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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-09-21, Page 16
Gal , i I+ H SI NAL—STAR, ilM , ';ilE.P "I MBER 1.--1 7; u. 4 ilrf Bill Brady was the guest speaker at the -Huron Jni't-ofthe Canadian Cancer Society's Vnner at Clinton Tuesday night. Nearly 190 people and cancer society volunteers were present at tthe meeting to hear encouraging words from the radio and TV personality. The Huror,Unit, which leaves. the Hui'onia^ branch and joins' the Southwestern Branch,�raised more th4n 157 percent of its object%e. (staff photo) • . Two county..firms et ODC assist The Honourable Charles - MacNatighton, MPP for Huron, has announced that two Huron County firms will expand their operations with assistance from the Ontario Development Cor- Traylor Industries Limited of Hensall will use, an ODC perfor- mance loan of $7,500 and a small business term loan of $24,000 •toward the cost of an additional building and the pur- chase of new manufacturing equipment. The performance loan is interest free and may be forgiven if the company meets certain commitments. The small ,business loan is repayable with 8 'per cent interest. ' Huron County Atlas now reprinted An original Huron County atlas of 1879 is a scarce item these days. It is worth from $50 to $250, depending on condition and on how badly a buyer wishes to have one. Thanks to modern offset printing, ° an inexpensive facsimile edition carne off the presses of Richardson, Bond; Wright. at Owen Sound, published by Ontario Atlas ' Reprints. (A slightly larger and slightly more expensive reprint has been made by Mika.Studios at Belleville.) -The'Ortierf wound' atlas.c roes P in hard cover, , gold -embossed, size 18 by 12 inches and contains all the'rnaterial of the p Belden 1879 atlas which •relates directly to Huron County. One of about 33 atlases of Ontario counties, the Hurh is one of the finest, with rnore than 100 farrn sketches, and with the' names of - the lot holders on the large scale township maps.. The reprint edition may be obtained thropgh bookstores, or directly from the publisher, Mark Curnrrling, Ontario Atlas reprints, Box 550, Owen Sound at, the price 'of $11.50. TraJlor.Industries produces a line of truck campers' and will begin ' building mobile bunkhouses and offices for con- struction pites. The company , will add six new employees -whey -the-new roduction_..is...0 derway •and anticipates adding another thirty people over the Robinsofl.... • • (coati: ied from page 1) Goderich whenhe was a member of council several years ago.. He says that while his associates on council at, that time agreed to " make a presentation to Huron County ' Council on the matter, the Goderich brief was not well received at that levels A copy of the letter to the Select Committee has gone out to C.S.' MacNaughton and to 'Goderich Town Council where it is expected to be on the agenda at this evening's meeting. "I am enclosing this, for: your benefit," Robinson wrote to MacNaughton in a covering letter, "and to re -acquaint y•Ru with the long-standing injustice imposed upon the Corporation of Goderich. "I trust that you, as our elected representative, *ill appreciate the difficulties that we . are enduring and I respectfully solicit your personal co-operation in this regard'," the letter concluded. In a covering letter to the local municipal representatives, Robinson said, "I hope my action in this regard in no way embarrasses this administration. I feel, 'however, you should be acquainted with my action as this is tie first opportunity I have 'had to lay this matter before a, responsible committee of the Ontario Government." "I would consider it irresponsible if I did not react to thisituation," said Robinson. "I ani` sure you all know how strongly I feel -about this issue." The address of the select committee is Box 233, Main Parliament Building; , Toronto 182. SPEED QUEEN IC ELECTilt DRYER -following five' year period. The Ontario Development Corporation will purchase land in Exeter and erect a 16,800 square foot buildingfor lease to Kongskilde Limited, a farm im_ 1-ementsRe-Trrarrrrf cttr er:-F°he—� building is expected to cost about $162',000 and will be leased to the company for a ten- year period with options to renew and an option to pur- chase. Kongskilde located in Exeter allout ten years ago and, due to a growing market for its products, is expanding its manufacturing operation's. When 'the firm moves into the new building, 'employment will gradually increase with about ' fifteen more people. expected to be hired over the next few years. y continued. f 'pig 1 ,someone Will benefit froom, the great kHowledge that .hnacome aboU1 •- thtougls-- -the-7,-1"' t neer ., Society." Brady told his audience that through. gtINS popuial' Opbn Line show .Qf which` he is host, he sees "an interesting patch- work quilt of people's emotions exposed". "Communicating with others is terribly important," coxnmen- Bra I3, ` 1r kts 'iia©tiVaf people to do for others. There is much to be done and too few to do it." oi.isum.r Ed conflrt+dfrom pigs 11 MOM • Therefore the teaeher shOld. be prepared to`adjust the .program even en a eday to day basis to dear with current mat - tars : hrel gilt to ho attention ss Of- _ the class." "1 think the classes are in- terestedin the course so far," mused Wark.. "It is geared to any student although , it does demand a certain amount of maturity." Will there . be a course in • Consumer 'Education, • this. year " folks who are no longer atten--' ding high school? "ft isn't too likely this year;" ,cofnniented Wark. He reported . on last year's Course in Business and Law , for Personal like and said that while the experiment was worthwhile, it will not likely be repeated until next 'year. "Too often it is the people who least need such 'a course who are there, noted War}k. But the consumer who is no longer in high school and unable to take Bill W;ark's Con- sumer Education course can do a great deal to help himself. Wark dug out an entire file of material available absolutely • free . of charge, just for the - asking, from many agencies. Some of these are the Canada Department 'of Agriculture;‘the EducationalServices Division, Food and. Drug Directorate, Department, of Health and Welfare, Ottawa; the Consumer P otection Bureau Department of Financial and Commercial Affairs, Toronto; • and the Department of Consumer and. Corpospte Affairs. There are some •good text books available to anyone on the subjects _contai.nedein .Bi11. Wark's Consumer Education equrse. And Bill Wark is just a telephone call away, 'You can' reach him at GDCI any school day. , Government funds for alk,.." present charitable organizations such as the Cancer Society is not the, answer Brady felt. "It would '' be the biggest ' mistake any government could make," Brady stated. "It would take that pleasure away from' people to give the gift of love. For those ,who cannot give money, they can give time. Time is a gift. To care about somebody else is a terribly im- portant responsibility." "Whenever people help other people, it is 'a kind of magic," Brady said. ",I believe mankind is still moral, still committed.,,If we are to live with one another, we must- learn to love ,,,one another": "We must discover the magic of communication," Brady con- cluded. "We must talk to each other, learn too listen and hopefully, to understand." During the evening, Huron Campaign Chairman Bill - Barlow of Goderich was presen- ted with a campaign award ter the Unit. Huron this year went over "w its $18 00 objective b e tha�a0 percent -and top- ped six other counties in the society's . Huronia district by raising $29,172. Next year, Huron will belong to the Southwestern District it was learned at the meeting:.. New officers for -1972-73- in- clude President Gordon Richar- dson;. vice-president Chester Ar-. chibald; secretary, Mrs. Gordon Rat'hwell; treasurer„ Harry Merriman, all of Clinton; and medical advisor Dr. C.F. Doorly., campaign chairman Bill Barlow and publicity chairman Howard ,Aitken, all of Goderich.' For Passe M uraille ... they were.,. packed to the rafters Support your home community REMEMBER HELP YOUR fiEQ'�,ROSS TO HELP VALUE CHE FRESH GRADE A -FRYING t SCHNEIDERS FRESH CHICKEN WINGS FRESH GRADE "A" CHICKEN LEGS K'D MEATS LUDAS ARTHUR , END • SLICED BACON 1 LB 'PKG. BY THE PIECE ' BOLOGNA POLISH SAUSAGE lb: 69c LB. FRESH GRADE "A" CHICKEN BREAST LB. 63c * 1 PRINCE EDWARDTIN 6:1.IJAVEX19 OZ. 0 64 FL.OZ. POTATOES 2FS1. PEEK FREAN 14 OZ. PUSS N BOOTS 15 OZ. TIN BISCUITS - 29.1cAT°FOOD 599c R BRIGHTS RED 14 OZ. •TIN F ('KLEENEX 100 x 2 PLY F PITTED. CHERRIES 3 89cI�TI•SS.UES R �. PURINA 25 LB. BAG SI KRAFT 18 OZ. , DQG CHOW 3.79; PEANUT BITTER 55c SUNSPUN 11 OZ, .1 PARKAY 2 LB. PKG. COFFEE CREAMER 69c, MARGARINE 69t VALLEY FARMS —ManI-S"32 O ---•------'—'- . _IASD 9frenclr tries 2B SALAD DRESSING 59cI COFFEE 1 LB TIN 9t P .��.......-.....w»��.......'..,...�...' . , IODELMONTE 24 FL. OZ. BRIGHTS 48 02. = 0 ° 1 VAN CP 14 Z. F ' " TOMATO JUICE Z°R•69AMC I BEANS wITH PORK 4789c I PRUNE NECTAR FROZEN FOODS WALLACE'S BEEF CHICKEN FROZENTURKEY PIES--PkG. of 3 5 MRS. COOPS 24 OZ. Fish 'n Chips 2189c DR. BALLARDS 15 OZ. F DELSEY BATHROOM I At.LENS P F . 79. 6 FORS • i RYSTALS 5 aR %9t DtGFOODI TISSUE , M ,ORANGE C LIDO SPAGHETTI OR MACARONI 2 -LB. PKG. 39c I Ivory Liquid 32 FL. OZ. 89c SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCE ! SOUTH AFRICAN i; PRODUCE OF CANADA �., GRADE ORANGES 2Doz7 9c �;CELERYSTALK5 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER 39c ;.Mac APPLES ^ I CANADA FANCY �� r EA. 9 1 : 1 9 . 0.'0 1,1.'►'�1►4'►1r�lr^,►4�444'i►10.�0.4.. ....O 1 ...... ...... euaiwoisto. RETAIL $259.00- LIIN(TLcD, SPECIAL, QUANTITY . _ _ e�+►,,�a�,�,�;;..,wr�rwi�i�rwriislall IMI `NRA rbdd r a1Seriffce Electric ((�Goderfch) L1td4 • GODERIWN`, OQDMAS.TER: IT+ELY UNT1L. GODERICH 1" 0 1 0' 0- 0 M 0