HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-08-24, Page 8PM W` (.30I 'RICH 1x1G1 ALTAR. T1 URSDAYM AUQUST 24. 1972
ome#hind of
Senga. MacDonald was wed to
Ed* d M Joh
ar o nston on
Saturday; August 5 at Knox
Presbyterian Church, Goderich:
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. David A, MacDonald
and_the..grooaa,aa,.. e..sop 1V of r.
and_Mrs. Edward L. Johnston,
all of- Goderich.
' Rev. G. L. Royal officiated
the double -ring ceremony.
Decorations were vases of white
and yellow Shasta' daisies.
The organist, William
Cameron, played while the
,soloist, Joseph Wedlock of
Goderich, sang "Ave. Marie".
. The couple were piped from the
.ch'urch"to the reception •11srpipers-
Peter Malcolm of Seaforth and
David MacDonpld of Lucknow.
The bride, given in marriage
. by her father, David
MacDonald, . looked .lovely in
her floor -length wedding• gown.
of white lagoda. The bodice with
Empire, -waistline• was---accented-
with a pink satin ribbon. There
was also ,a high stand-up collar
and full wrist -length Juliette
- sleeves-^ rimmed' with`—wh�tt+e�~••n
chantilly lace. An A-line skirt
formed its own overskirt which
was trimmed with a' pin of
Scottish plume. To complete the
ridal outfit, the bride wore a
Juliette can of exquisite.
chantilly lace. caught up by a
cathedral=`length veil. The_ bride
carried a bouquet of pink.
sweetheart roses,.' white
stephanotis, and white shasta
The matron of. honor, Mrs.
Janet Kelly 'of Goderich is sister
• of the: groom. She wore a full-
length crepe dress of mint green
with a sweetheart neckline and
carried a colonial •basket, of
white•and yellow. shasta daisies.
The. bridesmaids, Miss Susan
...something new.° , .
sleeves and a corsage of white
• stephanotis.
After a wedding trip to
Northern Ontario the,• couple
will reside in Goderich.
The bride was feted with
several showers at the homes of
Mrs. Janet Kelly, sister of the
groom, Miss Susan Erb and
Miss Cindy Leeking.
Telegrams and flowers were
received from Scotland.
(photo. by Johnston
North Street! United Church' and full-length sleeves. A jaunty
was decorated with candelebra flounce accented the hemlines
and, yellow daisies -for the and yellow sashes tied at back
August 5 wedding at which • waists. They wore white picture
Lynda Marie Glenn and • hats with yellow ribbons and
Erb and Miss Cindy Leeking, Emerson Clare Rodger carried wheat -colored baskets of,
both of Goderich, wore gowns exchanged vows before Rev. yellow daisies:
the same as the matron of Donald Beck, tlensall.
honor. Miss Erb wore pink and The bride is the daughter of Groomsman 'was Keith
Miss Leeking wore powder blue. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilfred Glenn,, Rodger, Auburn. Ushers were
' Their baskets were also of white Kitchener, : and the groom's 'Dan Riehl and Brian, Miller,
and yellow shasta. daisies. parents are Mr. and Mrs.' both of Goderich.
' The b M E R d
Scott MacDonald; brother of the Escorted to the 'altar by her Colored floating candles and
ring eater was asterEmerson o ger, Auburn.'
bride. Tom Slezak of Toronto .father,' the bride wore a floor, three yellow daisies in a bowl
was thegroosman. Ushers were length lace gown featuring a graced the tables at the
Mike , Kelly and Stephen high neckline, full-length sleeves reception in' the church parlor.
Brennan, both of Goderich. and empire waist. Embroidered Receiving guests were the
The reception was held at the,, beads adorned the gown which bride's mother in a sleeveless
Candlelight Inn ,of 'Goderich. fell to a' slight train from a bow floor -length A-line gown of hot
Decorations were .,vwhite and at back. Her shoulder -length pink crimplene with matching
yellow shasta daisies. veil was edged with lace and jacket, and the groom's mother
was held in place ,by a pillbox in afloat -length gown, featuring
Thheaddress-..... a -nice � R1ea ted top 'with a
aVdressaof hot pink crepe with,a carnations sprinkled with Turquoise skirt trinim'witwith"
corsage of pink roses and white yellow rosebuds.
accessories. •
white lace.
The maid 'of honor was Nancy
The groom's mother wore.a Glenn, Kitchener. Bridesmaids Following a ,,.gala wedding
mint green dress of crimplene were Janet Splan, Woodstock, reception at Goderich Memorial
Photo by Harvey McDowell
somethiigiorrow.et.... 0 ,• somethingnblue
pink and whit.. ellow r' � � ..
Candelabra, and whit 11 d f d1 n
gladioli, with blue delphinium
and yellow lilies decorated the
altar of St. Andrews United
Church, Bayfield, Saturday,
July 29 for the marriage of
-Helen Marlene. Scotchmer and
Donald Howard Welsh.
The bride is the only daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon D.
Scotchmer,, Bayfield, and the
groom's • parents are Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Welsh, Clinton.
Rev. 1.. Reddielt Performed: the
don le -ring ceremony. Organist
Mr . Wm. Cox who
accompanied the soloist Peter
Postill singing.. `.`,We have :only.
just begun," .before the
ceremony and, "The Teii�e
from Love Story" during the
signing of the register.
Given in marriage by her
father the. bride wore a floor
length gown of silk sheer 'nylon
over peau de soie_. feat_uring__a_
'high neckline and sheer full
sleeves ' trimmed with
embroidered guipure lace. The
lace formed a panel down the
fro t�ol'W tl'ie gown a l-bor erect
the, chapel 'train. The veil was
blusher style falling • from 'a
crown of matching embroidered
lace.' She . carried a cascade
bouquet of sweetheart roses and
white stephanotis and ivy.
Mrs. . Tom- • (D.ayle)•
Leppington, cousin of the bride,
Was matron of honor. Mrs. Pam
Scotchmer, sister-in-law. and
Wendy 'Greer, cousin . of the
bride were bridesmaids.
They were gowned alike. 'in
silk SWISS' dot' nylon in colors
of blue, yellow and pink
respectively: They wore white
silk mohair hats with matching
trim and .carried white baskets
of mixed flowers in 'accenting
colors. .
' The groom was attended by
his brother, Ralph Welsh. .Wm.
Scotchmer, brother of the bride,
and Terry Mason, friend of the
groom; were ushers.
The bride's mother chose a
floor -length gown 'of plain
to Niagara Falls and Northern
The newlyweds are residing in
Prior to her marriage, the
bride was feted at a shower
given by the bridesmaids and
the maid of honor at the home
' of Mrs. "Bonnie Hudson. The
e mother of the bride wore She carved white bride's aunts entertained at the
home of Mrs. Margaret Glenn
and the Country Cousins
Bowling team gathered at the
home 'of Mrs. Phyllis Rodger in
her honor.
with a corsage of,•yellow roses and Mrs. Linda Miller, Arena, the bride changed to a
. and white accessories. Goderich.' They wore floor- mauve crimplene long-sleeved
length gowns of a sheer floral dress styled "along A -lines and The United States currently
,The bride's travelling print on a yellow background.` trimmed With white and mauve produces lets than one percent of
- 3:'# Qom;., tad,a hcfsiar l n'e,. :..i to fifY'lths. g pro r San or-, -.
chiffon dress with full-length necklines with `ruffled bodices for a honeymoon trip ��pply
s` +� � erg su
ye ow an figure sheer ny b
over taffeta featuring long fulfil
sleeves. She wore a ,,corsage of
coral carnations and white
stephanotis. The groom's
mother chose a flair -length
gown of pink -figured sheer nylon
over taffeta, She wore a corsage
of blue carnations and white
' stephanotis. •
The reception was held in the
church parlour which was
tastefully decorated in pink,
yellow and blue.
For a wedding trip. to
Manitoulin Island • and
Northern Ontario the bride
travelled in a white-- suit -
trimmed with black, and white
polka dots. • She wore_red
. accessories and a corsageofred
Guests were, present from
Camp Borden, Waterloo
Toronto, London,' Clarksburg,
-Loridesboro, Goderich and
Prior to the marriage the
bride was guest at a surprise.
shower at Mrs. Dayle (Tom) •
Leppington's assisted'by Pam-
Scotchmer and Wendy Greer.
The employees Sat London Life
gave a her a miscellaneous
shower. The ladies of the
Bayfield United Church
entertained at a miscellaneous
shower • for �friendsy., and
neighbours. -
The couple will reside at R.R.
5, Clinton.
Marriage vows were respectively were the
exchanged between Brenda • . +esmaids, Miss .Mary Beth
.Joyce • Stirling Harland, Weston, and Miss
and • William Frederick Debra Argyle, Goderich, cousin
Variderland, both of Weston, of the bride. They wore
Ontario, in a . double' --ring matching headpieces and
ceremony heard. by Rev. James carried nosegays of yellow and
Reddoch in St. Andrew's United white shasta poms with straw,.
Church, Bayfield. Mrs. William flowers the color of their dresses.
Cox, RR 2, Goderich, presided `Groomsman was Lasse. Vainio
at the organ" and accompanied of Kingston, and John Panko
the soloist Peter Postill, RR..`3, Weston and. Clay •Stirling,..
Clinton, "who sang "Oh Perfect brother of the bride, ushered the
Love" and. "I'11 Walk Beside guests. • ,
You." ,,.,._The Receptions 'were held at
The bride is the daughter 'of the church and the Legion Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sterling, , Clinton. '
'Bay'field, and -the grootn'•s u For her .daughter's -wedding,
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Stirling chose a mint green
- Frederick Vanderland of polyester dress with overlay of
Weston. white lace. Her corsage of
Mr. Steri ing gave his yellow roses, orange carnations
daughter in marriage. She wore and white stephanotis
a formal gown of white complemented her ensemble.
polyester shantung with a The groom's mother was_
scalloped . yoke of nylon tulle gowned in mauve chiffon and
'accented with lace florets. Her wore a 'corsage of pink
cathedral veil of silk illusion carnations, white stephanotis
edged with miniature lace and mauve pours.
headpiece and she 'carried a Ontario the bride changed to an
cascade bouquet of white shasta... off='white Swiss knit dress with
mums, yellow sweetheart -roses matching accessories and her
and stephanotis caught with corsage was of pink and white
greenery. carnations.
Miss Marilyn O'Brien of -The couple are residing in
Sarnia was maid of honor Weston, O taria.
gowned . in' lilac- flocked batiste ' Prior' o hey marriages t*fie
with matching velvet triin.' bride was honored at showers
Wearing • identical dresses in held in Weston, ` Bayfield and
shades ' of pink and blue Goderich
This week*
The Llttk Ht
The ' Huron Country
Playhouse- rearhed its. highest
ghestlevel of pophlarity with last
week's production of. Dial . M
For Murder." The suspense '
thrillerowhicb Sot off to a bad
start because of "line" trouble,
becameby week's end, an
audience favorite atid6 act tea
the largest audiences the
Playhouse. has enjoyed.
Attendance, swelled, by the
arrival of the first chartered bus
load' of theatre enthusiastista,
was up 19 percent over the
previous week. Also, •the.
"Children's theatre production of
'.Sleeping Beauty'' attracted a
near : capacity audience of
children, and their parents:
Playing this week is ,.""The
Little Hut", : the hilarious
French farce by Andre Roussin
which was adapted for. the
English stage by Nancy Mitford.
Its' improbable story concerns
an English threesome
shipwrecked on a desert island.
Just how they work out a
suitable living arrangement
observing English "proprieties"
as -kept =pthea-tare-,-•a.udienees
howling for years. It features
guest artist Jacquelyn Jay and
Playhouse favorites Keith Mills
and Shawn Lawrence. The
fantasy setting is being created
by designer' Peter Rose with
direction by Bathsheba Garnett.
Performances are on
Wednesday through Sunday.
evenings at 9 p.m. with two
shows on Saturday at 6 a.m.
and 9 p.m. A special "tea on the
lawn" is `a _free featured at'. the b..
early -show • on Saturday.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Walter. Tigert frotn- Battle
Creek, Michigan, were Mrs.
Ruth Olsen) and Horner Root,
-Mrs:--Tiger-t's- brother and sister.
at the
Separate Shoppe
Main Corner Clinton
Open 2 6 Closed Weds.
Yes, we've gone ahead and
ordered just about all of the
pet supplies we can handle. In
the past we've had the basic
stock .of Hartz Mountal.n Pet
awppnes, but edw .we nave fine
most complete"selection in the
Goderich area. A *few of our
new supplies are, foods, toys,
Hampster and Gerbil supplies,
fish supplies including a wide
varioty of new and used
See us soon for any Hartz
Mountain Pet Supplies you
may need:
Dowfoods Soaps
-Flea ,Controls.,
Cat - Collars
-Flew Controls
Bird '& Fish Supplies
ail by Hartz Mountain
7'7 HAMILTON 5i. GODERICH 5-.24 8761