HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-9-21, Page 51
iV ," 1`t
ere a
ew ae
eovvrYthat Wile the worst Pilau 01 1
Nervous PebtLost Visorane
741,4�C'` I a iing blanaooi ros'trts theJ�w�YiJrc k s s o body 4rmind. caused
Y ordr-Nark, or the errors or ex•
cusses of youth This Roulet' ab-
solutely curve •tlie meet eblstinnte cases whoa all other
**P�eso 'SiM 11 /We failed even to relieve. old by drug..
gists 0,t, $1 per vv:huge, ox six for $5 or sone b'raail on
rocoivt of price by adnresslnu TfIE JAMES MI »IQiNE
co., Toronto, O. Wrtl,: ,.sr pampiilet. §91d ln—
For sale ijnlExeter by J. W Browning
A gas well has been struck on the
Ross film, • in Cass Township, Ohio,
which. is good for 50,000,000 cubit feet
day, making it the largest well ever
struck in the world,
Gentlemen,—I think your ,yaluablo
medicine cannot be equalled, because.
of the benefit I derived from it. After
suffering from headache and loss of
appetite for nearly three years 1 tried
B.B.B. with great success. It gave me
relief at once, arid I now enjoy good
health. Mrs. Matthew Sproul,
Dungannon, Ont.
Mr. Laurier is billed at Welland for
rl'hursdny and the Liberals are prepar-
ing to giye him a warm reception,
Derangement of the liver, with eon•
stipatii,n, injure the c'ompion ion,iliduce.
pimples, sallow skin. Remove the cause
by using Carter's Little Livor Pills
One a dose. Try them.
The expenditures of the United
States for the present 'fiscal year to.
date exceed the receipts by $19,000,-
Gentleman, --I was troubled with
chronic diarrhoea for over three years,
and received no benefit from all the
medicine I tried. I was unable to
work from two to four days every
week. Hearing of Dr. Fowler's Ex-
tract of -Wild Strawberry I began to
use it. Am now all right.
John Styles, Bracebridge, Ont.
PhilipM Sheig, paying teller of the
Bank of :Minneapolis, is said to have
left with $1b,000 of the batik's money,
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
W T. Walsh, a wealthy Washington
man, who was out In Colorado for his
health, has been murdered by Mexi-.
Wrong action of the stomach and
liver occasions dyspepsia. Dyspepsia
in turn gives rise to bad blood. Both
these complaints are curable by B.B,B:
which acts on the stomach, liner, bow-
els and blood, and tones and strength-
ens the entire system, thus positively
curing dyspepsia, constipation, bad
blood and similar troubles.
Max Rothstein, a millionaire cloth
ing merchant of Chicago, committed
suicide on Tuesday by hanging him-
with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites
renders Milburn's Emulsion the best on
the market.
Reports from different parts of the
United. Statesshow that industrial es-
tablishments continue to resume oper-
Sirs.— It is my privilege to recom-
mend B. B. B. For two years I was
nearly crippled with an inflammatory
disorder of the disorder from the kid-
neys from which six bottles of B B B
entirely freed me. I am now well and
strong and gladly recommend the B.
B. Bitters which cured me after I had
almost given up hope. Ed, Johnson
Aberdeen B C
Samuel Paulus, an aged veteran. of
Bryson, Ohio, was fatally beaten the
other night by two negros and robbed
of $100.
The Great English Prescription.
�A successful Medicine used over sae
80 years in thousands of cases. ,Q
Cureg Spermatorrhea ,Nervous ;
�'►�,' Weakness, Emissions, impotency
�- and all diseases caused by abuse.+
((sasous] indiscretion,
aGuava/teed. or over-exertion. norma]
six packages Gunteed to Cure when all others
Fai2. Ask your Druggist for Tho Gross English
I'roxeriptio.,-take no substitute. One package
$1. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address
Eureka chemical Detroit. Etch.
Irving and Terry had the :largest.
theatrical audience ever assembled in
• San Francisco on the occasion of their
opening there Monday night.
Gentlemen.—Last summer mynbaby
was so had with summer complaint
that he looked like a skeleton. Although
I had not much faith in it, I took a
friend's advise and tried ' Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry, He soon
got better. I truely believed it saved
his life. Mrs. Harvey Steeves,
Hillsborough, N. B,
The grand jury at New York has
filed a true hill against Emma Gold-
man, the anarchist, charged with - un
lawful assemblage and inciting to riot
A WOUNDED SPIRIT who can heal
Victoria Carbolic Salve heals all other
wounds, cuts, bruises or burns,
John Prince, living near Hyde Park'
is under arrest at London, charged
with brutally beating his stepmother.
It is thought the woman will die.
Mr. Wm. MeNee, of St, Ives, Ont,,had
eleven terrible running sores and was
not expected to recover, all treatment
having failed. Six bottles of Burdock
Blood Bitters completely restored him
to health. Druggist Sanderson, of St.
Marys, Ont„ certifiesee these facts.
*11. t.
meat Corigli yr'up, ,lenses Or od. use
in.elme Sold, b'+drngglata
Mis001 8011 ,
� fi_.
-•• Sick headache can be curediuthe
simplest way by using Eseljay's Liver
The. steamship City of Savannah,
wrecked in the recent hurricane, has
been abandoned.
Pimples may be permanently cured
b ' the continued use, of Eseljay's Liter
The Supreme Court will meet on Oe+
tober 3 for the fall term; The first
case 011 the list will be the Dominion
Government's reference of the Mani-
toba school* question.
A pale or sallow complexion may be
overcome by the use of Eseljay's Liver
Lozenges. They purify the blood and
give tone to the system.
Russel McLean aged twenty, son of
Jas McLean, of.'Pictou, N S, was
drowned while bathing in the North-
west Arm at,Halifax Wednesday even.
lug, McLean was a good swimmer.
Itch on human and horses and all
animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lo ion. This never
fails. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist.
A Chicago dispatch says that the
World's Fair enterprise is still over
$12,000,000 in debt, but the additional
receipts from increased attendance
will probably reduce this somewhat,
Eseljay's Liver Lozenges do` not
purge or gripe like pills. They simply
assist nature in the production of the
necessary bile to promote a healthful
Habit of the organs of digestion.
The second count of the heresy libel
against Rev, Prof. Campbell was adop
ted by Montreal Presbytery Wednesday
The accused has been suspended from
his professorship pending an appeal to
the Synod of Montreal and Ottawa.
A habit of constipation is most den•
gerous to health. Take Eseljay's Liver
Lozenges. They are pleasant to take.
Sir Richard Webster, Solicitor -Gener-
al for
olicitor-Gener-al'for England in the Salisbury Ad-
ministration, and Mr. W, C Van Horne
were guests at the Industrial Fair
Th ursday.
English Spavin Liniment removes.
all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses, .•Blood -•.Spavin,.
Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney,-
weeney;Stifles, Spraius, Sore and Swollen
Throat, Coughs, etc, Save $50 by ' use
of one bottle. Warran'ed the most
wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist.
The Prince of Wales' yatbh Britan
nia won the race for the Brenton's Reef
Cup by a minute and a half,; over a
course of 120 miles. The owner of
Navaho° entered a protest, but it was
decided against him.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
South American Rheumatic Cure, for
Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically
cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon`
the system is remarkable and myster-
ious. ' It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disap-
pears. The first dose greatly benefits.
75c. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist.
Jahn F Stauffer, a mute employed
in Hay's factory, at Woodstock, was
arrested in that town Wednesday on a
charge of having forged a $42 check
while on a visit recently to Farewell,
Mich. Stauffer waived extradition,and
was taken to Michigan by a deputy-
Don't You Know
That to have perfect health you must
have pure blood, and the best way to
have pure blood is to take Hood's Sar-
saparilia, the best blood purifier and
strength builder. It expels all taint of
scrofula, salt rheum and all other hum-
ors, and at the same time buil is up
the whole system and gives nerve
Hood's Pills may be had by mail for
25c. of C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Mr. Laurier visited London Wednes-
day afternoon as the guest of Mr. C. S.
Hyman, M.P. During the after' oon
he held a reception at the Liberal Club
rooms. In the evening he proceeded to
Stratford. Thursday he addressed a
mass meeting in Mitchell.
Relief. in Six Roars.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder di
seases relieved in six hours by the
NEY CURD."' This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight to physic
ians on account of its exceeding
promptness in relieving pain in the
bladder; 'kidneys, back and every part
of.the urinary passages in male or fe
male. It removes retention of water
and pain in passing it almost immed•
lately. If yon want quick relief and
eure this is your remedy. Sold by C.
Lutz, Druggist.
A pension attorney in Pittsburg, Pa.
it has been discovered, has been urg-
ing old soldiers is organize and assas-
sinate Presidetit Cleveland and Secre-•
tarn' Smith of the I)epartment of the
Interior. The matter is being 'investi-.
gated by Washington authorities.
Good For Your Children..
Young people, as well as old, will
benefit by a coarse of Membray's Kid
ney+' and yLiver Cure occasionally.' It is,
not necessary to send for a doctor for
every little ailment if you keep this
household medicine tit hand, rc is but-
ter than powdered rhubarb, cast"ti r oil,
liquorice powder, senile', etc.' and • just
a4 harmless in proper doses, lige it for
sick headache, sick and sour stomach
cramps, biliousliess, constipation, bowel 1 r til
Com lain
t, Canadiantri cholera earl im.
puce blood. It will regulate the liver,
eh and kidneys.
,Early•1•Zred nA, v
day morning m rnlnb the
steamer Byron Trerice was destroyed
by file Leamington. Two of the crew'
George Shaw of Wallaceburg
, b, and
John Crook of Dresden were burned.
to death and Jeanie i+ennisee of Wal.
lacebur,g, the cools, Atesdrowlied, Tho
boat was worth ,125,000.
• Over •[!'itft e►
�' Y Yesr
A ; x, ,x,x.•rnxwv Itr.at'svr.-=
rI C n N 'Vt�'' �I
An ke
Winslow's o t Yin�, Syrup uy has been need,
foxovrSYtyyears y
mrlIiotid of mt+thors
ler their children wile's teething, with; per.
feat. success. $t aootl&Ps the olifid, sof'tons
thegurns, allaps all pain, cures wind collo
and is the bust remedy for jJiarncooa.; Is
plaasant.to the taste. t�o1d by Druggists In
every. part of the World. Twenty -Jive cents
a bottle, Its value isinoaloulable. Be sure
and�ask for Mrs. Wiusio*'s Soothing Syrup,
and take no other kind
Distressing.' Cough can be quickly
cured by using Dr. Wood's. Norway
Pine, Syrup,
Jennie Wench. the Collingwocd we -
man accused cf murdering her child
and her aged mother, and afterwards
burning the bodies, was aequittt d at
Barrie Wednesday:
The Tomato a Vegetable, Not a Fruit.
Regarding the much vexed question,
Is the tomato a fruit or a vegetables
there are conflicting replies, ; The
American Cultivator classes tomatoes
with fruits and says in explanations
The distinction between a vegetable•and
a fruit is puzzling at times, A technical
difference is that a fruit" meioses the
seeds of the plant and matures above
ground, while' plant growth matured
under ground is vegetable. The Prairie
Farmer, on the other hand, calls the to-
mato a vegetable and substantiates its
claim by quoting a decision of the
United States court --that the tomato is a
vegetable, not a fruit. The question
comes before it in an action brought
Feb. 4, 1887, against,the collector of the
port of New York to recover back du•
ties, paid under protest; on tomatoes
imported from the West Indies.
In the Vegetable Garden.
p a is from which the crophas
been harvested ought to 'be removed, and
the ground used for late crops, such as
turnips,' spinach, etc. Remember that a
mulch of loose earth is a great help in a
dry time, and therefore hoe frequently
or otherwise keep the soil well stirred
between growing Tants and in the
rows. Plants still in vigorous growth
will be benefited by frequent applica-
tions of soap suds and liquid manure.
Gather the seed of garden varieties of
beans Before the pods crack open or rot
from dampness. If you have not al-
ready done so, give the asparagusbed a
dressing of quicklyavailable manure.
Squashes, melons and late cucumbers
ought to be cultivated until the vines
cover the ground.
Cattle roods.
Professor W. W. Cookeof the Ver-
mont experiment station issues a bul-
letin on several waste products from
corn that are being sold for cattle food.
Three products tested were cream gluten
meal, corn: berm feed and Buffalo gluten
feed. The latter is sold under the gen
erallname of "sugar meal" and is'a by-
product in the manufacture of glucose
sugar from corn It''is a hood feed, but is
very, concentrated and, like cottonseed
meal, should be fed sparingly. Three
pounds per day are enough.
William A. Lehr
of Kendallville, Ind., says Hood's
Hood's Sarsaparilla is
King of Medicines
And His Cure Was
Almost a 1 ;1racle
-al. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
"Gentlemen: When I was 14 years of age
I was confined to my bed for several months
by an attack of rheumatism, and when I had
partially recovered I did not have the use of
my legs, so that I had to go on crutches.
About a year later, Scrofula., in the form of
White Swellings,
appeared on various parts of my body, and
for elevenyears I was an invalid, being con-
fined to my bed .ix years. In that time
ten or eleven of these sores appeared and
broke, causing me great pain and suffering.
Several times pieces of bone worked out of.
the sores. Physicians did not help me and
1 Became Discouraged
"I went to Chicago to visit a sister, as it
was thought a change of air and scene might
do me good. But I was confined to my bed.
most of the time. I was so impressed
with the success of Hood's Sarsaparilla
in cases. similar to mine that I decided to try
it, So a bottle was bought, and to my great
gratification the sores soon decreased, and I
bean to feel better. This strengthened my
faith in the medicine, and in a short time I was
Up and Out of Doors
To make a long story short, I continued to
take Hoed's,Sarsapariila for a year, when I
had become so fully released from the chains
of disease that I took a position with the
Flint & Walling Mfg, Co., and since that ttnlo
have not lost a single day on account of
sickness. I always feel well, am in good
spirits, and have a good appetite. I endorse
Hood's Sarsaparilla
for it bas been a great blessing to me, and to
my friends my recovery seems almost mime-
alms.I think' Hood's Sarsaparilla is the
king of all medicines." Wxn rani A. Lenin,
I No. 9 North Railroad st., Keildallvilto, Ind.
Hood's Pillet euro Biliousness.
oodVegetable Pills ate pro:
pared 50 meet a legiti-
mate demand for a laird
efficient and reliable family physic. They aro
purely vegetable, containing no1
c y
c n ei ncr ur, or min
•miner al sub-
alo i S
stance of any kind. hood's ]'ills.
set upon the stomach, liver, mid alimentary
canal, and euro Liver Complaint, Constipation,
Nausea, Biliousness, headache, Indigestion,
Sour Stomach, Distress after Eating, Jaundice.
A cold may bo broken up and a favor prevented
by promptly taking Hood's fills.
Hood's Pills
Are prepared by C. . Heed & Co. Apothecaries,
Lowell, Mass. Trico 25 cents per box. Sold by
an druggists or sent by mall 'onreceipt of prick
r, ' A
A. Hastings,.Prop.
ry attention paid to
Lathes and Children s
Hair Cutting,
Ao Hastings.
Cheapest and
Best Place in
To get .your Boots and
Shoes mended, is at
. . SQ S'9
Just a few more pairs
of those Men's cheap
Hepburn Shoes and La-
dies' Dongola Kids left.
IEII. �1-up
11 Next Door
, south of Postoffice
Bargains! 1
Gs� °
assns 11.1
The Spring Season
is about here and ` our
good wives are begin-
ning to think of house
cleaning. Then after
the"dirty work" is fin-
ished, a few nice pict-
ures will be necessary
for a spring-like ap-
pearance. Bear this in
mind, the best stock of
Bamboo Novelties,
Picture Moulding
an .
Curtain poles,
Is at
S GrnLkEY's
Odd Fellows Block. • Opposite J Grigg's PEI1(1JS
bet„ Pac�i�g �ous�. ITo Dress Well
Hogs ''anted, Dressed.
er Alive.
lr f;Dressed Hogs bought subject to the
following conditions: -2 '.lbs per cwt off;
5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for
either bung gut or gullett, if left in.
All Bogs to be cut through
from Tail to Throat.
Highest Price paid for Hogs
weighing from 100 to 200
pounds, dressed.
The undersigned having handsome-
ly fitted up hie parlor and restaurant
-will serve—
during the Summer Season. Also a
large supply of
Confectionery, Bread, Buns,
Cakes Bic.
Visits Exeter every Wednesday and
Saturday afternoon. All orders left
with George Sanders promptly attend
ed to.
Oysters and fruits of all kinds in
their season.
Bicycles, .
Sewing Machines,
aby Carriages ..
And Musical
We are the only firm
who make >a specialty of the
above named goods and
therefore claim that we can
• give the people of Exeter
and vicinity, . . •
Greater Barg'in.s !
Greater Choice
Lowest Prices. r ! r
The latest and newest at-
tachments for all our goods
can be had by calling at
our ware -rooms, -One door
north Dr. Lutz's drug store.
Carrys the largest and best
stock of Furniture and under-
taking goods in the County.
Stock complete in all lines.
Night calls for undertaking. will receive prompt
attention, by calling at my residence on Huron St.
(The premises lately vacated by Thos. Prior.) '
rt is not necessa :,"
that you should ha',.
your Clothes made frnl.: ;.
the very best materi`i'
neither need you hay, :
the very latest sty',
but to look well yon
clothes must fit.
This is Our Aim.
Not only to make
suit fit proper but
the latest style,
We Guarantee
Every garment
leaves our shop will')
a perfect fit.
The Fashionable Cutter and Fittel'.
A complete stock of
Pure and Reliable Drug
Jifillii'3ggist's Sup1 '
4t right and reasonable pric`e<.
:,..� I1•..
and Family Regie! '
Carefully Prepa.rd.
011pgilloa POW .
the best in the market.
1\Zairl. st.
Has now in stock
Attu n i
a -0=s.
West of England Suitings and Trot
Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouse.
French and English Worsted Clot
All made up in the Latest
Style, at best Rates.
�.. v''. SNELL,
dv 9
Atkinson's Furniture Ware -
rooms is the cheapest and best
place in the County to buy Fur-
niture. •
tan argficial gastric juice-formtila on every label]
to any person suffering from stomach troubles,.es.
pecially if taken at the first symptom of Indigestion,
which is usually weight at the stomach, somctimav
attended byslight pain,and may it
follow either &
wholesome r heay eal. At first, this feeling
soon passes away, and is only rememberedris a Zit,*xeficarant, which, when repeated, gradealty be-
comes more pronounced, To the average person is
now suggested the cathartic pill, Bitters, or other
liquid purgatives, that will dear out the bowels. Such
treatment is worse than ueetess ; it is positively harm-
ful. Tho trouble is in the Stomaeh, the llowets are
not responsible, and relief will only conte through
an intelligent treatment of the disorder' within the
stomach. MALTOI EPSI N Is the remedy for all
stomach tronblas. lindorsed by the best physicians
of England and Canada. Send t cts. in postage for
valuable pamphlet to lIAZEEN MORSE,
lirridtnar10 tai Catoott, 'tJ 4r i.*o,
A first-class Bed -room Suite for only $9 and every-
thingever.else in comparison. All goods guaranteed to
be my own make, of first-class dry material, nothing
but best hard lumber used.
Lumber rand Wood
Taken in exchange
for: Furniture.
ul e.
Wire Mattresses.
The only placein
n town where you can h-uy the
Patent Dominion Nlckle PlatedW1re Mattress,—war-
ilattreSS -
ranted not to rust, 'r -will
te,_,.. n