Novice Class, and by_Mrs. Edna Shaw for the best arrangement in the show. Winners in Floral Sections w- eluded, Chrysanthemums (one bloom) 1. Edna Shaw; 2. Mrs. J. Johnstone; 3. Jean McKee. Chrysanthemum (three * blooms) Mrs. J. Johnstone. Pom pom mums, Frances Wdrsell, Gladys Green, Mrs. J. John- stone. Spoon or Spider Mums; 1. Frances Worsell, 2. Mrs. Jessop, 3. Mrs. Johnstone. Double mums (same colour) Mrs, Johnstone; Double mums (mixed colours) Mrs. Johnstone. Dahlias — pom pom. (under 2") 4 e. It mixed colours. Mrs, Johnstone. Dahlia — large decorative (over 8") Mrs. Johnstone. Dahlia (4" to tl") Mrs, John- stone;_ Mrs., R. Menzies, Edwina McKee. Large Cactus Dahlia (over 8") Mrs. S. Campbell, Mrs. Johnstone. Small Cactus Dahlia (4" 8") Mrs. Meniies, Mrs. E. Pridham, Mrs, John- stone. Dwarf Mixed Dahlia, "Mrs. Menzies', Mrs. Johnstone;, Mrs, 'Pridham. Any other variety dahlia, Mrs. Menzies, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs, Johnstone. Celosia, Berith. Jessop. Gaillardia -- Edwina McKee, Edna Shaw; Gladiolus, Mrs. J. Johnstone. Gloriosa Daisy, Jean McKee. ' Marigold, French Double, Mrs. Johnstone, Edna Shaw, Gladys Gr"een. Marigold, African, ,Mrs. Johnstone, Jean McKee, Berith Jessop. Michaelmas Daisy (Fall Aster) Mrs. Johnstone. Zinnia, Giant Dahlia Flowered Mrs,. M.- Mathers, .-Mathers, Gladys Green, Mrs. Johnstone. Zinnia, Giant Cactus Flowered, Mrs. Johnstone, Frances Worsell. Zinnia, any other variety, Jean McKee, Mrs. Johnstone, Frances Worsell. Bells of Ireland, Mrs. John- stone. " Any 'flower not listed, Mrs. Mathers, Mrs. Johnstone, Mrs. Menzies. Collection of Flowers,. Mrs. Pridham, Mrs. Johnstone, Mrs. Green. Winners in Junior Children's Classes were, pumpkins, Ronald Vanderlinde, Binnal .,Parmar. Zinnia, Joanne Buchapan, In- dian (Corn. Wesley Gni,teher. Jeff Sowerby, Greg Smith. Sun- flower, Karin Jantzi, Michelle Buchanan, Brenda ,Love. Winners in Floral Arrangements. included, Kitchen Kapers •(Novice) Mary Carroll, Grandma's Bedroom (Novice) Mary Carroll. Best ' of the 'Species, Mary Carroll. Missile to the Moon, Edwina McKee, Edna Shaw. Twiggie, Mrs. Men- zies, Mrs. Johnstone, Edna Shaw. Rustic Rhythm Edna Shaw, Edwina McKee. Welcome, Edna ..Shaw, Berith Jessop, Edwina McKee. Single Blessed ess, Paul Carroll, Edna Sha Mrs. John- stone." Thanksgivi g, Edwina McKee, Betty Prest, Mrs. John- stone. Hallowe'en, •Edna Shaw, Mrs. Johnstone. Christmas, Ed- wina McKee, Edda Shaw, Mrs. Johnstone. Breakfast in bed, Edna Shaw, Edwina McKee, Gladys Green. Doll .House, Ed- wina McKee, Edna Shaw, Mrs. Johnstone. Imagination and artistry, so -evident—in the adult class arrangements, was equally evidenced in the junior entries, "•where winners were, Fun with Flowers, Ron Butler, Autumn Deathe, Brenda Fisher. Goblin, Paula Feagan. Mrs..Norman Coulthard Of St. Pauls, Board Director for the Federated Womens Institutes of Ontario cuts a cake celebrating the ,75th. anniversary of Women's Institutes in Ontario at a rally held in Auburn on Monday. Representatives of branches 'all over Huron were -present for the event. Inventions can make blindness bearable Inventions make blindness more bearable. One of the new instruments now being. developed is a writing device that helps a blind person write clearly by hand. The device is a clipboard "with notches at the 'side and a flat metal bar with 35 openings which spans the brrd. By writing one letter in eaeh square the blind person can feel his way across the board with clear, easy to read letters. The device is still, in the Lexiphone presents a number of planning stage but early tests pitch values, varied in strength. k ii th'a it Wi rt ti al u took The ietter-saarretransform for handwriting without sight. tones as the scanner moves Then there's the new metallic across the printed page. white cane. The cane is made of Inventors of all kinds, elec- sturdy aluminum and ad- tr,opic experts, skilled justable, according to the, height technicians across Canada 'of the user. Light and easy to carry, it requires no paint, stands the weather and . iden- tifies the blind person most ef- fectively. The space age is making its contribution too. There are many side products resulting from the moon probe with numerous applications to work for the blind. Among these are several instruments now on the drafting boards that one day will translate the printed page into sound. A Canadian device sponsor`ed by a university and CNIB is the Lexiphone. Using a melodic morse code, the are. turning their' talents to the needs of the blind and CNIB is directing many projects that one day will minimize the handicap for the blind of the near future. tl rY HELEN ALLEN THE TORONTO.5 SYNDICATE This has been a difficult year for Ronny. Ile has seen a younger brother go to -adopting parents. Then two girls whom he knew as foster children like himself 'were also adopted, Rut so far an adoption home bas not been found for Ronny. No wonder this nine-year-old is.worried about his future and is constantly asking: "What` about me""• %tinny is an attractive youngster with a pleasant shy manner, very eager to be friends. Canadian -Indian in descent, he is in good health, perhaps a iittle••small for his age, with .da'rk eyes, dark' hair and medium complexion, Isis glasses are fbr, near- sightedness. • Ronny is pictured outdoors tvhere he spends his happiest times. Ile would like to ; live. on a farm. Ile loves, baseball, camping mid hockey. Fishing-- summer. or winter is his delight. Ronny is not a • great studentand had some .difficulties in (,rade three, but he was promoted and is now in Grade four. His special problem is with reading. However, he is an interesting boy wit() expresses himself Well; 'o Thislovable youngster needs.a mother'anii' father to love him and take an interest in him and his doings. They should be warm, ,affectionate people wlio understand he has mgmories of his past life and who will not pressure him' for. academic achievement. It will be best if.he is the youngest in•the family or ,at least if there are no children close to him, in -age. Ti) inquire about adopting Ronny, ' please write to Today's (child. Box 888, Station K; Toronto. Fuer general. adoption, in formation, ask your .Children's ,Aid Society - The Farm Safety A Ssoeiation has become a reality as part of the family bf 'aceident preven- tion associations .supported by The Ontario Workmen's Com- pensation Board, it was announ- ced today ,by B.J. ,Legge, Q.C.w.,• Chairman 'of the Board. The new association *will assume the responsibilities -for 'merly held by the Farm Safety Councirof Ontario, Mr. Legge ezcplained. ' Since. 1966, the Workmen's . Compensation Board has been actively engaged in safety education in the farming industry of Ontario. In April of this year, the Work- men's Compensation Board un- dertook the financing and ad- ministration of the Farm Safety Council for the balance of 1972. Mr. Legge reported that the major agriculture trade associations in concert with the Farm Safety Council of Ontario gave unanimous approval- for the formation of the new 'organization. An. application has been made to the; Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario for incorporation of the • Farin Safety Association by Letters «.r Patent,which was submitted by the newly elected Directors; Er- nie Skrow, Georgetpwh; Mildred Reeds, Reaboro; William Irvine,. Emo, Ontario; ' Arnold Kuhl, Desb'oro," and W.W. Bilderbach, Putnam; Ontario. Mr. Legge explained that the objectives of the new association are to provide education in ac- cident prevention throughout the province's agricultural com- munity, and to promote safe practices in farm work as well ,as safe handling and design of farm equipment. In making the announcerrient; Mr. Legge, whoais also president of the Canada Safety Council, said: "We are pleq' ed to welcome the ,Farre Safety .:,Association into the Compensation Board's family of 'accident prevention. groups, Farming is a hazardous occupation; . resulting last year. in/more than 1.500 disabling at- cidents and eight deaths in .QnF tario alone. On a national basis, farming hate the ' third :highest 'acdident ' frequency, exceeded. only by the mining and con,.. struction i'iidastries: All of the Board'sfacilities for: ,safety educ`ion will be at the disposal of the newassociation." the first General- Meeting of the 'Farm Safety Association is planned for 'January, 1973' an conjunction with the . Annual Meeting or the Farm Safety. Council of -Ontario, at Which time the future plans of the new accident prevention organization wilt, be fully discussed during a two day meeting. 411..11 WANTS A FAMILY • E by ANGUS SHORTT Ducks Unlimited SORA RAIL The Winner! NOTICE PUBLIC ." PROPOSED AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH PLANNING AREA Pursuant to the provisions 4of The. Planning Act, an Official Plan Amendment has been drafted by the Town of Goderich Planning Board. The purpose of this Amendment is to permit lands to be zoned for ,their existing use in the im- plementing Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law, A public meeting will be held to present the Amendment and obtein :the views, of allpersons interested in the, future deve)opmient of ` the Planning Area. This meeting is to be held at Council .Chambers, Town Hall TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1972 7:1 5 P.M. ALL HOCKEY ,EQUIPMENT 'AND SKATES 20% OFF OCT. 5 TO OCT. 20 ONLY Don't Wait Till The Hockey Season Starts- See Us Now While Selection Is Best PEE-WEETOpRO your hest choice is' C•GM• of McGEE'S '73 Car Showing Draw ,7w 4 FREE DRAW i1 i•r Per progressive company in a progressive industry i P110 1 • • GORDON S. WESTLAKE e(. " 1414 4eii� . In Stock Also - Perfectly Matched CCM Figure Skates .For The Girls 4 Phone 565-5333 Bayfield SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 4a?;;,1 t v„ n Alvin McGee, right, donors u. Mr. Benson llrrnlgan, Elgin Avenui Emit, t od lrihh who won 'ihe Zenith 11" Colour Television in MuGiis Pontiac.Bulek's '73 Gar Showing Draw. . . . ry BA`,.Y 'I L r I% SPORTS 111- CYCLE GODSRIC9 Telephone. 624 NMI,