HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-08-03, Page 9A
Amo Labdrs
Mr. • a.nd Mrs. George Phillip of Brampton,' have been
Dear Ann. Landers: I am should be that way. I was very Finnigan now; of ,• Stratford visiting relatives and friends
writing to every set of parents pleased. - en•jov'ed a weeks holiday ata since Thursday.
who think they should, keep Now 1 get the message that I cottage ;near Port Albert and
Mrs.' ltobt, Bere : has, been
their marriage together "for the' am supposed to leave the°^hall called on several friends 'here ,convalescing at .the'''hotne ,cif
Mrs, •Jack •E:rrington ; tiratil well
enough to rettirn to. her town
Rev. and .Mrs. Karl Sievert
and four children formerly of
Neville, Saskatchewan,+'and"now
of .Port Stanley, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Webster
recently, and called on several
other families in the community.
Mr.' and Mrs George Ribey
and children of. Seaforth took.
Mr. and -Mrs. Wm Wiggins with'
them to their cottage on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Koss
MacDonald of Ottawa and Mrs:
Otto Peterson;--London-and-son:-
<ondon and -son;
.Jim Peterson of Dutton were
guests on, Sunday with Mrs.
LiLtia•n MacDonald. Other
unexpected but welcome guests
on Saturday were Mr. and ' Mrs:
Bill Baker of Galt.
Last Sunday , the 'Eedy
families, attended the. Yundt
family picnic held in Goderich
this year.
Mr. an'd Mrs. Ralph
Henderson, -- , ' Goderich
accompanied by -the latter' •
•parents, Mr. and Mrs. •Heber
Eedy visited Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Nicholl in' Wiarton on Sunday.
Doug is a nephew of Mrs. Eedy.
On Sunday,' .•July, , :3p, the
Errington reunion was held at
-` Brookside • Public Schiioi frrinn
2:0() ,- 6:00 p;.m, -An. attendance
of 80 joined together for
volleyball :and' baseball games.
A lovely smorgaslroard' dinner
was enjoyed by all. Relatives
from Weston, .Mississauga,
Brantford, Clinton, Goderich..
and the surrounding ,area were -
_ present. A list of officers for next
year was chosen at tris time.
_They are: Presidents: Ross and
Elaine • Errington, Vice
Presidents: Harold and Isabelle.
Adams, Secretaries: Barry and .
Betty Yoiing, Sports: Paul and
Eleanor • Henderson; Ron and
Edna Alton; •Lorne'and Frances'
very old German medical text the (3th concession of Ashfield Badman. Asimilar reunion is to,
books. I thought you might like to two. he held the last Sunday of July,
five years ago. She ,remarried know.-E.J. (Evanston, M.D.) Mr. Mand Mrs. Paul 197;3,
the following year. Our oldest` • Dear Dr, J.: Several readers ;He de�rson '•Jennifer `and Jill, .. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Dauphin
da>f r is gettingmarried '111 -'''''''wrote �'' ''. , ,p�", "�r , ,
r wrote to tell,me they,knew of.a* also Laurie (,rhhard, or and Susan spent Saturday and'.
the fall. She wrote and asked great -great-grandfather who Mississauga, visited on Sunday Sunday in. Chatham with the
nursed an infant during an. with Mr. and ,Mrs. ,Harvey former's sister., Mrs. Donald
earthquake, famine or
'epidemic. Noone has been able lu, to to ' }latic,n .rcHjt`tthcl . Henderson who hhct> Le�;ue. On their return they were
• accompanied by Mrs. Dauphin's
father, Mr. Edward Antaya,
who will visit here for awhile.
ki s,aake." I believeY' he.kids" immediately after the ceremony. ' Mr. Dwight�' Aldham was
should have, something to say I am not invited to„Stay for the ' home with his family this
-about it, and I'm going to. speak dinner nor arm I to be in any of .weekend. David Bere and Ross
my piece right now., , ' the wedding,' pictures. Is thisYoung enjoyed a week of
I am a 14 -year-old girl. My . fair? Please let us hear from you,' ho.lidays,,the latter part of it at
sister is.12 and my brother is 10.. again. I don't know how you got Wasaga Beach. Th1sveek Gerry
We, have •,been living in a. to be such an important•member Bere and Steve Caesar,are
madhouse for as long as I can'. of our family but 'apparently among t.hdse holidayinat
remember”. I have never heard you are. — Half A Father, Total Wasaga Beach' and Algonquin
my parents say hello to oris Cash Register ' Park. - -
another, Here's how it goes:,. Mrand Mrs. Irvine Eedy and
Dad comes home from work 'a Dear,,,Half and Total: If your •
Martha, Fred and,John Young,
would prefer that you
little later than usual. He opens ex-wifeand ' Thornton Eedy ',were in
the door 'and says to Mom, not be in the ,pictures,. respect, Kitchener on Sunday with Mr:
"What's for dinner?" She yells, her wishes, but you should•
"What's it to you? We ate. an certainly stav for the you,
and Mrs. Bob Ott and Matthey.
dinner. You .don't NEED an Mr. Peter Kowalicki is on
hour ago." Then they get into a • s_ _ .- _ .___._.holiday.iti..W.arsaw. Pula.nd,�,and_.
rnvrtartion, -you--re• -the,
"haSs'le'�t>ta't-end's-up witl ' Dad- plans tq spend four days in
• leaving the house and slamming Dear Ann Landers: The Russia also. A postal card from
the door so hard the pictures things I . 1earn • from your Peter has been received by the
„rattle. column! I refer to the woman family ° here from Frankfurt,
They never have' . a 'who wrote to ask how a person Germany.'
conversation; only • arguments,, can tell FOR SURE whether or • Sympathy of the community is.�
third-degree grilling, yelling., not tier friend has lid a face- extended to each of the members
name-calling 6r deadly silence, lift. That's -friendship? Heaven of the Caesar familia;. Paul
• so thick you could cut it with a protect me from friends alike Caesar 'passed away Monday
knife. Last month Mom and that. What business is it of,hers evening, July 24,, atter several
Dad went to Las Vegas.-_•5I'hey 'anyway? — L.D.J. Chicago . months illness.
hired a ' nice old lady to stay. Dear L.D.H.: A great many . ' Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sowerby
with us, It was heaven. So quiet people make, the -mistake of returned to Thornhill on Friday
and peaceful. The folks weren't ''using the words "acquaintance" having returned from their'
home an hour before .' they and ,"friend". interchangeably= I - Western trip on 'I'hursciay
started at each .other again— like this'definition, which says it afternoon. ' Other visitors . with
Why did you give me the all: "A friend is a person who Mrs. Cecil Blake and -Barbara
Money . I told you •.NOT to ,give will go out of his way to help •during this weekend included
me when i wanted to go back someone who.can't possibly do 'Mr. and .Mrs. R.T. Kilpatrick,
the roulette wheel? That fight ` ' liim any good:'" Wiragham;'"Mr.`and- Mme:-Gor°dim
lasted three .hours. - Dickson and Misses Ella and
Please, Ann, tell parents who + + + Margaret •Dickson, Atwood.
want ,i .divorce 'NOT to think ' Dear Ann Landers: I was •'•• Thanks to ' those who
about the kids....just go- ahead
interested in the letter from a contributed news items during
and get. it. — Sick of Fights In readerwho wanted to know if it is my 'absence. •
Northbrook Mr. and Mrs. Len alloy and
four c-hildreri of. Detroit are on
. holidays now at their summer
more and more letters like yours -Chicago was as follows: "No home at Glenn's' Hill. We are
' the :, children •of warring way—unless the father holds the pleased that Mrs. l3ilcy (nee
* parents. Thank you for an in- bottle." r. Pani •P'entlanil) is mirth
house report from the eye of a " ' ' I have seen accounts of males improved Tifter.• four months
cyclone. who successfully breast fed fighting a virus ailment. Her
, infants during periodsof extreme mother, •Mrs. Laverne Pentland,•.
Dear Ann Landers: Since you • stress, suchas food shortage, and has been assisting the family in
-, 'cern to be the keyfigure in this in cases where the mother : died. Detroit, and also 'hv 'caring for
-mess I'm turning to you for The reports were published in the grandchildren at., home on
advice. a •
My wife and I were divorced •
humanly possible fora father to
• breast feed his child. The quote
Dear Northbrook: I'm getting from Dr, -Rodney Jamieson of
you if she should` give me the.
honor of .walking her down the
aisle. You • said ,yes, seeing. as
' how I was the daddy who had produce • any . , scientific gra rid pa rents ret a r•ned . t o
raised her and also the one who- documentation to support' these" ' ,Mississauga with them, While
will be' paying for the wedding -----allegations, If yeti•cartdo-sora•-w31-w114...:--here -th t' .trtwritterd ti mm- "Alfon--
Her mother' agreed to it seeing be happy to pass the word.. Thanks Errington pi n.o• on .Sunday.
- as how Ann - Landers..said it, . for writing. afternoo=n at • Lucknow.
,b,_,� Packs of dogs hove been •
At the First Ontario Grain Crops Top Farmer Workshop held recently at Rid' etown about 85
farmers made use of computers toplan their cropg '
p production, Some of those attending were,
from left to right, Mrs. John Bean, Clinton; Vern 'Alderclice, RR 2, Ki e)n;
O.M.A.F., Clinton;, E,v rett Ridder, RRA. 2, Goderich; an Robert Gr aj Mike Clinton. !� unewald, RR 5, �tan
(Agriculture ,and Food Photo) `
atter quality •cattle
Mr. Frank Rick, Trout Creek,.
Chairman of the Co-ordinating
t.'ommittee for 'the Northern
Stocker and Feeder Sales, states
he is looking• forward to even
higher, •qualitYr ' cattle at the
Feeder Sales in the North this
year. Six sale groups operate in
the North from- Algoma District..
in the northwest to LaSarre,
'P.Q.°in the ` northeast, and
South River and, Wiarton in the
southern part of fhe''territory.•
These Sales . are at Little.
Current, on Manitoulin `' Island
sponsored by the Manitoulin
Livestock Co -Operative;,
Thessalon in Algoma ,District
sponsored by Algoma Livestock
Co -Operative;, New Listkeard in
Temiskaming District sponsored
by the Temi•skaming 'Beef
Producers; LaSarre in Quebec
sponsored by Association des,
Eleveurs de Bovin.ti •• de
I'3oucherie du Nord -Quest
Qttebei,1/4.oiti;!Soirfh River. in Parry
Sound District sponsored by the
Pirry a. Sound District Livestock
at f�iI-sales
Co -Operative 'and Wiarton
sponsored by the Grey -Bruce
Livestock Co -Operative. This
year .patures ' are good in all
areas andicattle are doing well.
rl�o' assist feedlot, operators,
the Co-Ordinating Committee
has endeavoured to spread the
Northern Cattle Sales over a
longer- period of tinie.''The first
Sale will be at Wiarton .on
Thursday, September • 7th; the
next is at. South River
Thursday,September '14
followed by W,iarton's" second
Sale Thursday, September 21;
Thessalon, :Wednesday,
September 27; Manitoulin,
Thursday, September 28;' La
Sarre Tuesday, October ;3; New
Liskeard, Thursday, October 5;
South . River's second Sale,
ay, October 6. Final. Sales.
are: Wiarton, Thursday,.
October 12; Manitoulin,
Monday; October 16 and ,South
River, Thursday, October 26.
Auctioneers at the 1972 Sales
.will `be: Vern Shepherdson -of
' New Liskeard at La ' Sarre,
Little Current, New Liskeard
South River and Thessalon;
Gordon L. Ribey of Underwood
and Elwood Snider of Woodford
at Wiat-ton. •
•.It \is too soon to know the
volume of tattle but'' early
forecasts are for a total of
18,400 head at ,the 11 Sales,
Poison . ivy, poison oak .and
poison sumac' are found as
creepers and shrubs • in various
parts of 'Canada. _ They are
irritants to the skin arid later
blisters • may •for.m.• . St. John
Ambulance advises to wash the
area thoroughly with hot water
,and laundry soap. Then wash
off .with rubbing alcohol and
apply calomine Potion.
investigatingSonne. - severe
aeeid'ents. that t•nva)ved •
eipployees tragi sling on business
,in rented pars, found there are .50
,,per Gent more aceidents rentg1
ears than in .diner-drivena4
Factors beljeved• td'eont4t'hnt *
the accidents -are: `,lae renter, may;
pick a car that's more powerfot
than his oWn ear, or he.ndxes,
brakesandperfor s- differently
• frotri the car he isaccustomed` tp.
'Also, the renter is tired :has ')tilt
arrived in a strange town and',
faces unfamiliar roads on the w'ay
-to the hotel,
Company policy now eal,ls JIdyr
all employeeswho may Ori re a
company -rented vehicle to.
graduate from the Defensive °.
i Driving Course, (DDC) which is
--:-taken on -company -time: • ►ad-W,'s---
strongly - •suggested_' that
e,,iployees go from the airport -to
their hotel by taxi or bus, then
rent their eV in..the morning. (In ••
Ont`a si o DDC -is administered -by
the Ontario Safety League.)
It is nearly 2,000 years
since the Lord Christ
taught this ,prayer oto his
••people:. "Thy Kingdom
come, Thy will be done
on earth, as it is in
Heaven:' Thinkest Thou
that He would have-.
commanded thee for
that which would never
come? That prayer is
.also a prophecy..
For more' information
P.O.BOX 212
Or Phone 524-6137
Many people have been able to
dodge payment of.fines for traffic •
causing lose among livestock offenses.`••But collection is likely
in this area. In another instance• to be very much easier in future,
the damage appears t�, he that says the Ontario Slfety League.
Dunga"" ofnnon' WImeet le 'dation m
M'r, and Mrs, Donnie Motorists who do not
Nicholson ,and boys had ri pay parking or other`tr1iffic •fines
at G. Finnigan• •► - Niagara Falls
arafable to have their licences
one . pleasant trip to suspended.
on. Friday.+ + +
Rev. and Mrs. ('Irtrence
Dungannon W.,I. enjoyed their afraid to try something new, McClena,h"an have gone on
The efficient life of a wiper
-J..u.1y e,e i0 ;,,„Thur: day evening, scamet:hin.g..:.tbat, hasty never been holidays for •t hc-• mont h of Made is about six months. After
as guests of Mrs. Gordon • tried before. °'�r"�"AN(3lis`'� 'I`liE�'""2it�iii �:r°F� �rr»tR� •� that, even if the blade looks
Finnigan, Goderich. The • Mrs. Rutledge thanked Mrs. Manitoulin 151'0 0(1' and alt•ight, it won't do ThP'`'"""ilfr"
president, Mrs. W. Rutledge' Finnigan for her home • and Northern Ontario this week. ;2nd OntsatisfactoriSafet according to the ,
called • the meeting to order; gracious hospitality. The will visit their son Eldon- and edges,' ich a suppoe. Ito be°
welcomed the members and meeting was closed with the other friends at :Windemere en sharp,' which arable, eventually by
guests, and asked for the singing of The Queen and the route. sharp and • flexible,
opening Ode' and the Mary Institute Grace. Lunch was No Sunday • School nor round off and become obriten if his
Stewart Collect. •- served by Mrs. G. Finnigan, regular church services will be ,deterioration s not being goes en even feeds
The Agriculture and Mrs. C. Finnigan. and !Virg. L.'• held in the United Church blade
nar asrCher It a high
up in areas where there is a high
Canadian Industries, Committee Hasty ably assisted by Heather during August. concentration of contaminants in
was in- charge of 'the meeting. Henderson. Mrs. George Hamilton and the air.
Mrs. F: Young introduced the •
guest speaker,, Mr. Terry
-began, i orra• arid Crey
-- Tr-u.srt_ CO., Stratford. Mr.
Morgan told the members i5f the
-different benefits and help to he"
received when dealing with
Victoria .and Grey.
Mr. Morgan's particular
department is Estates and
Trust, After telling about . the
. work of that department •he
answered the 'many questions
presented by the members. He
said" it is very important that
everyone 18 years and over
should have a will arid, have it
drawn up by a lawyer. Mrs.'
Young thanked Mr. Morgan for 41910 Marquis
his very informative talk. Two -door hardtop, 20,000 miles,
In the absence of the Power brakes, power steering,
gecretnrv,. Mirs. Blake, Mrs. automatic, radio.
1968 Volkswagen
Young took over 'her duties. The ' Radio.
roll call, "Bring,anarticle made a ° '1970 Chevrolet
in Canada and tell something Sedan, 6 automatics ` 1968 Plymouth
about it", was answered with a Sedan 6,automatic, radio.'
variety of interesting items, a . 1910 Chevrolet, . a
including a child's shoe, 'tooth Half ton Fleetside, 21,000, miles.
picks, matches, Canadian
pottery, local crafts and 1969 Brick
Goderich salt,
An invitation was, received Ti o -door hardtop, automatic, power
from,. •kingshridge C.W.L. to steering, power brakes, radio.
attend their August 14 meeting
in St.. Joseph's Church Hall with 1969 Ford Fairltane
guest speaker, Mr. Murray Two -door hardtop, VO,. automatic,
Gaunt M.P.P. •"•
'PheM.rrtio, Action to the
Cotnmuttity begins with YOU''.,'
was very ably taken..by Miss I.
Carr. She used as her example
Arielai(le Hoodless, founder. of
Whtnett's Inatituttxsein Ontario.
1968 Pontiac
Sedan, V8, automatic.
Mia.• Catr saiid' we 'thou ld not be
1968 Plymouth
. 'Two -door hardtop, automatic, radio.
1968 Rambler
Sedan, V8, automatic, radio.
'1967 Chevrolet
• Sedan, V8; autoniatic,
8'-0"., sections -- all you have tQ
do Es dig the holes Excellent
for patios, barbecue 'enclosures,
the -cottage, let your imagination'
go with this item.
Corhe in and see it. Then dad can put it up Frida evening
and have the whole weekend for leisure„
210 -Sealin
and StripShingles
Mixed colours and runs, perfect for the back sherd,
barn nor whatever, r-- -
$ 1 0PER
It's -.not'. gbod,Aime to think about -winterf--But at -this -price -
you can't afford not to. .
Com'binction :Doors
-Do You. Want. to DressUp- the
I°Why not put in a ,planter with Ahgelstone? We have a good.
sel,ection in stock and priced right. See us now, it won't last !I!
Front of Thnt Hose�f YoUrsfl
of That
Now We Have Your
Adrenalin Flowing
-We would like to sneak this •in — a good. selection of
gdality carpet at 1/2 price. It is all in the showroom for
those who get here early.
it'0121,Xr 4'd'MdbYylld`hYMRaiC nr, •ktianA..XE'r'Y"GxY:'
%A,N41. AT