HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-08-24, Page 4report them," he said. If they ' were • reported, be _ - suggests corrective action might More race news avoid' injuries. To whom, dogs or - children? I ;do agree that Dear Editor, parents should be responsible and be made more aware of the , „ enjoy the ' home town whereabouts of their children.- We has- the Pilgrim Fathers, Ten in the -enormous paper very muco but it.wou_ld be Commandments and._.Protesta _t genergy nice if you could • give a more • Christie njty on his or her side into useful 'activities such ,• as , complete- run-down of the '(as the unknown author said), •. 'sports, art, drama and Goderich Horse Races. We are needs no further protection or - recreational. activities instead of very interested in this, and as we has no reason to be bashful. - boredom and agressionJ'eavin_--carat-....get--there .. to ,..:see. em,_-. Wh•a-t---s.or-t--;-o°f r..-pe•rrsana-l-•-..- children unprotected. ourselves we would like to be reprisals could possibly threaten I learned •a lesson last year ,able to read about them in the the writer.and from . what when defending my own dog, papee,as both Keith's dad and . quarters? Crtainly there is no Rex, and I feel now that dog brother Ben have horses racing danger that I ' would go and -punch him .or her in the ridge! " •You and I, dear Editor, do not Sincerely, ways see 'eye to eye on some Mrs., Keith Feaganiters and we do not hesitate R.R. 1, Dundas to y so, but I shall always pect your right to differ and I ope I shall never forget my manners in dealing with 'disagreements. What a dreadful;. - ... ' ...world it would be " if we all acted in 4 GOD l tC5`lONA14-STAle. ''1'UUUR$PA.11 17 34. 1873 LETTERS •(Ct tri Pte2). of our knowledge of this fort in the 19Thcentury is derived from Ed o nc J urban -of Paidy Ocet1TreTkces which are no. o, in the. Hudson's Bay 7 . " Unfortunately, all of the journals between the years 1834 and 1854. are missing, but it is Possible that they stili. exist somewhere, perhaps in a private Collection. If any readers lave information concerning. the 'whereabouts of these missing journals, we would sincerely appreciate. hearing, from them. at: - The Historical Exhibits Building, . 10105-112. Avenue EDMONTON, Alberta. T5G 0131, Yours truly, • Doug Babock .* Research Consultant, Historical Development and Arches Branch.. Dog bites Dear Sir: In your article "Dog Bites Local Boy" dated:' August 17 I was disturbed -by --the statement made by the Animal Control Officer, who pointed out to you "That all too often youngsters are teasing dogs and ' actually asking for trouble." Such action he points out can only lead to unsigned encouragement. trouble and should be stoppedif Itrust the above information variety of choices in deciding participants to •ride safely, what life style suits them best. sensibly knowledgeably. at all possible. a ". Many people clarifies `the latter reference ace in g y see such incidents and do not Your letter. Personally I treat anonymous Thank you 'again for a fine B.R. Robinson letters as non -existing and I am article. now writing about the matter Yours sincerely, . only because of the treatment it Roni and Arnold Zonneveld. received in your paper: I am not 'Sure I can "follow your line of thought on the fear of personal reprisals. Surely anybody who i .. , not trequent public meetings, I r41�'l"ett. p �,,eargrt,rtt half hour meal break ager each `° 5 hours of consecutive have a feeelinglhey wottId laugh Dear Editor., employmentThe employer does at me. We are in most cases Wouldou lease ublish this • not 'have to pay' for these breaks much hardier creatures than we etter` as it is a rep y to an r for unsigned letter I received .in the l -�• periods "coat' wor-lced: 'There x� - ` ge ; 'credit 'To Whom It May Concern: I want to thank you for your letter which I received Al1gust 21. I do appreciate your feelings expressed in your letter. regards to your reference to the 16 block apartment to be built on one lot, I am fully aware of the facts and I would bring to . your attention' the following: (1) it is not to be a 16 block apartment, but 16 town, houses which simply means that each, unit will be self-contained' each havingtheir own green' belt area. (2) the Subdivision Zoning " By -Laws do not' restrict the construction of apartments or town houses in any area' within the confines of the Corporation y no requirement to give "'coffee A newspaper can ,of course breaks." always further responsible ill ` - ite'''°4001_.`"soolrr`attd encouraging give • you sortie more g g everybody to speak interprexations 'of the Empl,ent Standards Act R.S.O. 1970 and the Regulations. Your help a appreciated. t • "Yours truly, J.E. Tutty, Regional Manager Employment Stan2lards Branch. On unsigned. letters Dear Editor, , Your approach to the basically straightforward question of publishing nameless d interest is up. Sincerely Elsa Hayden Editor's Note: Please refer to recently made policy 'regarding Letters to the Editor; this column. Article got results Dear Editor: We would like to express our thanks to the Goderich Signal letters is interesting. It had not • Star, and especially , to Ron occurred to me to associate Shaw, for the fi •exposure. . of Goderich. ' writing with outstanding recently accorded ��'�:�rts at courage and„ strong individuals Sunfield Acres. It. does, -however, set -out very- or- . . specifically the number of to explain anonymous Numerous inquiries have been outbursts with fear of personal - forthcoming from those who square feet which must be allowed` for off-street parking, reprisals: I• would not have were not aware of the green belt area complementing( thought of associating writing of availability of' � this type of said development, and so long any kind with the- "silent training.` It . would seeem that as any developer designs his majority" or lack of active many would like to ride structure to comply 'with the interest in "council meeting's, "english", indulge in a complete Building Code and the nomination meetings and other exercise that can be enjoyed by forementi:Qned .re u.iremen.ts, it .., public meetings:" the whole family, and as well*. a q illegal, nor would any The principle was broughtm to acquaint„ themselves with Long time Dearborn. Steel Tubing employee Fred Barker officially turns the. first sod to get construction underway on the new Dearborn plant at the Goderich Industrial Park.°Lett to right, in the front row, are town councillor Frank Walkom and Mayor Harry Worsell, with Dearborn manager Gus Chisholm and Ben Hay of the Goderich Industrial Commission and Canada Manpower Centre to the right of Mr. Barker. (staff photo) e veIipiiiin council protests disband order The Georgian Bay Regional Development Council is •taking steps to disband in obeyance of a provincial order but not without a vocal 'struggle. is no way g Its board of directors at a of the restrictions or the surface as the result of a horsemanship in general. Midland d requirements as set out in the resent ..letter anonymously We encourage and support all meeting August 3 in i an attacking a stand I .had taken type of riding, well done, adopted an execs live committee recommending that people whether it be "western" or - report to phase out its planning should be allowed a wide "english''. We only urge all Zoning By -Laws, be violated. Thank you again for your owners ,have; a responsibility to there. control their pets especially in a neighborhood abounding with 'children: Youngsters 'frequently tease animals unconsiously and .without any appreciation of the possible consequences. • 5•ome children can also be as unpredictable. .as dogs i the behaviour. As many dog o ers Dear Editor; , do not understand how d • ' behave 'under stress, that Approval has been received to thought' and short chains,• improper feeding use the gymnasium at the uniformity and exercises they require.re. Goderich Collegiate on the In my opinion it is a matter of - ,Large dogs of any kind who evening of September 20 — 8 common decency to sign one's are denied the regular exercise • ,evening Co 10 p.m: • letters. As far as newspapers are they " , 'require. ... are, •,. more As a result of our discussion I- concerned they may have an unpr'edictabl'e than others when would like to give you some additional interest in such a they are under stress. ' , information regarding students. policy.' My husband remembers In the last year so much has "A student is •a person who a scandal in England many been written inour ' paper works' less than ,28, hours per years. ago ' when it was Y p 1? discovered that a well • taking place in Dunnville for about. dogs,' dog bites and week except for school holidays very Christmas, Mid -Winter known and reputablenewspaper . the past 26' years.' 'Pio our animal control officers;' knowledge, this is the only one pr including an editorial on that Break and' Summer Holidays". had been .inting anonymous g h d' r of its kind, held each year, in the country. Meeting set Letters to 'the. Editor 'are ' welcomed 'and •encouraged by this. newspaper on..any _matter. ._ of public interest. f, All ' letters must be signed but pseudonyms Will be permitted on the -umdeTstandiriS",. . tar should any reader •question the identity of the writer, 'that identity will be ,disclosed. Readers are reminded that the opinions expressed. in the published correspondence are not necessarily till) opinions held by The Signal -Star: Item._ of interest Dear Editor: , • As an -item of interest to your readers who, during the wartime years, trained at No. 6 S.F.T.S., R.C.A.F. Dunnville, Ontario, we would like to tell them of an annual reunion which has been subject. Lets face.the fact, that This means that a person who letters written by t e e ito ,.Goderich is , growing in falls within this description may • himself who felt strongly population, including dogs, and be paid '$1.30 per hour. It directed' in a national ;. controversy and_ _wanted_._o__ Continued interest has been ,to control all the-animalsis a. _further meads that a, person --who Y full time job, day and night. One is a student ,can work regular "Prove" that popular opinion maintained by over 100 animal control officer is not hours i.e. 40, 45 or 48 during substantiated his stand. Signed members of our association, . 'Christmas, Mid -Winter Break letters would certainly 'put any both male and female, who . enough to carry it out properly. return to Dunnville the third I feel Goderich needs more and Summer Holidays and still newspaper above suspicion or help,.maybe the Humane be paid as. a student. embarrassment.' " week -end each September 22nd, Y23rd, and 24th of this year they ociet `should be contacted and . A student iso' entitled to As to the "silent majority" S Y .° ' asked if they could, offer ° any vacation pay in accordance with and people not going to public will come ;again from ' 'many professional help in this serious their length of service. There is meetings, I' would regard this as parts, including -the U.S.A. to -_situation. Stop dogs • biting however,no minimurneriod a . different kettle of fish children before, we havea fatal- that ,any person (student, pare altogether:, There are many -accident. - time or full-time) must work in reasons for doing (or not'doing). order to qualify for payment of things. If I asked -my neighbours ___ •ItTrzswirly vacation -pay- - __-- whether they are_afraid of some , . Any employeemust be given a sort of reprisals whets they do ° *************************** HI.GHLAND EARN n PJAC! .-. ,:,:. , .�-3-r�-"�.�-tc `'�?'s._... - Irar+r'.P,;cr"^��'±L.`^tZrF+";.sial'-• .:.:=�+.n * Reopens..Sat., Sept, 9th �t• ORANGE LODGE HALL '.,, Lighthouse Street Goderich Teacher: Mary Lynne Telford, MEMBER: • S,D.T.A., B.A.T.D. CLASS LESSONS: $1.110 per half hour "' $1.56 per hour PRIVATE LESSONS: S3.00 per half hour Pupils prepared for medal and theory tests. Anyone wishing to register please phone 524.9635 or write to M. 'L. Telford,, 115- Elgin Avenue W., Goderich, ***************** activities, dispose of its *sets, and tell its • four staff members their jobs will end. ' . . • However, the board also decided to proceed with plans to set up their annual Georgian Bay Regional Development- CounciU conference at Porte Carling, September 17, 18 and 19, The death knell of the council and nine others like it across the province came in June -With' an " announcement • by Ontario. Treasurer and 'Minister of Economics and • ---I-rtergover-n•m-en4a-1---•---'-A-f f a i r s.-. . • Darcy McKeough that the province's 10 economic regions would be replaced by five °planning regions which would be responsible* for regional development. The plan, which is toy' take effect in January; 1973, will set up thefive newplanning areas that will probably be administered. by provincial civil • servants. J.A. Stevenson of Bracebridge, president of the Georgian Bay Regional Development Council, complained in a -letter -to ..Premier William Davis that the province had failed to honor its promise to discuss the change with the regional councils. "This -method, of public announcement," went,,the letter, celebrate for the 27t1i time. Anyone wishing more information, and to beplaced on our mailing list, may contact the General Secretary, Frank' Scholfield, Box 187, Dunnville, Ontario. ' Included in the week -end's events are a Friday night reception, Saturday golf tournament, memorial service at the Harvard Memorial, . and annual banquet, winding ; • up with a Sunday morning breakfast. We .would be very happy if you would insert the above as a news item in one of your forthcoming issues. . Yours very truly, • , Frank Scholfield General Secretary. S CTORY OUTLET OIdiForce;:Base:* Clinton Ont. A TRU! FACTORY OUTLET STORE MATURING SECOND( AND DISCONTINUED LINES PROM MAIN CANADIAN litANUFACTURERS. , OUR SELECTION W111 'INCLUDE RNR SHIRTS. PRIM $HIT*, DRESS PANTS. AL PANTS. SOX. LZATNER ROoaSt FOOTWEAR. SPORTSWEAR. UNSERL ETC. FOR ALL wI OPINE FAMILY. 'MANY FIRST QUALIFY LINES WILL ALSO DI OFFERED' AT DISCOUNT PRICES TO PROVIDE GREATER SHOPPING VARIETY' We have the Largest Selection OF MEN'S WORK CLOTHING IN. THE COUNTY INCLUDING--PANTS--SHIRTS--OVERALLS-- AN D COVERALLS, ALL AT MONEY SAVING FACTORY OUTLET PRICES= -AND ALL SIZES IN, STOCK r 6 Just Arrived LARGE SELECTION OF,,9ILS' ,& BOVS' BACK - TO -SCHOOL SLACKS. LOTS. OF STYLES AND ' COLORS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. ° STORE HOURS:. MONDAY THIROUGHFRIDAYiNI P. I.TO 10 P.NL 941N1.104 P.I. "...must be viewed by alis board as an unnecessary ins to the intelligence of the many ' businessmen who voluntafily servedthe region. and the-. Province over a period of 17 years." "How do we advise our staff that they are no -longer, after 17 years, needed...?" While the board regretted the disbanding of the regional development councils, . they agree some changes - to the current system were needed: The board is still in some doubt off'- receiving- its usual $12,000 grant. from' the province at the end of August. Without it, the council must disband in September and could incur, a $1,548 debit if it held out until September 30, said General Manager Neville Keefe. BLUE'S SUPERMARKET SUPER DISCOUNT PRICES ON THE SQUARE NO. 1 G MAPLERADE 4EAF Bologna 1 Ib: PKG. VAC PACK • 5 9 c OPEN t3 A . SHARP T IL L 10 P M h CLAYS A WE f K WELL 'TRIMMED—LOIN Pork Chops 16.$ ONTARIO NO. 1 New Potatoes 49c 10 Ib. BAG SILVERWOODI. • Lily Butter-' L8.6 9c McCORMICKS ' CHOCOLATE OLATE CHIP o_okie s 13 OZ.. PKG. - • BICK'S—.SLICED GARDEN SALAD ' Pickles 20 OZ. JAR 39c HAYHOE'S Quench Crystals ORANGE— - y GRAPEFRUIT 22 OZ. BAG', on. V05- Shampoo Hair Spray REG., 9�c $1.59 .1NIZARD .. Charcoal Lighter 32 O. TINS. 3.9 Qa HAMBURG—OR WIENER ' ROlis 3PKG'SOF8"s 89c 15 OZ. TINS CRISCO. OIL 38 OZ. JAR. Dog 004' 0-99c. H�S1'ESS .PLAIN—DIP—ONION POTATO SALT & ViaehAR— BARBECUE REG: 89c -SPECIAL HOME=MADE -BEEF & .PORK Sausage 2 lb. BICK'S Dill Pickle - Chunks 32 OZ. JARS 39c PEAK FREAN'S Fancy Coo -tries 71/2 OZ. PKG S. 3i8 9c WE DELIVER LEAN Growl Beef tb.69c -Charcoal r M I:umps or Briquets 10 LB. BAGS 89c ...... VOGUE Toilet Tlssue 4 ROLL PACK -49c WESTON'S Supreme.. Bread ONTARIO NO. 1 New Carrots 2. LB. BAG 25c GRANNY'S. Butter Tarts - .12's PKG. 7-9c PEPSix_-DIET__EEPS, ' .VERNORS—GRAPE--.. MOUNTAIN .DEW— PATIO ORANGE CASE OF 24 TINS $2.69 BLUES—OWN InstantCoffee LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEED QUALIT 1ooz. J'AR 49 SILVERWOODS Fresh Milk 3 QT. BAGS iHOMO 85c • 2%79c WHILE CRACKED,WHEA' WHOLE WHEAT' EAST' DATE FOR STAIKPS SEPT. 15,-1972 Books wlll i 'bs radiu+rtmad for cash or Prenliurrit until Cu#toM r# will binOct; 15, 1972. Our • efit by lowelr 'prices as y ._ _ Msultr of t'hi•-chafg :.:µ ompl•ts--your...=-m. books now: -7 IM •