HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-07-06, Page 173z-�•-xn-rn-. .n. — o s �En�y ♦r Mrs. H. E. Knechtel is the mother of Mrs. Auleen Curry. -Mrs. • , Knechtelboughtthehotel in September of<.1935, when Wes, Litt sold out hisere5tsto her. Atthistimeshe was Mrs. Gid Litt. Owner of the Bedford Hotel since September of 1970, Bruno Lapaine 00:1 his wife Mary are kept busy managing the thriving hotel.`. The Bedford Hotel can be seen in among the decorations around The Square during this festive 4. celebration --in .Goder.i�ch,past._- ' The Bedford Hotel has, been a welcome:- to townspeople and visit"ors"`iitce'Tii ctOse;ta _ §ttuated at the corner oL•South Street,atid The Square, the hotel has ton• been a tradition in _ ._..,.._ � .u:T. s.:u'.�..R.^:fT....,r....0 •.G..41 .i., zR.25.......0..�r.3 .1L'a..ci/_f _..aEY. ^vr"6? .r.... *.Yi Goderich, Iheoriginalhotel at this same Iodation was known as' the Albion Hotel. A two storey.. building, it burned to the ground in. 1.895.. Hotel was operated by Fred Davis. It was then taken over by Gordon SuteTffe `'atd Hatt%f They operated it until ^1928, when the Litt families moved to Goderickr�i'he hotel was therl ''''.Carried k :;A,t.J"" 'CnG::'(Y�•:::FK`3"�,:;'9•+'v2'aFF.:J::*'-7iK7"Y:.'.:,^ carried on by Wes. Litt and Gid Litt, cousins, In September of 1935 Wes. Litt sold out his interests to Mrs..Gid " Litt, who continued to .operate the It° wasitreplaced the-f011owing_--:Hotel with tier • 1a�glit r uteen. year by the then new Bedford until March 1, 1938•- At this time it Hotel, built by` the late . Mr. was taken over by Mr. °and Mrs. Bedford Sr., father of J.S. , . F.J.' Curry. • Bedford, The\ n,ew hotel was On September 1, 1970, Bruno operated by Huron's Johnathan Lapaine bought the hotel from the Miller, who was 'born• at Currys; parents of his wife, Bentnillek , Mary. • ' • ,operated_ the hotel until After buying the hotel, Mr. 1904,•at'which time he bought ^Che Lapaine incorporated it into a hotel at Carlow, *hich at that time campa�ny, known as 'the -Bedford warys.knt wn<asSmi=th s-1441.1;-•It..was---rrHo,tei here, in 1908, he died., The .Bedford Arms Motel is Since that time the hotel has also part of the company. - . .passed through many°fiands. * The I 'edford Hotel was in fairly From 1909. to 1915, the Bedfbrd good condition, when I11I, Lapaine ff." bought it. He says heyis trying to retain the old style of the hotel, with. its antique furniture and carved woodwork throughoutttthe They have been refinishing the old furniture throughout the• not' quite •so busy. Americans especially, says, the 'Bedford x-- x,�-T-,�wNort.�,4:e�..,�-��or�2t�e�?Lcl�l���� look of the,,hotel. Mr; Lapaine says he doesn't want the image of the Bedford, Hotel to he that of Just a place wl re _augoto get a•drink, but as that of a•hotel with all the Services a hotel has to offer. • The spacious dining room at the•Bedfo-r'd' 1btel is well-known for its fine. meals The staff reSponsible forthis cuisine are: (standing, leftto right) Peggy Shaw, Helen Campbell, Hugh Galbraith, Margaret Willis and PautCormier sittinggare Elsie Hulle (eft) and Mary Wedlock. (staff photo) s: .u'sua11•y have ta reserve.ahead if "1`they wa" tb;t5'e-assured of d z uom says Mr. Lapaine. This applies , before, during or and°after'meals. 1 The Duchess Room,,, the more so to the busy late spring, ,_.smaller` linin room which sits 24 n.rl �a�ll�seas _ �...__..__ summer, �at�el--e y ori .. There are a lot of convention People, is were most people hold groups which arrive in-T-675totttt;ir conf'ren�es��t`lso stay at the hotel. For instance, the lounge licence. e` Pcts t t f Ontario. th But the D7uke of Bedford Room ow. mos er s o ° e _..-•Y r {. � . { . y.�.} m + /• �' { y,,, n . r�' off _... -:.. .,. iJ�ILi`',.z."'m'.s"'tli'tl*=4'SFt�•3t�!$::..'...6'Y.'{'i1FR�r.-"'+7!ral:•:N+kA+sL 'annual board of directors meeting takes place. The pub, which seats 'forrielerichelevators, and the around 75 people, is styled in the Chiropractic. Association ,of old" English fashion. - ' O_ tarto.,�c�f which Dr. Ken,Wood.,pf Permission was needed from the -Duke -in-,:. :l nd---before he°-. 'Clinton is president, all -`have t name could also be applied stayed -at -the °hotel during their to this . conventions. -swell-known Goderich pub. There is a conference room on `} The coat of arms• in the Duke the .second floor, and the 14igger , has a motto written `in Spanish on dining room has also been used in it that when translated in English the past for longer conferences, reads; -What will be will be. " -The Bedford Hotel is famous Bruno Lapaine credits the staff for Its smorgasbord, Which is of the Bedford Hotel with being held every :Wednesday responsible for maktng. it such a successful and Sunday`. Mr. Lapaine started this long -to -be- ventur_ein March of1971,and.with _ rer�hembered place in Goderich. two exce1Innt chefs to prepare it, Some Or thefthave been "with the it has been a success from the staff of the hotel "since the year beginning.. one," he says. ° The spacious dining room, Frank Clark started with the which sits 100 people, serves"'°\ hotel in 1938 and retired after,30 three meals ,a da.v,.s°even days a years of loyal service. He still week and also has a lounge licence comes, in once in -a -While to help for those who enjoy a drink • - • H says he was in trouble with the firee marshal a little while ago over the staircase. The openn staircase was a fire hazard, Now the floors are enclosed by walls and metal doors to prevent possible -°fire' - from spreading from one floor, to another. • .. _There..a..re.also heat detectors in every om in the buflding.,aiui ° hallways 'If there is a rapid temperature rise in any room , the detector automatically triggers the figs alarm system as .a warning. Although.jhere are 42 rentable roams in the large hotel, people °•M the ileW owners out, since he knows „, the hotel better than anybody." Marg_ Willis. has been wor C ung io`r-ttie hotel ori and off for = 8•; e ad inecnt°ha.�-_r...- Lm been there since Taost the „beginnigg, says T1r..Lapaine. Pe ra 'z ou 1h/c� world have staved at the Bedford Hotel., • Government trade ' delegations `from Turkey, Argeriina, and Venezuela have all stayed there. -Waft Disney mei tt� 1347 to ,, visit the town and stayed at the, Bedford Hotel. • and ,even otlr own"government ' has honored the Bedford With its a visit. Premier Frost came in 1950, to open, a new additfon to Victoria public school and was at the Bedfor'd'Hotel for the duration of his stay. The charm oi'the Bedford' must rem Lan. It is as muck, at part ,,of GodeY rrlfs special artmti-1 et -' as the octagon 'Wit looks more like a -circle and is c'alled "The Square". It is unique, , .