HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-06-15, Page 30The Signal' -Star, June 15, 1972—Car Care Supplement .E.tact .Plan u . act r . i� er 1're�cribed Tune -.Up ouar Guide toBelter aad.Sa �,� Motoring ;v. ;jl�,,,,`: \7'•�: ilk �'z. ;:i ,r,•:•:G.'•'r•:: '•4 •,, ,`:: n•.rp r,•;t°y,[ ' A,Chiev ng cleaner air is a ::..: }:. ,v , ;r,::> ;. ; ;:. :>,.�<.::r:::>rr.> >>::�:.,.�>:,::.� .r. b ..;i.:^ :•{•: .•`�•Sur..iv.:A$>. ry: 1v: :: <::: ,..,•t•d..x•,ti;` b.' ��•� ,:�., The engineers int •:•:.>:<::" :•,. :,.. :�•�•,: :,<.::::r.:� 'o out tis e -w r ' : ,..., >..:.::: re a proposition. It in- :•..�.. ::.�.:: �.<��::>� •: :�w: �.<�:�, ,>•::,::.:�:. that a f :..:.�:,,;.::. r`,: �.. :,,�:.:�,..:.,...:�:: >:. ew mechanics are wolves the manufacturer�::. who :,;.v rf, .;:. :�:>�::�::::::>::.:.::�:<• :w.. :;b',.>�,.:. $ .� even :;.;.:.:t::.�.�»:::: •:.,•,.>,>•:•>::.:.::>::<�:w::::;:a� :� :f removingsome anti - equips the car with mission- r:;>::.::r`:x:> ;:.:< r�5". ;r,:4 .;:, :.::„,: ,�, , �' � :•:� r,.�,, :;� , pollution devices in the in- reducingdevices,_ » theoto- � ..�:;>.::;.,'. «. �: , ':,' �• .;{ �•� � . •' ° � teres, of peppier . perform- ist who Must maintain those , `' anceeThi can•raige harmful devices -and the service - tech < • � � emissions to an intalerable nician who, in Most, cases, �° ' °° level. performs the work.., : ,�� The engineers added, "Just While the partnership as we, through our Cleaner starts outequally, the motor- ° Air Clinics, -are educating ist and the technician bear mechanics to perform tUtne- the ultimate responsibility 1, ;s:<,k::.:• ,.. .. .for keeping emissions as'a 1 V ups for low emissions, themechanics' are being urged clean as original equipment to. hey) educate their cus- allows them to be. . o�A.�i� , tor�.ers. The. man in the serv- The motorist must . bring ice • facility should explain his car in for regular main- what he is doing and•,why he tenance of anti-pollutionis doing it." equipment. And the techni- :: •� b Champions, technic�,l'serv- cian must adhere 'strictly to:� < , .,ices . engineers ` expect to recommended service prose- reach even more technicians • duras. in 1972 than the 80,000 at- . To help the service Indus- : r'` tendance . last year. Each of try keep abreast of the latest the 14 men, who cover cepa- low-emission servicing tech- niques, Champion Spark. "The•• �, ., rate parts of the country, car checks out fine,'' reports Champion Spark Plug Com- ' • conduct their clinics from Plug Company has entered pany regional engineer A. A. (Sonny)'"Weinberg. Weinberg con- specially -equipped mOblle its second year of conduct- ducted an emissions check as part of a Cleaner Air Clinic. At the training 'vans. The ris are. Ing Cleaner Air Clinics. In clinics, the Champion• engineers urge audiences to make certain outfitted to de str to most 1971, Champion conducted engines ire 'tuned for low •emissions, adhering strictly to manu- conditions that cause trouble nearly 1,200 of these clin- facturers' tune-up recommendations. in the automotive ignition its for 60,000 technicians system - throughout the nation.•-•-�-� "-" What used to. be a recom 'gripe abouto:a slightly rough',,,... Heart of. thee -unit is a mul One constant therne.stress- mended tune-up and "v ,hat is idle. tifuel, single -cylinder engine ed at the clinics was, "Per- now a lova-emissions tune-up. "While it would be • simple equiped withia dynamo for the technicians to ignore - meter. The unit can simulate manufacturers' recommend- almost 'any highway driving ations and adjust timing and situation. idle for performance instead The, van also houses spe- of low -emissions, he would 'sial instrumentation includ- be doing a great disservice to - ing'measuring devices for;ex cleaner air efforts." haust ernissions. form the tune-up exactly as According to Champion the manufacturer 'worn- engineers: "It is` entirely mends." , possible that a customer will The Champion technical complain• after a low-emis- service engineers remind signs tune -up -that his car is their audiences that there riot as peppy as it_should_be... may be a difference between The ` customer .may even � o Getset.. for Summer y,��.MI...�.�.',,<'•."+•.•�c};�t?"'' eras: 4:444 moararrN.<:h•c • i come in for our complete'car care service ,• ENGINE • • We'll check condition and adjustment of ignition and carbure- tor systems, andtune if necessary. BATTERY We'll check for full power and see that water is at the proper leve1.l +COOLING SYSTEM We'II check antifreeze protection, make sure . it is at proper level and that the cap, choses and connections • are tight. LIGHTS -We'll make sure all lights are burning - eryr-an correctly aimed, r', • WIPERS We'll check arm anir blade condi'tion and windshield •washer tank fluid_ level. Tiftts' We'Il,check pressure, tread and gOneral' condition. . Lots of Apeople are concerned about pollution. But concern alone won't stop it. Tests on cars with high emi scion levels, show that an engine tune-up can substantially reduce pollutants. By snore than 50% on the average. ti ' So there is something that. you can c:a to fight pollution. Have your car's exhaust emissions checked. If your car needs ' a tune-up, get one. At least once each year or 'every 1.0,000 ,miles. .And urge, your friends and neighbors to do the same. 'BRAKES— ' .BR-AKES'' We'll.check fluid level, likings, cylinders, adjustment. LUBRICATION We'll check engine transmission and power steering 'oil. Lubricate chassis, change oil and•filter .if needed. POLLUTION CONTROL •'` We'II check and service your car's carburetor, rings and valves, filters and emission control devices to help reduce the pollutants it spews into our air. • EXHAUST SYSTEM - We,II check muffler, tailpipe and mani- fold for dangerous exhaust leaks. LIONEL'S Windsor, Ontario, ai0