HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-07-28, Page 11visimpulisAiRMIMPININ.11:400.11. , 14., SERVICES 'AVAILABLE . 14. SERVJCES AVAILABLE . A. BI IItTHS CCI ct,D!L,farmwork, Grain harvesting; Phone Tim Hunter, 529-'7561,-29,30 —.— GRAHAM ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Residential -- Cotmmercial -- Industrial 155 Keays Street ,. PhOne 524.867Q 'Goderich, Ontario. 27tf • inoomemesens CALI FRANK TUTT For all your flooring needs., Buy your carpet anywhere. 20 years' installation ' experience. Free measurements. 524-6804 Goderich. Plastic" electric signs, highway, bulletins,— and truck lettering, .. m CALL "COLLECT 235-0.680 PERMA DRIVE - PAVING ASPHALT CQQNT•RACTORS Driveways -Parking Lots Repairs;Resurfacing " K Free Estimates 'Phone 524-6623' Goderich 19,20 LAMB'S DELIVERY. MOVING - WAKING Phew: Z4-9.657 Where to Buy it RELCO Sewing 4Ceutre (APPROVED DEALER) 40 WEST ST. 524-8431 WEBER'S , SEWAGE DISPOSALL SERVICE Modern equipmentused. Wepump septic tanks, piggerip' Lagoons. etc. Phone 887-6700. R.R.2 Brussels —19tf MOVING and HAULING -George Low Jr. 524.604r5 Cleo n -ups -and strap removal ' —23tf NUNN Seeding, Sodding And Shrubs COMPLETE LINE OF GARDEN SUPPLIES ART'S LANDSCAPING, Algid NURSERY l66 -Bennett St. E., ''Doderieh 524-9126 VACULtM.T CLEANERS:. Sales 8 Service All Makes BOB PECK VAIINA , 262.5748 Collect .CUSTOM BULLDOZING CHAS, BRUINSMA RR 2, Goderi.ch 524.9804 , RICHARD 'L OBB EXPERIENCED` AUCTIONEER anti APPRAISER CLINTON, ONT. PHQNE: 482-9431. or. 02 7898 _-.-21 ti Screened Top Soil • Landscape Work • .Backhoe_Work (Excavating Trenching Basements, Etc,) Grovel &' Fill Cerrieht"Q`r'avel,9 Lyle Montgomery CLINTON • ' 482-7644 , 1.3. PERSONAL I 'SHALL' not be held . responsible for any debts incurred by -my wife, Mrs. Maureen 'East, as of this date. Charles East. -29,30,31 19. LOST AND FOUND LOST -Prescription sun glasses in vicinity of Elgin •West. Reward offered. Call 524=7584.-30' 2.1. BUSINESS OPPdR`i'JRNITIiES STUDENTS, Housewives ---Earn $2.00 hour addressing envelopes in, spare time. Information: Send - 'stamped self-addressed envelope to Business Opportunities, Box 1094 Beamsville, Ontario. -40,31 .' • D. IN MEMORIAM"- 1• WAI3i)� -It) loving ,rp,er ory of a dear son, Albert F, 'W trtl "who passed away one «ear ago (July ?.z, 1971. ' ' He died as he jived, evec,vbody".�x friend lie, left so suckle*, his thoughts, link: owt1, But he lett memories we are mild to own. acLENNAN At ,Winghatn & District Hospital o114July 21; T972 tic Angus, and Nancy MacLennan a baby' dYughter Porte Anne. C. : BRIEFS Y•' 4 WHEEL,CHAIRS-=-WALKERS The HumanitarianService' C. P, & T. Committee of ',the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges - have eq ipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzlev, 524-7217.--eow. D. IN MEMORIAM WARDLIn loving memory of my dear cousin Albert Ward , who passed, away one year ago July 25. Oh happy hours we once enjoyed How sweet their memory still But death has left a loneliness, The world can never fill. Diane. ---.30" KERNIGHAN—In loving memory of our dear grandson James Russel Kernighan,who passed away Jirly 29, 1970, ,in our ved i"' Deep hearts, treasy 'memories are kept. Of a grandson we loved and ,will •never forget. Lovingly 'remembered and sadly missed by grandparents Mr, and Mrs. John Kernighan and Mr: and Mrs. James Feagan.--:30x ` o KERNIGHAN-In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Jim Kernighan, who was taken suddenly as a -!result of an accident on July 29, 1970 Bright was the July thorn Stark tragedy at eventide He bade no one a last farewell Not even said good-bye He had gone before we realized And only God knows why, His end was sudden, his thoughts unknown But hey left memories we are proud to own. . Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mom, Dad, Trudy,. Laurie, Roxanne, . Mark and Scott. -30 WARD—In loving memory of. my dear nephew Albert Ward. There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever. Aunt Edith. -30 MANDERSON-In loving memory of a dear husband,, • father and grandfather, Frank Manderson who passed away two years ago, July 27, 1970. " • Il ya winds of�=I.1 aiveta blow gently Con a quiet and peaceful spot Where the one we love lies sleeping And will never be forgot. ' Though your•snrile has gone forever And your hands we cannot touch We'll always'have the memories Of •you whom we loved so much. Lovingly remernbered by his wife Annette and farpily.-30 A. BIRTHS ..AU 'I.i.- t4Aw.cartd►e on July 24, 1.972tot Mi•, and Mrs. Ronald Austin,' Newgate St., Goderich,a baby boy,Jason Ronald: POECHNAN—At o Alexandra Hospital on .July 18, 1972 to Mr. and Mrs. .John P9echnan, '342 Comex- St., Goderich,a' baby girl., Crystal Anne. • POOLS! POOLS: We are looking for a dealer in your area for Canada's top line of inground swimming Representative will be inthe area the:week For -further information call collect: 1-416-522-6854 ACCs KDOLS 325 Bay St. N., Hamilton,. Ontario Division of ACORN LUMBER COMPANY A , In Business Over 50 Years weet .n AviilabIe Nowa AVTHB FARM OF Shirley& John .H-azltt OPEN 12 NOON TO 8 P.M. mile east of Benmiller Store 1971 V. W. Fastback 1600 Series One careful •owner since new. 10,000 miles, balance of new car warranty available; beautiful burnt orange with contrasting black vinyl interior, equipped with cusfom radio, 3 speed automatic transmission) like new, whitewalls. L io: 66285L. Full price s Lovingly _remembered by his Mother. and Father. -30 Me:PHEE-1a loving; mtrmory of a dear • husband, father and grand- father, Rosss McNhee, who . was called' awry five yearn' ago, July 28, 1967.. • . The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we"loved so well, And while he sleeps ati.peeiceful sleep His memory we shall always keep_ Ever remembered ity wife 'Stella, daughters Lois and Auelrey, son-in- Iaw Ed; grandchildren Barry, Melanie and Wayne. -30x RIYETT—='I'n loving memory •of • Thomas 1•i. Rivett who passed away four years ago, July 2$, 1968.. • We will always remember the way he looked, The way he spoke and smiled, The little things -he said and did, , • Are with us aI1 the while. For down the lane of memories The light is never dim. Until the stars forget to .shine We will remember. him. Sadly missed; ever remembered by Mary and •family.= -30x Dear Ann Landers: Yesterday .while' shopping in a well-known 'department store, I heard three tenrra.gegirls laughing uproariously.. They were taking pictures ,in one of those self service booths where you insert a coin and pull a lever. As 1 walked by, I noticed one of the girls had gone into the booth, pulled the curtain and- was photographing herself. Since.the°curtain reaches only half way to the floor I could see her bra and blouse hanging around her'knees: Obviously she was photographing herself nude from- the waist up. I find this shocking:' My family says it's funny. • What do you say? --Toronto. Dear Tor: I see nothing funny. I see instead, a sorry ._little chick with mess -ed -up values who is probably headed for trouble. xxx DearA)in Landers:' My mom i5 in the hospital, She is very sick. We have known for a long tilne that she is ,going.. to die. Three ifferent doctors told us weeks ago:. .The 'doctors . have shone verything they can for Mom, but he has cancer of the bones and it has spread all. V over. . • MANDERSON—In loving memory d --of-wdear-father, Frank Manderson, • who ,passed away July 27, 1970. e We miss you dad, but will always s remember you with love, admiration and pride in the heritage you gave your 'children. WO Ged-erirh tpd • • • Mom doesn't recognize anybody, ,4er eyes are closed most of the time blit even when her. eyes are open she doesn't see. Sh can't eat anything'. ,They feed her through,a needle and a rubber tube in the arm. There are needles and .lubes all over; Also an oxygen machine and blood transfusion equipment. It seems like she is in . pain although the nurses say, she is too doped up to feel ,anything. My question Is this, Ann Landers: Wouldn't it -be better for everybody, especially Mom, if they took all the -tubes and needles out, wheeled away the bottles and blgod plasma and oxygen and just let Mom" slip . away to -God's heavenly h,i •e?—Her Son. Dear SonN: es, 1 think it would be better- butlhis-decision is orae the family must make. Doctors have torhear the suggestion from a relative• Why don't you discuss it with your, family and tell how. you feel—and that I°agree with you. Don't let anyone tell you that so long as there is a sign of life, there is a chance for recovery and_ .• the patient must be kept alive by every device known to medical science. When the' doctors say the situation is `hopeless, the patient cannot take , food, no longer recognizes anyone, and is not in control of his bodily functions I She believe it is an indignity to be kept alive with needles, tubes, `bottled blood: and mechanical equipment. To: remove"the artificial devices is NOT ending a fife, it is the refusal tostay.eoff death; by using machinery. 4 person who is kept alive by machines is riot livi ,'he is sinl;piy being denied the right to die. Lovingly 'remembered by his sons - and daughters.a--30 E. CARDS OF THANKS ' ROSS—Mrs... J. C. Ross wishes to at Ltourney appreciation and ,thanks,, to all 'for the many Brindley Plastering and•Fisfie Custom Building Of the God°erich Industrial`Leaguetookpart in the Listowel softball,tournament last Saturday. July 22, in Listowel. Fisher Custor?h Building was planked 7-0 by Kitchener Evergreens in'their fist game of the single knockout tournament. • Brindley Plastering • defeated Kitchener SPortcos 4-1 in their first game but lost to Elmira l?niroya'1s 7-5 in the semi-finals. Elmira lost to, A',llenford ,luveniles 3-0 in the ' final on kindnesses shown at the time of the sudden passing of her husband, the late Dr. J. C. Ross, Special thanks to Dr. R. W. Flowers,' nurses at the hospital, ambulance attendant,, U.C.W., and kind friends'who served lunch.—Anne B. -Ross,-30 SUPLAT--- 1 siincert,,Iv thank .,everyone that visited me and' sent flowers, also special thanks to Drs... ' Jackson, Lainber•t and Lomas, nur- ses on 2nd East who were all so kind while I' was a ., patient in hospital. --Linda S,uplat, -:30 LL ERNIGHAN-1 wish to thank all- thos.ei who 'Went cards and flowers during my stay in hospital. Also the nurses un' 1st floor East and Dr.' Lomas for the kind attention., and services they were very much 'nn.. ,- ' prec•iated.—Mrs, -john S. Ker• nighan.-30 STIRLING—I would like t() thank everyone who made 'my stay 'in St. • Joseph's Hospital, London, more pleasant with cards, gifts and visits. It was greatly appreciated. ---Wm. (Bill) Stirling:—:30 F. .ENGAGEMENTS . ro Mr, and Mrs: Wilfred Glenn of Kit- chener are pleased to announce the, engagement al their daughter, Linda Marie to Mr. Fmertion ('lure Rodger, son of Mr. and Mrs, Eme, son Rodger; Auburn. Wedd ing will take place AuguAt 5, 197.2 in North Street . United Church, at 1•00 p.m: -30. Mr.:and Mrs. John 5,. Miller, 1.0.1, Bayfield, are -pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter, Lorna Jean, to Mr. Reginald Barrie Miller, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Miller, , Clinton. The wedding` W'ill' take place Saturday, - August 12 in Hol.mesvilleUnited Church at four o'clikk.-430x THE Ca-ndeligh-t - Tavern Wishes. to thank all of the members ofthe staff for, theeir help with regards to the fire. Special thanks to the janitor, Mr, Howard:' Mr. Bissett; the firechief and Mr. Pinkney, fire adjuster. 'MANAGEMENT 334 HURON RD WEI:COW .$ERVICE Would like to call on yOu with "honse,warrning gifts.' and location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the SIGNAL -STAR. nali her at 524.9524 • r in the fifth to make the score 7-3 after five innings. Sandy's added two in the sixth and four , in the Seventh. 7 Ken Daer had •a horifer°and two singles in fiveat bat and Tom . Crawford three singles in five at bats. Harry Kerr had ,three' singles ind"four at bats and John Phillips had a single and homer in four at bots. Every player had a hit for Sandy''S, Ken Daer allowed five hits', struck out two and ' - walked four. Don McWhinney shutout Fisher Custom Bujlding 8-0 on four hits last Thursday, July 20. D.RMCO scored once in the second, twice in the third,'once• in the fifth and added four in the sixth. Cjare Harmon and Wayne. Doak led DRMCO, Harmon had a double and triple in three at, hats; and Doak two singles,in 'three at bats. DRMCO stranded six runners and Fishers eight, ' In the sec,ond game last Thursday, Gord's Sports defeated Building Centre 8-1 on the four hit pitching of Gord'Walters. Gord's held a 3-1 lead going into the sixth inning and put the game out of reach in the sixth with five runs. • Jon Ginn had a single and double in three at bats for Gord's. Brindley Plastering received ten dollars for their fourth place finish.. - 1n the -second game last Sunday Gower's rapped out twelve hits, to back Bruce Stoll seven hit pitching as.they defeated Brindley Plastering 13-8,, I ow.er's•.took a 3- 0lead afterone inning and added two more in the second for a 5-0. Brindleys scored once in their third and took the leaci, in - fhe bottom of the fourth with five runs for 6-5 lead• Gowers'retained .the lead in the fifth with eight _ runs, sending twelvp•batters to the plate. Brindleys scored their.< final two runs in the seventh ,on Carman Fielder's two -run homer to left field. Glen Falkiner, I3i11 • Black, Art McDougal. Don Elliott and:Phil Petrie each had two lifts for Gowers. Phil Petrie had a Safety authorities urge drivers homer and 'Glen Falkiner .a ._t,O,,,C.otn,rnitnicate their inten'Crals— +-f-+ • • double. to other road users. If you want to Sandy's Clippers continued turn; change . position, stop, their hitting streak with 17 hits overtake—let others know about last Sunday to defeat Gord's it. There are many ways to. Sports 12-3, Ken Daer.hit a grand communicate when at the Wheel slam er in the eagne John Phiillips stashed a three rudn By the signatario ls; hanica Y g' c shies homer in a five run third Sandy's signals: by horn by use of lights: opened- the scoring- rn the-sercrnd-----hy--Tad posrtrdning; even ,hy with one run and added five in the movements of the, head. , BE Gord:.. scared twice~ in the PREDICTABLE{ - fourth and the teams traded "runs Anon-00mM I have owned and operated Gower's Industrial and Garden Centre for the past.51/2 years. Om, 1 aM ready to tell the public it 'has beerrsold to Mr. Don Denornme. Mr. Denornme purchased my store as of July 24.and will be working at the centre from now on, CUSTONIE,,RS,Iti.FRIENDS To allqif my fine customers and friends, i MUM thank you sincerely for ynur patronage in the past years. r have b,een delighted serving you and corning to. know many new faces. ,I hope t.hat your friendship n d merchandising will carry Oh in the- store under Mr. Denornme's management.. PRODUCTS Mr. benomme has said that the store will carry Much of the 'same products as it has in the past and possibly some new ideas related to the store. -Wi§hing the store* sugcess ln the future— SINCERELY DAVE SOWER xxx Dear Ann Landers: I thought I was a modern mother (I'm only' 43 years old), but I guess I'm a little behind the times, here's the story: a My 16 -year-old daughter has always been a' little slo* mentally fasrPhysichli S rhe. istat with a boy who is 1,5 and acts young for this age (I thought). This morning I noticed a' read mark on my' daughter's neck and asked' her how she- got it. She replied, "Oh, Bill and I were messing around last night and'•he gave me a .hickey..". me, Ann, what does "hickey" mean?—Outdated 'Dear. Out: Never mind what - ' `hickey"' means—find put what "messing around" means. A hickey is a "love bite," and Ia su. gest you :keep a 'Ogres ON as well as alt , lines. c cornmi&nicatton, Deas Ann Landers I'ctpped out; your br autifnl :de ttiltion of cE ,Real ll You r'eatty know what you are talking about, Lady- SA . wonderful to have someone: say in plain , language '.that° ; musel,es, money,.after�shave Potion., Hickok garters and a. Dunhill pipe don't ---make a ;mann ,a marl. it :occurred to me that the gfallities , you mentioned to describe the real mats also describe the real woman. Please„ ..Ann, repeat those few sentence"s. an*d see if they don't apply to, both sexes.•®-.•S.t.eubenville' Friend, Y' -DearFrierrd: -A'reatIrran ca,n-' be 5=foot-nothing and weigh 92 pounds. If he is compassionate, responsive to the needs of others, dependable, honorable, forthright. says what he means and means what he says; is gentle, loving, giving—and forgiving, „ has 4e'Or ofpersJean success in others, he's a real man. I know what a real man - is because I married one." You couldn't have asked on a ' better day. It's our 33rd wedding anniversary. ATTENTION SNOWMOBILE DEALERS Scorpion, one of the top 3 U.S. manufacturers of snowmobiles, ,announces the expansionof distributipn ,throughout Ontario. ...We are looking for en aggressive ,dealer, in the -Kincardine area,who recognizes the value of 'selling a premium quality line. To such an individual we offer one of the finest and most - comprehensive dealer `programs in the industry . toddy including— — total inventory financing - -full range of accessories and clothing — mass fedia advertising support =a' sensible warranty program • ' v •—a unique dealer co -op -advertising plan . . —"a full time salesman for your -showroom" - plus many more profit orientated features. - -• For a personal presentation of what a Scorpion dealership can do for you call 416-677-8212 or 519-676-8151 or write: H. L. Turner (Ontario) Limited • .Scorpion Distributors - ^ •=Blenheim, Ontario penin'g Sop. AT 0 the Squar • ANOTHER or)ty Poe Jo" CHILDREN'S WEAR on SUNDAT, JULY 30 HEAR SPEAKER '- FRED MUNNINGS Of Clinton - And .CHAPELAIRES \1/4it COME AS YOU ARE IN YOUR CAR 1/2 mile east of HOlmesville , on Highway NO ELCOME OILLECTION