HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-9-21, Page 6Fa
1tL 8,1 'IVL, axis
aC4U108C00 coeLty.
rateWrin te 140Quaber,
JAO Went to, ask, " Wls011'' POWs V ,';It Ill°
, 3 -•
tiThe .noyage, win- glie yoo time to. pult
Bet:hoar leave?"...,
A WANPillitilitit FROM tfrACIdi
ming 0014111TICIPIFOR PEKES.
illtoda' It° 14il
ISSUE NO 38 180aa , k
. - .. - -
bee m
camber no more, Loohabw am more.
eel maybe returo to Lochaber ne Mere,
tut44114. ' r ad the letter if You inch',"
TreMeoyune9rusweered, the rovelog it over to land
al before. , ,
Darling Jed: No letter imam you ;
goureelf begethon . &heel)
4'1 had arranged that;befOre."
46 RUUIP4..” OEdd Jai*. exPreesively.
"Suppose Kettle worel.to4,-" e
, • 0 Onence la L6.1100 iS all heir. Diverges
dit Doge 31 ;1174: in,tituoattest:stivievosest,.... to liove.
11. Ki Metboxt * wellsenoWn eitbseu of
imomig, who owns an exmnelve
The 111-1411111...ht eni41 448:44!"
lents anent threlere .... .
Made a eleit On the 16 Isit end l7th heat
to the Convent La 'Idleande Oluertreuee,
. • . to. th o
, -----...—......
mom . . •
A go folgiroog tie iclaW all Cheri. Iskflinotta"' ''
leemte sidearmeneention efeis seemer., '
• •
.ese tears that I het the/ are, 02 fet inn dear,
Kinn Mr ate dangera attending du wier, .
'0' berm' on zenith Mats to afar bloody ehore,'
wile ot retort to Loehoter to more,.
Le' hurrieemes rise aud.. raise Seery wine,
veyel,riger mane a tompese like neat In me '
...4, ,
to' loudest oe Mueders on loud.er waves. roar;
weo eeeneog like 'nevem my love en tile
tshore. '
a leave thee behind me my heart is sair
' liabt'n, ' ' '
it by ease thee% inglorious no fame can be
Fgottd, . , , ,
ad beauty and love's the 'reward of thehravev
ad I mann cieserve it before I min. crave.
zee glee's-0'm.y, Jeanie, moue plead my .exeuee,
nee -toner cernmands me how oan I I efuse ?
'ithout it 1 nenr can have merle for thee,
nd losing thy' favor I'd 'better ern be.
gae thee, my lass, to win. glory and fame,
ad if I sheet& chance to come gionousty
Mime ,
1 bring nheart to thee with love running
ad then Iel leave thee and Lochaberno more.
[This was the song supposed to have beeh
lxn.pacier.1 by John Camerole tthe, ,yoengeso
!other of " the gentle Lochiele while in toeThere
il. at Linlithgow in 1747, Ins crime being the
,pousal of the eause of Charles Stuart.]
how iltbio? Val*); ia 14, and 1 Oto 0°
,"lettfiy I have har417 glee t'e write to Y9,u.
Tell ilnow alt Weida Ott• gillY end limit° ,hrive
the nursing in turn. It is so„lonely i I don't.
know what. I titian do without Istimelet AP..
.„„,.(i., When T am off dutsg we wander 'In
t.hewoode t. og. ether, beeellee the •do° et)" °ilea',
I numb heme air. Lence is 00011 o comeerli e
ong e had tog() ever on ibueluess to souse
people named Olarke, yeeterdem I had to
gee the pony cart from the inn, and talk
Luce to look after me. Mies Olerhe paid
.she hada, dater at Simirensimed Washington,
and then she had OPoken of You th her
letters.' . '
jeole vilchnot read any morn He was 'in
a freozy. Who was Lancelet Arnold?
Surely, eureiY Kibb,ie of 511 girl; hell net
hatched up a ilietailan' with a man beoaosve in-
she had beard from this Olarlre woman gee -
efp of the slater vend Ted? Yet he heel read
thab the meet unhirely woman did mad
things from Value sometime's,
"Who is leanoelet Arnold 1" evoked Ted
Treniamee. '
't Haven't) a notion," Jack answered.
"Some Arnoldis live at Oasbleton, a mile -er .aomethiog
ere early to get,. it see' nam She hare hell the
terhyteogm of enteneeee,and pereer4a Yen
neglected her and driven her be earn
her. oWo living, and she is young and beau-
elate...e.o.m. „ - . , ,
• 'Oapte, Tremayne wine's& Ilia Q011(1404
sonata ugly when put into word.
1 ') . tin d 3 k
hi S e wee an erage , non . tie ao i
... bob be bept ,of women lose their heeds
when, Rimmed. You ' have Med- warning
enough, (motto the fellow -every fette• r has .33,04
teemed with him,"
, a gsoh, old feigoo ! if 1 live, she shell see
I'm not aitiogether bad.. Leti me net my
feet. en hind read rm, seed 'then soottea'rel to
tile rightahoubs., If-rm--In-filniem
in goEh. It , you're in time,' <Swill. re-
peated Then when he was alone he laughed.'
mill 11:43 pould laugh no more. ' His next
bursb of hiliarity was to piroutte 'iebout ' the
room staging `" Teera-dt Bo°0141°-171' in a
most undignified crianne,r for "one of Her
Majesty's euable defenders. Ile next looked
at the Photo ever the cot, and a .mist came
before his eyes, • .
•• Your ugly old jack ilea been able to do
for you,' my Kittle, 1 have saved
farm' at Campbell's Oreek, ebout eighteen
Willec southeast of thiel piece, oeme in eome
this, merniag and told ef e remerhebie
occerrenoe et huge inetecti° etc°e" wi'lleh
us en the al let of Jai glob.
lie'ri.nlVielrb1;1101:11e:Yritliebont 10 og'31°°K 41)0024
ho went ham hie barnnord, as be had been
t ' d to le before retiring be ilea
miens Gale t -' -
then everytting was right) shout hie preen -
ises. The night was gornesvhat °louder, but
eageoleity darn. He had maimed his
and was on the oint
'stabler. eon barnyard.D —
of returning ' to his , house when he
heard a peouliar hissing sound near,
i '
and et the eoeue instent a lutenneue
, row ' fell . 411 are-nnal him' as . ff
he mom had euddeoly emerged from
the 'cloudy]. Ho looked .up and ware el-
mein .parelYzed at t.he sight of a' brilliant
ball of fire desponding through the air
with the Bpeed of lightning, and heeling
a comet -like tall extending far up into
the heavens:
The denemit was only visible , for 4
eecond, but in that brief space he says
he, suffered an oteraity of unepeakable
terror. The ball streak tins earth with
Wiliele leers off the al004.,... Me eon , ,0
Ohamhery and ,north' of Grenoble. I waived
_all tialtghhht in thettoonvienhhheahnicl a4litoe.nd,,tet tawit
;Thigottuvil hweleeele,'s lisiffle'thte"a"t317bilea''reaneve o'n and
- , • , g , . o . - yoti :
lie°e9rr nViateidelttietreoildettbeeiltd g luie; ...ItrIlltatt'dn°Yrs1Palbe,oule-.:,
' g • 1 • • . • .4 • t te nizEir, al)
vcr7 wells gob ciP• an • wan .
a gjuirter to 11, obeyed there neerly two
hours and then went to bed oes 2 a.
Ab a few .01. htrititi- b°1°'.° • 1,1-. ,t- he tnenh-e,
(Pere° twillrere°) one filing in ' kcal' their
• ' • i '
°elle' ea'di catt7ing ° lit° 0 01°6E12' Web
f tile Mora a weed for some time -- '
ene 0 GM n . , • /
• , • - '.
then one of them made e eligiet remise as
theogh with hie knuckles en a desk, and
the lt• teki ' h t of b et foot notes began
.e . o an a H
and enetinnen with engin interenotiorte for
. , n. .
an hour and three-quarters,. ween (seen re -
lighted lets little leatern, put one the light
e ten ee ,,,m, __e__. .. e_ ei.... mean,
nwn to o items oninteme , on evm et es
to light up the, book before h.*, and as
„, o, th Ish went; off to their
seer:any as say crams, (so ,
ere 40 peters or pram there end 44
freres. The perm are the more edveneed,
live in. their cells Irene weah'e end to weele's
for their clenreh services at wild.
t ,
tit :we e
. .
in Ft
, and
SO ofeha "oaf
so frem Vicarage. I don't remeneber a
It be a brother of the J.
yeeer . * . •
et * - •
a dull report 300 yards from where he
was standing. It Was Nome minutes be.
end, except
night and one meal together en Sundays,
Lancelot. Must
'Capt. not a very
fore he could recover the use of ' his
Th woe auger
ein-fi °hutch 11°1111 aye. ems
,„„,„ ef
M his quarters at Simla set a --- -
' 30 .years or so. Good looking enough,
jaek looked, steadily at hie omisill'e hu, ter
hood and hag the satiefaetiett et eeeiog ote
brow fiercely contemn. Ted Tremayne was
, Tremayne's voyage wee ,
pleasant one, The air 'steamed to blow the
eohwhhe from hit brain „a seemed also to
Inbricete the Wheels of coneolenos. Mrse
limbs. Than, running te the house, he
aronoed the • family and 'several laborers
about the place, telling them a cemet
epeak to moth other nor to anyone whatever
encept edema outs on a promenade, which
The, formal do the
high:of:4e °ant ctehst werohotott and are tees re,
<fro AlennlaNanetternire
Geattine Doti:wed. by tieptt
Belleyille. Saki. by all druggists.
We, and $1.00.
of selnititater. ‘
tt So'vera..
.. OA ,
wine the mean, oared•for appearance
that obaraotereese oar soldiers in:alto=
of melee atanding. Th. Egret mail
• d Trearavne
lied jest arrived andEciwar
I lengeidly turned ever hie ao - c
letters, tossing to one side tho-sielethaot3"
*mid keep and heaping up theme for im-
Lediate pert/eel under his nose.
..A, tremble ago he would have eagerly
a Man who was an itttense believer In..there
154:game" lwe for a Inan'en'i another for a:
, Be d ubled his &tie/mimeo to gni
VirEtOhiOgtOn, who received. them smilingly,
and seemed to look upon him is a valuabie
addition toter large property.
* * * * •
"Wretched day ! No chance of doing
r op s RP d , " raid Jack to Mrs,
Washington's•geld had brought him to his
ee:_rnesnee. li'sew atis spiked' (readmit la a dif-
f t focus.Jr k' words came batik to
him „benther: "She's get egoeny a .
thoroughbredebut a geo.d. serb--Wholesomely
brought up,mou know." Then Kittle's face
began to haunt him and with it an Manes-
phof lova „n. pewee •
journey seemed interminable ; but at
'had struck the earth and they had
only a ' few minutes to lige. In a
short while the whole plantation was
up, and meg ohd, children were heard or y.
Eng and aupplioating heaven for mercy. See-•
tug , that n.othing further happened, and
being a practical man, as seen an hie alarm
subsided Mr. Mattes prevailed en two or.
three Men to accompany him to the spot.
striated, thetigh they never woe outside of
the 12 acre welled enclosure ies t cei per.
. . ' gi e ,
rolnaiOn. No woman is ever a emcee. go
Mott' of that era. lied, itiofteitre ezeept by
- .
w_Q,rt:eenicuoiesuoviciPnstot.rmriatusttet,:Lreaotssetts:e ifeonpuee'g At;
lidy ttrtp to this convent, through a
beautiful" mountainous entantry, trod tee last.
.• ar, We Head
wil no, Remedy CALTHQS
WI la legal guarantee
'00--41".. - .1. cm • tenon pligelkarceg
(r-BE.:42: lillutilkl'idirlen.b.k.-4"rehatetv'''..k"°.1°
Awl ..,, Use et and
's i e A.adress.
s 8016 it.morican
----- e .....- .. •••-• ... .
,... ..
tile marvelous rrenth
free, aucte,
that CIA.ratlog will
45 Etra4adelre4.
pay 7: f satisfied.
VON lniOHL 00..,
Agents,. Cladvals11, 06116
. • i..... e . es, .•
night eut the one b aring his wile's -The
riting, and heve read every line with
tweet leterest. New be read another
rob, ad then took up the prebby envelope
lth les , monogram of scarlet aud gold,
tic& was direeted in e. galinh haud and
,ad it leisurely.ry
This, faos• was Edwerd Teemonme fells Sk
mile autity. He bad todoljod*, mtosho,
ielent ffirtabion with • Mrs. Washington,
his having lawful wife__
:th i nw,et 0 ap.
" e "Suppose you all come and
. ee my photograplez-le is a long promise.
We wilt r aye Meant?. musio-my new banjo
, has just croore---instes,d of the proposed out-
omit funesion."
" 0 vital 1 ' said gra: Washington, and so
it was arranged. '
jack had it fists collection of pictures, and
ween he ruehed back to prepare for his
gueats he took bhe fedede group out of the
last he was in the,pretty, well...known drew-
iw,_rome. . •
74 Ab, 'Millie 1" he cried, ass figure reset°
meet eine, " Kittle ?'' .
" Is it really you, Ted? Kittle -le •in the
wood with Longo." .
Tremayne curses lance under hie breath,
" I will go to her," he send, striding through.
the Franoir witidow. • '
He ran %ionise th.e gorden tuba the wood
They' cmuld nob get °loner than thirty yards
en account of bhe heat and =alms -heroes el
sulphur ' and gas which the stone emitted.
Paley° Out a ruddy glow, whioh illtunineted
the atmosphere for frame diatomite eroand,
bei the light of whittle. then could see the
grass and. twign all about it in a circle of
fifty feet er more in diameter, burned and
binged to rashes: The Motto .eizzled and
esteemed, and shot out jets of steam or minor
, e , • .. s . . ,
nine enamellers at tne smo er a nuniataiu
t t deliehted tele need r Trier° wars
orreu , e . e 5.
nething but a mule pith to elder °anyone
laurel 1854, and their idea of living " dens
nue seittecte abeolue" was Weil carried out.
1- neer' me e. . . .. s
ouu yawns. .i.D la 5 etrange race, or
God and of the weer te get to Aeavon that
you should abandon the world. and all
ite tr_liela sod. dunes so that you. may please
him and gain a heppy hereafter. I used to
, .t.
Set the
„ #
d ' '
,iht w
ne 141
4, .
„ , ,
ti al.
ed. i he facie of a
dee by rigkib of prerogative or appropria-
go shims: have pistetted hit chief
ioughta and had nob 'done so for fear
oeks-oceurred to him rather forcibly.
shabby velvet fre.me and slipped it into one
of the leoeks When hie pests arrived,
that Paroict.ilar book he plarsed la Mrs.
Washington's hands and looked over her
oboulder while she burned the lessee. The
an a goodly pace Soon he heard a voictew-
Kittiehi voice -slaying: "Yeaiknow,Linee,
dear, I love you dearly. Yon tniusteneti be
- eanius. When Ted comes he will want
line • when he doesn't I shall be with you."
froze *bottomed pores.
Mr. Idaterox and several neighbors visited
it the next day, when he was able be get a.
closer view. By daylight it ohowed up a
dttli dingy black, and was full of pores,
call this bandbox virtue, but now I with -
draw ' condemnation MIL I know their in -
dividail riefa and mental malceup.
It. la atgleast better than suicide for time
'is almost lways curative, end reffectem end
opeequently he read the letter in an
ggreslive mood, and became consoleue that
1 was a very childieh composition, mud
ritically wondered how Kitty could write
e Mealeesly.moderately
other ea le were grouped at a little din
. P P*study
" Theta is a glorious ruin, Mr. Len Where
is ib 2 Ib seems familiar to me."
"OldReckingham Orketie. It le en a, tiny
"Tcd topped ehort. This surely was a
8 613 or .
pleertant home -coming to hear hie wife con.
fees her love for another. Then Kittle
crime ia sight and in another moment with a
ory of delight was in his arum. He fergob
whir:111mill shot out). jebe of vapor of an
offensive emelt, which almost stetted ene.
The stone is evidently embedded in. the
ground for same distance„ and chows only
about a foot above the surface. Mr. Mat -
- - - ,. .
bring peace and mentar equanimity.
ee will gelg that all the freres I met were
d " o t men, le arg heg me
lp eaoant, intentgen
and treetingene well, and whenWAi
I left the convent. beinveen. 8 mud 9 in the
The letter ran thus:
MY DARLING TIOD.-Iti is jUllt three long
sore since I isaw you. How I bemoan • the
Ip -se that prevented my going with yeti.membrane°
lo you rereenaher phis day three years age
rhen we stood in the weeds together with
island, you. know. The present castle is
built &part .
"And tale 1 Oh, this is still more inter.
inning. I like people. They are friends
OE yours 2 Surely this is yourself an a
boy e., • .door
all but the happiness of holding her. But
when at length he raised his eyes at the re-
of the offending Lento, he be-
held a child of 7 yeare glaring at him with
ready o a .
a amen bra oeg t ene
held her hand.
tox estimates it to be about the eize of a
hogshead, and nays when he left tide morn-
tag ib waa still throwing out a strong
heal, and ita would require some days bo •
cool off „suffiolenbly to permit its being dug
out. An Maltose fa well known in this mann
morning a bright, intelligent brobher gctard-
i the outer door with a meneter key, said:
. •
J" Bon iour, monsieur, et bon souvenir de la
v - - ,
carotid uhenbreuse," before he looked the
behind me. -tor. Hartford Courant.
leading and
best varieties SEED WHEATS
he erirnroses at our ftenthe blue sity cviver- i n -.,g.ede
ead aid our hearts nearly breaking at the.TESS
!naught ef garbing 2 Now, vee have only to " La this yam' father 2" •
"Ne,th Id. son ft mereanole. .He
e o par
hink of meeting again 1 Yon love me asShammed
brought Thie is 06116111 Maly-
Kittie.laughingly out
"Ted, you remember' little Lenoelot Ars
noId. We called him Baby beforeyott wenb
e gm , er en •
away. - 5 8 omen .
munity • there is no doubt whatever of ate
truth of hie statement. The stone will bet
exhibited 'at Jackeon Park cis soon as it can
be bandiedi. Mr. Meninx hopes to realize a
. —
nagan.ese Women who Danced
. . Before mem.
in cultivation. PRIDE OF GENESEE'
is a new varieby never offertgl 'before.
me up. my
moh as ever, don't ,you, Ted? I am read -
ag Hiplines hooka because they are about Millicent Lee. And this is my Kittle. Mrs.
et -Ted Trems,ynehr wife, you know. Ted
ingiceindian life. and I are ceusinsiby marriage."
I am trying to get emonsbomed to the
verde used in India. You drive in a rick- " Yee, Mrs. Billingoat," leaking up end-
denly ; "let me toll you all . &limb that
haw, don't you? You wilt your feed briffin•
a Sehib I Fancy my photo. It is a beautiful gloater! We boiled
Cream of literature. •
The end crowns all, and theta old common
arbitrator, time, will eau day emit it.-
Shale:spectre. ,
-' Tills is the divine law, that virtue only is
firm be shaken by a temPeod-•
handoeme sum for it from some of the great
-socilebles haematite:1 in meteoric celleobicone
It is certainly bhe largest wanderer from the
reelme Sof epv.ae whinh ever found Re way
ixt earithe-Arandon (Mss.) • SpeCial in the
St. Louis Globe -Democrat.
Amending to.rumer the burcaprebby young
Japanese women who are to he seen Is oile
of she Brovadway ehops were neerly mewed
<vat ef eheir , wits when they atteinpbet1 to
mange a select ,fett. of uhe400 two yearn ego,
says a writer in Topics. They were
and ali ailbar.
, soma worthy a
cultivation. Send for Cata,logaii. Don't fan to
see our exhibits in Dalry and Agricultural
Halls at the Western Fair. Address
• • ' A' 'firg,
,nd you are called
Lusbmad being called a Sahib 1 Bat in all eggs on the top of that pionetole. .
A roar of laughter from the men greeted
• . .. I
' *hat is a Dollar I
be dance en a low plabform bunti in the
London, Ontario.
he otaries the married people flirt. It
t.his remark. '
• 1A311friendehip °reap gently to a height;
tre'4, er-Boy, what's a dollar?
drawingroom for the purpose, and were
ernes quite the order of Indian life. on
=silt flirt, Ted. Yea, dear, I know yeur " I thought you boiled eggs in 'craters,"
my le miserably small. Send less moitey sahit pretty Mrs Billing iot.s
nail time. I•wish I could do without any, It all depenee en the time of the year,"
BS ao i who WOU gave e pen a y on
id J k Id h h t " ft ' t
nit, I cannot yet. Your loving wife, .. . . .
of a mine if he thought ifs euffered end
if 'lavishes to in it may coon run. Reel( 010
of breath.--eFuiter. •
Philosophy gem no further than probabill.
ties and in every iosertion keeEs doubb in
reserve. -.Fronde.
, , .,
Pupii-An' elusive babble, very easily
ong • next, What a adol-
dencher-Wrong; , . h ' ' .
lar 2 ,
to heal
standing in readiness on its tahe women
flocked Ill the -room from the preliminary
dinner, Th.see were rill he the carnomary
alter, dinner more or less inebriated condi-
tion, and regarded with acorn the gentle un-
IIRS WINSURTS enteeperie 1 Mt
e h rem i wthilifP
eveigneeitilial Tnielmeigen
sr,„„aaiap,„5„agm,,,,,,ebt, N5 ocau 2115feeefr 6)
Kum, jug
" Rumple," he said as he folded it,. 63 nob had. eeen enough in one 'glenee at' Mrs.
Wmahington to kr.o ve how badly she took
6 scam ef news. But ib is considerate of his revelation. He talked' hard. and ' the
he ebild about the money, and 1 am des- more he talked the more leis guee s laughed.
ieranly hard up." Jook Lee. always was amusing, bob then
Mrs. Washing-
Do not b is die ' d bdo not
0 6 FIN, WU , a 090 alt,
attempt be be clever at the wrong place and.
timee-wCaelierine r.r. ,
Habits toe to the soul what bhe veins and
arteries are to fano bleed -the coaraeo .n
it moves. -.Horace Bask:tell.
Pupil -A porous plester alt
Ineunds ! . •
Teacher -No ; nercett; What's a dollar 1
Pupil -A tiny thing, which ease people
se close be their eyes t at b o satires
bring'h i b
heavend hall! •
Millinery movements of arms and legs that
sonotidelnettalergaleltiot adnantokingm poorIn -
doted- On their joining. in a grand de
ay fling, and afterwarde ohowen th.em whab
high kicking was. As to the poor
Valluzblos tre=tior lova bot0c1.
61 'la
'AAA; 4,,,,A.....x,,,,,,t,
are= 40.4F.AVYX.
Fme omen
tk ra
. It: fact, the flirtation with siiero„, he ettrpessed himself. For a long
von hed led him into expensee whieh Metes time he hadn's o notion of whet he was say.
g Delicaay prevented him from looking
rirtually had to pay for, er te be more 1::-.
hocur4te she had. to deny herself much to at his victim. He Was in agony leen she
mahie him to epond the equivalent lame should have faliated or would make a ecene.
dm, Washington Rare fletwerreinwhioh the n I'm nob one 01 the cool wren, he woutel
Sleeted mew the mirtitful,. for mirthfumesa
is Gorre medicine -one of the renovators of
the world. -H. Vr. Beecher.
f routine
Hotait iti the betefieent harness o .
which enables silly men to live reoPeetahlea
. Teaoher-Not quite. Next. What's a
. n _ _ a 1 i
Teacher -Pretty neer. Next. What's cri
dollar ? • e
1 i t ith the girls, a modern
p itoo eccommin is w
youth never before exposed to association
with faehtonable women, he simply fell
g e oer, 11311 now e poor g r s
, throu' h th fl d be I I
shiver and shake until the pine end obttioe
ii make =may canvassing for "Farmer.
Friend and Account Rook." Send for eiroulenir
'William Briggs, Publisher, Toronto..
iatideome widow glorified, took coin to ob- say to hiusselL "SomelihLog wrong, doubt.
she, Bub, t'nen. eke never destroyed bhene. less but I can't help it." .
1Chey were carefully dried and kept as e'
At lengbh he book a cap of tea to 'Mrs.
and anha,py IWO to live esemlye-Meorge
Eliot. .
Tee happie•st lot for a man, so fon me_
Pa in -Maven cents' of silVer and
. . p .
' worth f libi 1
eighty-nine cente wor o po as
Teacher -Correct • Go up to the head,
(Makeo a note). Then boy le a future
little penny fana in their ebony lecke are all
ef a tremble when they even hear the word
i d
ecniety nient one .
1 cilEAp
nementoos of some pleasanb f auction or Weshington, who raised her 'eyes from
other- -What a contrast gra. Wevehington's Rookiughem Cfavtle and bhe faded " group."
,etters were to poor Kittle's i Her deeerlP- He talked' feel while she • drank it. , Tame
ions, 20 hunieroua and quaint! /indite liked she roam to go, lookhog deadly pale, bat
is coneerned, is thitteit ohould be =ch. as to
give him but iihMengoasion bo think mach
about in-Whately. .
• The chief pleasare in eating does nob c.
Re ublimin.legialotor from a kid glove New
, P
York distriet. Watch his career 1 -Bi.
. -
metal ist an Town Topics.
A. Niece of !Robert Burns.
Reburning past the " therte aboon the
well" we come by a pleasanb way to Bridge-
'fill A liffigQ
i .1.] 11.11111.0
12,oem aere.s in best sea-
tion of Michigan, on line
of M. ,C. Ft. Fare paid,
one way on ptunhase of'
so be amused. • , • perfectly self-pecesesed. .
" Oe 1 is this you, Jack 2" he said aloud, .. " What is It?' sakel Ogee Tromeyne.
is a inan of net very .preposseeestag appear- "You look as if you had esea a ghost!" •
moo entered the room. . • " I think I have," eita vieewored. " There.
"Any Kit 2 Haman% '
81011 In costly seasoning, or exquisite flavor,.
but in yourself . Do emu eeek for macre by
labor 2 -Horace. , , • '
Ideas meke their way in silence, like the
teat, filtering • beneath the reeks of.
An Old LardnaritGone.
Workmen in Glasgow, Scotland, have
demollehed a building Which, for the hub
114.. yeara, has been lured as the meetieg
tide cottage, the home of .Miss Isabella
of elle bard, and his only
Burns Begg, Mae° .
aerviveng near relative, writes Theodore F.
Wolfe he an interesting sketeth of the only
rotative of the in. the August
Write to 8.M.
40 =reg.
West Ray City. Mich.
news from Couein le a haunted ruin ret then book: Na, thank
lam the beetle the Mother Lod
near , inset
• , -
lad ri line. Therees eemething wroog ; she yeti I will go horns gone. The home letters
used eve write by the yard," will" have arrived. I want to readthere in
Edward Ts:omo.yrie looked up. "Here is p„„.71
ter letter ; there is nothing in It. 'Yon can Jack Lee pub hee in her " rickshaw," and
ead it." , , . squeezed her herd until ehe evemed. . •
the•Alpin loosen thorn the moil attains
en which they reste-ifelubigne. .
If a man loves d, woman for .her .beattty,,
does he love her ? No ; for the smslipex, •
whit& destroys her beauty without killing
.sPascal. '
of eve of e
p . . r g
of Free Marone. The building which aimed
preelouvily on the same site was the ensure1
'house of the •Eglinten ' family, , urged for the
welleetion of duel, rents and other purpOMS,
''and about 1770 'Watt obbained by the DEOSOOS
Ea„,„ Hama j„,mai. Tha „atage i,,, a
oozy emeotemeoe stone, tromp/how ehaeohed
roof a dormer window, brilliant Wibliffewera,
peeper out through tete foliage whicilx em-
hewers and half °anemia bee tiny homelet.
, .,
li '„,.
0 , i
ao,,,..1 4 ____,-.... ,,
. 0 •tiegaV Ch --‘41P.1
gemmosin nen. cioneenene
4d liePii anew. osetneemeregentrin s-
.7eviktook the, letter, while the blood Mts. Washington at length remehed• her
her, Iceceae.--
, ONUSee hie
as thehr lodge -room fortArehibald, doverith
The trimmest of iibble raeldwadintined es at
nounted to the roots of his sandy.lemin No bungalow and found a budgeb of home leb-
me but he knew how he had loved Hibtie ter,. Ons was 1„ra h„ tiote4.31:0801„ke, „
mbil Capt. Tremayne had taken. the girPs Near the end. of along epistle about family
inert by worm, matters ahe tsaid : '
"Kb is out of herbs," he said tersely. ," Binh a nice littlis womsn oaMe the
a Not tr, bit of it," replied her husband, other day 'with atnerder from an' arra for
'4 or she would .haire said so." ' • seine painted table come eta., for the
"Nat she, if she thought It would worry Bezear. She told me WM' her luebend,
eon.. She is not builb on those lines. Capt. Traverague, wara he Sinale, and hie pay
"Noneenee 1" , being inadequate for their requirements ohe
Jack Lee looked . for a momeat se die° had sold her were. Her father -you ro-
would like to swing hie riding omaip a0r038 ' member gr.' Lee -la very ilt, and as he has
she hentioome face benne him, hue instead to . have a 'locum temmii-or an Bridget)
Rheumatic Pain%
Require 729 deecription, sinee„ with rare or-
cm tion, tell' at some time hem° experienoed
thle3ii twinges!. Rheumonicim Is not (sadly
disiodged, only the most powerfully penetrat-
Mg remediee reach to Ito very foundations.
The moot succeseful treatment knewn, and
it ie nowfteemently resorted tO by medloal
Men is the applioation of thee fames.
reznildy for ,phitootp,eisects Nary/Ike. la.is
bo say tihet noshing yet disnovered hen
at:fowled opal eatiefeetten to •the ' suffering,
Earl ef Eglinton. In 1779 the lodge was
1 vine
rebuilt by Daniel Muir, builder, r .
The said Berl was Grand Master from 1771
to 1796. Freemaoeury and Kilwinninghave
been closely conneated since 1140, when the
society was formed bq the buildere of the
famous abbey. In rot= of the old lodge be
to be mit up a fine gateway leading to the
i b hutch and a wall with ornamental
'atria- 43 I •
ralLago between the Ma111 obreeb and the
ohurobverd. The new lodge la expected to
he ready Home tiros in September.
....0 roadside wicket. and 00/161000C11.10 along
e. path, hardened by ilewerty„ to the cottage
doer, whore etood Mies Begg bouncing a eor-
dial welcome upon the pilgrims from Aaron
rime She io the, daughter and natnermke of
• Burns' youngest and. favoribe ulster,. Isabella,
who married John Boo. WO fouled her to
be,' a eingularly active and viermalours old
lady, cheery awls intelligent), ad
.P10400041 120. have Bewared ampreeietive anal.
ten, me her remieeseenene ot her gilbed rola,.
She is o. sieader halliV,. 11,01 e. brightt
ti", r habit
• and winning farm, and 'sole gray hetet, and
WHAT THE pEopLE gm- or, arc,
With Memo: Iiiive im e; ersidva lnoceut and cse
Woracheited n _
DI eczema or Salt eetig a. Mg 11.111ende waif:
nee7bni ieet „ex, yma age„t, axed rai,d E
bought a bo.n of the gales. ared after bathing in
hadateentele.i_ethehlthit.veryigitahhe thred=1.1stage
hande became ,co,akto sznaoth,, „II
have adViged t011098 to use lb far BOW AYSOt
Run-arounds, late:, end HIST haTa. erdlexiallaaS.
benetioial results
shuthdozoten, .6m, att.m. a, jr.6,0.2zaox..
. . a o maw a em,
ground his epur intothe floor until he cooled °aid him; a 'local demetti-thair misers are
ilittle. straitened.. A sweeter face I never seer t
.. You are told not to flirt," beheld with but she looks very froll. Find her husband
aid nu 3,iatner heer bed the cue tome , be
Nerelliste to sure be °tiro it. Sold by drug-
g o e arti eon ry en, a . •
I t a d 1 re
stounda , le&
' bout the British Is
The Queen's railway bill for her 'journeys
, whet •otte wan seated beneath 110 Bt12118 por-
. trete we could see that her brilliant dark
eyes vsecr like those on the canvas. .
•LI-li, , A
This is to eel -flit 411 &kW% Wig' ast Mart% ;A
sures a r e mew cs• ve <mum 0 V
To • f. Eth , i E sa 5 ta
neared it frost bite WO which. it asd beers 8.11118.
1. short laugh. Wire. Washington
Know that you aro married?"
" Why?" '
Jeck avoided looking int.e Teerneyne's
, "1 have a notion she deeeret. I feno7
she'd choke off if she did. I knew her
. and tell him son' .
, This page of the letter Mrs Washington
folder], and ,in its placed Beene ' etiology. She
then addressed au earielogie tie OapteinTee-
=eyrie end slipped boble into it, enclosing
also tile% tines: . '
." The flowers have sen6 from time bo
"Enabled', to may. Elldh Wages.
• . ' .,
• Rulela enjoys the proud &ruination or
being the best pretreated ,country , in the
world. Dunes meant' from 200 to 350 per
cent. on everything that Can ba manufaco
to and from Scotland cremes to E6,000 a
year. . .
The Duke of Wes bminatier is creditedoleo
,„,,,, e , • . . ,
""n tecacc"mg cue °nee° eatriag° n°r"6.
He recently paid 1,800, guineae for a pair.
There are no fewer than five Irieh peers
Who take their titles from thee are.
For the [‚resent.
F adi le bad boy,'a cad 6 and bar,
, re . G a g 0 '
breth‘lr Charlie la 4. Freddie wee at his
I f teasingand pintabinv, acid
uat'a game ° ' iii" hi " hh
'bellyregging his brcat er, ve en vi me er
bled for about) ream.
mount Rope. nott Wene Seerininenfenes
I have need Earn _Monona. 8 . t
reconamentl i , f
t as con o tee beet heattud mow
101Sti Can be had, lir outerin sore na ougerne
legs It doted: Ilhe a charm,
101"a ain, out, ikomaz, 1,Aalioal.n.
before ahe tn.rreschold Watihington, and al.
though, they were nob thoroughbred, they
were a good eort you know, 1 mean whole.
densely brought up."
Tele reactant. brought. forth a prolonged
'stare from Edwaed Teetneyne.
time have burnt most flagrantly. You must
allow me.to pay her them. Yount- oto
I 'I
* *4. *
, Jitokhad received %letter froni.hie, °Mesita
mealy by the mune molt, .. igneoehr Elie
eb the ear'sladelb
buret!, in.the country. Y 0 ,
eubjeets work in therm • proteoted fee:tortes-.
fame 14a to 20 heron' daily for fremedas to
104. 61. per week,. and are booties sitiej,eat
Pi fines imPosed b7 their employeers,...often
Menhir* to a Sated ef their wager., otedurn-
nob to be found in the mtp. of Ireland,'
These are the Doke of Aboraorn, the Earl
Sheffield, the East of Darnley, Vlecount
Bangor and Viscount Iftwarden.
. Tile Prince ef Wales. pays ab the. rate of
$1,750 a • thoutiend fot hie cigar% These
to Dfl„,,,t •
v u k o .". he said reproviegly
" -'' in wb a . - -- -
'' that you are, eying -op trouble for your-
' ' ,,
aelf by.and by; by doing this? . .
14 Maybe I inn " be ' replied defiantly,
ie b- ' , „
t Oharlie Iregebting. his now.
n ' '. 7" ' ' '
- . • • - e
, 000 Mates of Fen Malan Iv' bin 20,1n3gdg
_..8!„______. , ... „,.....,Mng .____ s„,,,..,....... _
"ili g.'"Cat Fug'. W/4%7 inv4' 3 ii?.. ra,„."....
. ra a . erms i pet 5020, 1 a
gde a yeart six. per cent. in.tereen Schnole- man
churches racer ' Well timbered. • Send Mee
"You will Moine, Ione contirsurid Jack,
meeting tire ether'e eye, fail aad square, " to
mind my m.vo off'ito ; all right. tr'n cc%
I'm a tonnity bumpkin.. &meaty, as the is
road, "work' 100 hard; sho hos, bennit and
pelotto In hand all day. She would be
Wretchedly dull butt for Lime, who le hero
eveVY hoot he ,00do .o.Pare. Yon remember
here of the vietime are thew past th,eigpritne
, ..
at 27, read old men , Mel WOLUell 1811 AO' yeen3
of age. Ali . ,beilana° Pr°teelicn ,Pr"ific°
them with ample employment. •
precious weada are silvan inches len g'
The tallest. man lee'the Hottest of Commend
ie Captain Hoge He is 6 feet 4 inch ff i .
• • c o'
height. ' '
' • ' • ''''' ''
1,' Pub On .some more °lathes, Msetely,'
ehrietied the' bil My ' nt • WI 'the eel.
--• ei 13 le' - • eat ". hadded,Hemmen:ices
shore; " fel • s w.11 see you, e o
herniae ' (deur& "Avant Julie'," replied
mane and eiroula,re.
. v"s^ Ia. mbrbtgat.
gasbaow, 118.. Beare
done in India, be. emu, to. me. &lug the
IVIY,dtalft'g' °i ''/' 6 eeadrieobs 'tile woolen
leave 3me alone. 1 i he" fete rePrroerib on
Midi:Puce, ' But 1 neon, If t had a eite.who„
.-40/1 1. -,GOD a lights 2 Tnaeks "
Jack strode nee of ,the note. He map
. '
using ugiy adjectores about Kitty s litne
o . ,,, , t, , into - We cave
how fond lie was of 'tier, o.nd she of him."
' Joe& took the' letter to Captain Tremayne.
As he read it bee handeettes brow clouded,:
i "Who ,the deuee ie thief Ltece 1" he
„need loamy, ,
44 OELEet for the life of mut think."
'lack aserewed new hie ugly face an if to
, ,
cornet Corns! ,
Tender come easeful' oorSes, aofb come,
1 , ii , ' P d in f d . b
,a..oec...ng,corna, 96121090 a aW, ass y
the only sere, safe and painless &mit care--
v ' 0 e ' E b t T /1 A.1
demeans ore. x vac or.. Try L
de:owlets?, ,
Benjemin Frariklin's mother' advised her
1 gb a d - uot to ',. b
on ea e sore o atar a newspaper,
"bemuse thole ere. enee rielespapere alreedy
n o cum , ry0 . ectOr Log e a $
i th ot " '. d' to the 1 te b
04112 CP. 111 1 o I, .
........01d O. ...0001.. 11 .re tory t -ere aro, now
Arnarida, aa she wenn out areang the
wavers with ell the trustfel irorecence•of a
' - • • v,
5 Motorman 46 wnat are we here for?
,„,, _,,,_ .• ,,, ___,..., • „. _ ,_ „___, , ,
'doe 'Prooenee ut "44" 5PPle13,18 lulo. ,lu
bag tho prodttee weaken
al, 1 1 ft . ' ibil
u607210 peva) -lower'. any 25090 Ratagil '5% '
HI h
U vie g
e -
- ,
Sp d F ' °icy IC ift
e_e gnaw , it . er
W111 Irma '10 pane nodinK Dar
it dale. Win de 1.11 'Sleet 00147.7
plata etteutat marten numnarre.
wirt do, front homespun ne fac;-•
tory yarit. The theht, outworn
faml fp *fluter ett We lisarket. A,
call& Can cmeratei rt. stream
Diirt4b16, Moven aaptee wse
PAS4110 and weever. ee got
porters looked at a ' '14E0011 " 10 a shabby
little wive!) noose thee hong Over hie 'cote
eggeeee some reoeueeloott out of hie brain,
and than eat le a °halt gna xeuguid.
' "01 ootirsei I remember,'" ho said; being-.
. The /retort courteous.
Zuglishman-Pardonine, Hite bat where
19,573 newspanets• published he the United
Stated and Canada Of Lwhieh 13,98 are
weekly publicietionni 20386 . raanthly, 1,159
' '
their Beia,3eade that thG hen ill= bores e, day
co whoa. satitki„,
imamittemmumpoursagramm''' . .
— namm."4"ww"5"
' '
,-... ,, ,,
&JIMA '''
gementree decry matheletto dor
oectaroac, ntlrgtoofrettemtroo4,
Itge"." "t4tt.''''. .77tLa' gGt 116'.
in *II tab was ine likeu. el, a , slim girl
ieg hid fist down On the Mble. -be-
do 001ne trent t, raddy-;-From County
dail 243 eorni-monthle 194 t 1 87
•quar or y,
Yi . , . Yr, .
gli. glOGUM'S coMPoutm PEtturt
(Wades tt MI Er Vif C Pandas,0 hl 1
II rig ac BO O., 11 2 111:.
with a tweet he, her omeith of hair falliog
• hi -weekly, 47b1 -Monthly and 39 tri.ovetkly.
her el:emit:10re tmitil it tenolood the ;Jai&
' " A letter for the' orclorly,
tiotdr• Fogliehnum-Ahon argootratie
• ,,,
- . - - . - - - •
- 807AL TEA 'adorned. neteSee,trizaa.
. Iv
that .nathored, her frock on the hips, ' '
`g' Igo Kittle my child alVt3 you altareh.,
, . , #
if ligly eicl dock
you, sir," said
coming in at thableaoment. .., tqo adeg,e:, ,
eir„i$ •• • • •
Teemaync. the en a
.... .1, I., ,...
fop yrour brogue. Keeleyeemoy e AR
, • __*.,
you come from ? Eaglicrinnom .nrout
Woroeirtee sin-- roudly. , Padd --Thou
a It Y
Why tiff • with t th h vih Gibbo
, y $ es _ea ac e en , no
T etiniche Gum Will afford blatant relief 2
A' ' . , •
iiiIMPLE FREE. esee Menu whited, -
et e , es Le e. Leo ea s '
"t "et °i'aqtUdd ti6 eellre k °latrine ' 12'44'6''
.-, e
. t,
kno* tele ? tertschi-. yea
can op4te 3',,u ' ••
Cape °pelted envelop°
his face Imbed eerom vto mammal golden,
. ,
last I:amounts for your sauce,
They 'were speaking of shpoirebitions, and
* * • * 44 ,
, ,, , PieCeS fell Me the table. The velum raorted
AR ''''AEA clAve kxer.t oe, Jawit triPa to mai. .
„ like cords 111 his fatehiesit-thenJaok, befog
vats M. mh 'CIT"r6 j.'"g"'*. He. hn4, T,Thd°g,0'701 a geribleman, dipped rittiony.atray, '
pre.ae.,, f• r lb "'"'s alt i i*meoee ill to owl , The nett 'tithe tbey met Oiliti- Tromoyno
shown, it trot, thot mien .-utahialch had
.. •bg" tt le , r pi
vieoby, I, 0 0 0 ti 0 'cry ox,ot ng,
. , ' • -
• yen merry. her, you will have to itiVe UP
arriakino and ,drirdriog Ile -If y atm,t
Mrs, Dix amid, " Wia1t1 ie ill a stga of to
hot the family oat howl outside at night ?"
i., • .t . .. , A .. .. . . 4 ,
' Of a• neat) a in we R41311M It tne man te et
' • y . ., 1 ,
g000l abet, ' replied Mr. Dix ereplie,tica ly,
MY 1346"4
stio L.. hit,
i 8 U
tonne me we
'114,4 13git°
4.0 6.0. ,Pl4 tait
hri pT 1
mien Mensteree, win emote
310 ran come 60ohiteit 'tads
401as Astwaoaogght6t
... , . .
11 .
.01•4 Ly
I 1
FOR n -OR SOMA SCUI. tallgelP
MR PAfillaitAll'41111E• UST' 511
SAMPLES Cnifinitalitnin Sit
tinei . hvm-tt• ktio,$) , .ftwh ov,hcie long ago,
Red 4.,,..ti,, “1,ao linow.• Winn obetetd hOW
VE0On&..rO8 y EOglith pPop.14, aro in tatiati
ibh • sot r. her Wkilit, .hey travel been born ,
He wei# ,i
sail: 4 d Wee thee AtroVil gt1,0 booking?"
A' irety One chap,"
" MUM eared for hien?"
" Awfully fond of him" •
td j-aoko, coin -heine, I've been
Eft - t b 11 b -tv, to- - , ti
arty or, , S r4 . ane 6 no up ea ug.,
Miss tIpteu-Did you. tell him that I was
L •
not, dig home ? Slew aervauu—Yes, mum I
' . I
het Lee didinb etent eo laelleve /21.0, bele as
T/10 r ab gold fields of Smith Afritia
g o ., 3
isiese dieeovered iti 1860 by an elephant
. , ' ..
hunter named Hartime
. ..
Mies tIderly.-4Vhat would yen de if 1
.,. . „ ,
•.• .,
, .• . ,,,,
. ..
InE8 711k0g ALL ELSE fel 6..
cough firrull. l'aatee Good. 1134
thciti. Sold.tv. ere,
t• "IP
; ,.
/12 Ihri AM,,A4. f!4,111-1.t4Y'.0 coo.gratta, itodt g a
), it 1,1:o ,,,: it OpilES A ae oncre4a when bieeiggeerme ' ,
.,.- • li
am a $1,ganger, Pdebby lett% bailor- go
A A.*, A 101 Ai 'CA tdieth i'1111i *Wolf, liii#AnC.
oboukt toil rdit My age t rie—mutbipiy it,
tilt 11•100.
.10 ;Oda'.
4 I ' P.NTS.C1 A,1.44i " '101.i.A;''
01)8580 911011 0 OM VA1088' t 11
/. ACititAiMdtli.
1tL 8,1 'IVL, axis
aC4U108C00 coeLty.