HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-09-21, Page 28T
minty scoys
Confinnefl CiSoa of rash* in
titan:14s have increased
- markedly in Huron County,
dUring the first' 0 months. of
1972,, said Dr. W.J. Thompson,
Veterinarian, Canada -
Department of UkgricultUre,
liealth of . Animals- Branch,
Total confirmed cases, in-
volving both domestic and wild
animals were 52 for.the period,
representing an increase of ap-
proximately 50 percent ovpr the
/ same period in 1971. Undetected
case§ of rabies in an endemic
area usually far exceeds confir-
med incidents.
The 52 positive animals were
composed of the following
species of animals: fox '16;
bovine 16; skunk 13, swine 4,
dog 1, cat 1 and bat 1.
The above figures indicate a•Q
relative low incidence° in dogs
and cats, which are considered
to be animals which present a
greater risk to our human
population. During the past six
years the Canada Department
of Agriculture, Health of
Animals Branch'and the Huron
County Health Unit have spon-
sored free Anti -Rabies Vac-
cination- Clinic's for dogs and
cats, which_attributes.to the low
incidence of rabies in these
- It is gratifying tO note that the
,residents of ,Huron County are
Historical grotip
taking more advantage of these
clinics, In 1966, 1957 dogs and
673 cats Were immunized for a
total of 2630. Last year, the
totals were 3899 dogs and 2432 ,
cats for 6331- animals.
The sponsoring groupS have
therefore decided in view of the
increased incidence Of rsbies, to
cinAtion Clinics in 1972,
These clinics will cornmence
'on October 2/72 in the northern
areas of the County and 'continue
southward to completion on Oc-
tober 25/72.
Dates of clinics in the area'
Wednesday, October 11 -St.
Augustine, Schoolhouse, 9:00-
12:00 noon; Auburn, Com-
munity Centre, 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 12-
Amberley, Orange Hall, -9:00-
P2:00 noon; Dungannon,
Agriculture Hall, 1:3,0-4:30 P.m.
Friday, October 13, St. Helen,
,Community Hall,. 9:06-12:00
'noon; Lucknow, Town Hall
Monday, October 16,
Goderich, Fire Hall, 1:00-8:00
Tuesday, .0ctober 17 -Clinton,
Community Centre, 2:00-8:00
The September -Meeting tot*
Huron County ° Historical
Society Was', held in Wesley- .
on. September 1.2 with' a ,good
.. Guest speaker': Was. Miss
who', presented' slictea• and
commentarY- Onl,her World trip.
TweedshaniriBOok•.2f tile Clinton
James .•.Doig .• , talked briefly
' .• on the Van Egrnond'homestead
announce4., that -already • the
1972 Membership, 'his° . passed.
The. 'October, -meeting: will be
held in the 'Usborne, Township • .
Central School.on October .18 at
Wednesday, October 18-
Seaforth, Community Centre,
Thursday, *October 19-
3rucefield, Fire Hall, 9:00-12:00
noon; Bayfield, Town Hall,
Rabies is a . virus disease
which affects the centra ner-
you's system . of animals and
humans.. The • symptoms
produced by the disease yary
from incident pzi. incident,' but,.
by °and, large, .all animals
"behave in a peculiar manner
and attempt to attack other
animals and thus propagaie the
disease, as live virus is frequen-
tly present ,the saliva of infec-
ted, animals.. The disease is
usually'. fatal, .unless proper
evasive action ,is taken prior to
the _onset. of symPtorps of the.
• Rabies infection is Mainly
centered in southern areas of
,Ontario and „Quebec. Total:
° elimination of . the Condition is •
highly unlikely. because of .the
residual constant infection • in
',our wild • life. .Spread . to Our
human population .is therefore a
-Constant arid real . threat, and
for..this. reason 'control our
domestic animal..Population is
one of the major concerns of the.
-Canada Department of
AgriCulture, Health of Animals
Young peOle fro:M the
Olied the music for tbe Christian
Women's ,C.lob Sunday. evening
wing service. The devotional
period was taken by Mrs. Doug
Marie Flynn of Clinton along
with , Norman SPeir' and Jerry
IvIondayA get-together. During
the afternoon's ,activities 'two
new residents were , introdueed
and welcomed tO HUronview.
One hundred . and fifty
residents along with several of
their relatives and friends 'were
entertained on Family Night by
Earl and Martha HeywOod of
Wingharn. The Heywoods are
well known to many of the
residents at Fiuronview not only°
for their appearances on CKNX
° T,V. and radio but because
Martha was originally from
Zurich and Earl from, Exeter,.
an# they have lived in Winghafn •
for a number of years. The
prOgram included musical and
vocal numbers as well as Earl's
demonstration of magic. Alice
Buchanan thanked the enter-
tainers on behalf of the •
As this •picture.of last year's International Plowing Match at-
tests, thilk year's event should be as big and popular. The
opening of the Plowing Match and Tent City onr the 650 -acre
farm of Oliver Zehr_ in Sebringville (three miles west of Strat-
-, ford) is next Tuesday, September 26 and the match runs
Bell Aerospace makes
through to Saturday, September 30th. This paper is entered in
the match on Friday, September 29 and we're hoping to see_
plenty of ibcal repidents there tO cheer us oti, to victory. (Dept.
of Agriculture photo)
Marline meeting
financial appointment
• Frederick E. (Ted) Bartlett,' functions with Libby • McNeill
O.D.C. make
Huron grant
Ontario, has • been named began with this caMpany at its
manager of finance and ad- Chatham, Ontario, Head Office
, ministration at Bell Aerospace and in 1'95 7- moved - to
Canada . Division° of Textron Wallaceburg, Ontario, as the
.. Canada Ltd. in Grand 'Bend. ' first office manager of a newly- ,
Bartlett comes to Bell acquired canning and freezing
Aerospace Canada from • Paul plant. .
Meuller (Canada) ,Ltd. in St. ‘ - ---Born_in New 'Liskeard, On -
Marys, Wilere he had been 'em- tali% Bartlett studied accoun-
ployed since 1960 in a number ting with LaSalle Extension
of positions, beginning as ac- Universily after primary and
countant-office manager and secondary educatiOn in New
since 1.270 as vice preSident`. Liskeard. -
general manager, '
From. 1950 to 1959, , Bartlett -Douglas. 17 and Brian, .15.
served in El:variety. of accounting .
Johnston F enes
Fresh fish Daily..
' Perch Fillets -7 -Whitefish
Cohoe Salmon
Open 7 dais a week..
Phone 5Zt1-9211
Local Marine Historical' • GoderiCh area and none of the
SO'cietv organizers learned late group's officers would be able to
appear either.
last week from so'ciety
,_ meeting scheduled locally for
Sepiember 416 had to be can -
The. HiStorical Society ex-
plained they were unable to
arrange a speaker from the
With- the fair and winter
season approaching 9ne won-
ders what can be done to make
the spare time of the residents at
the Home more enjoyable. If
yeu or your groups have any q.
ideas, we would Jae glad p hear. °
trom You.
Some of the Most urgent
for an over 90 club, volunteers
for various Programs, and
variety program& for family 0,
night' with a ,speci4I request for
vocal quartets. ,
Tentative arrangements were
made, however, to hold the
Goderich meeting on May 5 of
1973. The meeting will, be the
,first of the society in Goderich
and the first outside of Detroit.
The Honourable Charles
MacNaughton, MPP for Huron, •
lias announced that two Huron
County firms will expand their
operations with assistance from
tbe Ontario Development Cor-
' poration.
, Ttaylor,Industries Limited of
mance loan of $7,500 and a
Innen 'business term loan of
• $24,000 toward the. cost of an
additional building and the pur-
chase , of new manufacturing
equipment. The performance
loan isinterest free and marbe
forgiven_if the company meets
certain commitments. The small
business' loan is repayable with
Traylor Industries produces a
• line Of truck campers and will
beiin building mobile
bunkliouses and offices for con-
stru4ion sites.• The company
will add six new employed,
whmen the'new production is un-
derway and anticipates adding
.another thirty people over the
following live year periol
• The Ontario Development
CorPoration will purchase land
in Exeter -ahd erect a 16,800
eitiarelOot building for lease to
•••building expeofed to, cost
,about, $162;000 end will he .
year periOd -with options to
„toe* an4 an option to Our.'
'K614010.4 loeated In Exeter
tob-Yiars AO and, due to.
* 0,44,604 market. for 48
When the firm:,meves into the
new employment , Will
gradually about, '
more people expected to
htre4 over the bat tiew,yeam
for Fall at Schaefer's
IA, KISSABLE. Super -soft wet look patent shoe
with ripple bow. Vibrant Fall shades of Brown,
Red, Black or Navy. Full sizes 6 to 9.
ito. TALK OF THE TOWN. Rich natural leather
pump with new higher heels, about,2". Black,
Brown or Navy. Full and half sizes. 51/2 - 9.
TEN.DPII.Y. Exciting Fall fashion shoe of
soft, velvety suede With smart Gucci -look or-
, nament. Navy or Brown. Full and half s4es.
C.• SEXY SUEDE- Luxurious foam -lined, suede
shoe with cork -look soles, Brown. Pull and half
Pair *8.00
E. STAR-STUDDED Favorite Fall fashion. Soft
suede shoe with stitched moccasin vamp, new
higher heels. Green, Black or Brown. Full and
half sizes 51/2 to 9.
Pair $9.00
For VOW'
see or call
44 North St - 5249531
Peter S. MecEwan
Consumers' Association of
Canada advises car drivers that
radial tires give longer mileage
and -better traction. But, unless
the original' tires on your car
were radials, special adjust-
ments will. be _needed to allow
you to' use them because of their
different -handling charac-
teristics. If you, do use radials,
all tires on your car should be
radials, including snow tires.
CAC headquarters are at 100
Gloucester Street, Ottawa, On-
3200 Galt Ocean Dr.., Fort Lauderdale 33308
Visits to
fabulous Disney World available.
362-7537. 212 KING ST. W. TORONTO
$70 f‘k,prruif, /8
. 151e -cern -bar 14
SSD 420 rooms, European Plan
Modified American Plan:
lavish dinner & breakfast,
1. 73 horsepower engine
2. Four -speed"
3. Front disc brakes
4. Fully reclining
bucket seats
5. Electric rear window
6. Whitewall tires
7. Full vinyl_interioi-
8. Electric windshield
9. Two -speed -vvindshierd
10. Padded recessed.dash
.11. Collapsible pteering
column "
13. Cigarette lighter
14. Heavy duty heater -
defroster •
15. Threerposition courtesy
16. Hand brake warning
17. Three point retractable
seat beltg
18. Power boosted fresh-
' flow ventilation
19. Swing -out side rear
20. Unit body construction
21. 60 any. hr. battery
22. Dual braking system
23. Wrap aroung bumpers
24. Side running lights
25..Back-up lights
26. Washable and removable
trunk mat
27. Recessed spa're tire
28. Tool kit and jack
29. Electrophorus paint
30. Four-way flashers
*Suggested retail rive et1tillia 12.06 2-tiotir sedan PAO. Vaneouver, ealitary,
Toronto, MOIltreal :111(1 M1111Ct011; local freight, iit4ense ana provinciai taxes extra.
334: HURON RC. GODERICH 5244381
Be Sure and See Us at the Auto Show Tonight
and Tomorrow Night in the Goderich Arena