The Exeter Advocate, 1893-9-14, Page 711011RID lostitation That Left a Dark Blot wi pailo's %story, ISTABLISEED UNDER FIRDINAAD. HOSE who have aroused Christopher Columbue of marrow, ;motet. eta bigotry arml of enmity have nob sufficiently taken Onto amour -um the spirit of the age in which he lived, eays 8, W. Ford, in the Yankee e Made. The inteler. %awe, the eigetry and averoilens catrelty of theb time are oufia- dewily illuerrated in then most monstrous ef inatitntione, the Hpuseish Whab jgalled the modem inquisttion was metal:dialled in Spain under bine reign or %are inand and Isebelle—aovereigns who ilmeeereeil Male Of the elemecite of greatcoat, mod who certainly brraugb.t Spain to ts. high porillion among tho natione of the wo.thi, -.Yet it wee Mader the reign of these two aovereigns that tlee monstroue inquitition eatabliehed. nip inquidttan couctiet ed of a coammisaien menziatiog et several judges, when duey le wee to leant coat ireretioe and purdah them dPhe primary obj ot the inquisition was tio extirpate EvERY 'TRACE or neeenoamar, and rake a land wbere none but the ortheedox could live. Da succeeded in its lattample but the history of be proceedings ilarniabes one of the meet bloody narra.tivea to wbloli the race bas ever listened. 511u) attention of the inquisition was ;Srt directed against the Jewa. This thrifty race of people then, aro new, were conspicuotia tor their fivancial broporte.race. In the course of time many Chrietians became their debtors, and it la otrebable teat the desire to escape these just notate frequeatly ocoaatorted the oeizure of theme unfortunate Jews for hereay. The lOhrietian not only did not feel it incumbent upon binned to pay hie debts to heretics, but even all their property was oorifisoated. These heretics could be amused tawny. namely, and it waa not considered necessary tra bring the unused and the acauser face to ilium. The aceueed heretio was FOOLS AND 111Ellt gONEY How Smart People Pull hi tile Dollars With Facility. - MONTREAL PRIZE SCHEME, Word Sunning Competition and liwee mrips—A Modest *seat Comnany—The Toronto " ThiseS eattaelled as Ina moral—Sch.mcs That Catch. Green bens and lEurlicit SheaD Ones. 8Qb/11?1 thousands of mon, wemenand children fiee ming up their opare time and ramie time that they cannot, spare in writing out lista of ',verde, These Mita are not being writtea out of clevotion to the denten. farm but eveh the fond and foolish hope thab wiiwriera the writer hae con- trived to mike eighilY words out of the lettere contained in the word "hlontried," he will get a free trip to trio World's Fair at the expense or a benevoient publisher., who takee this way of encoungIng the smay of the &glen; lauguage and seviug the World' Fair from bankruptcy. Among the enterprising individasels en- gaged in the promotion of this verbal crazy. - work and to the munificent dieMibution of free femme or free tripe are the publishers of bile "Dominion Illuetreted Monthly." They keep good ofmpany and make fate promisee, tor their head effice is in the traildhag of the Young Men's Christien Anoolation, on Dominion Square, Montreal. Thin is their offer : "If you cae make eightywords from lettere contained in the word ° Montreal,' you oan have a TREE TRIP TO TIIM WORLD'S NAIR A SEMI) WITIMUT WARNING, imenveyed to the chambers of the loquisition And rigidly kept from all interceurae with the outside world. No relative or friend Jo condole with him or to advise him twits permitted to orme into his presentee was kept in ignorance of the charge amen wnich he wan Moarcerated. Counsel was allowed him, but tido was a mere for- mality, for hie emceed was not allowed to teenier with him. If the prisoner refund to confess his guile, eirwas oeuglat in evasions or conbradenteue, he was conveyed to the torture chamber, '11 ;w1lere he was submitted to the intenseet liermingoaay whioh it is pooeibie fax human nerves to sustain. Doubtlese many innocent men eleclared themselves grainy under this ex. visite torture in order to eaeape the ter- itible agony. Indeed death was preferable to the torment. Tele evidecas upon which the heretles were convicted awns to us entirely inauffi• - mint " The presumptive proofs,' rays •Armond, it by widen the obarge of dele= was eatablished aphasia the accused are ao Uxorious that a few of them may deserve entice. Ib was considered a good evidence of the bob if the prietoner wore bettor elates or cleaner linen on the Jewish Ilisibloath than on other days of the weak; LI he had no fire in his house the preoediug leveeing ; if• be eab at table with Jews, or seethe meat of animals slaughtered by their hands, or drank a certain beverage held in much estimation by them; if he washed a trapper° be Wenn water, or when dyiug turned Ide face to the wall; or, finally, if be gave lefebrow names to his oeildren—e provision to send money, foe whtell they WON) Q receive seede emd ebriebri. PONt) CeS0 Ikek3peotor Burnham le eel, of tonsil to-deyr but at tile General Pb Offeie ie weft foxed thet letters addreeced to the cote -Pei/ go to e eaoan in en upeer get of the Oegoodby buildiog. There le no eign there to deeleneto tho heetiquarters of the company, which la fee treporteet commerolal concern to judge from the advertisements, bub it weer finally legated. TWO yOUNG LADIES, were in allege. According to fano of the M. He Ofogoodny to the proprietor of the company, but he was aWer, " J. 0. Soett is our intanger," the oadd, but he is la Buffalo. He is ending off prizoe from there to save the duty. We are jure Waring out the businen and eend- ing off the last of the prizes. I do not thistle Vire will resume the laminate next year." M. Daly's complaint to the Armee was Vale : He made ra lot of words from thelebtere in " Worldie Feir," earl tient 25 cents for nada, which be received. By return mail he WAS informed that he was and return, as the publithers ef that well- known magazine, the "'Dominion Mum Meted," offers to pay expenna to Chicago and return to the first person in each State Kindling a list of not len than eighty words as above." In 'addition to this attrac- tive Inducement it was also prom- ised that "a boob of other valuable prizes will be given to staccereful con- testants, and every one able to send a ltat of not less than eixty words will be awarded a prize valued by the publishers at not less than five dollars.What these publisher whaled to do with -these words, or why they did net go to the dictionary and sorb them out for thernelves, they do not state. If a person could make 80 words out of those eight ordinary every day letters, he or she was quelified to travel and the publishers Would send them to see "the greateat show on earth." The eighty vrerds would take them to " the white city." Of mum ell could ,not succeed ; that would be too easy. Some would not reaoh the finieb, but there were prizes all along the way. These conditions were net carried out in many instanees, and there never was any intention to do se. MOST veneesena,La CRUEL, since, by a kw of Henry II., he was pro. krbited under sewer() panatelas from giving them Obrierien Barna. SA mutt have found tb diffieultto extricate himsell fremthe horns tede dilename. If the actuted was found gutiby, as be macally was, be was led forth in great cere- monial state accompanied by a proonnion hIgh ectaleslattics, submitted to revolting lambs and ignominieuray burned at the Make. While Torquemada was inquirabor gen- end, a period of eighteen years, over 10,000 bemires were burned at the stake, nearly 1,000 burned in effigy arid almost 100,000 zubjected to heavy mud iguominious penal - *tam This memo an average of over 6,000 persons antnelly. Tbe bantisition was at first directed apemen Jev.V but afterward aphid herdic Oirizietiene themselves. It continued its saveul work through many generiationo, and its nefortunate victims were numbered by the INLYNDIRID TROUSAND. Tbe preset degradation and degeneracy el Spain le due to this nue° more than Any ether, Wiserever fetters are pub upon the linemen maid the race decaye, ehrivels and laegienereten. Wherever f.eealone of thought Is pruhibited a moo of itatelleet,tiol ;pygmies mud necetwarily result. Hu- manity programa through the MEM - moo of (anginal minds, which do not think along the excepted lines of thought Teba order of men it wbich leads the world up to even higher and 'higher conceptions, to higher and axigher planes of Iivyng. It was the kind of wan that the Sparkish inquisition could Sand no better nee for than burnieg at the *teaks. Bo all the neblest thinkern of Spain were anareed, all her original bhinkere were either lirled or suppres.ed and wily ammoniate...le •xabads, vvbich accepted Imitating stAndardS isolthOut investigation and without, thought, were spitted. It is no wonder that Spain ;dropped into Ail intellectual lethargy hem whiloli she rover revival. The inquieiblou verna One 01 the meat colaseel rolotakee in ali hilseory. ENTITLED To AN EXTRA mum. Four of then were to he given to Ferrous in 'that eeighborhoed, ea follow, Gou- t:doe diamond bracelet," "3 o'olook oilver tea liervice," "solid gold ring," "i FrenCh china servere.” The prime were to be given out as the letters amend, the first taking the diamond bracelet. The condition Was OW) the CAlifeEllIeee ehoold send $2.25 fer a "three dollar col- lection" of shrubs. Daly aent the money and received a few plane) on which he had to pay 40 cents ex - protege. He never got the promised prize. The venlig lady turned up Pelee order te thee:make and said he had been mailed the gold deg. If ib did nob reach him the company could net help that. Another Toronto arareme. DOw IT WAS WOREED. The working of this concern is of intereat to the public and reeve especially to its numerous vintims. In the advertisement referred to above A request ie also made that people answering it must "enclose twelve United States steeps with list of words for sample number of this elegant and profusely illustrated (96 'ago) megazine, oentalaing full partioulare of this moot liberal prize distrthution." When the answer is received from the onapentor a °insular is sent to him inform- ing him that he is entitled ta one of the prizes, bub that it is necessary that his mune theuld appear en the magazine's yearly aubsaription hooks before the prize is awarded. He is, therefore, asked to aend $2 50 by express, money order, postai note or P. 0. money order (personal chap:tea not scented) fer one year's suesoriptIon to tbe " Deminion Illustrated Alenthly." A. form is seat to him to sign and. return, as well as another circular supposed to contain the "governing ruin" of this ao-oalled "Quar- terly educational prize distribution," • The competitions were announced to don on Aloe 241, July 24th, Aegust 24th and September 23rd respectively. The Toronto Star says : An information has been sworn out against Mr. W. G. °goodbye who is mimosa?, to be proprietor of the Toronto Times. It charges him with aeflleg publicabloos tending to corrupt the puobridv. ielniorais, and the 011110 will mine up on m The Times is a weekly paper started a year ago by °goodbye A.bout five weeks go it was given out that he had sold out to One Bonner, hens ever the line, eine which time Ofgoodby was to give his time to the Dominion Illustrated, the Montreal magazine, ef whioh he had become pro- prietor. It was understood that Benner was to carry en a paper similar to one printed in Detroit, but hie publication hale to far not shown much resemblance to the American eheet. It is evident that the authoritiee believe °needier/ to be still the proprietor of the Tints& Oageoalby is the man who started " The Cianadian Queen " in Toronto. He ran thee for a, year or two, with prize attachments, then sold it out and started the Times. After a year at this he bought the "Dominion Illustrated," and has been devoting his attention to it for a few weeks. He came from Buffalo originally. ine neap MONEY hand over fist on " The Queen," and ad np a fine team and carriage, with a liveried coachman of dusky hue. Sos day e. single horse etteched to hie domeett ran away end he was thrown against a street oar. He got a verdict of $6,000 spinet Hon. Frank &althea company for his injuriee. Referring to the first of the foregoing ones the Montreal Star says: "And lima the Candian mails are need by fraudulent concerns to dupe Amerioan citizens. The American Government pro- hibits the delivery of letters to such schemers, and thus millions aro saved to possible dupes. The Canadian Government cannot move too soon if it is to nye its repitatien as a defender of the innocent. There ia a den of theae prize gift publiehers and reedloine vendere who are worth look- ing after." The Star is right. There are many " fakes " in Canada whith should be sup. premed and their operators punished. He Could Sympathise. TALE OF A FRENCH FELON, hi) Innocent Man Serves Thirteen Years as a CORViCt. EXAMPLE OF GALLIC JUSTICE. noreiseers now 10 be Ail Ticketed and 11;teagrilestetreadm len ablittaP11:Yurtli;ohlni tool: otoill: emceed iedince—Istrange Wredicament of alcride—aa It a floor a Virile—The French Duds 14 Neve Toy. IT 33ROUGIIT IN THE MONEY. As far as oan be learned from reliable names the scheme worked mod etwone- ully. and hundreds of rubsoribers sent in their money frem all parts of the continent. To all of these BART% numbers of the roagmbrawere omit and their mance put down on the lists, but from the oompleints seen, the prizes were few and far betweee. Several of these threatened to ahow up the scheme les a fraud. •The complaints became so numerous that a circular oerd wee printed and sent one an follows: Remittauce received and mane new appears in our yearly subsoription books. You will recelve the magazine regularly, commencing with. the Jaly number. In newer to many inquiries would say that the "trips to tha World's For" are not itwarded until September 23rd, the °losing of U. S. division " D " fled Canadian *n- ein "B." The prizereawerded ID diviriene "B" and " 0" and the "guaranteed" prizes requiring an efficiency of sixty cor- rect words er better, The "guarantee prizes awarded in U. S. division 'Aewill be forwarded between let and 151h name month. The receipt of one of then don not Interfere with your eecurifart one of the larger aware° at closing Sept. 23rd. A Welikditelanfug dificial.1 'line prefect of -- hers gene, on a tour of Inepeotion through hia department, beteg eroxioug to emanate, if the neoeseary preOan. Mlest have hen tealloo in every praeleh to eat opera for s. potable invasion an bike perb of the dread plague, cholera. To the Mayor el* certain villege he satct " 'Wellhave you carried out any ineerum lianas t Wilt have you done?" n' 1 have had graved dug foe all the in. i)aleitante of the parieb." The man *elite takes whiskey to help his appetite genetally helps his oppetibe—for wallekey, TOO dittecativee 'profess to be notating the titata they ed h 0 $ ey taro inlede espies Iti °leen, TUE Poems remootago. Chief Ifogbes, of Montreal, says that during the Met few roontha he received ove 300 letters company:Jog of the Dominion Illustrated. He wrote to the publishers, statieg tbat he was tired receiving nom. plaints and eeking for an explanation. They replied than) the complaints were no Omit of theire and thrall the matter would be et - tended to. They also asked that all lettere be Bent to them. Numerous oomplainto bey° been received at the Montreal poet office for some time past, especially from patios in the United States stating that they have not received the prizes promised them and Inquiring as th,e nature of the magazine. Mr, D. A Budge, Secretary of the Y. Is. O. A,, called the ettentieu of the wathori- ties to tbe matter i and aution midair ariviee ha ff determioed that the Dominion Illus- trated Company sheuld no imager °gimpy say portion of the Y. M. a A. betiding, A Retiring faced tionapaey, The Toronto Arctes ee.ye : W F. Daly, of San Francisco, writer to the Atetos for in- formation about tire "Scott Seed (iom- pany ef Tonto, with whiell lie has had roma elleged uneatistectray tletatogr, In Toronto there, bee always been con- aiderahle emeterv as to WU compelled the 8entis Seed °eel pony " stwhere the firm was locetteid. Teens is no alitielen he b lo the directory. The ooneetta woe first 'booed o laatitaarch *lien it iCOmmencett advertis- ing este/lei:rely In papers ,putiliehed at pOints distant from trorentek 4' old) COMPETITIONS" Wore Sverige& 3Ao cootentatate kid PARTS, August. OW the Chamber has promulgated its famoue lew concerning the residence of foreiguere in Franco, Who from thin date henoeforth will have to be ticketed and registered, en thee at any moment the euthorielee may pub hand upon them and my, if so minded, Decampez V' or "O1111 IOU get I" Every foreigner arriving in France to practioe a profereion or carry en a bust:red or induetry must, within eight dams, make a deoleration to the mayor of his in - Motion to take up bie residence there. If later en he changes his place ef reeldenoe for mother commune his certificate of resi- dence must be presented within two days for the Adayer's visa. Any person employ- ing a foreigner who may have omitted to melte his declaration is to be brought before the Correctional Police Court. A foreigner who may leave refrained from making hia declaration within the stipulated period, or who may refuse to produce the certificate of his declaration, will be punishable by a no of from ten to fifty dollen. No foreigner, man or woman, it to be employed in any railway terminus or station, in no matter what capacity. The Prefect of Pollee has ordered a sharp eurveillance for the detection of spies be be set on fed in such plane and at bridges, ferries, museranis and monuments. In fact the unregistered touriste is going to have a lively thne of it, and complications and ger- und annoyanoee are looming up ha the future which will keep the various Embas- sies pretty well occupied and. if the autho- rities are not careful, keep the money -spend. ing globe trotters away from the gay cape tal. The stranger expelled from France whe returns without leave of Government will be liable to imprisonment for a term of not lees tbran aLx months and not exceeding one year. A full month is granted to strangers now in Paris to conform to the providers of this law, which is ingeniously called "A Law for the Proeotion of National Leber," but which in reality has wider and deep-seated motives. SUICIDE IN NOTRE DAME. Yestithfeli erhoinel, earned Knebleoh, threw ewe)Ugb ce eaysterieres murder of Lfioetcle. Kracolotoola, for reamous wbeilt hem, not yet been explained, gave himself up to the polite es tile utbe o robber. tee con -mimed by bine eta Idonteetail reel Stant Wileree. ao a aid be beloeited to a peg of oelprita, erganizari by Abadie, wed game the polio to endersten4 Jahn he knew how Lacerate was Pollees- ieated. ' Withent fi,rat ueraing aceonapline ootafessed that the crime woe perpetrated by three perrione, ores or whaler vitae himeelf. Premed by further examination, ao finielied by flaying that die two admit/isle were Abadie, elrefuly mem toed, mad Peed Kirall, another memeer of the gang, who hacl elready been tried end petialiora for e rolonery commieted at the wmeehop referred to above. Huoblooti end bdie Were condemned to death,' and Matte to triamportation for life, but the sentence Of the former waa aloo commuted to traingiortatime. THIRTEEN YEA -US IN PENAL SERVITUDE. The other day they were out driving, and after an interval of silence Mra. Pate re - VIM ked " 1 wonder juab what a horse thinks when he is driven in this way. Ib must be very urcomfortable to be driven bore and there, without any idea what it is all for or where you are going." " I think I can appreciate his feelings," said Mr. Fibta. "1 imagine he feels just about as I do when you take me sub on a shopping trip." A Ilroken Promise. Ile sat on the front stoop with his elbows upon Ilia knees and his chin ID his hands, looking the very piettire of deopair. "What ails you, aminy 7" asked a good Same ritan. "Oar folka is going to move to Brooklyn." "And is that Emir a hardship?" " You bet Only laat Christmas dad promired he wouldn't take no over there tell we died." Down With Eigh Prices Pot Electric Belts. $1.55, $2.65, $3.70 ; fornier prices $5, $7, $10. Qualty remains the same -16 dif- ferent styles; dry battery and acid belts —mild or strong current. Less than half the price of any other company and more home testimonials than all the rest to- gether. Full list free. Mention thet paper. W. T. BAER ere CO. Wincleor, Ont. What's the Dinereneee Marnma--Come, Johriny, say your verse for the lade. johnny—In the multitude of coanselers there ie a bicyclic. Mamma—Why, Johnny 1 "thereinefety," nob '4 a bicycle. Johnny—Well, what's the differenoe? A CHICAGO centls Soren 1 am married today, But what of to -morrow Let it be as it may, 1 am matried to -day; Yet tho pleasure gives way To a savor of sorrow; . I am married to -day, The historic Cathedral of Notre Dame has just been the scene of an anoient ceremony, width, fortunately, is of very rare perform- ance. On the previous day a young man had committed suicide by shooting himself through the head within the sacred build - bag, and In aoccordenoe with the usage of the olauxoh no further service oould be germ through until the edifice had been "puri- fied." Accordingly at 8 o'clock in the morning Cerdinal Richard, Archbishop of Padre entered the cathedral, attended by a lege following of 'allergy, and offered up the :medal prayers fax the amanion. After this His Eminence sprinkled eaoh pillar with holy water, wbile the priests marched solemnly three times round the nave. This InOgrefie completed, the thane was again declared sanctified and the mass of pent - tents in waiting received absolution in tree ordinary manner. , A WEER BOY BRIDE. A strange incident occurred at St. Denis o few days age, where a wedding came to a conclusion in a rather abrupt manner. The bride in her white areas and wreath of *mange bloom= was snorted to the Town Hall, where the Mayor was in attendance with bie Mt -colored soarf of office round his waist. The bridegroom appeared with his friends and the formalities proper to the amnion were begun. At the moment when the young laey was asked whether she con- sented to take the young man for her hus- band the Registrar en casting hie eye over the bride's certificate of birth &covered theat, through some strange mistake, ehe had been registered as a boy, although her ne,me was correctly given as Eliza Webert, The discovery stopped the core - mealy, much to the discomfiture of all oencerned. Before it can be re - reamed Mlle. Webert wLU have te settle in proper legal form the question as to her sex and prove to bhe complete satisfaotion of Hi le Maire thab she is really of the femi- nine gender sod that the wrong entry is due to the dumdums of the official who made it. As the Mayor properly remarked, "He could not marry two boys,"and the blushing bride will have to wait at least six months whilat the various antra 2 as to her netimity are being set righb through all the Offices' records. STORY OF FRENCH JUSTICE, Pool Kirall, alter peening thirteen yore in penal servitude, has at last been proved ID be lonocent at the orime for which be was condemned, Bad character re) he was, hie ceunkiel, Melina Comby, ha never °erased to deolare hie innocence as regarded tbe crime ID queetion, and he hes en lad amended in hia task. The decret de grace rendereol in his favor woe issued Iron Murch, but it did not reach, Calcdonie. before May 14th. On the 15'h of June. Kirell, rafter waiting ab Noumea two menthe without a farthing, Was informed that he could leen the settlement be the next ateamer bernad for Europe on the 22ed of the stone mouth. He emberkiad and Arrived in Park ou the 31,11, of July. Kind is nef35 yeasts of age. Fie is a MAO of medium 'natters with Week hair, piercing eyes and low forehead. Of °puree he had nao sooner landed in the Prowl capital than the reportera penned on hitn. " At length," rated the innocent convict, "1 AD1 free. It was indeed high time them justice was rendexerl to me. Just imagine what thirteen years of penal captivity is! Never shalt I be able to thank my counsel as he deserves to be thanked." Rattle hie first visit was made to Maitre °ember, whom he embraced moot effmbionately. THE SALM WITNESS. ID Reopeotleg Abadie and Knoblechi says "On earivin' g in New Caledonia I lost eight of Abadie, who was employeolas carpenter in the /eland of Non, bus I acci- dentally came anon Knobloch as I wee leaving the settlement. I need hardly say that I reproached him in violent terms for having falsely aroused me, and thereby bretreht about nay =just condenonetion. He aeked me to ftrgive him, and added: '1 give you my word of honor if ever come across Abadie will avenge yeu and myself et the same time, for ib was he who per. auaded nele to demount) you.'" VIRTUE ITS OWN REWARD. Kirail la now one of the heroes of the day ID Paris. He promisee to turn over a new leaf and become honest. He is particularly desirous of obtaltaing rehabilite.tioe, but, considering hie past career, that will not be se easy as he expecte, even under a Repub- lican Gavernment, which is so lenient to black sheep. For the time being, however, he will not be in want, the Socialist papers having got up a subscription for him, amounting to $250. La addition the Voltaire has anderlAren to engage him as meesenger. His portraite, too, are to be found in the shops. Altogether he has became quite an intereating persenege, end should he relapse into his old ways of earning his livelihood there will be no excuse for him. NEW MURDEROUS WAVICLNO.CANK. The Parietanenedemiecle dudes are making use at present of a wonderful " atiok" called Canna enterainement, whf oh they can only dory after having accuracmed the arm to it. The, stick consists of a piece of iron hidden in bamboo cane, or a piece of wood, finished at the tep by a large steel knob, gelidly ocrewed on. The weight of this knob mark% from 500 greaunnes to a much heavier ODD of a few kiln (2e lbs, in a kilo). The chic of the affair is the vvay this terrible instrument ja used. Fenoere fmd much advantage in this gymnastic exeroise, because havhsg accustomed the wrist to carry se great a weight easily, they do nob suffer any Inconvenience inusing the fencing foil or the sword. A raresb remarkable instance of the tole - carriage of justice ba l just some to light, whereby an innocent man has aerved many of the beat years of his life as a convicted felon in New Ofaledonia. Oa the 3rd of January, 1879, a grocer's Resident, named Leoerole, in the employ of M. Martin, who kept a shop in the Count de Vinommes, left in a cart to collect the so - counts due to his master. A few hours afterwards the cart, apparently deserted, was found by the controller of the Vin- cennes tearaway. It wan conducted to M. Martin, who, on examining it, discovered the boiy of Lecerole hidden under a sack at the bottom of the vehicle. The body was covered with wounds made by dag- gem which showed that a terrible Struggle had taken piece between the viotim and his reurderere. An inctuiry was at once ordered, but no trace of the guilty pardon could be obtained. MURDERERS CAUGHT AND SENTENCED. trbree moethe after* on April 17thi an. ether niurder Wee committed in the neigh - But what of tomorrow boring locality of Montreutheouri-Beis it a Mr. and Mre, Gladstone have been (small, inland wine ohm() kept by an raged ried for 54 years. freiquented by bad there:Mem. One morning mar" °maple, M. Bassuangeend and his wife, and Madame Beesangeand Was kited dead in her ehop, covered with wounds similar to then !billeted en Lecerdle, the head being ently fievered from the body. &Minden felt en two young 133eDv_etie of wean bore the name of Abadie. He was arrested on blot 22n4 of April, in a room in the Fan. hourg-du-Terople, which he occalpied on the day of the crime, together with a rriend teemed Gillette who was Mao arreoted. The letter at that time wee only 17 yearn old. toth were tried and found guilty en tkixtd# own confeaelon. They were Senteneed to death, but the ',enmity waft commuted tea trandporbetion for life. CONVICTION be( THE INNOCENT. A faahieemble revival of the masquerade ball is predicted for the oomiog winter, It is a great pity ib le not as difeoult ID borrow tearable as ib ie to borrow Money. the etullyt of eigtyeetrettyrochee itaisor Seers° to be immethieg of an Army Bit( hireselL—.Zdew York World. A woman man keep a amain but elm nth diejitlita f,hel fact that oho is keeping one, In Geranany 01 s tit %Teo gro'Ott to ihe re.okh No one ever 40mirotila404 att Overstook of WIed0111 by intotieg for the mistakes of inhere. Be thou the final, tree Merle to be (deed; hit proem le loet who Weite tilt all eeinmend. —.rept They Were About) to be sent to New Oats, dente When the reVelegenii Of another A Precocious Child. Teacher—Now, Charles, tell me the oymbolical meaning of the various °okra, Of what, for example, is green the symbol 1" Pupil—Hope. Teacher—I:4)A. And blue ? Pupil—Modesty. Teacher—Geed bey1 And red. Pupli—Social Demodium The clay pipe emoked by Miles Standish in his friendly treaties with the Indians is a part of the U. S. Governmende exhibitat the exposition. The people of London drink 45,000,000 gallons of malt I quere every year. 1.0.4430.111.1• is the best Shortertimp for 2,11 cookftt5 purposes. `121° ErSibRY: °fro LEtile. is the only heOfirut shortentiv snail e fhysiciatts emit:welt An ..11.1 Vent miettorndortable feelie23 of rrtoo much richness', from food, cookect iro.ohsrd. A +Pop:01141'1' rood cooked C„orro LEN Et IS delicate., del -1'0014s, Ile4Ifh full co rmAsvtit,:ts, 11 0 Y(')u use Coy7oLe mat Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK 45c. CO.`; Wellington end Arm Strecte, MONTREAL. Sick Headache and rel We all the troubles inch dent to a bilious state .oe the syetem,euch as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While theirmont remarkable succeas has been shown in ouring weadacho, yet eimerees LITELlt LITRE PILLS are nuttily valuable in Centipede% curing and preventing this annyingcoraptaint, white they ales correct eli disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Eveu If they only cured Ache they would be ainmet priceiese to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try, the will find these little pills minima in so many ways that they will uot be willing to do without them. But after all sick head Is the bane of so marky lives that here is where cl,•etlit1e1oLkothers eearnadorgrueoatt: boast. Our pills cure it ii CARTER'S Lieree Liven num are very small and very easy 0 take. One or two trills tone a dose. They are strictly vegetable anti do not gripe or lenge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; ave for SA. Sold everywhere, or sentby mail. CANER IlliDIOINZ Cannon Torn hol FAL hol Dm kali hico: is the latest tritunph io. pha rmecy for the cure of all the symptoms mdico.ting Name lam LIVER Complaint:II If you are troubled witle Costiveness, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, neanache, LudItgeotion. Poen. Arrsran, TIRED FEELING, RHEUMATIC PAINS ; SleepICSO Nights, Melancholy reeling, BAcE ADHE, lksonxbray's Eidney and Liver Cure will give immediate relief sud EITECT A cure. Sold at all Drug Storeo. weterborte Medicine Co., Limited. PETERBOR0', ONT. fa LAUGH AND LEARN. Edison is a vegetarian. Icelanders never whistle. Rye is of Russian origin. Heston ham a girl druggist. There are 3,000 languages. There are 500,000,900 sum. France repute celluloid pane. Boston has 3,000 Portuguese. Breelan has a paper chimney. France makes the finest fame, Princess Christian makes jam.. Washable well papers are new. Edison's father le 91 years eld. • Queen Victorie hos 40 pet doom Danvers has a 363-eciamold tree. Uncle Sam has200 lady dentists. North Dakota luel a winged calf. The soorpion is a total anstelner. London has an aluminium statue. A locust plague threatens Algeria. Women embalmers are nunierous. We make the finest stained glass. Deep water divers use telephones. New York oity has 8,000 saloons. Oar railroads cover 175,223 miles. We have 37,000 lady telegrapher& , Colorful° Springs home wear veils, A. ton of gold is worth $602,799.21. Jules Verne has written 74 newels. Pennsylvania leads in cigar output. Belgium's Questa is a clever hempen. There are 137,0b0,000 Protestant,. Uncle Sam has .413 epecieri of 'trees. Weide is mod by nearly 1,000,000. The Duke of York is breedbag pigs. There are 750,000 species of Moeda. A New York parrot is 80 years old. Great heat ofben causal melanoluelia. Thera are aluminum railroad passes. There are 881,000 miles of telegraph. Agrioulture employe 28,000,000 meta. Europe hoe 270 ranee of electric roadie England reports a 101.year-old bride. London omnibuees have electric lights,. There is a finical° every three minutes. Gladstone) has preeerveel 60,000 letters, .A. Ballemore horse IlitS'an artifiolal eye. Killarney borate the mon perfect echo. June le the favorite month for suicides. New Eagland hail 240 apaches of spiders. A German scientist eats epiders for butter. The uneacoinated cannot vete in Norway. Pethons are abundant 113 the Philippine. London hats over 1,000 " imitated " houses - In Europe 70,000,000 wear tamoden shame A wateht ticks 157,680,000 times a yetira • The States have 242 life raving istationa Exporting rice le Shan's chief industry. Newspapers are printed in 59 languages. Money Mike—The Congreesional debates, The mocking bird, like the bull, hates Md. r Kneen Penneylvaratans will hold a re' mien. Fairope import's 660,000 tone of wheat a year. Perspiration, is now gettleig the drop on us. Strange, but tight Money produeeei eciber thought. , Niegera represents 16,000,000 horn. power. Glare blowing by nifithinety 10 accetilew pitehed. Riohnierad centaine eighteendtorgeWath, Weenie Frahm has 6,000,000 oo,vicgo battk do. positoto, An altunhittin bridge over Gibrottor to ytop000d.