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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-07-28, Page 6
PAGE .f ,GODERICH SJGl 4 S' AR. THURSDAY, /LILY 27. 1972' The FirSt Bapt,ist Church of 'GQdet'iei#•wra there ui spirit lune; befine' , tire- eventual krtilcling itself« - It V.fasi4lintil, July :of 1905„ a : thefirSticneetaing p€a reoriga-niZed -Molding committee,, that plans to pr4olecl of a foundation -was•decided. A, sate on Montreal street had been 'purchased. peing part :of Town Lot 119. After holding the lot for seven years. John Butler sold iton May 13.1905 for 8900 to the Regular Baptist Church.' tepresented by Alex Cluttoh. Duncan -Cameron and James Lewitt. trustees. A balance due Mr. Butler was paid off about ,the close, of the same year. 'A frame house on the lot was sold for $90. Later, in 1912. after • construction of the church building $500 -was obtainedon- mortgage from the Church Edifice Board of the Baptist Convention. In September of 1905 a canvass of the congregation was started: —During -the -waiter of -1906-06 -the--• churches of the Association were visited and about $500 was obtaiped. Several other congregations were appealed to: :and the Goderich congregation raised nearly.$1.100 toward the building. • ' During -this time. though still a, mission charge. the congregation ,contributed to•the Home Mission Fund. the Grand Ligne ,Mission. sent delegates to Convention meetings, and, at times was host to the.: Association. ' „ It was a growing time in Canada, with .erection in 1905 of the new provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, _ and a.' great movement of immigration from . Europe to the prairie West. as well as • many settlers from western Ontario. `Edward VII was•on the throne of Britain.. Sir Wilfred Laurier. Laurier -was ,the Prime Minister of Canada and P_resident Theodore Roosevelt occupied the White House in -Washington, Sir James Whitney had just come into'• power as Premier. of Ontario. Edward Norman Lewis of Goderich represented West Huron in the House of Commons. William T. Marney., merchant.. • was mayor'of Goderich: In April"of 1906 tenders were called for Milton and. Benmiller. brick, Cleveland stone and for •carpenter work. Subsequently the "31$72 tender of Reid and Co. for First Baptist the brick' and stone work was accepted, and that of • Buchanan and Co., $1,745,' for carpentrv. It was decided ,to partition• the basement into three, classrooms. The trustees signed a note for $400 on April •19, 1906 in favor of. Cee and Reid. The roofing work was done by Mr.. Pinder, and the metal citing by Worsells. Hobbs Hardware Co., of.London provided the windows for $210, an/1 a Kelsey furnace, cost $75. In January of 1907 a loan of $2.000 on the building was obtained from the' Canada Trust Company. In M•arch•of that year Charles Keene was appointed chairman of the building committee. • The church building was 'begu in the fall of 1905.and dedicated May 26,1907, when three services were held., Special invitations. were sept to Clinton and ,Base Line congregations. One' hudred Alexand.Tr .hymn books were purchased. and Alfred .Cook was° appointed; organist 'and choir leader at $75 a •year. In later years of the church - attendance' at anniversary, another historical church services was too great for the church auditorium, and these were sometimes held elsewhere as in 1927, whenKnox Church was obtained, and in 1930 at the motion picture theatre. . Durin ,the pastorate of Rev. J.•E. McC ley, frcn 1918to 1921,' the chu was, fully paid for and a parsonage on Picton street was. purchased, The church pbecanie self-supporting by April 1, 1927. ,4, A .falling -away, from moral . standards was discerned in 1909 by the Walkerton "Association of Baptists. It set forth that' in view of the -small number of baptisms last year a vigorous policy of ' aggressive evangelism be urged upon every church in,the Association, to stem the increasing tide of ungodliness. • Sabbath desecrati6n and, general unconcern •with personal religion." ' It was recommended that each church hold e.vangelis,tic meetings in the coming fall and winter. For 'this ' purpose. Goderich ,was grouped with/ Cl t9n....Sase Lille, Tiverton, and Teeswater. On August 17, 1931, the congregation marked its "silver anniversa'y" when the special: preacher was Rev. F.C. Elliott, former'pastor, who was later at Ingersoll. u- ,w•' In March of 1952 the congregation accepted a "Jubilee objective" of paying' off. the building fund, redecorating the auditorium and shingling the pa rsonage. In, 1959 a new furnace was purchased for,the parsonage. ,In 1961 a contractwas. let Tor painting the church auditorium choir room and study, the floor. and varnishing thepews..The cost was .$550. " On the advent of Calvary Baptist church,it was decided, on April 10. 1964: "that we recommend to .the membership that our church be known as First Baptist Church, Montreal Street." This was to obtain.a distinctive name, to maintain before the public that it was 'First Baptist".,,, and also to identify the church , as in the SUNDAY CONCERT Goderich Harbour Park 7:30 P.M. JULY 30 nj.oy the foliowing ortists: '' -Lyon Instrurnental Quartet from (cronto (Featuring -Chamber Music) Y-0ca13tylings of Marjorie Du -Mop Scottish Nati9pall.pances Mar Lynne Telford instrumental Quintet and l'i.urr,pet Soloist P ano. Accompanist Mrs. Eleanor Ill,etherington This oclvertisemen't published courtesy of -the following ,businesses pillAs 35 401,AOHNE.ST.. • 524-8311 ,• .T.LIKY.FRIED CHICKEN KINpouroo ST, 524-7359 52441612 ROSS SHOE ,SHOP 55 IcINGST0N ST. 524-7861 524-8331, • Convention_ of , Ontario- and Quebec. - A great mainstay of the church for jaany years was James A. canpbell" He was Sunday School superintendent from March 30, 1916 for some 25 years and church 'treasurer for a similar period. He was a member of the deacons' board for 40 years,- .._� _a •, , Une of the earliest Baptists in this area was William Clutton,, He moved in 1870 from a arm. ;near Dundas to a pioneer farm in Colborne township, north of Goderich. t Rev. Agan Von Keitz came to Goderich ,from Brantford, and preached his first sermon as pastor of the church on O tober 27. 1963,, For many years 'there, had been a growing need to redesign and improve the front of the church, and at 'Mr, Von Keitz' suggestion Mr. Rieder of Barnett and Rieder, Kitchener, was asked to give an architect's plan for .the front. This -.was done wijhout cost lu the church_ _ The present pastor, • Rev• W,H. McWhi•nnie _ came to ttre •Fir-st BaWast church in September of 1971 He has future plans for renovation of the inside of the . cl,twrch, ,� May this chut'`ch live forever and ' brin* happiness to.,. its seekers ,JOHN RICHARD JOHNSTON John Riphard (..Tack) Johnston Sr. of Acton died. Wnesday,, July 19 at Port " Colborne General Hospital. • Surviving are his children, David, Bill; Glen and Mrs. Gordon (Grace) Overholt, allao.f Goderich; Jack 'Jr. of Huntsville; and Mrs, Scott ' (Mary) Langley, Mrs. ,Reg. (Doris) Black and Mrs. Bill (elen) Foirest, all of Port Colborne.'' Funeral service Was held at Rumley, Shoemaker Funeral Home, Acton, Friday, July 24. Jnternient 'was - in, Fairview Cemetery, Acton. . MRS. LAURA 4,LMEDA FO WLEI: Mrs. Almeda . Fowler, 108 East Street, died July 20 at ,Alexandra Marine and 'General Hospital, at. the -age -of 81:- = _ - The daughter of George' and • Mary Jane (Pentland) Irwin, was born February 10, 1891 in Ashfield Township. She a ituarjes Fowler .who, .predeceased her in April_ :1.0 .0,,,,Fo.1Io� wing her husband's• death, Mrs. Fowler moved to Goderich from Dungannon in 1962. She was for many, Years "a member of Dungannon United Church and at the time of her death, Was a member of Victoria Street United Church. Surviving • is her daughter, Mrs. Roy (-Melba) Finnigan, Goderich. Funeral service was Saturday July 22 .at 'Stiles Funeral 'Home with Rev. joonard ',Warr and Rev. Fred Munnings officiating. Interrnene ',Was in Dungannon Cemetery. Pallbearers were ' Frank and Charles King. lowerbearers Were,' Bob Phillips, Herb Finnigan, Kitchener Finnigan, Gordon Finnigan, Eldon Johnston and 'Gordon Struthers. ARCHIBALD MACFIE Archibald Macfie, Goderich, died Wednesday, July 19' in Kiricardih at -the . age` of 89. - - The deceased was born December 13, 1882, in Dehra Dunn, India, the son of Lizzie, and Angus' Macfie. He lived in attended school at Belfast _in • Ashfield Township and in Dungannon: ' She was married. June 20, 1917, at Glen's Hill to Do ald a.. This weekend Hill Cumorah Pageant The 35 anniversary production of the colorful Hill Cumor Pageant will be presented Monday through Saturday nights, July' 24- 29 • and local members of the, I Church of a1te,Day Saints can make arrangel'frents- to 'attend- . through the church's Goderich missionaries at 524-705'7• With more than 500 in the cyst and some450 technical assistants, The Pageant is performed ,on five ah major stages ,and 20 secondary the massive production portrays the rise and fall of an ancient American <- civilization. culminating in the ap earance of Christ to his followers •n the New'" - • WO r1,6. The . performances start at 9 stages on the broad western slope of Hill Cumorah where, according • to Mormon belief, the Prophet Joseph Smith, was led by an.angel to find the golden plates which told the story of the civilization founded in the New World, by a. band of Israelites 600 years B.C. WILLIAMS EM ETERy ;MEMORIALS p.m, with no charge for seating or for parking'. Hill'Cumbrah is four miles, south of ;the village of .Palmyra, on State'Route No" 21, tw©: miles north of Interchange- ' Nn" 43 on the New York State, Thruway„at., yIanchester. Calted`the nation's "most, elaborate religious spectacle.." And Inscriptions • Stratford — Ontario Bob- McCallum 'Representative 65 Montreal St., Goder Phone 524=7345 Nottawa, Winnipeg, ' Kenora, and then inodertch fo)c, the past'45 years. Mr. Macfie was a miller until his retirement in r► 1953.' He married' to Ada Boyes itr March`„ of 1908. She died Qn January, 8,, 1963. , He ' was a - "member of Menesetung Canoe Club, I,O.O.F,, • and • the Royal Canadian Order of Foresters. He was also a member of Knox -Presbyterian church. . He is survived: by his children, " Angus •B: Macfie of Caledonia, and Marjorie Gertrude of Goderich. He is also survived by a brother, Donald A. Macfie of _ Detroit. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Richard Stewart D.D. on Friday, July. 21 at McCallum; Funeral Horne. Interment was in Maitlandsx Cemetery, Goderich, The pallbearers were Floyd Lodge, William Cochrane Q.C:, Fred Richardson, Glen Lodge, Fk , Ross.,._ and _- Joeu..,O' r enLm. • Honorary bearers were Ron Menzies, Ernie Pridharn, Frank Saunders, Harry Shackleton, Jim Kinkead, Archie Wilkins, and, R. W. BelL.. co T. PRYDE &. SON' CLINTON ;1EXETER—SEAFORTH•—GODERICH Memorials Markers and cemetery: Lettering Frank Mcllwain 524-9465 200 Gibbons Sc. Reg; J. Bell 45 Cambria Rd. S. 524-7464 Of Hanover will speak DOROTHY' _ 'Recording Artist Wi I I, Sing ; - • - Westfield Fellowship Hour 2 p,m. Auburn 8 p.m. Evil •PrevailsAli'hen .Goes :Men Do N•othing;.:, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist -Convention of Ontario and Q'uebet) MONTREAL STREET near The Square REV. W. H. McWHINNIE F.R.G.S. Organist: Mr. Frank'Bissett 10:00•a.m.-Sunday School 1.1:15 a.m.--Manning Wtit'sh p This Church has an -Evangelistic and Missionary Vision. COME AND WORSHIP WI1 H US ARE YOU ATTENDING CHURCH THIS SUNDAY? IF NOT, YOU ARE'INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US. • ',Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND TERLOO STS. REV. PETER G. ST. DO , Pastor SUNDAY, JULY 30 10:00 a.m. --'-SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00- a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE. WESLEY MEMORIAL ; CFIURCH THE FREE METHODIST. CHURCH - ' . Park St. tn, Victoria H. ROSS NICHO_LLS,Pastor - 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Worship 7:00 p.m. — Evening Service.. ` WELCOME CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYF1ELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET 7:00 p,m.—EVENJNG SERVICE Tuesday, 8:00 p.m.— Bible Study and Prayer. Friday, 8:00 p.m.—Youth Nite. For further infcirmalion-about churchservicos call -5 4 EVANGELISTIC — -FUNDAMENTAL" REV. R. BRUBACHER, Pastor Church 52446445 Residpence 524-9497 11:00 a.m.—Preaching Service 7:,30 p.m.—Evening Service Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Knox. Presbyterian- Church THE REV. p. LOCKHART ROYAL, LAI, Minister THE REV. RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant to the WILLIAM M. CAMERON, Director of Praise SUN' Di :4Yliiicis:UrLY -SUMMER SCHEDULI Service is at 10:00 a.m. SERIVI9N: "THE SUPERLATIVES op GRACE" Nursery Facilities) iAtcltruhi preach Refreshments on the Front Lawn after the Serv)ce pacation Bible Schiio1-0-...ailY,ai to August 4) . Erifer to Worship TRINITY IX, JULY 30,, 1972 Holy Communion at 8;30 mi. Morning Prayer,and Serrnory at 10:00 a.m.. Nursery' at 10:0Ae.m. , PLEASE NOTE -SUMMER TIMES - Organist-Choirmaste,iir..Paul C. Baker, Victoria. Slreet United. Church SUNDAY, JULY 30 l'Sip:Neakae.mr:lkol—rW.OGReSorlialre.4SiEnRloVnsICE NorthiStreet Unita C urch SUNDAY, JULY 30 {Coffee will be serveci•following service) Trinity United—Newiriarket Bushell Mrs. Eleanor Hatheringtone A.t.c.m. Organist and Choir Director