HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-07-28, Page 18• M GODERICR SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY; JU14Y47. 19i8. favourful raspberries The rich red raspberry is so delicious, se juicy, that it is a shame that it is on the Markets, ' for_ such, a short time Bach summer. To enjoy the raspberry ,,'"--"*” at its best, you must be ready for its arrive! 'When buying raspberries, • either Or the store or at the farmer's market, select the berries only by, sight. If handled, they are so delicate that they , crush easily. They should be brigbt-colored and . clean, showing Ire signs of mold. If the container is ..juice stained, it means the berries are soft and past their Prime. Raspberries do not store well. If they 'can not.be used the day of purchase, they should be picked over, emptied onto a tray, and stored uncovered in refrigerator. It is best to rinse them under cold water just •-before using. - __tresh. raaPber-r-ies, -call be f f the • What is more appealing in the morning than a bowl of cereal topped with ,the sweet berries! Rasp brie ati.d.• cream whipped cream,. so& cream or ice cream —. is a. simple yet delicious dessert ;for lunch dinner. There is no need to prepare elaborate desserts in. order to. enjoy that fresh raspberry flavor. The Home eConornisti, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa suggegt these two easy - to -prepare desserts, in order to make the most of both the hot summer weather and the raspberry seasop. The a- $' 4,• 1 ' e , "Raspberry Meringue Pie" is a baked pie shell filledwith vanilla pudding and fresh raspberries, topped with a meringue, "Quick Raspberry Mallow" can° be served in sherbet glasses, because it simply - combines" fresh raspberries, marshmallows, coconut and whipped cream.. 14ASPESERRY MERINGUE PIE 1 4-outice package vanilla pudding A 1 9-inch,,baked pie shell 2 cups fresh raspberries 1/4 cup sugar 2 egg whites, Dash salt 1/4 cup sugar„ Prepare pudding and allOw to coal 15 minutes. Pour into pie shell and chill 15 minutes. Cover pudding with berries and sprinkle with sugar. Make • meringue._ from egg whites, salt_ - 'Altar: Pflt6bi& and seal to edge of pie crust. Bake at km175 F until lightly browned, (about`.7 minutes). 6 -• : servings., QUICK RASPBERRY MALLOW • t/2. --'cup whipping cream 3 cups fresh raspberries 2 cups miniature marshmallows 1/3 cup icing sugar 2 teaspopns lemon juice 1/2 cup shredded coconut „ r Whip crea' rrt- until stiff. Fold in remaining ingredients. Serve immediately. 6 servings. , in • II cnie peril in summer's heat F'orfood spoilage Oacteria. life begin S at 40 deg .(above refrig- . ,erator- temperature). At room temperature. bacteria 'grow and • reproduce best. Unless food is heated pat 14p deg.. they will P continue to grow. Food may look. , taste. and smell safe. ,but, still offera possible hazard., say Food SpetfaliSTrat the Ontario Food •"'Council. Ministry.of Agriculture and - Food. Eggs, poultry. • processed meats, ham, salads. cuStards, cream desserts. and milk prodncts are - easily -contaminated. Without proper •'care of these foods. food spoilage bacteria • are . present • Some types- of ,food spoilage bacteriia ' are present everywhere. Food - can be . coptaminated bY the person preparing it. by the air. or, by •utensilskeep foods either well • chilled or hot (above 140 deg.) to prevent growth of bacteria and the hazard ,that results. At picnics, take special care • with sandwich fillings of meat fish. poultry. Potato salads a tic chicken saladsdeserve similar attention. Keep foods cold, ,usinga cooler ora well -insulated basket.- Fraen bread or frozen sandwiches and frozen tins of fruit ' juice • help • • keep " temperatures low,if food must be • kept a ,few hours before. eating. Juic:e will thaw in 3 to 4 hours and be chilled, and fresh when, the picnic is ready. For hot foods use a good thermos jar to prevent - cooling to lukewarm • temperatures.- • e Spinach - salqd greens Bright dark green leaves of fresh spinach add color and flavor • to tossed salads. Torn into bite - size pieces orieft whOle, spinach leaves combine well with greens such as lettuce and endive. Torn Spinach becomes an interesting salad in itself. particularly with flavor additions 'such as hard cooked egg, crisp bacon hits. grated Cheddar. marinated onion rings, or apple slices, say food specialists. at the Ontario Food Council. Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Serve with a .piquant French :dressing. pile pound of fresh spinach will provide 8 to 10, servings in a, salad. Choose spinach with fres.h tender,leaves, with no signs of wilting or ,bruisingy Spinach is sold inbulk or in 10 -ounce plastic packages. Wash bulk spinach and • drain well, removing. any heavy sterns or wilted leaves. Store in the refrigerator crisper, in a perforated or untied plastic bag. A drypaper towel.inside the bag will help keep the leaves dry and fresh. • The10-ounce packages contain trimmed and washed, eat spinach. Store thede unopened ie the reyigerator crisper, -Use •gpinach quickly, within 3 or 4 days for best quality " Yogurt, sour cream make, menu magic • Yogurt and sour cream are two dairy products whose • 'increasing. Although both have only appeared in our „ stores • during the•last decade, they are •by no means "new products". •: Commercial dairy sour crearn is merely a cousin of the old- style , sour cream , our grandmothers made. At that unpa-sthuri2ed heavy sweet cream, if allowed to stand in a Wartn.place,'woirld become spur. But, that method did not give the satne consistent product As toe souring process advanced, the cream went • lumpy and • watery and 'uSurally dev-iToped off.flavors arid odors. • Nowadafa: sour cream. is prepared at the dairy from fresh,. pasteurifed cream of approximately 18 per cent milk • tat. A tactic ••add culture is added to .the cream and under controlled conditions the flavor • and consistency are developed. When. the cream is ready, it is chilled to stop the action of the bacteria: Yogurt is also a fermented milk product, and ii made eimdarly to ,sour cramXtB -:briget can 1*.trated t Near • Bast and the Balkan States where it has been used for • tanturies, Tlie yowl cold br • &kirk* fir+ notially made from patttly tokimmett ti1k although whole milk or skim milk may b( used. There- are two main kind :of -yogurt,- the "set'', type4od-the---------,-, 2"stirred" type. The---4tirred" type is more fluid in cOnsistency...• as a result of stirring in the final stage of fermentation. Fruit and - flavorings' may be added bi--- both. - ' .s. Plain yogurt and sour cream can . be used in many recipes interchangeably. Summertime seems to be snacktime and both sour erearilTaiid plahi yogurt ' make excellent dips for chips or, vegetables. Just add seasonings, • dry soup • mix or nuts. • The following recipe, tested by the 'home -economist;, Agriculture Canada giges.one.,delicious way of using yogurt. MUSHROOM YOGURT Op) LOWER OVERALL PRICES... , • . •-•44' -SXICED-r" 100%HOLE WHEAT, ' • . , CRACKED WHEAT, 60% WHOLE WHEAT 4 kr ' * PEPSI -COLA YORK, FROZEN ORANGE JUICE CASE OF 24 10 -FL -01 ZIP TOP TINS SMOKED—COOKED PICNIC STYLE PORK 4 ounces cream cheese, -softened 12 cUp,nirtural yogurt 4 teaspoons finely chopper green onions • 1 10 -ounce can mushrooms,' finely- chopped • teaspoon'salt Dash white pepper 1-2 teaspoon caraway seed • - • Pew "drops Worcestershire sauce . • .Beat cheese until flitf4f. Stir in yogurt and add remaining ingredients. Vet stand for 30 minutes and serve with potato eliips;* crackers or . raw vegetables. Makes about, eup15. BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY, FROZEN, BANQUET BRAND • ' ' , Meat Pies • • 4 8-°z pkgs 89/ CHEESE 131/2-0Z, FROZEN (SAUSAGE, 141/2Oz 790) •Chef -Boy -Ar -Dee Pizza CHEESE ,., pkg 69si -' ItEOULAR, MENTHOL OR LEMON -LIME, WITH FREE BLADES ' Medi -Foam Shaving Lotion 12 -oz aerosol tin 99? REGULAR OR MINT FLAVOURS (BONUS PACK 50% MORE) Crest 'Toothpaste • (family size) 150 ml te1118 ft •. , ORANGE FLAVOUR - 10;..t.i. • TangCivstals pkg 014 31/4 -oz pkgs 87Ft PLASTIC ' (PKG OF 10 650) Glad Garbage Bagspkg,of 20 $11.29 ... PURE VEGETABLE Crisco Oil IN TOMATO SAUCE. Libby's Beans* REGAL BRAND • $ PALANDA Mandarin Oranges. PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT OR''P1NEAPPLE Del Monte Drinks DIXIE MGO.LiShorOOMS. Pieces & Stems • bEN ALE Soft Margarine • ifteGuLiqt, gent AND MS .Kotex Sanitary Napkins. ORANGE-GRA,PERUIT •' 14 -fl -oz tins $1.00 3 1041 -oz -tins $1.00 1-11) tul, 2 8I pkg of 12 41511 3-ez pkg 10? • 16 -oz jar Arriving FreskPaily, Canada No. 1,Grado, Ontario Sweet DOZEN • • 1(E 41:Rf • moot E (REANI HALF GALLON CARTON