HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-08-31, Page 8PA(W . GOD
insmen president
ced at Calgary meet
Pierre Blanchard, 37 ` of
Montreal, was elected 52nd'
National Preaident of the
Association of Kinsmen Clubs
during the organization's
annual convention held in
Calgary, Alberta.
Blanchard. .succeeds. W. fl
(Bill) Watsn of Fonthill,
•,Ontario as. President and
official spokesman for the
15,000 member Canadian young
men's service organisation.
Much of the K insriin' s chief
executive's time will be spent
travelling throughout the eight
Country Club News
Activities down at the club Net (65).',A1 W organ won the
lately, have been at an all time 3rd Low Gross.
high. With the fear of summer ., There; will be .,a ,ju,n.iars
coming * to an efid, everyone tournament September 9th, for
. �x� ffi .. u -seems -to. getting -in -44 -41a -gall, -boys. 6,--y ndor
Kins>rnen tl`let$ a°nom `"iiti"it� golf theypossibly can. with lots of prizes. The winner
leaders of the over 450 Kinsmen
clubs across Canada. The highlight came last will receive the Doerksen
Saturday, when forty couples Trophy.
A ten-year Kinsmen veteran, �. took part in the annual Couples The ladies have n u y
Blanchard served his local. area
as club president, Zone Deputy
,ibee b s
Tournament. The dynamic duo bees also, On August 17th, three
of Maxine Martin and' Harold ladies went to the -Owen Sound
. r
Governor; and Governor of Walls, had the ,Low Gross for invitational, Martine "Martin
district six which comprises the field, shooting 166. won "the *,second Low Grow' in
Quebec and part of Eastern Mr•and Mrs. Frank Slota, of the First Flight; Hazel Beaver
• Kitchener. ltockray, ,.took the won the second Low Gross
Low Net for the . field. Flight. , That was a very good
'Always community service After athree-way tie for the showing..
local he is a ofmeCommber of the Low Net,John and Verna Kane Five ladies went• to' the
local Chamber of Commerce
and has been active as a coach found themselves playing a Strathroy Invitational last
in minor hockey and baseball sudden -death, 'playoff, and .week. Once again, .Maxine
for many years. • ended up with the second Lqw Martin and Verna Kane were
Blanchard is employed in the ,Net- winners.„ 0 '
familyfirm Blanchard ' Other Goderich‘winners were: -
d Last week at Ladies' Night,
Industries Company Bill and Marie •Huff;• Stan an
.� d k nd MarpQtwenty ladies were present. First
I�nc6rp'trrate+�°=as�kregional• Sales- .D�is,E`astuett+�:, � �,a�� ,
intoe• Jack and Chris Fri& was" 1CrI'arie muff
with a ,Low Net of 36. Ardith'
Brissette won the Low Net in`
the ,Second Flight (331/2),
followed by Jean Knight, and
Bev. Wright. Mrs. Bruce led the
Third. iFlight with -a net of 46,
followed by Jean Hanly. Winner
of the Hidden Hole was Bertha .
The men had a good night
last Monday, as 53, men signed
in for Men's Night. Bill Jones
led the field, followed by Dave
Cornish, Doug Hesk, Lee Hill,
Alf Costello, and Jack Hinton.
The men are reminded to sign
in for the Invitational
Tourntrpent,, and' be prepared .
for the' nextt round in the
Championship Tournament.
During .his one year term as
Chief Executive of the Kinsmen
Association, he will be
supported in many activities by
his wife, Margaret. The
Blanchard's have five children.
He served the National
Association as vice-president
this past year. As national vice-
president,.., heestablished,.
through studies and surveys and
a L heavy schedule of public
speaking, a direct
communications with Kinsmen
members and community.
leaders across Canada in order
to acquaint himself with
community problems and needs.
RC students, lodgers
awarded vote option
Roman Catholic electors who
are neither property- owners nor
tenants have the choice of,being
enumerated as public or
separate school board, electors
for the first time this year.
Revenue Minister Alban
Grossman said today that recent
Ontario legislation shifted the
t asis of local electoral status
from the • traditional property
qualifications 'of . ownership- or
tenancy to a new system_ based
upon, residency. .
"This, means -non-property
owning and non -tenant Roman
Catholics, such asspouses,
students and boarders, as well
as 'priests and nuns, can now
vote in separate school board
elections if they so choose," the
Minister said.
Regarding Roman Catholic
property owners and tenants,
Mr. Grossman said they have
always had- the choice ` of
directing the education portion
of .property taxes to either the.
public or separate school
"This decision determined
their school board voting status
and will continue," he added.
Mr. Grossman said that the
expansion of ,voting rights
niean,s, for example, that a
Roma.n • Catholic son • or
daughter who lives at home,' is
18 years or older, ' and is a
Canadian citizen or British
subject can vote for either the
public or separate school board
irrespective of how the parents
direct -their 'education taxes.
Mr. Grossman- said that when
enumerators, employed by
the assessment division in his
ministry, visit properties :during'
September they will identify and -
record Roman Catholics who
wish to support the separate
school system.
The enumerators are
collecting this and other basic
data - such as name, .age,
property occupancy status ,and
citizenship prinoipal,ly• for
municipal voters' `.lists which
must be delivered to the
municipal clerk by October' 10.
The lists will be used in this
year's municipal and school
board elections being held in 80
per cent of Ontario's
Municipalities on' December 4.
Residents are urged to check
the information recorded by
enumerators, to make any
necessary changes and to sign
the notice as being correct. The
enumerator wily also sign the
notice and will leave a copy
with the resident.
Very little shipping activity
took place at the Goderich
waterfront over the past week as
only one freighter docked at the
local facilities of Domtar
Chemicals Sifto "$alt mine.
August, ,26 , ,the Martha
Hindman out of Toledo, light,
took on 12,500 tons of salt.
No -grain boats were in
Hoffineyer;, and a former
Goderich couple, Stu and Effie
Gilbert, now living in
Brockville.' -
After a delicious dinner
prepared by Fanny, the couples
received their prizes, and danced
the night away.
The. juniors have all been
working hard at their games.
Last Thursday seven boys went'
to a tournament in Seaforth. In
the First Flight (age 12 and
under) Dave Bedour ' won the
First Low Gross (81), and was
the recipient rof a' golf bag and
the trophy. The second Low
Gross was won ` by Mike',.
Lapaine. In the next category,
Dennis Reed won the first Low
ion it T
`There is a movie called
"Suddenly • One Summer", "
something like that. This is
more or less the , way I feel
towards the end' of this one:
For one thing, the weather
has been generally rotten. My
heart has ached, for the campers,
the tenters, as temperature
drops, the winds blow, and I
' turn up the thermostat on the
furnace. As I write, its more like-
ikelate October than ,August.
But there is nothing much .I
can do about that, its. happening
to • everybody. However,
so.mehody*slefinit :uuLto.ge .
me. I don't know whether its the
Lord, fate, or the devil. But its
too obvious to bemerely
coincidental. -
It, or they,- started 'with my
car. Almost six months ago, a
gentleman backed into the front
of it. He's a mechanic and
promised to have it fixed, rather
than pay the almost exhorbitant
insurance rate. It is still not
fixed. Not his fault. We made a
date for July 31'st and my wife
busted her ankle and in the
confusion, I forgot. But it's still
not fixed.
Next, I was at a public
gathering, where there were' a
lot df cars parked. SoMebody,
and he was NOT a .gentleman,
snuggled up too close to me. The
only calling card he left was a
deep indentation in my left front
Third. And that was My
wife's fault, not mine. She, was'
yakking at full steam, somewhat
like an organ withall the stops
out. It happened at a highway
motel where we'd had lunch. I
backed up, knowing thele were
no cars there and hit a light
standard that shouldn't' have
been there. It was solid brick. •It
made a boomerang of my back
bumper:, There went another
hundred bucks.
Here's where I'll go along
with-I1alph Nader,, , and
company. The bumpers they put
on `cars today are not bumpers,
but junkers. A generation ago, a
bumper bumped and ,didn't give
..an inch.' The thing that `was
bumped gave. Today, they seem
to be a • combination of plastic
and spaghetti., I'm convinced
that ' if you ran into an adult
Male ° hummingbird at 50 miles.
per hour you'd lose your $100
deductible on your bumper.
isaster: three
News from LOcha'13h
Mr. Ken MacKenzie is a
patient ,. in Victoria • Hospital
having had surgery.
Mr.' and. Mrs. Bill Farrish
silent • a day in London • last
Mr. and Mrs. Ewan MacLean
hard .a visit from their niece
Lynn Calvert -arid friend from
Wyoming on Tuesday. The girls
were travelling to Red Bay by
• Johnny Maclntosh is among
the ,group attending hockey
schooi,Lat pt. 'Marys:
M'rs. Dorothea Jordan,
Willowdale, Mrs. Edith Wright,
Toronto were ' recent guests at
the Bedford Hotel. They are
daughters of the late Mr: and
Mrs. John Haley, former
residents of Goderich, their.'
mother" being,' the former, Ada
Marchant. '
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glen and
Donald spent a very enjoyable
holiday from August 1-17 in
Quebec, the Maritimes and
Eastern Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Barton
and children, ` Debbie, Sherri
and Steve -of Oshawa visited for
several days recently with their
cousins, Mr, aria.Mrs. Hugh
Glen and Donald. The Barton
family were camping at a park
in Grand Bend.
� 4
We give you a better deal
Janice Robb was married on
Saturday at Ashfield
Presbyterian church.
Miss Margo Mathewman . is
working for the group known
across' Ontario as S.W:E.E.P.
Margo works out of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Art
Matthewman spent Monday in
.Holidaying with .Mr.. 'and Mrs.
Oliver McCharles are Mr. and
M"rs. Donald McCharles and
family of Brantford.
Well, to cut a short story long,
the car is pretty ,much of a
disaster area. Front grill bashed
in. Chrome strips buckled and.
ripped off. Back bumper a
bummer.. •
r Motor still great, but whole
vehicle now in classified ad
As we all know, accidents
come in three's. Well T haft=•my
three and thought whoever was
out to 'get me should relax for a
while. Not so.
As I metitloned,, my wife
broke 'her ankle and a week
later I, broke my toe. She groans
and , hobbles 'around ` in a
walking cast. 1 groan and
hobble around. never realized
before just how important a big
toe is in the process of
ambulation. Something like a
fish trying to swim with his, tail
cut off. '
0h, it a -jolly- lively' •place --
around our house. We should be
out at the beach, doing a fancy
crawl stroke, calling.. cheerfully
to each other about how terrific
the water is.' today. Instead,
we're stuck in the house, doing a
'fancy. crawl up and down stairs
and calling balefully about such
cheery things as getting . the
igarbage out, doing the washing,
preparing diri_ner,,
Do you know what happens to
a couple of love birds in a cage
who start getting on each other's
nerves? One of them pecks the
"otherto death. Then eats hitn,
mor her. Well, I' pretty tender
and my wife is very tdugh, so
I'm .keeping a close eye on her.
I gave her a big hug the other
day. It's her left ankle, mj' right
toe, they collided, we both ..
yelped and these were mutual
recriminations. Nekt time, I',11
..hug her from behind, or
sideways, or , something.
But this is .all trivia. I await, -
cringing, the third accident in
the second series.
And it will 'probably be on the
phone any minute. I was idiotic
enough to .lendmy car to
daughter Kim and her husband. -
They took off in the poor old
battered brute• a couple of hours
ago, for the city, where. they
have to apply for student loans,
register for college, find a place
to live, and, all such. They' both
drive,, like chimpanzees who've
had three l'eessons. •
They might just make it. But
if they do, my oak tree. will snap
in' a storm and ,•crash on my
neighb'our's roof. Or, I'll get- a
hernia carrying out the empty
beverage bottles. Or my wife
will slip on her gimpy leg going
downstairs and break her other
It's not that I'm superstitious.
ICs just that • I have this'..
immutable hunch that,
Somebody, up there, or down
there, is trying to punish me for
all my past sins, all at once.,
And now, if you'll excuse me,
Imgoing to soak my toe in ice
water' and sit, shoulders
,section as a: "bodyman's hunched, waiting for the next
special". blow.
dory .Lessons
Pupils prepared for •
Western Ontario Conservatory.
of Musjc Examinations
For Registration
n..,. ... F.�_F¢-.+.r.wt+. �. �r . ..� :. 243 .-..
On a:- E» Ce 9 Sit4� i2
Water Skis and
20% QFF
Masks, Etc. 4
%0 '.OFI'
OF 10�"
% ON
..e Square, Goderich
Smoke E
Gift Shop
. Rootolvo 12 MN. I$ Mo. 24 Mo. 38 MN. 48 Ms. 80 Mo.
100' 1 8.841 6.051
200 1.17.68 12,101 9.32
300 26.52 18.16. 13.98 9.82 7176
400 35.35 24.21 18.65 13.10 10.34 8.70,
500 44.19 '' 30.26 23.31 16.37 12.92 10.87
600 53.03. 36.31 27.97 19.65 15.51 13.05
700 61,87 42.37 32.63 22.92 18.10. 15.22
500 70.71 48.42'37.29 26.19. 20.68 17.40
900 , 79.55 54.45 41.95 29.47 23.26 19.57
1,000 $8.39 60.52. 46.61 32.74 25.85 21.75
1;500 132.56 90.78 69.92 49.11 38.77 32.62
000 176.77 121.04. 93.22 65.50 51.70 43.49
2,500 220.96 151:30 116.53 NI 1.87 .64.62 54.36
,000 265.15 181.57 130.83 98.23 77.55 65.24
500 211. 163.14 130.90 90.47 76.11
,000 853.54 2 2 186.44 130.98 103.40 86:98
441.92 61 233.05 163.71 129.25 108.14
EXAMPLE: $1,000; repaid in twelve con-
secutive monthly initaimentr of $88.89
would cad . 60.68 .rt our true .annual inur-
es* reel of 11 ` t per annum. Loss*
' e (for 1n.urable inelnberr).
,at_ n°. -edit t. ..,. •
Every 72 Mobile Home Must Be Sold ...
We mast make room dor the 73's!!
Fresh' Hayter Brand
Ground Chuck'
10- 15 lb. AVG.
Ls. 69c
The facts are simple,' our lot is jammed with brand spanking new '72 mobile
homes, double -wades and re -locatable homes. They must be sold. You see very
Soon We'll be receiving a mammoth shipment of '73,homes and there•just won't
be room on our fat 'for both. So -o -o- the only, thing we can do is SLASH PRICES
on all stocked '72 modals. That means, if you make us a reasonable offer, ,we
Won't refuse it. Pius you can count on us .to provide'you with'the best service
backed by a staff of A'trained set-up men. The one price you 'pay u$ for your
new mobile home Includes set-up, and delivery and fax Absolutely no hidden
charge* or gimmicks. Pius, we'll help you arrange easy bank terms and you
pay off your new home just like rent. Sound like -a great offer, well let me
Assure you It is.
Godeiich_o unity
LJnion Credit
s $t IlAVtO It mittra wows o Mont S24.7h1
144.004.440046y, v■y , O.�P* MM�i.'t1,�,ION 00111*$ y.j yy
40l 040,1 •0 'imt,,448 �. ., hien* • e.m.+12:30 0.01.
'Ask 'for Kenn or Don... Save $$$ .
Call us... Write us .. See us '
1000"Whirncll'fte Rd. S. lIetween London and Lambeth 652-8343
'''"0111.4orto Flw *ds M*sot"
ROSE BRAND 15 oar. r
$UNspUR 1 Ib.