HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-9-28, Page 1VOL. IV EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1893. m•� NO 32S The Metsoms' Blares. (Chartered by'Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capit.I. , ... '•42,000,000 Rest Fund ..... . ...... . .. 1,100,000, Head office 3Eoniaeal. F. W OLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq,, Gritern .en MANAGER Money advanced to rued Farmer's on their own notes,witt, one or more endorsers at 7 per cent per ennvns. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from 'rat to. to 3 p., m., Saturdays Y@ 4, M. to i p. m A general banking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowed for men- ev on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 5 per Dent. N. DYER. HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub•Manager. TUE $1.5e+ Ca J' Isp published every Thursday Morning; st the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. ' By the SANDERS' PUBLISHINGCOMPANX TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Jae Dollar per *union if ;Said in Advance.' 31,60 if not so. paid. dvartisine.e- =alma cos, 3Lyarl .csa.- 1•T0 paper discontinued 'until .ii ari specificaa • a paid.: Advertisements without di eotlonewill be published till•forbid. and h urged accordingly. thbeIa1 discount made , Wo transcient etriverrtisemen is inserted for 10 ng periods, Every - description of JOB INTING turned out in. the finest. style, aridatmoderate /.e4. Chaspies,reoneyord. ere. &c. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to he'..made pavabie to SarndeTS 'c Drew BBOPR1EOTRs CirnrC9r.Sireetory- alrsaL CxiRCse.--Rev. F. H T iVReo ,lair 11 a. ea Fatt, Rector. Sunday. • Services, Holy and'l7 p.m. Sabbath School, 3 'p.. IA,Comneunion. lst Sunday of each month at Morn nU Service. and in months of five Sun- days, after Evening Service of 4111 Sunday of the month. Holy Peaptiem on 2nd. Sunday of each month at morning service. METtIODIST ililvECli--James"ety Rey. A. L. /tussah, Pastor. Sunday Sorvices,10.80 a• m, and 8.50, p.m. Sabbath -Wheel, 2.20 p. m. HAIN'STREET-ReV. W MODonagh, -Pas- tor. Sunday Services, tea() a.m. and 8.30 p.m. Sabbath School 210 v. tn. PRESBYTERIAW OH Jacs.-Rev: W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. in. and 6.30 p. m. ,Sabbath School. 9.45 a. m Profes3102141tl' Cards. ~' ' tiYNS�Aj?,L•D.b,Paneon's Block two doors ue th of Darling Store MAIN STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. ,Away at Hensall on 1st Friday; Ailsa Craig an 2nd•and 4th Tuesday. and Zurich on last Thursday of each month CCH. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Roval • College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold Filhnes as required. Ele beat • T�,rD7'�, s. .11=1110•02,1121913.0. A. ROLLINS,& T A. AMOS, L Residences, same as formerly OFFICES, Speakman,. building, MaiuSt Dr, Rollins' of&ce• same as formerly -north' door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. - Mays 1St. 1898 J.,A. Rollins, M.D. T. A. Amos, M. D q R. T. P. Met &UGRLIN, MEMBER OF L the College of Physicians andSurgeons Ontario.. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- eur. Office, Dashwood Ont. Asaseal pp -H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - LL. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. L H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. t[oneyto loan Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC itors, Conveyancers, &c.. B. V. ELLIOT.' FREDERICK ELLAO Emo tfiO1s0em9 I�gg BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Aunt 1 -Lo ioneorfor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attended to and term sreason able.Sales arranged at Post office, Winehelsa A J. IROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Lieene .tl.,,ed Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and Middlesex, Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable 'prices, T•� BOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. Lie - 114 • ensed Auctioneerfor the Counties Huron and Perth.' Charges moderato and satisfaction; guaranteed. FRED W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil ggin er. Office Over Post Office Main street. Exeter, Ont. ' ERNEST ELLIOT. L AGENT FOR The Western Eire Assurance Company, of Taxon to The'Phconix Fire Insurance Co'y., of London, England The Alliance Eire Aseur, Co'y., ofLondon England. , Office: -Main -street, Exeter, Ont. EXETER IMARKETSi (C hanged every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel..., $0.58 to 0.60 Barley...,...,.... ,,..... 35 to 37 0 ats: ..... .......... 27 to 28 Pea ••..... 50 to 52 Peas . Butter .... .? 18 tot0 Lard.i....... 12 to1 : Egg i- 12 Chicken 12 & ._, + i 1' ._:.:........ 5 to 6 'b+ � Clover Seed..•.......... 9,75 to 10.40 TimothyY.... .. a ... 2.75 to 8,0.0 Pork . ... ......r ,r.1; Sit ZOO tb 7.20 Potatoes per Out ...., ear. 46 to 45 Hay per tori i.........Y .6 6.00 'to 'r h50 M1LOi-I COW WANTED. The undersigned w.isheS to purohesea first class Milch Cow imin ediately, apply to W. R. DEARING, Stephea, Exeter P, O, ST4AE1?. On the premises R. 1-I. Taylor. Lot 22 L R W. on or about the 30th of .ugustono yearling steer of a' dark red Dolor with a piece beole on off right horn, Owner can have same by proving property: and paying all expenses. 3t. R, H. TATtoE, Brewster. 116160101.1266. OUSES AND LOTS I'Oi%%ALA, Situated in the Village of" Exeter being W14 Lot 5 and Al V4 Lot 5. both on Gidley St. a good frame House on each lot, also good stables and a number of fruit bearing treos and shrubs, Furniture and other household effects will also he put ap for sale. Sole to take plain on Thursday Sept 25th at one o'clock p, m. sharp. 3[r John Gill,auotioneer Edwin Carley, proprietor. {yOURT OF aitVISION POR THE TOWN - 1' SHIP OF STEPHEN, Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Statute in that behalf 4 Court for the Re- vision oftbe Voters' List for the Township of Stephen for 1895, will be held by iiia. Hon- or, the Judge of the County Court of the County of uron, in. the Top•ss RAM, Oasn- ITON, an Wed. the Stith fltyof k her,,4913, At the Hour of Ten O'clock in the forenoon, to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the said Voters' List, copy of which is posted rip In my office - In said township. All persons having business at the Court will govern themselves accord- ingly. By order of His Donor the Judge of the County Court of -the County of Huron. C. PROUTY," Clerk of said Court. Dated at Stephen this -5th day of Sept., i898 Voters' Notice. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Statute in that behalf a Court for the Re- vision of the Voters' List fpr the village of Exeter for 1893 will be held by His Honor, the Judge of the County Smart of the Connie ty of Huron at the 'Town Hall in the said village of Exeter, on Thursday the 26th day of ettober,t893 AT TUE HOUR OF TEN O'CLOcr, in the forenoon to hear and determine eom- plaints of errors and ommissions in the said Voters' List, a copy of wh1e is posted up in my offioo ii n the said town hail Ill; per- sons having business at the court *111 goy - ern themselves accordingly. By order. of His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron. M EACRETT,: Clerk of the Village of Exeter, and constitutes Clerk of said court. Dated at Exeter this 28th day of Sept., ten. Mooresville. One of those interesting and pleas- ing events which; usually cause a flu, ter of exciternent took place at the residence of. Mr. James Miller 'yester- day (Wed.) when his second daughter Clara, was united in marriage to Mr. Andrew Robinson, of Centralia. The Rey. Al. Shore, of Ailsa Craig, Resisted by Rev. J. H. Hunter, of Parkhill per- formed the ceremony in the presence of a few of the contracting parties. immediate relatives. The young couple are well and favorably; known and are highly esteemed. We wish them a long, happy and prosperous career. through life. • Harpley. Farmers in this vicinity are finished seeding and some have began taking up their roots and quite a number re- port potatoes an abundant crop, -Mr. J. W. Watson and wife, of Thedford, were visiting among old acquaintances in this vicinity last week, both looking hale and hearty, but report crops to be far short of what -was expected. Their eldest son David, an enterprising young man, has left them for the North West. We wish him success. -Mr. John Sherritt has got his cows home from pasture where they have been tended all summer for the purpose of sending the milk to the factory. He has die• posed of several of them for high prices --The dredge is making rapid progress now as it tool: a sail three quarters of a mile up the river in one day, is now opposite Mr, Morrish's farm. -.Our en- terprising hotel keeper has the skele ton of his new hotel erected. Oredlton, Mr, Murray, of Stratford, the hedge fence agent, is taking orders in and around Crediton. -Joseph Edwards has a sick horse. .Armitage, of Centralia, is attending it, -Our church will bo re ppened on Sunday, 1st ins,, Ser- mons morning and evening by Rev.. Roberts, who is well known around hero. On Monday evening there will be a dinner served in the basement of the church -admission 25c,, children 15c. Addresses will bo given after- wards by Revels. Roberts; Jackson; of Exeter; Holmes of Parkhill•, and others. -John Motz, who broke his arm a few r days ago, 1s n the mend. -Quite , 4e d. ((jjtiiE •i •qj e 4 number of our citizens attended the Columbian Exhibition in Chicago this month, and many also took in the Western Fair at London and report having' had a good time, -Miss Emma Lamport left for London, where She in- tends to reside for a time. ---Mrs. Lamport left last week for London to attend the sick bed of her little grand- child, -Farmers. have got their fall wheat sown and it is up and looking quite green,e-Mr. English, who i'eceiv• ed injuries Some weeks ago, is improve irlge-Mrs. Paul Lint and faintly have gene to Manitoba. --On Tuesday • last y the 12 ear;old'soix• o £ Mr. ,B,obt: Sims fell been ai] r e and Beverly '' z Juzed his leg, .Medical aid wag sttmmonerl end the patient is doing nicer. Ems. T E E; R S F A.I lAnotb.er Grand Success The South Huron County Fair was held here on Monday and -1'uesciay last: Monday was principally devoted to making: entries and placing exhibits The second day was in every way a great success, Lite weather was abso- lutely perfect, the exhibits were all in, place and every part of the programme passed off with commendable prompt - 'less ants regularity. During the fore. noon the hyo stock began to arrive in numbers and was 'promptly assigned • to its proper place, and shortly after noon crowds of people, both from the began town and country, bean to poor iii in a steady stream until there Were at least 3,000 people on the grounds. Tlie scene was an animated one. The "crystal palace" was crowded to dis- comfort all the afternoon with admir- ing sight -seers. Outside, the race trackwas the centre of attraction and the speeding contests were kept up; till after six o'clock. "The judges made their decisions to the satisfaction of all The gravid stand was comfortably seated with those whose interests were mostly centered on the races: Two .slight•accidents occured. but -nokt seri- ous enough to mar the proceedings. The greatest excitement prevailed dur- ing the race between the trio from Centralia (owners aro Messrs. Ilartd ford, Elliott and Cobleigh) - In the lady driver's class Mrs E. Bosseinberly of Zurioh had everything her own :Tey from start to' finish. The follow ing is the list of prizes awarded: - HORSES. } ilitPORT17D HEAVY -DRAFT.-B1'ood mare and foal, S Smillie, L F Goodwin; foal, L F Goodwin, S Smillie; fillythree years old, J Routley, Francis Coleman, J Coursev ; filly, two years old, Charles Bean; filly, 1 year old, Jas Ross. - CANADIAN HEAVY DRAFT AND AGRI, CULTURAL. -Brood mare, J Duncan, Jr.. A Bishop, J Rendes; foal, Miss Mill- er, J Coursey, J Routley; 3 -year-old, C Haskett, R Pringle, J Coursey; 2 -year- old, G Case, A Bishop, T Johnston; team, J Decker, W Cornish, J Allison. GErrI5BAL PURPOSE. -Brood mare, Ci Fahner, T Berry, J " Coursev; fuel, T Berry, C Fahner, AFoster; 3.year-old, C Haskett, R Hicks, R Pringle; 2 year old, G Ferguson, H Brown, J Decker; team, J Ballentyne, Phin Hunter, J -A Bell. CARRIAGE -Brood mare, W Harvey, J Essery, Rev Fatt; foal, J & D Wood, W Haryey, J Essery; 3 -year-old, Rey Fatt, d`Eilber, L Hunter; 2 -year-old, 0 Ferguson, E Williams;- 1 -year-old. T Johnston, R:Delbridge; carriage horses T'Skinner, W White.; carriage horse, C Mason, J L Duherty, A McMurchie. ROADSTERS. -Brood mare, E Christ- ie, F G Meyer, A Dow; foal, W Mc- Guire, E Christie, J Loadman; 3 year old, W G Bissett, J Merrier, A E Ten- nant; 2 -year old, R Hicks, W F.olland, S Lamport; i. year-old J. Dclbriclge, I Armstrong, J Hunter, Jr; roadsters, Snell & White, C Greib, W S Ruby; roadster, P McGregor, J & D Wood, T B Carling; lady driver, Mrs E Bossen' berry, Vir Chesney, Miss Miller. - - • .SPEED CONTESTS, Roadster stallion, Gus Gorbel, "Gus teen," Mitchell, Wm' Pierce, "Reuben Walker," Strathroe; Henry James,., "Major McAdams," Mitchell; best time, 2.51. Pair of- roadsters, Snell & White, Exeter; Wm Pierce, Strathroy; W ;R Davis, Mitchell; best time 3.12. Single roadsters, Ed 3ossenberry, Zurich; W Pierce, Strathroy; Ii Dumart, Zurich; best time, 2.47. Free for all, R•Paisley ''Joe Bowers," leets J Doherty,s "John, Nelson" 2nd: Gus Gorbel's '`Gusteer" 3rd; best time, ,2;31. Name race, T Handford, W Elliott, R Cobleigh, best. time 3,04 JUDGES -Dr, Tennant, Lucan, Robt. Robson, London: CAT rLE, THOROUGH i1RED DURHAM. -' Aged cow, Thos Russell; H & W Smith, T Russell; 8;y ear old cow, Tt Russell, J Roeder; 2 -year-old heifer, H & W Smith, 1st and 2nd, T Russell; 1 -year- old heifer, H. & W Smith, 2' Russell, J rcericr; heifer calf, J Roeder, T muss• ell, FI &' W Smith; bill l calf, FI & W Smith, T Russell, J Roeder; herd, T Russell, .11., e W Smith, GRADIS.-Aged cow, R McLaren, S Smillie, J .Hooper & Son; 2 -year-old heifer, W Vi'estcott, J Roeder, J Willis; 1 -year-old heifer, Thos Shapton, lst, 2nd. 3rd;; heifer calf, J Roeder, 1st, 2nd BuTCiusus' CATTLE. --2 year-old steer T Russell, R McLaren, J Hooper & Son; 1 -year-old steer, II & W Smith, W Westcott,JIoo Ptr&Son+fat steer, J Merner, let, 2nd, 3rd; fat cow, T ituss- eli, J Hooper & Son; herd, J & D Wood. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, AY.I:S11xnme,---Cow, J Essery, L Hun. er. JERsrty. -Cow, C Coates, 1• ear•old heifer, 0 Coates; heifer calf, C oates. BOLDED ANNUS. -Caw, L Hunter. SHEEP, LExoxisrere-A ed ram, enhal ��• rn, G P e, , L J Goodwin, T Currelley; shearling. ram, T Currelley,' 1st, 2nd, •3rd; ram lamb, 'I' Qurrelley, G Penhale, 2nd, 8rd; ewes, G Penlzale, let, 2nd, L F Goodwin; shearlings, f Ponhale, T Currollcy,`P 11 Neil; ewe lambs, fee e P aha to L r Goodin � r H ail+ SO111'1ineWN$.-Aged rani, A. John - gen, SunemSlxxtuenowlis,-Aged rem, ' J Cooper, S Doupe, J Duncan; shearling ram, J Cooper, J Dungan, Ii A Switzer ram iamb, J Duncan, J Cooper, 2nd 3rd; ewes, H A Switzer, J Duncan, S Doupe; shearlings, J Duncan, J Coop- er, 2nd, 3rd; ewe lambs, J Duncan, J Caorer. J Duncan. LINCOLNs.--Aged ram, F 1 Neil shearlinrs, 1? H Neil, 1st, 2nd; ram Iamb, F H Neil, lst, 2nd; aged ewes, F H Neil, T Shapton, W Dearing; ewe lambs; F H Neil, T Shapton. GRADE Surma -Ewes, H A. Switzer, W Dearing; shearlinens, J Cobbledick, H A Switzer; ewe lambs, L F Goodwin, H A. Switzer, FAT Slrni;1H.-Fat ewes, G Penhale. SWINE. BERKSRIRII.-Aged boar,' Wm Mc, Allister, 1st, 2nd; boar littered in 1893, 0 Troyer, W McAllister; aged sow, W McAllister•, lst, 2nd; sow littered in 1893, W McAllister, lst, 2nd, POULTRY, Light Brahmos, J Dowri, John Hord, dark Brahams, John Hord, W Irwin Plymouth Rocks, tV Irwin, J Cook; an variety Cochins, John Hord, J Senior Langshans, Jas Hord; any other vt- riety Dorkings, w Irwin, John Hord; black breasted Red Game, W Irwin, J Cook; Silver Spangled Homburgs, Jno Hord; Golden Penciled Hamburgs, W Dearing; black Hamburgs, W Irwin, John Hord; I-Ioudans, W Irwin, lst and 2nd; 'white Leghorns, W Irwin, A Biss- ett ; iss-ett; brown Leghorns, J Senior, A Biss- ett; black Spanish. A Hicks, T Brock; black Minoltas, - JohnHord; W rid' ya of tes, A. Bissett, J Cook ; Bronze turkeys, Jonn Hord, W Dearing; any variety turkeys, R Delbridge; Toulouse, John Hord, lst, 2nd; any variety geese, R McLaren, John Hord.; Pekin ducks. Jno Hord, W Irwin: Rouen ducks, John Hord, 1st, 2nd; any other variety ducks W Irwin, R McLaren; any variety Bantams, W Irwin, lst, 2nd; collection pigeons, J A Gillespie; collection sing- ing birds, A Bissett of Down. BIRDS BRED IN 1893. -Light Bra h- mas, J Down, John Hord; dark' Brah- mas, John Hord; Plymouth Rocks, W Irwin, John Hord; any variety Coch- ins, John Hord, J Senior; Langshans, John Hord; any other variety Dork- ings, John Hord, John Duncan; B. B. Red Game, R Bell, Sr; A Bissett; silver spangled Hamburgs, John Hord; gold- en penciled Hamburgs, W Dearing, lst and 2nd; blaek Hamburgs, W Irwin, J Senior; Houdans, John. Hord, W Ir- win; white.Leghorns, J Creech. John Hord;:brown'Leghorns, J Senior, J Mc- Laughlin; black Spanish, A Hicks. T Brock: black Minorcas, J Read, lst and 2nd; Wyandottes, J Cook; any other variety not on list, John Hord, 1st, 2nd; any variety turkeys, John Hord, W Irwin; any variety geese, Jas Hord. W Irwin: Pekin ducks, W Irwin, John Hord; Rouen ducks, John Hord, 1st, 2nd; auy'other variety clucks, J Cook; any variety Bantams, W Irwin, J Cook. IMPLEMENTS. other variety, 13 V Elliott, J Willis Hay.: GRAPES, ETC. > , Delaware, Rev Martin, J Acheson v� Wagon, Braund & Co; top buggy, H. Jones, lst, 2nd; open buggy, H Jones, F Hess; piano -box cutter, II Jones; road cart, F }less, Braund & Co; iron beam plow, Murray & Co., lst, 2nd; fanning mill, A NleMurchie; gang plow J Murray & Co., 1st, 2nd; iron harrows, J Murray & Co ; turnip cutter, D Max- well, J Murray& Co.; iron pump, W Trevethick; wooden pump, Jno Moore, I Stewardson; building brick, G Motz. JUDGES. -John Hall, Mt. Carmel; R Robinson. Winchelsea. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Fall wheat, white, J Nicholl, M Brethour; fall wheat, red, 7 Shier, D Brethour; any variety spring wheat, J Welsh, M Brethour; 6 rowed barley, W Dougall, M Brethour; 2 rowed barley,. M' Brethour, A Doupe; large oats, M Brethour, A Johnston; common oats, A McEwen, F G Abbott; black oats, M Brethour, A Johnston; largo peas, M Brethour, II Bell, Sr,; small peas, M Brethour, J Airth; mummy peas, W Dougall, nM Brethour; timothy seed, M Brethour, A McEwen; Bax seed, M Brethour, D Brethour; merchants' flour Rollins & Williams; white beans, A Shier, A Johnston; clover seed, M Brethour, A Foster; collection grain in ear, NI Brethour, D Brethour. APPLES• Winter apples, 4V Dougall, It Mc- Cord; collection of apples, W Chesney, W Dougall; Rhode Island Greenings, G McLeod, John Stanlake; Northern Spies, R McCord, R Bissett; Roxboro russets, G Davis; Spitzenbergs, R Mc- Cord, A McEwen; Baldwins, 0 Nott, J Roeder; snow apples, W Chesney, S Horton; fall Pippins, T Smith; Colverts, 8 Horton; King of Tompkins, Airth, Jr., A Bissett; Alexanders, J Andrews; Canada Red, RIi Hicks, J Roeder;dor' Rib - sten Pippins, W Chesney, G Nott; Wagner, A Mcldwoti; American Golden russets, .13, MeCord, J Andrew; Maiden's Biush,W Chesney, .P Andrew; best seeding apples, R Ilicks, Bon Davis, J Andrew, W Chesney. PEARS. Flemish 'Beauty, T, Brock ,Duche ss Angolieme, Thos Brock W (1• .Bissett; Sheldon, 1 Armstrong,'Dr. Lutz; East =Bourre, I Armstrong; Lbuis Bonne de Jdrsey, Dr. Lutz, W Bowden; any oth- or variety , F 0111, S eela s -Ca. alga Red treak, A 11 l Y � S , McEwen, S Sanders & Sons; H]lhbart- son's Non Such, J Andrew; Gilliflowers, Sanders & Sons, PLUMS. Lombard, J Willisi M Brethour; any , tonholes, J, Tom, W McEwen; Pillow shams, Mrs G Nott, M Creightme table rnats. Mrs. 0 Campbell, M Creighton; ; table doyles,Rev, Fatt, Mrs 0 Cana; bell; toilet sec, E J Spailcman. J Torn; pill cushion, T H McC;illum, Miss E Gotilcl; safe pillow, Rev Fatt 11; Gould; Crochet work, Mrs. .C. Canllbell; Macrame work el Brethour, J Sitter; Wax flowers or fruit, R D Bell, Itli:i G Nutt: Paper' flowers, Mrs. C .Campbell, R D :Bell, Pianoortable scarf, E Gould, J Tom; table cover, embroidered, J Down, E Gould; Worked wh:sit-Holder, T 11 lMle- Callum, Mrs.,0 Campbel.;' 1.'aintin ;• on china, Mrs A. Campbell; drawing room screen, M Campbell; Bannerettes, Mrs. G Nott, M Brethour; Bracket drapery Mrs C Campbell, S Horton; Penelope work, Mrs; 0 Campbell tidy crochet Mrs 0 Campbell„Mrs A Bishop; tidy knitted, M. Creighton, J Tom; gold or 1 V s 1 er tinsel work, T FI McCallum, Mrs, 0 Nott; Etching or outline wort:; M Creighton Mrs, G Nott; Applique work. Mrs C Campbell; Mrs G Nett; Arresene clipped work, Mrs. C Campbell, ' Mrs 0 Nott: crewel embroidery, Mrs 0 Camp- bell embroidery on silk, T'I-I McCallum M Creighton; embroidery oil &nue!, Mrs. 0 Campbell, Mrs: George Nott; knotted stitch embroidery, S Ilogarth, ribbon embroidery, D Beethour, M Creighton; chenille work, Mrs 0 Camp- bell; bullion embroidery, Mrs 0' Camp- bell: braiding, Mrs 0 Nott, R Bell, Sr.; - bead work, Rev Fatt, M Creighton; Berlin wool work, Rev: Fatt, Mrs 0 Nott; straw plait, A Johnston, J Tom; lace, Royal-R•attenbnrg, Mrs 0 Camp - bel ; ampbea; lace, Houston, A Johnston, Mrs 0 Nott; lace, knitted, J Toru, Mrs 0 Nott, laee, crochet, M Creighton, Mrs 0 Campbell; rick rack work, Mrs C Campbell, R Bell; tatting, J Tom, Mrs 0 Nott darned net, M Creighton, Mrs G Campbell;$drawn threads and hem stitch, T .H McCallum, Mrs C Cambpell, silk work on Java or congress canvas, M Creighton, Mrs Campbell; panels, Mrs C Campbell, M Creighton; loaf home made bread, W ,McEwen, R' D Bell, R McCord Moore's Early, B V Elliott; Concord, J Willis, T Brock; Rogers No, 19, M Eat. rett, Rogers No, 4, J Anderson; any other variety, J Andrews, 13'V Ellin 1; crabs; any variety,R Williams, R Bell, Sr.; early Crawford peaches, J P Ross, J W Browning; late Crawford peaches, J W Browning, Rev Martin; any other variety, T Brock, II Kinsman; collect- ion canned fruit, G Sanders, M Broth• our; collection homey, T Cann,I{' G Abbott; honey in comb, T Cann, S Ho- garth; honey' in jar, S Ilogarth, II . . Switzer; collection. home made wines,. J Tom, J Willis, collection bottled pick los, 3 D Bell, 0 Sanders; maple sugar, R Pringle.' VEGETABLES, Early Rose Potatoes, IF Creeelz, �J Snell beauty .of Hebron, J Down, J Snell; late rose, A. Johnston, J Roeder; Early Vermont, J Airth Jr; Snowflake, J Creech; Early Telephone, T Brock, A. Bissett; Any variety potatoe, A Foster, W Snell; turnips, 13 Andrews, F. G Ab botI; winter eabbare, J Gillespie, F G Abbott; blood beets, A Bissett M Breth- our; sug.ar reth-our;sugar beets, R Pringle, J Sweet; long marigolds, A Bissett, T Prior; globe marigolds, A Bishop, A Johnston; intermediate mangolds J Airth 'Jr; early horn Carrott, 'W Chesney, Rev. Martin; Nantes carrots, W Folland, J Srnallacombe; long orange or red car- rots, J Sweet, W Folland; White Bel- gian carrots, C Fahner T Smith; . sweet corn, F G Abbott, J Sweet ; 'Indian corn A Bissett, J Down; water melons, J Roeder, A Johnston; musk melons, J Alrth, S Hogarth ; Pumpkin, J Andrews P Andrews; Squash, W Chesney, J An- drews; Cauliflower, W Follend, G San- ders; red onions, G Motz, I Ariristrong; white or yellow onions, R McCord; Vg Brethour; tomatoes, W Folland, W Bis sett; celery, W Foltand, J .Creech, cit- rons, A Cottle, A Bagshaw; parsnips, H E Huston, M Brethour; collection vege- tables, J Sweet, w Foltand. DAIRY PRODUCE. 5 lbs butter, Mrs A. Bishop, R Bell sr, Maggie Creighton ; 10 lbs butter, ' R Bell sr, Mrs A Bishop, A Doupe; 50 lbs butter in tub, private, Mrs. A Bishop,R Bell, S Hogarth; Cheese, private made, 10 lbs, W Dougall, A Johnston; Cheese factory made 50 lbs; C W Smith, G Mc Taggart. MANUFACTTTRES. Woven"'iome-made quilt, Mrs G Nott domestic cloth. Mrs G Nott, A Johnston; flannel, all wool, R Bell sr, Mrs G Nott; blankets all wool, R Bell sr, W Ches- ney; satinett, A Johnston; wollen yarn A Johnston, A .McEwen; Dom. cotton. warp woolen weft, 11 Bell, A Johnston; factory flannel, M Brethour, A Johnson; factory blankets, .A. Johnston; single harness J Treble; double harness, J Treble; cured ham, J Tom; sewing machine Perkins & Martin, G Bissett;. Organ, Bell Organ Co; parlor furniture R N Rowe; bedroom furniture, R N Rowe, J Atkinson; stuffed birds, A Mc- Pherson 1st 2nd; Barrel the salt, Exe- ter salt Co.; barrel salt for packing pur- poses, Exeter Salt Co. , SPECIALS. Indian relics, A McPherson; cabinet writing desk -J D Atkinson; Sideboard J D Atkinson; Brick G Motz. FINE ARTS. Water color drawing, Mrs C Camp- bell (st and 2nd; Painting in oil, W McEwen, Mrs C Campbell; Crayon sketch, J Senior; pencil sketch, F Torn; bollection Photographs, J Senior; Hair Dresser's work, E Fish. FLOWERS. Fuchsias in flower, J Sweet; Foliage plants, Bella Cottle; Begonias, R Wil Hams; Geraniums, J Smallacombe, CUT FLOWERS. Dahlias boquet, J Willis; Pansies, T. H. McCallum; Asters, B Cottle, T H McCallum; ton weeks stocks, 13 Cottle; Verbenas,13 Cottle, G Sanders; Petuni- as, Bella Cottle, J Smallacombe; Pe- tunias, G Sanders; Phlox Drummonds; T H McCallum, B Cottle; Zennias, B Cottle, G Sanders; basket of cut flowers T H McCallum; Ornamental garden and fountain, R Nelson; Ornamental garden and fountain, J Smallacombe. LADIES' WORK. Rag carpet, woollen warp, W Ches- ney, W Johnston; rag carpet cotton warp, S Horton, M Brethour; rag door mat hooked, R D Bell, S Horton: rag mat sowed, Jas Tom; rag hearth mat, sewed, Mrs. C Campbell; rag hearth mat hooked, Mrs. G Nott, W McEwen; wool socks, A Johnston, R Bell sr: wool stocking, A Johnston, R Bell; cotton socks M Creighton, Mrs G Nott; cotton stockings, M Creighton, A. Johnston; ladies wool mitts, J Toni, M Creighton; men's wool mitts, Id Creighton, S no- garth; men's wool gloves, S Hogarth, J Tom; Counterpanes, domestic wove, A. Mclilwen, W McEwen; Counterpanes, knitted, M Creighton; Counterpanes, drochet, M Creighton R. Hicks; Coun- ter'panes, tufted, J Shier, A Johnston; Patchwork quilt, calico, Mrs C Camp- bell, S. Horton, Patchwork quilt cloth. Mr. A Bishop, M Brethour; Patchwork qusilt, log cabin, A Johnston, Mrs. ,G Nott; Silk quilt, Mrs. A Bishop, J Stan- eke; fancy wool shawl, Mrs G Nott,Mrs C Campbell; man's shirt hand made, A Doupe, M Creighton; man's shirt machile made,S I�apa. l ths A Doupe; Patching, J Tom, 1.I Bell sr; darning on stoeltings, J Tom, E ,l Spaekman; But CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT, Crochet work, It Bell, Sr., Mrs C 'Campbell; painting, Mrs C Campbell; drawing-, Mrs 0 Campbell, W Chesney; faney pin cushou, W Chesney, Mrs 0 Campbell; woodwork plait] or orna- mental, W Chesney, Mrs, 0 Creigton. SPECIALS. Roman embroidery, Miss E Gould; Berlin wool flowers, - S Horton: em- broidery on net, T 1I McCallum; em- broidery on table cover, Rev Fatt; col lection photoes, J - Senior; embroidery on velvet, 8 Hogarth; crochet on s pars, J Stanlake. JUDGES. HEAVY Hoasx s• -Jas Kyle, Strut ford; 0 Morlocle Crediton; J White, St. Marys, LIGHT HORSES. -J H Cooper, Mitch- ell; Jae Fell, London tea; WHGraham, St.1Vlais- CATT,E.-G Cresweler, Tucker - smith; 113:1 Beale, Fuller -ten.; P Whittier, London. 5r 3nsp AND pm ford Chesley, Tuck - ersmith; Jas McFarlane. PotmTuY.--IVm Grieve, McKillop. IMPLEMENTS• -John Hall, Mt. Car- mel; R Robinson, Winchelsea. GRAIN AND HORTICUP,TLJRAL PRO- DUCTS.- Ii' n1 Scott, Brureefield; D Mc - Lerman, Hensall. VEGETABLES -T II Race, Mitchell; . John Stewart, Beumiller. - - DAIRY Prt+)Dawn,-A. Q Bolder, Ex- eter ; x-eter; Chas drown, Crediton. M.etecFACrtaLs.-Geo San]well, Ex- eter; Sam Brown, Crediton. TYNE A.RTS, FLOWERS AND CUT FLOWErtS-IVm Bell, S Hoggarth, Hensall; Jos Peart;Exeter. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WORIk,- G Marks, Brucefield; Mrs Crocker, Ex- eter; Mrs Link, Creditor, LAI �;.,;, IS OVER Aud the Society has kept up its reputation of former pare. The weather was frvvrnble for such an occasion and there was a good Crowd, but the biggest of BIG SHOWS And the biggest of ---- BIG ODDS And the. biggest --s SHG BUSH Was to the a.ewdm rxi„u1, W Y rMeer,leem,nmvma4m16i.61.86e.6dl412p; I A Tt77U 'UPr OS " 'STORE . Where the laTgegt, anri, most complete .,stock of Dre'ts-Goods Mantles and xi alley Trimmings , ever exhibited ''ill Ilol'l.sail• Our Lady friends expresse(1, them- ' selves highly delighted with. the . . goods and in most cases made ft . purchase, Another now stock ▪ is expected in a few dal.r.s and... wo want every lady in the could- . .° try to' call and a31almille those . gods -olid if style and quality is satisfactory, p111011ase LISM12111, �1