HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-9-14, Page 5'Li ERN li-En 1?VnAv aro c, new me cover:, tiro puri the µ i 1i t eases of �-+ Nervous 1)ehility, Lout Ya„or ion! '�9 •#-1' W /�+ .0.011.4g M04 god; XV8tnrPF3 the Y.il y,Weakness of body or mit d outs 1)y over -work or' the errors or ox. cessa:aof youth. This Remedy air rglutelg cares the most obstinate cases when all other FRDATffi'BNTS have failed oven to relieve. Cold by drug. iats at $1, por paelroaq„ or six for $5 or sunt b t 4a'1 on C�O..Tor stn, by addressing Wfor pa pamphlet. MEDICINE For Sale hiIEseter by J. W. HBRID^Gwni$9,a` Prince Bismark's health has much improved, and he is now reg aided as out o£ danger. DYSPEPSIA CURED, Gentlemen,—I 'was,. troubled• with dyspepsia fol• shout fon? ears, I not- iced an adveitisnent' of Btirdocl: Blood Bitters,so I started to gine it and soon found there was fibthing to equal it. It took just three bottles to effect a per- fect cure in my case. Bert J. Reid, Wingham, Ont. The'courts has sustainedthe right of the State of Miehicau to regulate the inspection of inunigrxults,' THAT HACKING, PERSISTENT, Distressing Cough can be quickly 1 Y cured by using Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup: Max Rothstein,e millionaire clothing merchant of Chicago, committed sui- cide Tuesday by hanging Himself: UNBEARABLE AGONY, For three days I suffered severely from summer complaint, nothiug gave me relief and I kept getting worse un- til the pain was almost unbe:trrble, but after I had taken the first: dose of Dr; Fowler's Extract of Wilcl Strawberry found great relief and it did not fail to cure me. Wm. T. Glynn, Wilfrid, Ont. At Newark, N. J. Venyl Vojacek,.his wife and one of his children have died from the effects of toad -stool poisoning. Minsters, lawyers, teachers and oth- ers whose occupation gives but 'little exercise, should use OartEr's Little Liver Pills for torpid liver and bilious- ness. One is a dose. Try them. Samuel Paulus, an axed veteran of Bryson, Ohio, was fatally beaten Tues- day night by two colored men and robbed of'tp100. 'When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Oastoria. When she became Miss, she ,clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. W. E. Kirkby, a manufacturers' agent of Montreal, New out his brains with a revolver at St. Helen's Island Wednesday afternoon. A CURE FOR HEADACHE. f Headache arises from constipation, bad blood, dyspepsia or liver complaint. As B.B.B. cures all these complaints it is naturally the most successful head- ache cure existing. Once the cause is removed the headache vanishes. Trustee McNee has been expelled from the Windsor School Board because his firm had obtained printing con- tracts from the board. A WOUNDED SPIRIT who can heal Victoria Carbolic Salve heals all other wounds, cuts, bruises or burns. Several deaths from cholera are re- ported. In Constantinople. A still further decline in the epldbmic in Hungary and Galicia is reported. OFT IN PERIL. Lives of children are often endang- ered by sudden and violent attacks of cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery and bowel complaints. A reasonable and certain precaution is to keep Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wlid Strawberry always on hand. At a meeting of the Montana State Woolgrowers' Association 'resolutions were adopted protesting against the places of wool on. ;he free list, Are free from all crude and irritat- ing matter. Carter's Little Liver Pills, Very small, very easy to take, no pain, no griping, no purging, Try them. In the course of i speech at Metz, Emperor William said that "Lorraine would forever remain German, protect- ed by God and by the German sword " 'Inc Great Ennglish Prescslptfon. A successful Medicine used over .ter i n , 30 years in ; the sands of cases. OM1, Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous �d►�•^ 'aeakness Emissions, Impotency all diseases caused babuse. '-���.• [arrows] indiscretion, or over.-exertion.ArTIm ) Six Packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Groat English 1 rescriptiou, take no substitute. One package $1. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet, Address •:Eureka Chemical Co.. Detroit, Reich. At New York Wednesday the Grand Jury filed a true bill against Emma Coleman, the Anarchist, charged with unlawful assemblage and inciting to riot. THE FOUR CARDINAL POINTS. The four cardinal points of health are the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. Wrong action in any of these produces disease. Burdock Blood Bit- ters acts upon the four cardinal points at one and the same time, to regulate, strengthen and purif v, thus preserving health and removing disease, l tie corner stone ofa new "unda,y School in` c'onnte.t!oti° with W entwerth Street Presbvterialt` Chuff . h;''lilimilton, was laid bytote G:"W'Ross on Satre:. day,: PURE COD .LIV:ER ..OIL combined With 'Wild Chelri v:•hiid Hy pophosphites renders Milbirrn's E!nulsiou the best on the market, Robert West and Will ;Dayis, mem- bers of the police force of Hopi.ins',ille, Ky., settled an old. score Wednesday by a pistol dual. Loth mon received fatal ie j cries. i?teo's Atmedy for Catarrh Is the Dust, Easiest to use, end. Cheating; ala d y; '. «� ��1 �snn Sold by tit•ilggfsts Of sent by mall,_ 500. ib T. ibmiltita Warren, lee Misoi (aneous, A woman eurpl n cleaning the ens .died Wed- a tired feel- ver Lozenges., ea sailed from; Thursday. Ho `with Mr, Glad - British IIoU nesday of t. Are you ii'igi Try The Earl d Liverpool fort, had a long cg. stone Wedneg Are you sick Use hsel,jay's; will cure you; Three banks.' timized Wedne young man whj for $85 on each'' Everybody 11:, likes nauseous r,µ Liver Lozenges;l In the pati -Am gress at Washing 1lontizambert, of the section ou m quarantine. If you would befor cholera take the best possib f your gen- al health. If your; a is coated use Eseljas's Liver ermt,`'ges. Rev, Andrew Ilamilte, L.L.B., of. Port Colbourne, was mar',ed at West. en Thursday to Miss Carte Pritchard, of that village, k There has been no mo>,l;, important discovery in medicate recent years than the in eljay's Liver Lozenges.', covery is of interest al nearly every person livi i sick headache? ozenges. They tliam were vic- , well-dressed *.bogus clleck Nobody y Eseljay's edical. Con- zd-nesday De resided over gleno and Republicans of Iowa prohibition to be the aril sue, have formed a sopeee. tion and nomination a e Govor11o1. v n�?� AA. Grateful ilfarlrrltot ,IIIc Husbands arenot all gi` the f..-llowin:g letter will piliv ilton, Oct.27th, 1S92 110;';ie that the 111embray Medicine use my name in testimony,of t e bene- ficial results obtained from:the use of Membray's Kidney and Lie.4Cnre, having cured my wife of kidne fou- ble. It deserves my g ratitUdei ,Eye H. Home, 405 James St. Nor` The Legislature of Biit,ekiw offers a bounty of $25 a head' tQ Chinamen from the United t They are wanted to work'i'iii`ot plantations and in gold mines. e9 Are You Yeryous Y .Are you all tired out, do that tired feeling of sick You can be relieved of all the e ' toms by taking Hood's. Sai pa which gives nerve, bodily and,. in strength and thoroughly purMes , the. blood. 'It also: creates a good appetite, cures indigestion, heartburn ana,; pepsia. ee,. during Iqn of Es• it , discov- lCiaefit to, n`4' 4 believe itient is- gauiza- ate for una. R 101, as: Ham ertify can Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy in action, wed sure in effect. 25 ceits a.box. In a field near Kingston a num>r of;boys quarrelled over the possessin of a gull During the struggle t weapon exploded,: and Samuel Sherrat aged 17, received the contents hi" hb abdomen. The lad will probably What 1)o You Take 11edicine For? Because you axe sick and want te, get wen, of course. Then remember} that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures. All we ask is, that in taking Hood's Sarsapar- illa you will do so with perseverance equalling or a.pproachiag the tenacity with which your complaint has clung to you. It takes time and care to erad- 1 icate old and deep-seated maladiee, particula-ly when they have been so long hidden in the system that they have become chronic, Remember, that all permanent' and positive cures are brought' about with reasonable moder- ation. Hood's Sarsaparilla attacks di- sease vigorously and never leaves the. field until it has couquered, A Winahara Hero. Wingham, Sept 7,—Near here yes- terday morning, a young man named Levers wasin a well at a depth of 45 feet boring, when he struck e vein of gas: He signalled for a rope, but be- fore the rope got to him he became in. sensible. Another young man named Marshall decended to his assistance and fastened the rone around Lever's body, but he to was overcome with the gas. Some of the neighbors, suspecting that something was wrong, went to the well. and pulled up Lever's body, After con- siderable delay Marshall's body was al- so, brought to the surface,` but life had fled: Lever was resuscitated after considerable difficulty, and, is now; in a fair way to recovery, Reguiates'the Stornech, Liver ,.arief, 3o rels,'unlocks theSecret1gns,Wiirifiesthe 'Blood and removes all itis- purities frorrr'a 'Pimple to theworst$crofulous Sore. �...0 U', -s DYS PEPS l A:ee BIL101JSNESS; COQ?STIPATIONI.• • HEADACHE SALT RHEUM.-- "SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY, RHEUMATIS!''1, SKIN DISEASES ee For Over Fifty Yearn. AN OLD AND W1u L-TEZEls ltr:nli•:nv—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup; has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per - foot success• It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Dlarrhma. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by Druggists in every part of the World, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its'vaino is inealoulabte. 'lie sure. and ask for Mrs. Wi nslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind The steamship Kate Fawcett, which arrived at Montreal Tuesday from. Cuba with a cargo of sugar, reports having had a terrible experience about 150 miles from New•York on ' August 21st, FOR INVALIDS and weak delicate women use Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine; no other, it is the' best. The Gladstone Government was de- feated in the House of Cornmoils Tues- day evening on a motion to reduce the salaries of officers of the House of Lords: The vote was a s•mail one, 108 to 95. . • A LETTER ll FOM EMERSON. "I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and I, think it the best remedy for suminer complaint. It has done a great deal of good to myself and children." Yours truly, Mrs. Wm. Whitely, Emerson, Man. Hon. Hamilton Fish, ex Secretary of State of the United States died at Gar- rison, N. Y. Thursday. He was born in 1808. Prompt relief :from sick herdache, dizziness, nausea, constipation, pain in, the side, gaunt teed to those using Carter's 'Little Liver Pills, One a dose. Small price, Small dose, Small pill. The Columbian caravel Santa Maria is to be presented by the gpanish Gov ernment to the United States. ALL NEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weak and ex- hausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following sylnptonrs: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, Toss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of enemy, nein in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, 'wasting of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the inusnles, eye- lids, and elsewhere heshfulness, do pos• its in the urine, loss,of will -power, ten- derness of the scalp and spine, weak. and flal)bv niimcles, desire to sleep, failtne to be restful be sleep, constipa tion, dullness of heeling, Hiss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of tem- per, smitten oyes, Sillr0111•ded with LuA1)11N CII OLIES, Qtly looking shin, etc,r are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity unless cured. Tho spring of vital force' having lost its 'tension every function wanes in consequence, Those whothrough abuse, committed iii igtioranee, may be permabelitly wired, Send your ad.. dress for book on 'diseases peculiar to mall, Rent free, Sealed. Address, M. V LUBON, 24 Macdonnel Ave., Toronto, Duff Sheriff Wheeler Does Not Care to Live If He Cannot' Have NTRAIri--` SHAVING --PARLOR EXETER, - ON'PA .iO, A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to � CItl-idron:'s Lad�S an . 1,.. Hair cutt Ong,q qq �1 lnlf$te tUSaP.7H,iiLge. ..,,rte ”.,„, . The Cheapest aritd Best Place in Town To get your Boots and Shoes mended, is at GEO. MA SON Just a few more pairs of those Men's cheap Hepburn Shoes and La- dies' Dongola a-dies''Dongola Kids left. t�Next. Door £ i�e 9 to ith tl POStoflleo Bargains! Bargains I 1 argain 11 The Spring Season is about here and our good wives are begin- ning to think of house cleaning. Then after the "dirty work” is fin- ished, a few nice pict- ures will be necessary for a spring-like ap- pearance. p-pear ance. Bear this in mind, the best stock of Bamboo Novelties, Picture Moulding and Curtain poles, Is at S OI l 'S FURNITURE &UNDERTAKING —Establishment.— Odd-Fellows BIock. Opposite J Grigg's Stationary. 1ctir P14111 �cuse. Rosa Wanted, Dreesec or Alive. [Pressed Hogs bought subject to the following conditions: -2 lbs per cwt off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 8 lbs for either bung gut or gullett, if left in. All Hogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hops weighing from 100 to 200, pounds, dressed, S ELL BROS 8r, Co. PALAEBAKKRY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up hie parlor and restaurant -will serve— ICE CREAM during the Summer Season. Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, Buns, Cakes &c. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. A11 orders . left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. oysters and fruits of all kinds in their season. 1?. W, FOSS, Hensall Bicycles, . Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages And Musical . Instruments. We are the only firm who make a specialty of the above named goods and therefore claim that we can give the people of Exeter and vicinity,, . Greater Bargains! Greater .Choice ! ! Lowest Prices. ! ! ! The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods can be had by calling at our ware-rooms,—One door north Dr. Lutz's drug store. PERIN & Sarsaparilla It would be difficult to find a man better known in the vicinity of Burling- ton, Vt. than Mr. R. D. Wheeler of ' irinooski Falls, the efficient Deputy Sheriff of Burlington- county.° He says: "C, r, Hood & Co., Mass.: "Dear Sirs: If Hood's Sarsaparillacost $io.00 a Bottle I should still keep using it, as I have for the past ten years. With me the question as to whether life is worth living depends upon whether i can get. Hood's Sarsaparilla. I don't think I could live without it now, certainly I should not wish to, and suffer as I used to. For over: ten years I suffered the horrors of the damned with Sciatic e Rheumatism for if ever erten suffers with anything in this world it is with that awful dis- ease. It seems to me as if all other physical suffering were compressed into that one. I took about everything man ever tried for it but never got a dollar's worth of help until I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I have taken it now pretty regularly for ten years and have no more pain and can get around all right. I' have advised a good many to try Hood's Sar- saparilla.' R. D. WHEELER, Deputy Sheriff, Winooski Falls,- Vt. Need's Pins cure Liver ills 0 Vegetable rills arc pre• pared to moot a legit!- mate demand for a mild, efficient and reliable family physik. They are 'purely Vegetable, containing no Gid el calomel, mercury, or Mineral tab- .a stance of any kind. Iivod sl NIS :lot upon the stomitchi liver, and alimentary ennal, :and. circ Liver CCinplaiut, Constipation, Hansen', dillousncss, headache, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Distress after Eating, Saltndice. A cold maybe broken up and :tIeVorpreVeuted by promptly taking Flood's S'illsr Hood S Pilis Are prepared by C. I. Hoed & Co., Apothecaries', Lowell, Mass. Price Sl Coats Luer boa. Sold hg all druggists or sent by mall ou receipt of price. owe, Carrys the largest and best stock of Furniture and under- taking goods in the County. Stock complete in all lines. . Night callsfor undertaking will receive prompt attention, by calling at my residence on Huron St, (The premises lately vacated by Thos.. Prior.) The :.as.ioa'bi, Cutter a Fitter0 • As I alit the only OUT31r aiul PITT,EIt in town who'l,r. visited the large cities in ^•t1 United States this$pring,Iai�'. therefore the best able to Al you in i'hc Proper Style, alas}g... a,les� i,, °When you have bouglf* the material for Spring and Summer tow come to me and het fitted Gentlemen, Before you buy yoa3:; .Spring Stet, come up y'. - my shop and get post!, on THE ST YLES BERT / KNIGII . The Fashionable Crater and Fitter, A. complete stock of Fuge alldReliable Orae ALWAYS KEPT. —� PRISPOIVICIRK SL ijrllIt's sRom 4t rightand reasonable prices Prescriptions and Family Rec i & Carefully Prepared. WiI1BIiS COh[illOR POWggi the best in the market. C. LUTZ, PRO • SNII e 1 1\Z+-' , +ice st EXETER - ONTkRJ.o �t Has now in stock WiLor IN THE. FOLLOWING LINES. West of England Suitings and Tron eringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser Ings. • French and English Worsted Clot All made up in tbe Latest Style, at best Rates. ,. 3. SNELL it "A STI2CII Ill M;; SAVES S ZINE , SO WILL .y.DOLLAR' INVESTED IN qq��CCiN 1V11'1 �1.. 1 ran artificial gasirio juice—formula on every label] SAVE 99 DOLLARS to any person sufferiatg from stomach troubles, es- pceially d taken at the first symptom of Indigcst.ion, which is usually weight at the stomach, sometimes attended by slight pain, and may follow either a wholesome or a heavy meal, At first, this feeling soon passes away, cad is only remembered as a UM,: iennliaseint, which, when repeated, gradually be- comes mote pronounced, To the average person is ably suggested the cathartic pill bitters,. or other liquid purgatives, that wilt clear out the bowels. Snell treatment 19 Worse than tiseleaa ; it is positively harm. fol. The trouble is in the Stomach, the lieWets are not responsible, and relief will only Boom through an intelligent treatment of the ,disorder within the stomach,, MAT J1'OPPPSVN is the remedy for all stomach troubles. Endorsed by the best physicians of England and Canada. Send 2 cts. in Ostage fee valuable pamphlet to TAAzaN MORSE, 1NTRRNATIoNAL Bateau, ONTARIO. Atkinson's Furniture Ware- rooms is the cheapest and best place in the County to buy Fur- niture. A first-class Bed -room Suite for only 89 and every- thing else in comparison. All !roods guaranteed to be my own make, of first-class dry material, nothing but best hard lumber used. Lumber and nd Wood Takenin exchange for Furniture. Wire Mattresses. The . The onlyp1ace in tovn -vhei e you can *buy uy the Patent Dominion Nickle-Plated Wire Matti ess:—Way ranted not to rust. tkinson, Props.i i