HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-09-21, Page 25< �.�,. t.T .... .c'-�==•e--.'ra aro. ,raw..
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Y ART E1,1,.iO'TT
Now that 'a few. ducks are
.starting to show up and the
leaves are about to turn, a
young man's fancy will turn to.
thoughts of old Betsy, the' 12-
, gauge, .and partridge breasts
and rabbit tenderloin, venison '
nstelV d'. lm Lapse T=Bones, Mai y
treasuredweapons will come
down from • the gun rack for , a
fend: cleaning and polishing.
The waders and bush boots will
be dragged out from the back of
the closet.
Inevitably, every gunner going
into the field will have to secure
a' hunting license, whether it be
' for small game such as rabbit,,
pheasant, grouse, partridge,
coon, fox or wolves; deer permit
for deer ani bear; moose
license. The three type,. cost $3,
$10 and $15, with a special rate
en' the deer license for farmers.
of $5. They are .available from
license issuers at many points in
the area or from the' Winghatxll
office of ;the Ministry of Resour-
GYninresidents - a
p y--$126, ..for„s
the package.
It's . not quite that simple
though. .Young hunters attaining
the age of, 15 must have
parental permission to obtain a
Those 15 to, 19 must take a
government approved ,course in
safe gun handling from ine• of
several official instructors in the
area, then take a written and
practical examination ad -
Ministered , by ' the Ministry.
QI4er hunters unable to produce
a, previously purchased license
are obliged to take the
examination,and many of these
could profit by the gun safety
course as well.
start thinking about
The fee schedule ranges from, $3 ,
to $s for the safety Bourse; $3
for the examination and $3 .for
the :small game .license.
A summary of the Ontario
Minting regulations is available
from instructors Or the
Wiir ghari "gffiue' of�'t 'e"l i?i t x
of Resources. Also available is a
folder on "How to qualify pr a
hunting license in Ontario" and
other helpful literature for .the”
fisherman, boaterand hunter.
Conservation Officer Blake
Smith, in an interview at the
Ministry office here recently,
stated that hunter safety
training in Ontario over the past
several years has resulted in a
fifty percent decline in ;serious
hunting accidents despite the
fact that gun -toting population
continues to. grow.
"The program has demon-
strated that it is .very much
worth while from the,standpoint
of this important prevention .of
fatalities and serious' injuries,"
(continued on page 10A)
Huntersafety instructors in
this area• include Borden
Jenkins of Wingham; Jim Tur-
yey, Brussels; Walter Breckles'
at Kinlough and Manfred.
Dierolf, Goderich. The first'
course in the Wingharn ,area is
set for September 19 find
arrangements should be made
well in advance. The day before
the season opens is no time to
Y OR FU i '
WE STILL, .HAVE A 00,0p:$14$0110., N t
�AiM1�' QIP, "il`i`N� �'Qp
Mr.. Gorbet Who 10 w#:l' ' known Ina G rich r bill .
corning approximately
!isMolry ,,w�. T, WO
iK(e ou the .b* t
kpown for ,,,our" 'work 'In r gabs lr..modMi11'4417fflngand .
Answer this waver isement, now fano. Mrp Wiil oee you
right away.
1 Hanover Furs
1 Operated by H. Garber,
1 211 -10th. St., Hanover, Ont.
Firing at unidentified targets accounts for many fatalities.
and woundings. In this example a man crawling under a
deadfall might sound and look ,likea bear or. 'deer to a
trigger-happy gunner. If you don't •know, don't shoot, It
cotild be your partner.
When side by side in the field, hunters should carry guns in such a way that they point awa
from anyone. It's an obvious rule frequently broken, with sad results. y
Here's a great way to put your money to work:
8% interest, guaranteed on 5 -year term deposits.
Other terms available. Minimum deposit, $500.
Call or drop in and see us today.
• o
Four cycles, two speeds,
handles all fabrics,
ell toad sizes, .
including pre.wash.
3 cycle selections, regular,
air fluff and permanent prep
with cool down setting.
Large capacity drum, gists smooth ,
lets you dry the largest loads
without , snag.
Kelvinator Your e.at coy,
Our Budget piked twins hive
tots to offer ... Ohne
CAN of Tido,
enough to wash 112 ton of
Mathes with the porches. of
any KNvinator, washer,
Polypropylene agitator provides five
' way wathina actioq, positive
dirt remoial and tangle free clothes.
Easy access should service be
required. 90% of the work
can be performed from the front.
Heavy•duty 1/2 H.P. overload
protected motor. Permanently
lubricated heavyduty
transmission with a 5 year Warranty,
get all the'
at these lo; ki' j)iices!
Giant 181b. 24ied Automatic Washer
Walk everything from heavy denim, to your delicate
lingerie irnthls two speed washer, This 18 Ib, tub Lets you
wash the largest family wash. Designed with durable
porcell/n top and tub with builtdn
Safety lid switch, The permanent
Preis program has a water
suspenlion cool down period,
fights spin set wrinkles
KW22 (White only)
Automatic Dryer
Whatever the fabric,, Kelvinatordrieus Clothes gently.
Two specialized pr6gramrt, regular - permanent press plus
air settings. Dryeris fitted with a safety door switch,
6000watt sunburst heat element
and safety thermostat. Efficient
lint trap is conveniently located
inside, below the door for easy
removal and cleaning.
K021 (White only)
• 308 HU110N RD.
NSON. APPH_�_ ,.
Hunters approached by anyone must take care that their guns ado not point at arson,
u►a Mux,-
zie control 'is vital, especially When meeting a conservation officer such as Blake Smith at
left, who would be justified in this example in laying a careless gun handling charge under
the Fish and Game Act which can carry a heavy penalty.
Dr. J. A. Meiser
new :milk
testing head
Dr. Joseph A. Meiser, Jr. has
been appointed Program Direc-
tor of . the Central Milk Testing
laboratory, Guelph.
In announcing the appoint-
ment, Mr. T.R. Hilliard; Deputy
Minister, Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food, said that
Dr. Meiser will be responsible
for the technical and ad-'
ministrative direction of the
.Central Milk Testing
Laboratory. He will also coor-
dinate dairy research at the
laboratory, chiefly in the area of
'milk component analysis and
product testing. He will work
closely with the producers,
processors and transpo,•ters in
the dairy industry.
Dr. Meiser was a teacher and
researcher ' in food processing
and merchandising of Michigan
T--8taatB•=trkniversityr-Subsegtr tt'V;.--
he joined Twin Pines Farm
Dairy, Inc as general plant
manager; he became president
and general manager in 1962,
resigned froxn . the, firm in early
1972, and has since served the
corporation in an advisory
Dr. Meiser has published
more than 30 research articles
pertaining to food processing.
He is active in several -university
and scientific societies, most
recently havir.g served as
president of the Michigan Dairy
Foods State ,Association.
fl Professional
Yti' a
Eric Carman-
524. '924
TORONTO -372 Bay Street (416) 364-7495
BARRIE — 35 Dunlop Street (705) 726-6495
ORILLIA — 73 Mississaga St. E. (705) 325-2226
At Sterling, we put your money to work.
is comin over our
sIide rail suspension,..
heres:a w moiethi.n
Arctic's new automatic shut-t,tt
linkage. Irl the throttle linkage
sticks, it stops the engine
automatically Right now'
• Arent s new plug-in tt•rmin,i'
Arctic's new, higher -density board ft,r add-on accessories
ftrarrren hieensArtngt `rr�'” tNtirrinlaTtftir 'j TTriii�ai— ` " ' "•"""
more• but we care about you ignore this, figuring c' ern h kl‘ •
All of you gut t friend t1ho
an electrician 1
Arctic's low, torward-mounted
engine for balanced, stable
handling And this year
it', completely enclosed
Vat's quieter, safer
That's go&I
Arctic's new 4 -way adjustable
headlight Three times•us good
a 2 -way i iiustahIe headlight.
rOk tv then, twice as gcx,t.iii
Arctic's new n -shaped Kelly
pan A severe'tethack tor
sleep snow• that tries
it stick it to you
Arctic :saneiv, hot -rolled
steel cleats that wear and
wear and wear. There's
a new staggered 2/3 cli ,t
design that gives the
Cat track extra life
Arctic's riveted aluminum
chassis, to ahsc)'rh stress
and strain. Some of the
others still have a welded
-"t chassis Welds break
That's had.
Arcttc', flew cattier toot
rails That mt'ans a more"
' comfortable place to plant
your feet .,safer, tt+t,
Arctic s new farther
h'tward foe ,t rests,
because \t,tl,t'e
It,n„ger leg, than
air thout;hr !Ltd
Arctic's, new internal
drive tr,tnstcrs power
– directly to track.
[lirect'equals qutcter
Arctic's new, Unproved
single -leaf tapered springs
Reber flex, betterst'tde.
Next year a lot of 'em
will come over to this
little beauty.