HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-08-24, Page 5rr 4 LI Fron, thp, Minister,'s Study. Rev. L�eAard Warr, ..N4r1LS .!! Jd chOrch. 6 ,.t �atorical chug cosi olJERIC l IG f. -STAR. "i~' iV $ ALTRI From our missionaries toyou Nepal Dear Friends: Have you ever been , in • a Volkeswagon when the engine fell out? Nor had we until yesterday, but- there is always something new to be experienced! There we were six of us, driving peacefully -along to Kath mandu for the Workers' �y__ ._ ,Conference„when sddeny the gears flew out and the engine started to roar. Gwen was driving. Pam and I jumped out of the car to put a rock .under the back wheel (we were going up hill). It Was then that we discovered ,that the engine was hanging down at the back! Eventually, some tante after the ignition, .was turned off, the engine stopped turning over. That was as far as I got with this letter on March 2, when we were stranded on the Chinese road. The Lord looked after us and we really had a very comfortable night .and morning camping there We have just taken on a new class of students- eight girls and ',nine boys, three of whom"» "will ' be n, going into. public health. Please pray for them that they may fit in quickly and may meet the Lord Jesus while they are here. Two of ,the boys are.believers. students, have finished their two -yeas training and will be, graduating in. May. At least one of these has a living experience of the Lord Jesus and often -expresses-his-faith in- the . songs` ' he .makes .up -and sings. One of our staff nurses witnessed to her new found faith in the waters of a nearby river last month. The Lord had been 'working in her heart for years and we were very "thio » 'd when ss of this,�st p jus I eier' PI'ea 440 pra for the young men mho have not yet taken this step. We feel. in our spirit's that' all is not right with one ''or two of them. We need„believing prayer, that they may be_ completely delivered from evil by the power of Jesus Name..::The Saturday night fellowship meetings continue to be well attended. We have just started a new series of Bible studies on Joshua,...We are extremely' busy in the hospital all the time, with more outpatients, inpatients and° • operations than ever before...our greatest. 'need is.for nurses to replace those who are going on fu:lough,...The last two weeks of "'��J'ri ary the first Bible School' ever held the Tansen took place • here. A large number of young people attended, 'the day and evening classes and received good instruction and teaching... ;many thanks for your .Y - letters, and for parcels and gifts 'received during the past months. r- � Yours In His Love,, Edna Clyadale. India Dear Friends: Greetings from India in Our Saviour's Name M.P. India. Many of you will remember that last "November r ` three ed a” Music," April 1972, Institute. at, Leonard Theological College in Jabalpur. I am now being. appointed to conduct to return to I.T.C. for another 5 months beginning on July 1. After this important work t`sm- due for #urlough`in' December...Address from July: - Leonard Theological College,. Jabalpur, M.P. India ... I pray that God's Word may ever by my Authority and Wisdom, His Son Jesus Christ, an ever - abiding Presence and Strength and His Holy Spirit, the great Choir Director of our hearts and souls that we may truly sing His praises and glorify Him in all of life:' -'I "shall.. covet your Prayers for this Ministry of Song in Jabalpur.. , Yours Sincerely,, Muriel J. Stephens Jamaica Dear Friends: - The international . summer campat Knox College went g off beauniful`ly ttVe "are`*tire-thaf” a— number of local children were given a sound foundation on which to build their future reading ability. .... There has been a modification of the social case work , programme .at Operation Frientd.skiiR.,,, Cliff 40, be er. more.,. dee'p'ly .inv'b"ived` !r ,,�� mor?„. th wit some or the more complex cases he. had referred to him. Much of his time over the last three months has been taken tip with' the problems . Posed. by a family of seven. The father' is ale-oholic. , The mother is mentally ill. The children were all out of school. 'Three of the five ,children have now been taken,out of the •home, one thru' the courts and two privately. The other •two have been enrolled iri local schools and, the mother is to be returned to the mental hospital from which she escaped two years ago. The Canadian Club of Jamaica have come to our assistance in connection with one of the children, but we have had to seek out help from _private sources for another.., At Operation Friendship we operate a basic school with 150 children enrolled'. Another 40 are enrolled in the day-care centre:..the American hospital" ship "Hope" leaves Jamaica on November 16. We • shall .miss her,°for her personnel have been a great -source of help in many ways.- WILLIAMS ays.- WILCIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS And inscriptions -Stratford - Ontario Bob McCallum Ever and Always, Peggy, Cliff, ' Carolyn, Mike, Andy, Susie Campbell • • Representative A PARTNER 65 Montre �I Sty Goderich •IN UNITED 86 _. �: ' r ., �,..:.,..-�-�::,�•��.. ,x!14:-.�. Phone, 524-7345 FEDERATED APPEALS BY LYNDA' MaII GILLIVAR.Y North -Street Unis ited Church - r tied strongly to the past: When. Nc)i"th Street. Church -came int kteirtg 'in..1,.t 1,—the- group ' of worshippers was a branch of : the Wesleyan Methodist Church. In 1875, the , New Connexion Methodists joined them in union to become the Canada Methodist Church. In, 1884, a larger '• union took place when , the Canada Methodist, the Methodist'° Episcopal, Primitive Methodist and the Bible Christian xadies• united with the name of the Methodist , Church of Canada. And in 1925 ' the Methodist Church of Canada, the'Congregational Church, and the Presbyterian Church in Canada joined forces to form the United. Church of Canada. • Prior to 1841 there was no resident minister, but the group , was served by travelling °'apr-eaehers---a-nd - -students- -who-- lived in the town while preparingfor their ordination. _ On October 4, 1841, Thomas Mercer Jones and Frederick Widder; acting for the Cahada Company, deeded to Rev. E. Evans and Rev. Thos. Fawcett, i lots 5 and 6, east side of North Street. In ..1844 a frame . church _ W . . built, The furnishings Were simple. The seats""wefre-benches:° -without . backs; .4Phe men occupied seats on one side of the room, and the women were, seated on the other side.,Thomi s Fawcett was the minister at the time. Since there was ne 1 to parsonage built yet he.liVed in a :tinted house on East Street. 'The .beta' d'eede � .. -1.. d, previo us y ,were assigned on June 11, 1848, to the trustees of the Wesleyan - _Methodist Church _at o4tettd : The old frame church served the congregation for fifteen years or more. In 1859, during the pastorate of 'Rev. Thomas Cosford, the trustees decided to proceed with the erection of a brick church. Itwas decided that the building should be 60 feet by "40 feet; of ` brick on °a stone foundation. A subscription t was opened, a° copy of which is inserted in an n1d book of .minutes. It is ihoticeable that persons of "all denominations aided the Methodists generously, In 1860, the church was dedicated.'' By 1865 the congregation had so increased in numbers that in order to accommodate them; a gallery was built around three sides of -the ditorium: ,But'°stili-`ri i re— room was needed,, and iri 1869 an addition of twenty-four feet was made. to the length of the building. By now •the building was formed in the Shape. of a T. In 1875, when the union with •the New Connexion body was formed, Forth Street Church and the old Brock Street Church were united under one superintenden,t, For a few years both churches were kept open, an unordained minister assisting the pastor. In 1878, the trustees of Brock Street Church, agreed to sell their building and use the sum obtained to enlarge North Street Church so that it would accommodate ,!both congregations. This was done and the addition made the° building's' shape the form of 'a Roman- cross, . The building, with slight alterations, was used until 1906 when, during the pastorate of Rev. G.N. Hazen, it was torn down, and The present church erected in -its place. The congregation worshipped In the a co°urtrnv ►,r f (.1 i e ~-coixTrty building until the new church. was completed. By 1888'the congregation had paid. off all mortgages on the building and the church remained free of debt until the n church was 'built, when a nntgage of a• few thotis2'trd was Goderich THOMAS LEVI TWAMLEY Thomas Levi Twamley died. on August 20 in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital at the age of 82, His place of residence was 304 Regent Street, Goderich.___ --- .._ . . ° The deceased was born May 3, 1890 in Ashfield. township, the son. of William Twamley and Margaret Shearer. He, lived in Ashfield Township until. coming .to Goderich in 1-960: He -attended Belfast Public School. • Mr. Twamley worked » as a farmer until his retirement in He » was a member of the Salvation Army. . The deceased is survived by two nephews, Lloyd BegleY - of Scarborough and Orville Begley of Vancouver. ' The funeral was; held ,,,;,Tuesday,,^,-'Auigust 22 at Stiles Funeral', Home, Captain Dan Connor of , the Goderich Salvation Army Corps officiated. - . k Interment was in Greenhill ' Cemetery at Lucknow. The pallbearers were Wilfred Hackett,' Clifford Hackett, Bert Alton, Blake Alton, Ralph Cameron, and Isaac Nixon, all neighbors from Ashfield. . DAVID. MICHAEL KRAWCHUK h - David Michael Krawchuk,, died Friday, August 18 in Goderich Township at the age of 17 years. His death resulted from an automobile accident. His place of residence was R.R. 1, Bayfield. The deceased was born January_ 18, 195.5 in St. Catharines, the son of William and Ilene (Howe) Krawchuk. Mr. Krawchuk was a student of Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton. He was also a member of the Church of Jesus' Christ of Latter Day Saints. • He is survived by his mother and his grandmother, Mrs. -»°Janey Howe of Cochrane. He is 'also' survived b, eight sisters and three brothers'' Mrs. Jim (Jennie) Humphreys, Kapuskasing; Mrs. Duncan (Mary) Falconer, Chicago; Mrs. John (Victoria) LeDrew, Rev. Robert Raymenr obituaries; Toronto; Mrs. Rath Lalonde,' Iroquois Falls; Miss Anne Krawchuk, St. Catharines; Mrs. Roland (Helen) • Lepage, Iroquois Falls; Mrs. Bruce (Alice) Bernier, Cochrane; Miss Anita Krawchuk,_ Chica.go;.. William"Krawchuk, Cochrane; George ' Krawchuk, St. 'Catharines; and Robert Krawchuk, Toronto. The funeral was -held Monday, August 21 at McCallum Funeral Horne. Dr: J.C. Mullins, '°president of -Stratford branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints officiated. Rev. James Reddoch of Bayfield -United-Church•-'a»ssisted:---- Interment -- - - Interment was iri Bayfield cemetery. The pallbearers were Elder Steven Baldridge, Elder Michael Strong, Randy McClinchey, Murray McDonald, George Dys,trik, ' and. Rob Erickson, - HARRY G. McKIE Harry G. McKie died Monday, August 14 in Toronto after a lengthy illness. His birthplace ' was Blackburn, Lancashire, England. Mr. McKie, a Bell Telephone Pioneer, retired in 1959. He was also a life-long member of North 'Broadview United Church in Toronto. The deceased is survived by his wife, the former Nellie Straughan; a daughter Mrs. G. (Jean) Gerrie, Toronto; a sister, .Mrs. J. (Doris) Bubear, Wimbleton, England; and four grandchildren. He is predeceased by a son, FIO, Donald GalloWay McKie, and two sisters. - . A funeral4service was held at Ralph Day. Funeral Home in Toronto at 8 p.m, on Wednesday. Rev. D. Leyland Gregory officiated. - Rev. Leonard Warr officiated at another service at McCallum Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Thursday: Interment was in. Colborne cemet ery,,..,G odericlt The pallbearers were Kay Dawson, Craig McKie, Ben Straughan,' Jack Hicks, Jim Stanley, and 'Philmore Sturdy.,' Attention Please! Due to forthcointng renovations on our church in Godet•ich, we are unable to handle your donations of used clothing, fumiture, etc., at -this address, at the present time. However We have opened a opened RUMMAGE DEPOT in CLINTON and we would ask that 411 doriattons of' USED CLOTHES, FURNITURE, DISHES and APPLIANCES be taken to 15 Ratti nbury St., Clinton, Tuesdays Fridays sand Saturdays. We regret that we cannot do pick-up call"*. . We regret any inconvenience, but thank you for your kindness and g+lnerositye , , NO. 1, . Connor Th1► _Salvatlarr Ant*. Godirtch and Di*trirt, SUNDAY AUGUST 21_ HEAR R.£ROLSTON OF FORT ERIE ONTA�,10 "PLUS7 THE TABERNACLE TRIO AT Westfield Fellowship Hour at 2 p.m. Huron Men's Chapel of 8 p.m. Special Speaker at Westfield FellowshipHour Rev. Warr SpeakiMg an"wH�NO MILLIONS LIVING W MAY NEVER 'DIE" q.« ++i,„..•...:r:tMrr.wk�r+w:;:iY►...,.rr+n.s.wr......,.:.......,.,y.r-.r..... placed on it and carried until 1924 when the whole property •was once more debt free. i In 1941 a new heating system • was installed -in the church, and the old -furnaces and the large; cumbersome furnace pipes were removed, For.several years"there was no parsonage. on the church property. The ministerand his. family continued to live in a rented house. In 1853, during the pastorate of Rev. Samuel Fear, a contract was let for the erection of a. -building Oh the lot ntr -�besid'e=�-he"h-rch:-•-T•h�e-•eo ac called for a house, 32 feet by 30. feet, with a, cellar seven feet high,and, the house to contain. five • rooms as well • as the basement in which the dining room and . the kitchen were located. Early 'in' 1854 the building was completed. ° In 1868 the parsonage was enlarged. It was made , into a two-storey building which stood until 1912, 'when, during the ministry of Rev. Alfred Brown, it was torn down -and another parsonage was built. Reverend Robert L. Raymont is the minister of the. church , now. He arrived in March of 1969 to carry on North Street Church. - A vivacious young man with c- love that entails his family and his people he „guides his congregation in finding the truth during fhis uncertain age. With » ' the: inspiration, of the...beauttiful. architecture of the church to • meet him every day as he enters its big -doors, Rev. Raymont will continue to, preach his beliefs to ' his congregations within its walls, � Aa SUNDAY SERVICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec),. MONTREAL STREET near The Square REV. W. H. McWHINNIE F.R.G.S. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m,—Morning Worship This Church has an Evangelistic and Missionary Vision. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US ` WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park St:. at Victoria - H. ROSS NICHOLLS, Pastor 10 a.m. — Sunday School .. 11:00 a.m. — Worship 7:00 p.m. — Evening' Service. WELCOME CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANG L REV. R. BRUBACHER, Pastor Church 524-6445 Residence 524=9497- 10:00 a.m.—Bible School 11:00 a.m.—Guest speaker MR. MARVIN BRUBACHER Chattanooga, Tenn. 7:30 p.m. ---Evangelistic Service .y..� F U•NO /� 11IIEI�`'I" A• L`>���--Y :��........ Wednesday, 8 p.m. -Prayer Meeting & Bible Study WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister THE REV. RONALD C. IIIIcCALLUM, Assistant 0 WILLIAM. M. CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 1972 SUMMER, SCHEDULE Service is at 10:00 a.m. Sermon: 'SERMONS FROM CHRIST'S PARABLES: (8) "How to Build a House ' Trumpet Soloist: Alan Ralston Guest Organist:' James MgArthur (NUrsery Facilities) The Minister will preach Refreshments on the Front Lawn after the Service Enter to Worship' »' Depart #o<Serve T.»PRYDE-& SON. CLINTON—EXETER=-SEAFORTH-GODERICH -Memorials � Markers and Cemetery 'aetterif Frank Mcllwain ' . 524-9465 ' - • 200 Gibbons St. Reg. J. Bell ' ,45 Cambria Rd. S, 524-81464' ° ARE YOU ATTENDING CHURCH THIS SUNDAY? IF NOT, YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US. • Bethel Pentecostal -Tabernacle Affiliated with - the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS: FEV. PETER G. ST. DON, Pastor " SUNDAY, AUGUST 27 '10:00 a.m. — SUNDAY SCHOOL.' • 11:00 a.m. •— WORSHIP SERVICE. 7:0,0 p.m.—EVENING SERVICE Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. — Bible Study and Prayer . Friday, 8:00 p.m,—Youth Hite. Come and attend a growing church For further information about church services call 524-8506. ST. GEORGE'SCHIJRCH SUNDAY, AUGUST 27 13th SUNDAY, AFTER TRINITY .. Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m. Morning. Prayer at r10 a.m. ' ' Nursery at 10:00 a,m. PLEASE NOTE SUMMER TIMES Organist -Choirmaster: Mr. Paul C.' Baker, F,R.C.O., L.R.A.M., A,R.C.M --- Rector: Rector: THE REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. Victoria Street United Church HOUSE Or `F ITI E I'll t7Si IP~"". �`'' ' 1:1 E ` :2—er0 R it D 41fA RRA 11:15 a.m.--WORSHIP SERVICE Sermon: "WHY THE PULPIT'S SILENCE ABOUT HEAVEN?" - BENM,ILi_ER UNITED CHURCH - 10:00 a.m.--Worship Service & Bible School u+ u, rh,nrtr, Tourists & Vacatidnis)s —W-E-L-C-O-M-E— Mrs. Leonard Warr Benmiller IJianist & Choir Director' Mrs. J. Snider Victoria St. Organist & Choir Director North Street United Church. REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 1972 10:00 a.m.-,-Nursery 10:00 aarn.--Morning Worship (Coffee will be served following service) Special Music by Laurin* and, 'Richard Mang* Mr. Plitt Howe -Organist Miss Clawe'McGowan.. Assistant V'isitar -