HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-09-21, Page 2241 et, • • • • • • • ,,••rr PGEs a • P ° _ ICH SGL41'./kR, TRURSDAY, $UPTFUliER 21, 1912. • • • cotes *ani e HEUM-AtIEN THE TPKINTO Val SYNDICATE.. - . • ' . . - Even the loss' of two front .teeth hasn't spoiled Martin's good looks. Unlike some children Who bate to let the gap show, Martin seems proud of it as his wide smite suggests. Maybe he realizes wing teeth is,..a sign.of growing Aip. • Martin is six, an aPPealing child of English, Scottish, Irish and ,,,,.‘ yeeneh-Canachan descent. He is slAghtiv, btiilt,with widelet blue . eyes,dight brown hair end fair skin. His only health problem is an allergy to penicillin. , ..Outgoing Martin craves'affection. He is very sensitive to the feelings of the people in his life -Ow knows if they are happy nr, sad. and. 'especially how they feel tOviards him, even if those feelings are not put into rds. He is responsive to warmth and gentleness. Martin is an active youngst6 who likes riding his bicycle and skating. Ile loirei animals, especiallyelephants, and he looks for " all the animal progratns on television. He enjoys picture books, music and Disney mo.vies.', Martin is in Grade one and is not gNIWted lo excel academically, _ „ This youngster has stiff er-€.21 a number of 'rejections in his shprt life so he needs the warmth and assurance that he is wanted and loved, lie should be the youngest in a family ikhere the parents are relaxed, understanding and involved. To inquire about adopting Martin, please write to Today's Child, Box 888, Station K. Toronto.. For general adoption in- formation, ask your Children's Aid Society:, ' - HE NEEDS LOVE Port Albert news Sunday,Mr. and Mrs. William Knight, Bonnie and Ricky of Sarnia, Mrs: Earl .Teskey, Gerald, Mary, Glen and Elaine, of Desboro, Mr.' and Mrs. Don Bowden and Randy, .of London, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy, Debbie' and °Kelly of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Fox and Chris of Desb,,ro, gave a surprise party in honor of Mr. and' Mrs. Clarence Hoy who were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. The Ladies Guild met in the basement of Christ Anglican Church on Tuesday. There were nine members present. There was. a reading by Mrs. Agnes ..roster and Mrs. Nora Graham. Mrs. Foster, 'closed with prayer. A lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Elton Dra-Per. Mrs. Roy Petrie has as guests Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bowden, Paul, Laverne, ,Lynda, Barbara and Audrey of London, visited with Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Martin on Sunday. Arnold Meador of Warren, Michigan, visited with Mrs. Archie Grenier over the weekend. There was a shower held at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin's home on Thursday evening for bride -elect Darlene Draper, Goderich. For • mortgages see us first! Wheff you Want' money to build, or to buy, come directly where money is. Come to your friendly local branch of Victoria and Grey Trust. Eighty years of training and experience in serving people like you are behind the sage counsel and advice you'll get at Victoria and Grey — the same place you get the money you need. Come in today direct to Victoria and Grey. The senior Trust Compcin)) devoted entirely 10 serving the people of Ontario. • and GR SIIClee 1889 to S:00 Monday to Thursday, ' MOO to 6:00rEridaY , *Owl Hill. Mai:1400 524.7381 Elgin anti Kinston Streeti, Goderich; a With the children back to school, and 'early to bed' rules again being enforced, What are YOU planning for your 'break' one or two nites a week? Every year I ask the same; question; Some people KNOW what they are going to do two or three nites a week and that is BOWLING, There are 'others who want to learn a hobby of some kind they have always, had an interest in painting or woodworking 9r a secret urge to ' make those nice crochet or knitted dresses. There are many, many things on the like -to-do' list - but they don't let anyone know about it. When the 'list comes out regarding the night, classes, they find there is nothing there that they -vvnt. WHY?. I'll tell you why. The very nice man at G.D.C.I. who is pulling out his hair trying to make up,this list, has to go by the popular lists, of other years. These are the regular classes which they know minimum, I believe for a class, so these are the -classes they offer each year. When-thi.4 list appears, you haven't much time 'to fool around thinking about it, you've. got to, make up ;Our mind and get your name in. But how about that hobby you'd like to learn, why didn't you call G.D.C.I. early and ask or tell them you are interested - or tell ME - and 1, will try to get others and they can get an' instructor. .The regular classes usually cover golf, keep -fit, sewing, typing, auto mechanics,. vloodworking and art. Last yeitts4 scdlpture was popular - but no one has asked for it THIS year. Also there are a dozen other • hobbies no one ha's asked for - for exaniple,. rug making. There are several kinds and ways to do this but the most popular is the hooking. • .., There is Macrame - the lovely bags, belts and wall hangings, etc. are ,well worth learning. _Crochet or knitting; -Vmbroidering - by liquid or needle - dozens of ways and things to make. Silk screening, batik -wood cuts, wood carving, lino cuts and such. Pottery making - why haven't we facilities for this - I'm -sure there would be lots of takers. What else? What would you like to do? How about phoning G.D.C.I. right away. Drop a •note to me nt the Signal -Star -. I'll help - you KNOW that. The main thing I am trying to get across is that your desire must be known beforethe list is made up - so, DO IT NOW. Martka. PS.—Mark your calendar for the Santa Parade DEC. 2. And it is' not too, far away, • Every year has been bigger and better so this year should be REALLY GREAT! The Santa Parade con is as follows136ri-Rifetz (phone 4-7458); Mrs. H.L. Blue (4- 7824); Doug Cruickshank (4- 7682); Martha Rathburn (early a.m4-7854); and you can con- tact any one of us regarding the, float you're putting in. ' • You can't say you don't know about it soon enough. We should have several weeks of nice weather. So get that float under way so that you just, have to do thR-, *rig touolies at 'the' las-0i week. , Love, Martha: NESS IRECT DIESEL Pumps and, Injectors Repaired For All Popular Makes• Huron Fuel Injection Equipment' , Bayfield Rd. 482-7971 [R. W-. 11E1 OPTOMETRIST The Square 024-7661 [Ronald L. - McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St..Davlit St,. 5244253 Godelia, Ontario For FASHION RIGHT SHOES The Place To Go Is ROSS 'SHOES The Square ' Goderich 1 * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE G MON * HOOVER Sales and Service JEWELL. BROTHERS . APPLIANCES & LTD. The Square goderich . For Pleasant Surr,oundin;, and Good Food , THE GODERICH -RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE and TAVERN • Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies , „ AN DER,SOWS BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich CHISHOLM FUELS Distributors Fcir PRODUCTS HOME,.FARM, INDUSTRY * FreS-Burner Service * Furnace einanting • Gasolines & Diesel Fuels Mrs. Juck (Iimeits Beninitio gida won the ball game on Monday night against the Nile girls. Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Dale of Owen Sound Visited 'with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Johnston over the weekend.. ' Mr. Jam Scott is in Lodon hospital and a speedy recovery is wished him. The UCW meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Helena_Young. Welcoming everyone and thanking Mrs. Rising for her home. Theme of thp meeting was "Supply and Welfare') with Mrs. Myrtle Kerr and Mrs. Dorothy Clements in charge. We opened with hymn "Now Thank. We All Our God" followed by prayer. Scripture psalm 100 was read by Mrs. Lil Christilaw. The address was "God Gives Generously" and was read by °Mrs. Clem'ents. Mrs: Lil Pollock then gave a reading followed by .hymn "For the Beauty of the Earth". Mrs. Kerr closed this part of the meeting with prayer. Guest "Miss Lily Blanchard" was then introduced. Miss Blan- chard told -of her work being not for herself but for the Lord. She gavean outline on packaging bales of 'clothing and used cards; also on how she made her scrapbooks out of -these used cards. 8 529.i64 .,, . . .. hti in Her -dolls we beautiful and :' each doll had a little story t� go,:, M rMr0...a • 4 Robert Sclair --witlrit,-.1t--vv0= very- intereatino-----(Ailant-of-Cleyelvid; -oh10;-,00. -..--- - . - - and informative. Miss fllan, `.' visiting at the Bedford Hotel. :- * chard also told where her scrap. Mr. Sinclair graduated from books were sent to the hospitals. ODCI many Years ago and is a TOWN TALK The treasurer's report was then given . followed by the • minutes of the last meeting. Roll call ,was answered by 16 ,rnem. bers but there "8"-anotal at. tendance "and 2 children, also one new member, ft-WTcled leitTreTtlie— joint meeting „With Dungannon until Noveniber. The Meeting ,was dosed 'with prayer by Rev. ' Mcei,enaghan. A lunch was served by Mrs. Rising and Mrs. Ron. Pentland and a social half-hour was • spent. Benmiller boys 'and Nile boys' played to a tie in a ball -game lit - Nile Tuesday night. A doctor should remove a • foreign body in , the, nose, St. John Ambulance cautions. In the meantime the ,casualty should breathe through the mouth. Do not interfere with the., foreign object, ••••••••$,.. former member of the Signal Corps, 161st Battalion, WELCOME SERVICE would 'call on fou with "housewarming gifts"- and information about your new ... location. The Hostess will be r Wien to'the $1GNAL-STAR. Call har at 524-9525 Goderich Laketown Band NEW MEMBERS ARE .NEEDED NOW FOR REHEARSAL OF NEWLY ARRIVED MUSIC 1./ With previous band experience 7:30 p.m. Monday 2./ Beginners meet 7:00 p.m. Monday (adults and teenagers only) G.D.C.I. AUD1O-VISUAL ROOM eptem • • er 22: • .• ay Cana'a meets • the1973 or s and ercurys. Septem er P • ggt Team Canada meets th Soviet nion ()SCOW. September 2Z is a big day for Canadians. - For the first time, from the Soviet Union, you'll see many of Canada's best professional hockey players meewhe best that the Soviet Union has to offer. And, on the same day, at Ford dealers and • Mercury dealers, you'll see the best new cars we'veever oftered,Ffrorn small'economy cars right tip to the ultimate in automobile perfection—the 1973 InodelS froth- Ford and *Mercury. • Your kind dears.. Pinto, Maverick, Mustang, Torino, Ford and Thunderbird at Ford dealer. Comet, ,Cougar, Montego, Meteor and Mercury Marquis at Mercury dealers. • And, at selected Ford dealers ,and Mercury dealers you'll see the very best -Lincoln Continental and Continental Mark IV You'll see some styling changes and there are many, many technical innovations including the new energy absorbing bumper system: :Cars FORD • • built with better ideas by the Company that listensobinlter You'll find they're cars built for you. Because • we've been listening to you. Finding out what you want. We know some of you want the feel. of a. sports car while others want a car that's big and luxurious. To some, ride is the most important fa.c1.9r,..T9,:gthers, sti11'othersi feel that size and ease of handling come first. We've laken, all these factors into, consider- ation. The result—the 1973 models from Ford and Mercury. The best new cars we've ever offered. If, by chance, you don't get the opportunity to see the 1973 Fords and Mercurys at your dealers, . watch for them onathe live or replay telecasts of the n" Canada/Soviet hockey game. Ford of Canada is a co-sponsor in bringing this exciting international event into your home. All in all,'September 22, 1972 should be quite a day for Canadians. See the new models at your Fiord and Mercury dealers. MERCURY , • ,,,,,,,, • "Ana while you're there get your official home TV program to the Moseow serieq avallahle to tend driyerei Sept.. 22 at partieipating dealer* (AuPply. limited)", ... 4 . , • I A '4 81 0