HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-07-06, Page 10PAGE 10 00DFRICR SIQNAL.,S'I", R,THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1972 • Among the many student ,--presented with,.,awards during graduation exergises AL„. 9 gpjt j Separate School 'in Kingsbridge was this group of youngsters who Were the school captains..-Leftto right are, Back row: Tom O'Keefe (Football), Margaret Foran (Floor Hockey), Virginia Chisholm (Soccer), Huron Playhouse lti JohnCrawford (Volleyball and Handball), Anita ,Doherty (Volleyball and Handball), Leroy Drennan (Softball), Mary Anne Boyle (Softball). Front row: Patrick Foran• (Floor Hockey), Stephen Frayne (Floor Hockey), Mark Frayne (Floor Hockey), :Brian Van Aaken (Play Day);, Carol Foran (Line Soccer),—staff , . ro • wo for th-CteoSainf.. Huron 'ountry Playhouse's~ rosterofplays and pla:vers is now set.. ° Opening on Wednesday July 38. is th $rsweet comedy. Two The Seesaw. starring Terry ' weed. veteran actress of radio television and stage Her stoat~% roles leave been with the Neptune in Halifax. the Sai<iv-•Brottfmarr in Montrea..1 the Q1obe in Regina. , Lambton You . _ - a .L Theatre Toronto. and the original will be David Alexander. new ope.ner,_. • Straw Hat Planers. ". Winner ot_... three .anyards -including "hest ' actress • in the - 'M Dominion Drama Festival. ss Tweed's many appearances cin TV • nn•lutie the Man .,11';e: series. ' Famous Jury Trials,, and most • recently the role of Jess in CBC's , Talking To •Stranger""series . Playing :op.pos to Miss Tweed, v 't ,-Theatre • The Latnbton. Youth Theatre. a , • Sarnia -based 'group of high school., college and university Theatre Arts students. is . once again' operating under a grant from the Federal Goveriirrient'•s Opportunities -'for Youth•.Program " and :15 once "ag, ►n ,looking for audiences The r•ompanv" was formed in: the starrier of 1971 to tour Western Onrir, on summer week -ends. perforning plays free of Clia�r e wherevt?r• the '.entertainment wa< K Y1'r o.me Ourtng the str.,r.i r. Western —Ontario have • few. • opportunities T4 --._good live theatrioal'eptert..linrrrent In 1971. The Lambton Y r);ith Theatre a provided e7cr ;ll iicu in live 'ripen theatre -in the•r~ ri nd 1,.'i`'fnrrniing a lila v entitled CHFF, inurt,•a;n areas such as I.rtnrion 'ani w•indsou: small tc.'x rt: "like B ivtield. • Petrc,1ia S<iiil,lc, Bezirh ^ ,and Zurich; prt=vrncial par'k.s'(•Piner•v. An,deau:.,.•.L..ung •P•r,int and —:_t}�, Marys. Wallacebu•rg ,end Guelph. and in the cities. •of BrantfSlyd • Chatham,', oderich, :Galt. Kincardine, Port' Dover. Port Elgin. Porte Stanley, • Sa»'nia, Simcoe, Stratford, St. Thohaas and Woodstock ' 1 participants iii The Larhhtan ,Yduth Theatre, Clair Culliford, Adam Ginerson: Lloyd Grajia m . Jo Lamberton, Seri Pullerk. Stecwe Simms, Holly and Tery Stover and Dem Sullivan arch devt''l'tl irig ;the dra'matic,m•usical, graphic and- . Itte'rary talents of the grotrp•and- s ire-providing,.er tertaiti ftPt rrtr Y high`�lettel for their audience workshops with •whic-h they hope* th •rough the craft of story -telling. • mime'. improvisation. ,mask making,•and dance -drama to•. he able to provide 1°earning r zperienc:es and fun for a11. The continu"itv •o,f=, thes•e. workshops will hopefullva._,be of, lasting .recreat•io'na-4.'a•nd educational benefit ' to • the communities:: with the hoped-for possibility of changing interest patterns in alt). people. The Lariiwb,ton , Yoirth». Theatre will conduct -workshops indoors ,or outdoors—at recreation centres, drop-in centres.'old-acre homes•--. ' iri short, anvv here and anytime in 91 -der t•o bring a cuitur,al environment to urban and rural areas where there may not 'be anv • accessible culture availabl.r at ,this time. • ` -4"-The •second ' phase of The. Lambton Youth Theatre -s 1972' comer to the Canadian: theatre scene frorn e -w Yor.k.:r highlight ' 'of whose -work there incl.utles stage and television appearances in his role. Vlijdiinir -in Waiting Por Gociot. The o Paisley ' Cofrvertible follows.--pening on August 2. Joining • the troupe will be-Daviri Clement who has. •als:o played • _-cress-:: gauntry--; frpzti t. HaEfn'x . Charlottetown. Montreal. Toronto to Re_ gina•and VSancouyer. and veteran character actress. . Joan Hanna from Midland. August 9th. bring 'Janus., a comedy of the 50's• which originally • starred Robert Preston, Claude, Dauphin • and' ..Ma•rgs t Sullivan On, Bt oadway. Appearing•in the dame role will be Annede Villier. a charming lady v(hohav°plaved stock in the.U..S., 'rep° in England, and in Canada. everything • from workshop productions at the Garret and the Factory to the e -.St.Law•rence Centre. - Dial M For Murder opens�•on August -1 .Mis'srfte Vrt ler'; `vrtll • be'joined ,by guest artist• David Hemmings:;,the» versatile South African -horn actor •who has played in. more *than .two dozen films in half •fir dozen different languages • and countries. He.mrnines will play the m b» • created by M;aurice-Evans in the suspenseful mystery favorite. August ;23rd The -Little Hut.' , firings .J»acquelvn Jav to join fpr, players. Miss .Jay has completed a lull season with the Gate Productions -in Toronto over the past» year. In private life • •'Jackie'' is a devoted'wi fe anc}'the mother of two small» hut v.erV active. sons. T»l finalstro .of th,e season. ° Dirty Work AtThe Cr(ssroads.'a:-•»• an old fashioned melodrama: For j1e Ga e , com.pan' will he augmented" by talented• actors from the area and these will he - announced' at a later date. Guiding -the. actors throughout the season will he,,Mis$ Bafhshakt Garnett, veteran of ;some. twcen.ty, vears in the theatre as° actress. director: teacher, .and pi pducer. Her • work and training in the theatre have taken her :to I•ondon. to New York a'hd Israel`. '• Responsiblefor the <lesien»and Lighting of ali•the productions will bring Saskatchewan born Dalt, •Melsness ` to Canail•a. trom'• ...P_er'rnsvLvani.a._,.wheTe:_.1e.. }las_ ..ct position at Slippery. Rock •. State College. • • Season tickets are now on sale. ,They offer"first choice sof s.ea.ts plus savi s: six shows . for jha price o ` 'ive. For» additional information phone 238,,8387. • activities consists of :original x lramatic performances designed irimarily to entertain a siirnm,er time -week-end audience, The Lambton-Youth' Theatre is • currently working on two exciting• facet wikh whi4h they hope- to 'provide interest and' entertainment Jor young and old alike. In the interest of ,bringing cultural 'recr"ea�tfon” and, eiyjoyment, the group would like to come irlitd ap many coinrnunities as possible With' a series of participatory creative ;..drama A*FTER LISTENING TOAhCRE„� TV. COMMERCIALS, you FEEL SILLY-~ PUNISH/NG ANtI S -FORT TELLINGALE /9 • CAN ID -B --SERVE. YOU? -ane of our representatives will be at LIONE1'S SUNOCO. .At The Five Points) Mechanic Repalrs' to all • Makes 4 Gode_rich �- t Monday, July ..1 Oth, • 1 9 7 2 If you. require a term• loan for a new or "existing business, you are invited to dis- quss your needs with him. An .appoint ; .R: n -•.bee .a r : - men . +�a ar t —S�n d .J�.. �te1 .,- � y phQxting -Mr. J. D. Brinklow Telephone: 5 24-7 33 7 hiners of -es• awards -�f e they are students. Left to right are, Back row: Phyllis Hickey, John Crawford; Virginia Chisholm, Astrid Plasschaert. Front row: Donna Drennan, `Brian Drennan,:Peter Hendriks. • Thesrstudents were named winners of Test 'Awards of Excellence ;ro ri,theCanada Fitness„ouncit. The awards were,. p''resentedl astweek at St. Joseph's School' in K ing'sbr• iage; where Kneel or sit low in a . canoe. If upset, HANG ON toltiecanoe until help arrives. - 'STAY ALIVE. - WITH 6 . • RED CROiS ' WATER. SAFETY CLUSTER RESTAURANT • BAYFIELD The management and. staff wish• to, „thank • everyone for, their con#inued patronage. Special thanks to Bayfield for its - hearty A welcome. Come and enjoy,a meal at the home of the Clusterburg..New hours: 7:30 a.m.- 1.1:00 p.m, Prop. Allen&.Pat.Cooke. , ax Season .Tickets !ow on: Sale!'.'. for the opening• season at Huron County Playhouse Grand Bend; Ontario 338-8387' JULY. • •26' = 30Two,� • • ar_-thllt_s_eesanw.: . AUGUST 2 6 • The paisley convertible AUGUST 9 ..` 13 Janus - , ' am•w-,' n .coos .. _•. •ry 11 --ST - wT . '0 �i 1- `1Vf' far murdelr^� .AUGUST , • 23 - 21 The Tittle hut AUGUST 30 to 'SEPTEMBER 3. 'Dirty work at the crossroads INDUSTR1AL DEVELOPMENT BANK» TEAM FINANCING FOR•CANAQIANIBUSINESSES , '197 York S,treet, London 12, Ontario. ) -NEXT ROWS • 0 YOU GET FIRST C1 -101.4E, QESEAT-S Siiport t»he»PIayii�usei,_ Make a'I'tcheques payable fd Huron County Playhouse. Please include a self-addressed, stampecrenvelope with your order. 'Return to Playhouse, Grand Bend, `Ontario, » '° • • '�•.,t i The 'Store ,For Men GODE»RICH' KINCARDINE How isyour Furnace. NOW IS THE TIME, TO ENQUIRE ABOUT YOUR HEATING ANDCOO,UNG REQyIREMENTS •, TSdey—within the four WNW .1 your Iwnfe, you coo p. IR chart. of yourIndoor climate. A oyst.m can be d.tl .d and • installed to .allow you control of hooting. cooling, humidity end air cleaning-•. --. I torn/Healer ,ijoy<N.aonir.njenc.0St--yosr round comfort bythe addition ofthews ioalur.a ' to your Anthet furn.cf• Remember -40 reviewing comfort plans for your h 0me—Mit • . tveeebo.GimPrAYEmn) _ds resale - vafa o?yo ithomL . c A' 4et tho,,uitim atr in • modern home comfort• OIL, .GAS, nr ELECTRIC SPECIAL OFFER ` J1EXPIRE1 JULY 31, 1972) We Will PAY YOU • 25 CASH Wood,r�: f or SPor grey other Whim you Voice,. it now heeling sys)e%t • Qy • SA1.'ES AND SERVICE • SEAFO*TH'$`Z7r029O 2U�tIC ,238-43131 TTIE FU URE (hIlTON S-A-V—I—N 4' GALORE ~THROUGHOUT THE STORE G48