HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-09-21, Page 1010 4DER SEPTEMBER, 21'. t913 *MOW SERVICO On Sunday special'services Were `held` in each of Dungan - non's churches. =.i«" esb a-nwe! had . Pest .speaker Rev, Robert Arm- strong of Wingh.am Presbyterian church, and special music by a quartette from 'Lucknow at 11:00 a,m. In St. Pant's Anglican church Bishop Appleyard w of London conducted Deconsecration Ser- vice at 3:30 p.m. following the closing of their long-established church in -this community. The United Church had 11:00 a.m. and '7:30 p.m. services at which a former ;minister, Rev. W.J. Rogers (1945-1947) was guest, speaker. His sermons were entitled, "What have we done "well over the years?" and "Repugnant Virtues".. The Junior Choir in the a.m. provided lovely numbers, "I Found a Miracle" and "All By Ourselves". andthe five Errington family sang "Holy, Holy, Holy", In the evening 22 members 'of the Belgrave Men's Choir under the leadership of Rev. Roberts gave two . numbers; Steven Sallows of Wingham was their organist. It is good, to hear music provided by Karen Rivett and Steven Sallows, both quite young people. (The flowers were gifts from former members as memorial). Lunch served foIlowing the morning service gave an' oppor- tunity ' to renew acquaintance with Rev. and Mrs. Rogers and other friends. Rev. Clarence McClenaghan conducted the services. SOCIALS Mr. and Mrs. Colin Trivers, Suzanne and Scott of North Bay visited Nile and Dungannon friends this weekend. On Friday, Mrs."C. Blake was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shackleton, Goderich, and with them . visited Mrs: Duncan Mathieson in Sarnia. •Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wilbur of Willowdale are holidaying for a few days at their summer home here. Some of those Who attended special services on Sunday and visited friends in the neigh- bourhood this week -end in- cluded Mrs. George Hamilton from Brampton; Miss Flora Durnin, .Tottenham; Mrs. John Pennell (Marietta Stingel), Bradford; Mr. and Mrs. Anson McKinley, Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Carney, Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Henderson, Goderich. • Mr. and: Mrs. Leonard Chisholm accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Leddy of Goderich motored to Nashville, Tennessee, last Wednesday where they attended `.'The . Grand Ole. Opry" on Saturday evening. They also enjoyed the horse stables in Kentucky and returned home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ott and Matthew of Kitchener have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ir- vine Eedy lately. Mrs. Ott is assisting her father in the bakeshop. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eedy'from Toronto were home this week- end also. Mr. and Mrs; Jack Eedy, Michael and • Laurel, . from Strathroy visited this week -end at the former's home here. Mr. and Mrs. Eric McNee , have bought a lot and a trailer home to which they will soon`be moving. It is located on James St. 'to the north of the church grounds. . `Many from here attended Lucknow Fair on Saturday and spoke also of the fine parade. On Friday at noon fire "'com-- pietely destroyed' the home' of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Curran, on ' Jtlir eTncesstgn of ifieid; Firemen were able to save the near -by hen -''house, and the barn, although high winds greatly hampered their efforts. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran were visiting a daughteriringston when they received the shocking -* news. Mr, and' Mrs. Ronald Treleaven of Kitchener visited friends and relatives in this area during the weekend. Miss `Beatrice McClenaghan who has been employed at Dawson's General Store for several months returned'to Win- nipeg last week to University there. She is in 4th year Home Economics; specializing in Human Relationships ,course. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Williams of Brampton visited at the home of Frank Pentland last week- end. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fowler had the following company arrive from Manitoba: Mr.. and ' Mrs. C,C. Anderson from Winnipeg, Mrs. Elsie Lewis from Rowland, and a niece, Mrs. Kent Wakely, from Lorette. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Lewis are sisters of Mrs. Fowler. Mr.• and Mrs. Tom Fowler, Darrel and Karen, of Parkhill also~ -'visited -with --therm on -Soil, • day, at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Errington have returned from a two-week motor trip which in- cluded Dttawa, Egansviile where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Allan Stewart, Pembroke, Ren- frew Fall • Fair and Toronto where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Comfort are spending few days in Dungannon this week. 4H DUNGANNON 1 Dungannon, 4-H club held its seFondopeeting4t the home of Mrs. B'eir Macinnis on Thur- sday, Sept. 14. Lois Adams brought the meeting to order and read the secretarial report and Shelley Tigert gave the tr'easurer's report aftereveryone handed, in 50 cents to cover expenses. Roll call • was taken with everyone answering with a dish for a patio party. There was one member missing. Everyone was to think of a name for the club and it was decided on "Dungannon Supper Servers". The ' covers for the books are red with black letters. The next meeting will be, on Wednesday, Sept. 20 at the home of Linda Young. The group work 'involved a corn and wiener roast which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Macln- nes and Linda Young led in a discussion on patio ,parties, pic- nics, buffet suppers' and shish - kabobs. The handout sheets are to be filled out for the next meeting. • • DUNGANNON 2 The second meeting of Dungannon 11 4H club was held on Saturday September 16. All members were present and a guest, Lorraine MacDonald. The girls decided to call the club Dyngannon Cookettes. They will use red- covers and gold letters on their notebooks. Next meeting will be on Saturday, September•23 at Irene Hasty's home. • News from Lochalsh With the hockey season not • ,too far 'off,. we—find some of our young people attending school new areas, in order to -.play ,hockey for that town. Both Ken And David Tartish, sons of Dunc*nand Peggy Parrish are off to Stratford. Graham Hatniltiri; also to Stratford, is • the inn of Donald and Dorothy Hamilton of this area. Paul Trembley is home"from Winaltain and District Hosp ttti • Congratulations to Ainslie' Martyr who won her class in tib'baby show .at Lucknow Fall Fairy ' Mrs: Hartley Mc`I'avisll:and' Mts. Orelham .MacLeod. of .Torowito' wt `ri slat ,visiOrrs with Mt, and., Mrs. 'Oliver w;hiw►ri r►;. • ,von and Barrie 1plrrok' were proud owners of first prize rabbits at Lucknow Fair. Mrs. Emile MacLennan spent Saturday in London at the Western Pair, Mrs. Margaret Morton and ' children of Stratford spent a few days with Mrs. Emile MacLen- nan. Mr. and Mrs. Paul lmberlin of , Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Finlayson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamilton and family•spent Sitn- day in Stratford with Gratham. Mr. and Mrs. Warren .Wylds had a trip through the Muskoka district on holidays: Rev.' Perg'uson of' Chesley was the ministoltat Ashfield rfreli on Sunday at Rev, X. gooney is • a patient in thospital in London. This whatcharmight-call-it was one of the many old but working machines on display at the Pioneer Thresher Reunion held at Blyth last Friday, Saturday and Sunday: The llth Annual version attracted crowds estimated at close to 7,000 who saw not only old threshers and saw -mills in action but witnessed an Old Tyme Fiddlers' contest and a large parade. (staff photo) . Notes from Nile Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rutledge who were married in London on Saturday. A barbecue- was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allister Nivins for the •Brindley Plastering ball team 'after which the boys received jackets and their awards: Awards went to tide following players: Winning the large trophy was Allister Nivins, the most valuable player. Allister, also received the trophy for the most triples; Jim Martin received trophies for the most home• runs and most runs batted in; Rick Duckworth won the trophy for the highest katting average. All trophies were donated by Reg. Brindley. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and ' Mrs. 'Leonard Christilaw were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McWhinney and son Jim of Norwich and Mrs. Jack Knight of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Freeman of Clinton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Christilaw. . Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Graves. have sold their home to Brian Stothers and are moving to Stratford. Mr: and Mrs. Harvey Freeland of Delhi visited with Mrs. Jack Clements 529-7648 Mr.. and Mrs. Alvin Kerr and Sally on Sunday, Sunday School is to be held'' with Church on Sunday and the children will be promoted to their new classes: Intermediate boys won the ball game Sunday afternoon ,against Benrniller with a score of 14 to 13. Life Insijrance. ' ONE OF THE MOST UNSELFISH THINGS, YOU'LL EVER BUY... When you love someone you try to protect them. That's why you buy life insurance. I share your concern about the future. Let me help you and your family get the best out of life. Life is a�Nkmlid affair. IVAN STECKLE PHONE 524-8882 The Mutual Life of Canada We Still Ma Mr. and Mrs. Len Woodlsy and Paul of Melton, Mrs Len ?oodS,da�. ad Mi andley Mrsr,. AmofWlllowbrose Harletmann rul`J h w' 'xeeent..Yisa�tera with Mics. Marie Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Counians of Holland are visiting with his sister and her husband,'Mx. and Mrs. Jack Van Osch. Qongratulati6rrs• to little Rhonda Hogan, five,month-old _daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom .Y Hogan, who placed • first in the •six month and underclass the:-.=-- baby show at,the Lucknow Fair on Saturday. Also, congratulations to St. Joseph's School , on placing .s second with their float ,tht Lucknow Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heffer- nan , and.family of Newmarket were weekend visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Heffernan. Several families from here and from Goderich attended the When You Shop Say... ISAW IT IN THE SIGNAL Knights of Coi i nbtts Corn roast at Little. Point Farina on Sun. U day afternoon. 4 —Students -TfAttefitlitig. •.un�ver= sities from this area are: Annie Van Diepenbeek, in her fourth year at Brescia ,Hall, London; Kathy Hogan, in her first year at Western University; Francis Hogan, 'in his second year at 5.4.• Agriculture College, Ridgetowra; Paul Frayne,,in.his first year dt Waterloo Lutheran University; Faye..Hogan,-in-her final -year at Brescia. Hall, London; Marianne O'Keefe, in her first year of a three-year Secretarial Science course at Brescia Hall, Loridon and John Sheardown, enrolled in a Recreation' course at Conestoga College, Kitchener, allellINIMINOMMINNOW I ,have closed my Barber Shop.. Many thanks to my customers for their patronage and friendship over the years, Jack Ladd vtl EYERYTHIS N YOU V1/A NT. ,,-, o �new brighter picture 10(x/ solid-state chassis one -button tuning !:.:, „, o�d Storrit'ii Windows Now is the time to order your storm win- _ dows. We will build your storms for you (regular or odd sizes). Give :us a call soon and we'll take your order now. Don't' forget these storms are betterthan factory built, because they fit your window opening• exa ty. JOHN JEFFERY &SON LUMBER AND BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 1 63 ELGIN AVE. EAST 524-81 71 ' Join a fowling League! Here is our '72 - '73 League Schedule: MON.- 7:00:.MEN'S LEAGUE Ken Sheerer - 524-7193 9:00 —• LADIES' �• Barb O'Brien - 524-9Q69 TUES.- 7:00 SIFTO SALT MINE — MIXED 9:00 —' FARMERS — LADIES _.•ev. .. •[.:BSanderson COMMERCIALandsrsan-� WED.- 7:00 --j' MEN'S COMMERCIAL Buil Kirkey - 9:90 — MIXED Ivey Fisher • • . Eric Miller . • Isabel Reihl Geo: a Robinson - 529-7591 524-9639 • - 524-9826 - THUR.- FRI... 524-6115 524-8566 - 524-6118 7:00 -- G.P.H. MIXED .......Gary _Chambers - — MEN'S MAJOR .,ti ' Joe Schlesinger - 9:00 -- LADIES' ......... Florence Cummings - 7:00 — MIXED 524-6855 524-8374 524-9624 Kay Glen - 524-9369 SAT.- MORN.—JR. LEAGUES, Marj Moore (REGISTRATION 'CONTINUES THIS SATURDAY MORNING) LADIES' intertown ., Del llptehelmore MEN'S INTERTOWN` Don Mo'h'Vhinrey a. YOUNG ADULT INTERTOWN .. Kevin. Rumig - For information di AFT. on regal ng any of the leagues please Cali 524=8840 524-7571 524-7550 524-7135 Bowi- 5244966 p p g' 'g there are sill a few- rirrte �t�rries en for y o o�u� hlowlir'r lrolup ► get-together once a 'week. Form a bowling league,, • The SIDDANS • D4745W Clean, .ron temporfiry lines characterize this, beautifully detailed Modern styled con- sole. Concealed casters. 26" diagonal Super Chromacolor Picture. Genuine oil finished Walnut veneers and select • hardwood solids. 100% Solid -State Titan 200 Chassis. Solid -State Super Video Range Tuner. Super.Screen Pic- ture. One -Button Tuning. AFC. Spotlite Panels. Chisholm's own service guarantee for one full year, a two year picture tube guarantee, and one year parts replacement. Handsome control center features solid-state amplifier and FM/AM/ Stereo FM tuner. Stereo Precision , record changer with Micro.Touch® 2G tone arni with cue lever. Tape in- put/output and stered headphone Jacks. Each air suspension speaker, enclosure contains one 61/2"- round, woofer and one 3" round tweeter., The ALLEGRO Speaker System D9013W All new speaker system incorporates the highly efficient bass reflex sound reproduction principle. Each en- closure utilizes one 10" round woofer and one exponential - treble horn. choose the system you want, today. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION • Bank terms arranged right at the shop • �b '0 P v y• it 0