HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-07-06, Page 22yil 's ..opting1 ihighly intelligens —A'f'ter 'a" Occasionally, in the desert of Mike.His parents despaired of le of goes, at university, he wars and deaths and fires and him. He had a fantastic 1.Q., but 'G4rwp strikes u1 the newspapers, one ` kept flunking- in high school '� tett. He had his wild times and bad comes across something that is because he w.as bored silly. Neverdoesn't Now the too is a Bahai,uthHe like a cool drink of water did finish . school: Bummed doesn t have a• degree, but he can Thad that experience this very.around, worked- a bit, quit, quit, talk rings around most university morning The story concerned Then he became a Bahai. He is at talk rssors�, in French or ivEnglishsit Gene MacLellan. The .name won't present pioneering the faith, as He works at a tough job. second befamiliarto most of my square, •they call it, at Baker -Lake in the chef rrt a restaurant,- to support old readers, but will" beta my Northwest Territories, among hittiself. He had a chance to be a but w,II. d went younger ones, if I have any. the Eskimoes. • l;a`t`•lender for more money, but He's happy, working hard, and ' serving liquor is against his wants taget some more 'schooling. ' Principle's• He planned to go to so that he can go`:back and' teach' Frobisher to pioneer the faith.- Eskimo Children. His parents are TF( he thought -there were proud of him. enough,*missionaries." there and' Now for: some poop ,weather-- I didn t.eat there MacLellan is w Can;adran song ',hope. back to use the phone, there was when it falls late, in the ham and bread and all the fixins' writer who has made it big in the • 'music world -One of�,hi� sings, week --anti it cou dot fall 'ouch ' stuttered around oft the garage Snowbirbecame a million- . work bench wide open to the 1 later cobra it. is doubly record for ,singer Anne enjoyed as our American friends and what a mess. - sellerlled a wave of song with.their holiday July 4, try to From the experience I had Murray,.•successes, which to turn leo tong celebrate both days with us, there that day, I know they were sUCce se of Snug Harbour -was just packed all local yokels who were eating Well, dear- royaltyayr, cheques.you'd • 'with craft of „all sizes --a great there; and, they were probably better take a breath atn and.this • sight to se�*•:F'm so glad Goderich „us d to such filth. They all looked point, take Mcdeep quitting. at t he • is back on the list of -good places hale' and hearty Anyway, .I was poi hasn't broken guitar ,g. N He to visit"' for the boaters. • quite upset about it and felt hasn't had a hishgu tar.a.rm He`' --- ---Afew-hard- r}king.-•pee lb nd....,pe'r'ils _ have _been reported F z s� _�,;•.. .. u,, ha•sn���had��s•h�tf�ri=ng enxatic�nal the fine marina deserve the credit SCAM E ODY—hut who'? erience.ygHe is dropping out Talki.tig later to onexp 'of our P for this. because he is making too much My son and family - from "inn" keepers, I was tbld:of the money and does not want the Windsor were up --down''--° rules and regulations they had to over the holidavrThe teeners and abide by and"t owi'gihe inspectors • pressure of r'espotisi.bi.li•t•ies it '' their friends just had to go ,who drop ia.,,unexpectedly were caused. , swimming at Pipers Darri. They very strict. How come these guys He is giving,.up his interest in' a love to walk in the warm river to don't drop- in on some of these company set up to handle his ;, . , "the point ,where you step into the ' small places too and •either tidy affairs', and has• asked that the ice cold water near. the waterfall. them up or shut them up' . royalties be_. used in part to help The• city kids get a real thrill - Anyway, I never did get around . •young performers. • ,-w this lace—like most He has abandoned the farm h, , out of -this . and will later come ' to reporting, p " °: back with other friends. _ _1 people I got over my anger_ and bought in P.F.I., and given away w.-- " While they were having fun decided to just never. ,go ,there most of his possessions,• lie and- explor�rng• the river ---,...1 went again. tisrwife left with,no definite plans, exploring • and ' • looking',' at the - This happened many years, ago "probably to hitchhike through '-did Ba•rn" Stan and Arlene but ever time I. drive lav that • Fu'rope. Whiteman' have built over the • garage I have the urge to go in and •C a n a d i a n, P r e s s q u o t e s ' •tumbling 'noiSy stream. see if it has -changed in any way— MacLellan: " w' I don't know what I'll • What a place' A beautiful big •, surely it has by now, .. ., do..I don't know when or if I'll barn with a 1pft'full of antiques: I heard a very poor report of come back." , " antique, hayr aka• adz. old, old "one of the Seaforth eating places.. Isn't that a refreshing little -`- snow shoes -and-'.--other 'old: They must know which one has the story? I cavy him and many •conversation pieces on•the • end most dies;and couldn't care less others caught., in • the_-- material_ wall and antique and old furniture.attitude. Can they ' o•• anything tread -mill will too. I^'in sure. tins, jugs, etc., scattered around about it I doubt it. ., Of course, I'm not naive enough-" ,theplace to showoff the fine hand So• why shczitld l. fuss?-birt I `to compare him to Diogei es.''whti- ----- er�afted tit�rn s4 -hey aV fes- sale lived•' in a .barrel and mwned g hate •to thn>r w�:�n lin-trio are -- -Canadian. Crafts which ^.RE letting a few careless people spoil nothing but a drinking howl. `Some •,°. Canadian and most of the crafts of those royalties will still find our reputation •for fine eating hand -made by Arleen herself. are places, es wher>�w°i h a little effort their way -into MacLellan.'.• 'really fascinating to look thru'. pocket, and he won't he begging, in • they could,do better. This little lady can make 'most You can't win them all, the streets. yanything she sets her mind to. and Art Mart with* our paintings, ,B,ut,lad•mire a man or -woman. .it's hard to believe -she could do so- pottery, and many, marry crafts who can turn his or,her hack on the ' • . ' whole thing_. and walk away-. -- rrttxctt: He�r�'dolls are fascinating, and � c•raftspeople •will -- be in . This year she is' featuring the Courthouse Parkin three weeks. " More and more 'of our young "Gingttam Dog and the Calico people are doing it, some for the M' • ^Cat"—except that the Gingham July 27 to 29 with the Krtsme best,' ' the �,. p n worst .of reasons; some for ,•i Dog will be a late arrival: and e prs other organizations• .. e groups working togethert to Some opt out because they've These pretty cats are_act'uame make the -1972 Summer t? • ' doorstops that look.right at -ho decided to let George dolt.- Thev .y • intheirsetting of•calico flo'wer`s;" beginning of a great all -summer deliberately become bums, have i effort ,:aided by the ' ,'Tourist •no scruple's. whatever ,about :hand woven things, 'costs and - So .p Development Committee. t' m,anyother things Lc.ouldn't begin'. • begging, stealing. accepting to tell you in this small. space. If we can•all pull together, the ,wwelfare . They are dirty. Anyway, they • are to he town will have a terrific program promiscuous. ' malodorous -and congratulated on their enterprise ready for a.notherdvear and the blasphemous. But often highly and Goderich is proud to point out manv•vears to come hut, it takes a . intelligent: • their talent• lot of time and planning and a lot of Onthe other side of the coin. are. With ' many visitors, my peopl giving More than their the. young people who get off the thoughtso hack to our own share of their time and.efforts. • boat • for different reasons.- At travels .and our impressions, of some point theytake a clear-eyed Summer Fest is a beginning look at their parents, at"their. small towns in, which w e, decided Art Mart is carr" ving onto its """..io stop. Eatingpl es, tonin- rind. _ live -,s they themselves ar 14v -1 -ng, are one ..of the town's most eleventh or twelfth year. Let's all anddecide .This is not for me," get behind this idea of a summer ' important welcomers and make This,•S,econd group tends to he the biggest impression on the' festival and work,t^owan•ds fnaking idealistic. They, want to create. mind of the visitor. it an outstanding event. They want to make a life-style that Love. Martha. doe•sn't depend on status and the A friendly smile and a word of buck^. They will work extremely welcome is so important. Thev •demographic study notes that hard for something the think is • : may not be able, ,to do much aboutworth doing.' .They're almost over the past two: decades the invariably gentle. tolerant and the buildings or lav -out, of the agricultural population of the town, but if their place is clean•reasonably clean.' They are. not United—States has declined by 6 -and bums, but seekers after hospitable. tourists will per cent each. year. The report overlook a lot of bad spots. . something they don't see in our ,_� Concludes' shouts the de.rline in society; They use the. sane four= We in Goderich are very manpower continue•at the current • fortune-irtf# e, : clean letter words the other lou uses. ,restaurants with a ' friendly pace, a rev• �' but unselfconsciously. They are occur where this. nafilltl'C demand __ a strange Made. a deliberate decision to Here was a lad, charming, attompt to spread tie faith in the witty, handsome. He had every,' east acid of Montreal. ' ' opportunity to go to university, 1 canTsee much future in truing . and would.. have made a mark in to convert to" 13 a h a i anv, society. He chose otherwise. but substantial number of French - may be making a bigg'r mark, in Canadian Catholics: But Hugh has the long run. 7''-" a -peace and serenity and a , ; Our _own ,_son ��has done pretty simplicity of life that one can only much the same sort of thing He• eit4.c " .'H -e He—doesn't. -,- wa t --a.ny - too, if you'll pardon it, 'is "things". just enough- to keep .charming, witty and handsome. alive and keep covered. I wish l ljehasagreat musical,tatent. He were twenty years younger. iprov.m.flt v'bad"b..:.. .,_ .held. Tare .Utirona - County x Beep, lmprgvemelat AssoeiatiOn. this . , Week announced4that it Witt' be sponsoring a beef Bar - Q and dance at the, Seaforth:'rnarat Centre. on Wednesday August, -Tickets to the .evert.... 'are ' avalllbte through Huron County BeeC. Improvement Association" • township direct-er-s,. Anyone wishing- fi rtber information regarding the event,.. is asked to contact Stanley J. Paquette; Associate Agricultural Representative for Huron County. MALCOLM MAThERS z- GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT '-�l'x -Y`wesT ST. 54144/2 R,'T,° . .moo .. .. , Denomrne FL� 42* 1113 DAY NIGHT FILM DEVELDPINb • FSUPPLIES isHING � Baisi Wood 'Water Skis •AIRPLAS and Accessorie•s : bominion: • MODELS o skates .LIVE BAIT •1N4RM5 RESIDENT & NON-RESIDENTLICENCE'S OTHER. SPORTINGSUPPLIES DS PORTIoN,9w GO.t 0 • 73 Hamilton St. . " atmosphere pervading. This is notblasphernous,-but for food cOuld surpass. agriculture's ability to,prOVide. Way.'eligious. good and wr'Should-s•ay "Thank • you" to these nice people. as the - . , ,Friends of ours an articie...ilLa-magazine_. , recently, that cleats ,•with this gubject ,yery nicely. Charlotte . Kontgomery was the writer .and fr'crm a motor trip and turn over in , restaurant b-ut do nothing about it" respoiisibility to report any • . public facility that isn' t. clean and well kept. , So, yoti tell _yourself, you'll never...go back there again and forget about it—or perhaps you don,'t "know how to where to, complain about it, and so otherls-P° • will have the'sahie experientee,1 - If you are tob upset to CoMplaile ' to the management, there° are • • 'alWaYs the Public Health Services Administration thatycin can write tO. Just iinike Sure yon have' the naine of the business andThe town, etc, written down. , t • Our' experiences this- last winter really Made me stop and - 4 sometimes wonder why the inspectors of Mod handlers and places. miss So Many small eating SpOts.1 Well recall going into a tang* Dublpiti, (Ont.) , Where fellOW 'Were STARTS. THUR:SpAY. JULY 6 ATTENTION!! oBny.staAtrti;g, tsoo, 'h pressure. nerve system 'on tile 'bottom of your feet, it 'tan cause malfunction for the following: Feel Tired? Backache? Sore Feet? Painful Neck? CallousesT Arthritic Pain? Rheumatic fain? Poor Circulation? Balance. and Co-ordination? Numbnesi or Cramps Alzmier National Arch $upPor,ts , could' be your. answer—'as' they, have beirr for thousands and thousandi of.Others in Canada and the United' States. They are :scientifically ,designed to match. the -contours of your feet .....makes .watkihg 1 CopATS .FANT $VITS. ALL. .pATS- -PANT :COATI; $ATINIJNGP -SU.111. * DRESSES PANTS • SKIRTS TOPS SHIRTS .01 Melte do not miss' this 'opportunity FOR YoUR HEALIVIel SAKE! Open All pay Wednesday TO SQUARE - Open Fiiday Nits Till 9 p.m. "%kri.."44442,1***0