HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-08-24, Page 25•
Next week will. see ART
TREK caravan at the local Art
Club Centre,• Caledonia Terrace
- the old , school.
ART TREK, sponsored by
your Community Centre
Recreation Board. and the
Community and ,Social Services
Youth and Recreation Branch
of the Provincial Government,
will --give young a:nd.olcl :.-w,ith
without art training, a chance to
enjoy and become involved with
art in many forms and media.
We have few opportunities to
take part or even SEE anything
like this in our partof the
country, so 'this is a real treat for
all of us.
Take advantage of it. The
time . is. Friday to .Sunday,_
August 25 to 27.
The same Social Services
Youth. and Recreation Branch
and your own Rec. Board bring
you another rare treat -
Harbour Park, Tuesday 'August
There are two groups of about
35 each. of ,very talented young
musicians, ages 15 to 22, _ who
were chosen out of and
auditioned group of .500
musicians, from all over
Ontario. The two groups - or
tours- combined for concerts at
the National Arts Centre , in
Ottawa and the St. Lawrence
Centre and Ontario Place in
The separate tours have
visited many towns and cities
and after their visit to Goderich
go to the C.N.E.'at Toronto for a
grand finale.
Th`se concerts are free and
the exchange of ideas with the
performers will be priceless to
all interested in music.
There are 33, youngsters -
average age, 18 years- coming to
Goderich and a few more billets
area needed for their Overnite
stay, Tuesday_ nite, August 29.
Surely some of you with an
extra bed would offer one or
more of these young musicians
hospitality for their short stay.
The .main reason for private
home billets, is the give and take
experience between them and
the host families.- Priceless!
Do call John Park 524-7591
or Don 'McMillan at ,the Hydro
office --soon.
This Friday is Penny Carnival
at our Judith Gooderham Park
Ba ,gro mcis, DA.d` yen see the
young gremlins carrying a•
sandwich board spn their back
advertising their fun and games,
boat rides, horror house, food
etc. etc. = and I believe sale of
their crafts = walking around
town hoping you'd rtice - and
remember to come to the park?
One 'poster, which I thought
was wonderful, advertised a trip -
to Detroit Zoo, August 31 for
over 80 youngsters - age 9 and
over 1 for about $3.75 each. Two
buses are ready.
On asking how they could
possibly take all those kids for
that price, John Park, Rec
Drctr, told me it included the
bus trip and price' into the Zoo
for the whole group including
the older folks who went along.
The kids take two lunches so
this makes a pretty cheap day
., for them.
• Now you couldn't take your
car down for that price and this
is what really hurts they may
not be able to go since they lack
enough interested adults to ga.
along for the trip. What a
shame when it i`s all set up.
They need about 8 adults to.
share their day - How about it?
Contact John Park right, away
and he can probably still swing
John isy that fair haired, good--
looking young man who is
working 'so hard at the park
seeing that your •kids: learn to
swim, learn to do many crafts -
actually doing . a great baby
sitting job for you each day,
besides teaching them water
safety and other priceless things.
Speak up, now, and they, ,too,
will love you.
FOR xove
• `a
' °°-
news and views-;ims
Consumers' Association of Canada ®a
This pretty Miss had the opportunity to see how a 1973
"own choice" licence looked on her automobile. Starting
with the. 1973 licence issuing year, Ontario motorists will
be able to select three letters and three numbers of their
own choice to display on their licence plates. Multi-year
"own choice" plates can be reserved by mail from the
Ministry of Transportation and' Communications upon
payment of a $25 fee. (photo from Ministry of
Transportation and Communications Information Services.
Be careful. -
chemicals is
Many women who would
never let their children play
with dangerous household
chemicals unknowingly . create
another hazard by mixing
cleansers..to produce "better
cleaning effects,' says the
Council on Family Health in
The danger in mixing
different chemicals together,
says the Council, a non-profit
gr•ganization • sponsored by
leading members of the drug
industry, is that highly toxic
gases can be released that are
capable of producing pulmonary
damage and even death. ,
Chloride bleach and ammonia
are two -of the most commonly
misused products, say the
Council spokesmen. Chlorine
bleach, when added to ammonia
,or acid compounds such as rust
remover, bathroom ..bowl.
cleaner, lye, or vinegar, may
produce chlorine gas. This gas,
once used in chemical warfare,
causes a ,stinging or burning
sensation of the eyes, nose and
throat, and :brings on sneezing
or coughing.
Some products are dangerous
without being mixed. One of
these is oven cleaner which is
caustic and can cause skin
irritation. ,The Council suggests
that users follow label
directions ' completely, wear
protective gloves and use only in
well ventilated kitchens.
Another dangerous 'chemical
is carbon tetrachloride, ahighly
Yourhands keepyou
intouchwitii theworlcL
*Take good care of your hands. When you
work, ;' work defensively.
your job needs protective
gloves, wear them ,And
right way with tools.
A little, thought, a little
care, can bring you
safely through the working
day, every day.
The sure
Way to
safe is
Self -Defence.
kaza !dous
toxic, flammable liquid'used for
spot -cleaning fabrics. .The
Council urges housewives to
search for old bottles of the.
solvent . and , discard them', in
favor of safer cleaning agents.
Best method' of disposal is- to
pour 'the liquid into the sink,
then discard the empty bottle or
Poisoning from inhaling
dangerous vapors usually
happens in poorly ventilated
areas such as a bathroom With
the door closed. The
'concentration, of gases builds up
and can overwhelm a child or
adult if allowed to reach a high
level.. '
• For this'reason,, 'the Council
advises housewivesalways • to
keep _a window open when using
cleaning compounds. If vapors
cause irritation, cleaning should
be discontinued until the air has
cleared. .
Use of household chemicals
mixed together is particularly
dangerous when child'r`en are, in.
the 'home. Their bodies react, to
dangerous gases faster than an
,adult's and they can be
overcome in a matter of
The Council advises all
homemakers to read directions
on all , cleansers ' thoroughly,
then take even greater
precautions than,the
manufacturer recommeds.
If you have' tried to buy tires
recently, or if you, are ,planning
to 'WY' some in the near future,
ybu will see it is almost
impossible to make a rational
choice because there is no clear
terminology and grading for
Do not be misled by such
terms as premium; deluxe, or
first line , because they mean
nothing. Each manufacturer can
set his own standards for these
term. Add' to ' this other
technical expressions such as
plies, ,bias -belted, radial, and
cords,' and, the , consumer
becomes thoroughly. confused.
As of January 1, _ 1970, all
tires were to bear several pieces
of information molded
permanently into the sidewalls.
These were: size designation;
maximum permissible• inflation
Consumers' Association of
Canada advises carpet buyer .,
that ad underlay' will prolong.
the wear` life of a carpet by
adding resilienCe and protecting :r
the backing from abrasion on s
--. ..:...-shard-ll~o -rurfaee J e lut l --
you wish to use them. This is
necessar�r �be�ause of the
different handling •
• characteristics of radials
cgmpar..ed to other tires. Also, :it,
you do use radials, all. tires on
your car . should be radials,
including snow tires.
Bias -belted tires, although not
as good as radials, generally,
give good, mileage and good
traction. Bias -belted tire's
should- always be used in sets of
four. However, ,they may be used
together with bias tires if' the
bias -belted tires are placed'
together in the front Qr in the
real: Never have different,types
of tires on the same axle.
Generally, you should. put the
tires with the .best road holding
characteristics on the rear axle.
If you are buying tires for a
second car,. which will only be
s e, •maximum oa • r. ting;
identification of the tire
manufacturer; the composition
of material used in ply cord;
actual number of plies in the
sidewall and the actual number
of plies in the' tread area, if
different; statement that the tire'
is of the tubeless or tube type;
statement that the tire is 'radial
if a radial-ply tire.
Or the three classes of tires;
the radials give longer mileage
and better traction. Unless the
original tires on your car were
, radials, • your car should be
specially adjusted for radials if
Consumers' ' Association of
Canada. 'states that
manufacturers have not
standardised the temperature
range for irons. Identical
settings will produce different
temperatures. with different
brands and even with different
models, of the same,- brand of
irorr. GAC 'recommends
standard settings so that there is
minimal variance from brand to
brand, and from sample to
sample. CAC headquarters are
it 100 Gloucester Street,
Ottawa, Ontario.
---� 55 KINGSTON ST.
•) LOCA rortumn. W,
Guaranteed Investment
Get yours today at ...
Y oal
rWork �
and The ScsfetyAssociations, O
town, an inexpensive bias tire
should give you adequate
service. For the family car,
which 'is used daily for work
with 'some highway driving
thrown in, a high o quality bias
tire, or bias -belted tire should be
adequate. For frequent highway
driving at high speeds, high
quality, bias -belted or radials
are suggested for best service,
even if they are more expensive.
The 'worst enemy to increased
tire wear is incorrect pressure.
Inflating • tires above
recommended pressure will
cause excessive . wear in the
centre of the tire and give a
bumpier ride. Far worse,
'however,' is under -inflation. ,
When air pressure is less than
recommended, flexing in the.
sidewalls increases,, causing
excessive heat build-up and
possibly .a blow-out. A handy
pocket tire gauge is the best way.
to ensure that tire's are properly
Guarantees and warranties
have to be checked carefully.
Some tires do not carry any;
others carry one biased on time;
others on mileage. ,
If you are' planning to buy
tires, write to the Consumers'
Association of ',Canada, 100
Gloul;ester Street, Ottawa,
Ontario. K2P 0A3, and ask for
a reprint of the buying guide on
tires, price 25 cents. '
resilience than hair felt or
rubber and 11.11,40€0,0_ be used
for j i—eavy wear' sines; a WeU
sponge rubber has excellent
-resilience, good ventilation . and
resistance to mildew. Double •
felt underlayshave fairlygood
qualities. CAC, headquarters are
at 100 Gloucester Street,
OttawaA Ontario.
Sail/Lee Station'
Coffee, Ski
411 Huron Rd4. ,G!
On June 30th, 1972; the Ontario -Legislature appointed a•
Select Committee to examine, inquire into and report upon
the Ontario Municipal Board and to make
recommendations on: (a) the purpose, object and functions
of the Ontario Municipal Board. (b) the jurisdiction of the
Ontario Municipal Board. (c) the structure' and
organization of the Ontario Municipal Board.. (d) the
procedures and practices .of. the Ontario Municipal Board.
(e) the procedures by way of appeal from the orders and
rulings of the Ontario Municipal Board, including appeals
by way of petitions to the Lieutenant Governor in Council
(f) therelationship of, the Ontario Municipal Board in the
discharge of its responsibilities with 'the Provincial
Government, local government and the individual citizen.
The Committtee invites written briefs from individuals and
organizations who may 'wish to present information,
opinions or suggestions regarding any of the above matters
relating to the Ontario Municipal Board.
Briefs must be submitted by September 15th, 1972 to the
Clerk of the Committee Box 233, Main Parliament
Building, Toronto 182, Ontario.
John P. MacBeth, G1.C., M.Q.P.,
Chairman. Alex McFedries,
Check these._u.guarant�eedlRexall Brands
withother leading products then ..
Baby Core -Formula
16 oz.
wjth Protein
The senior Trust Company
devoted entirely .to serving
the people of Ontario.
9:00 to 5:00 Monday to Thursday
9:00 to 6:00" Friday
Lealand..Hill, -Manager . y - t24.7381
Elgin;'rcd Kingston Streets, G erich