HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-06-15, Page 23• CIIton'SPrIng Show First time town .fries three. days; 6,000 attend The first three clay fair in the history of the 118-yefr-old Clinton Spring Show drew more than 6000 people.. For the ,first time this year: a show was put on Sunday as a western and riding horse show , was added. This show, performed under sunlit skies: drew between 1500 and 2000 people to add to the total of 4.500 who attended the * Saturday show. Highlight of Friday night was .the crowning of Sue Palmer. 19 year"• -old daughter of Dr, and Mrs. D.B: Palmer of Clinton. She edged outher-sister Joanne in the close -contest, Linda' Thompson of R.R. 3. Kippen was third. ,Others entered in the contest were Lynda Workman, Kippen; Karen Tyndall, R.R: 4, Clinton: Janet Klaver, R.R. 3. Kippen and Nancy Sillery, Brticefield, Sue -'is a special commercial s,ttl'cirt at Central Huron Secondary School and hopes to he a stewardess when she graduates. She will compete' in 1973 at the ° Canadian National Exhibition for the Sweetheart of the Fair title. She won $50, donated by' Lorne Brown Motors. Her sister Joanne • won $30 for second prize,donated by Ross Lovett, president of the fair, ',Mrs. Wes lieirn;liel' of Wroxeter, with 14 points. topped the homemaking section. Sandra McClinchey of, Auburn, with 21 points, won the junior division. Ot'tier winners included: arts, and crafts, Mrs. Elgin Nott. 4. Clinton: domestic science. Mrs. Phyl Parsons, Seafor•th: floral exhibi Mrs. Heimpel, Mrs, J.H. Johth tone, Goderich. liquid embroidery, Mrs, Ken Stoll, Seaf°4rth, - ° • There were 37 exhibitors who showed 381 exhibits. The - women's auxiliary of Clinton Branch 140'of the Royal Canadian Legion won first prize for its float in the opening parade Saturday morning. Edwin Campbell of Paris won the Bank of Montreal Two daughters of Dr. and Mrs. trophy for the hest heavy horse on *Ray Flowers of Clinton, 13 -year - the grounds and Sam Horne of old Michele and 1.4.year-old Lynn. Gowanstown had the hest light placed ` first and third place horse. respectively in the saddle horse Other special prizes: best class (ridden by a child under 16 dairy herd, Jack Van Egmond,' years.) R,R. 1, Clinton; most points in Wendy Tyndall 'of R.R. 4, dairy class, Tom Coursey, R.R. .. Clinton was s.ond. 8, Parkhill; most points in the , ".Emke Brosof Elmwood took .swine class, Hugh Hart, Gadshill.: first in the ' commercial rabbit 4-H club member with best dairy class. -calf, Glenn McNeil. R Z, 6, Goderich: 413 club member with best beef calf. Leslie Falconer. R.R. 5, Clinton, and best flock of sheep, W.E. Crawford, Minesing. Shannon Elizabeth Kerr. 41'2 , month old daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Randy Kerr of Dungannon, • was first in, the baby contest. She also won the hest-bahv- under-six-months-old class while Scott Les McAsh. 10 -month-old soh of Mr. and Mrs. Brian McAsh of Clinton, was first in the six-. months -and -over class. Ed Fitzsimmons of Thorndale was exhibitor with the most points in the show ,horsee, section and James Rundle of R:R,,6, St. Marys was exhibitor with most pointsJin the stock section, For Your ,, INSURANCE See or call filiacEwaint_ MacEwan 44 North St.,- 5249531 Donald G. MacE-wan Peter S. -MacEwen : ' ....,,r..ew.,nw 4 i BODY REPIR REIIABLEECONOMICA1 3 Yogi' II Get a Good . from Us.. Just 'ask your friends. You can rely on. us, for fair estimates,' reasonable costs, expert work.. After 'occident damageor just daily wear and tear, let us restore . your tar's like -new look:. • FRONT END ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS Windshield Replacement at Competitve Prices • n w.w:..,..:.,.ar„a4n.rx;,sr_w:k,.A•.n.L :., �•crOsa45rn1-.tTw.•....,-.•�•wew,.w.,..n.<rw,�*.w.urv2n w.am:,,�.T.•�^+,_a .c..: w: IN.J•. MOTOR SALES' LTD. • St. David St., Goderich 5249449 Free ESTI MATE The pony, beef cattle, "dairy cattle-, sheep and swine competitions had no over -01 winners. (For further details see inside.) ' Truck rodeo. set for graduate receives e1 Seeders bursar. °y QQDERICCR s ALos i' BAR. T 1•1011•04 494 Ai ca ., a, .4,2, ,4. Local Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet owner Vic Pope, right, present's a cheque to Goderich and District Collegiate Institute graduate Kevin Coi. Kevin was selected to receive the Colonel Sanders busary recently. (staff photo) urged to r►re legalized ab�rtl�ns In place of the regukr monthly meeting of St. Joseph's Council,,, joint meeting with St. �• Auustine, Lucknow,,t and .,Kingsbridge was held ' in, the parish hall, at Kingsbridge on Wednesday evening, June 6, Approximately 50 ladies, were in attendance including members of Wingh°am and Goderich Councils. Father H. , Cassano opened the nreetirig with the • Leagt prayer. Mrs John Austin . gave a Scripture reading and led In the Family Prayer for 'Vocations. Mrs, Joe Courtney, president of St: Joseph's Council, welcomed` members and guests. Mrs. The .'Keefe read the Minutes of the last meeting for St. Joseph's - Council. • . Mrs. Dennis Dalton has donated an afghan, Mrs. Jilin Gilmore and 'Mrs. Bill Hogan are hooking a rug. These will be used as prizes Ashfield parents will pay more - On•, June London Sept• . Ash,'ield Recreation Was held at, John Austin with'nominatrons Mrs, carr nominated 5_ a meeting_ af_The, Committee BrdQksid0. opened the meeting for secretary. ry Hackett was Regional Truck Rodeo c ntests to select championship drivers start on June 10 throughout Ontario and in other Canadian Provinces. Playoff winners will match skill and experience for the lessons and the general .opinion was., that the swigiming lessons were very important for the young people of the_ area. ' It was decided .that the lessons would cost $4.00 and the parents would he' asked to pay„ $6,00 The minutes' of thelast'meeting to''ardsthe busing oftile children were read. making a total pf `10.00 per child. The correspondence w'•as . read Thy Conimittee is hoping to crime after which the financial rebut 111) \. illi SOHW way ofp�ivine for the' most rigorous test ofall- the _25th was given. rest Anniversary Championships to Swimming lessons in Goderich It was suggested that it would he take place in London, Ontario on g September 9th. Over 20,000 truck, and transport drivers are expected to compete. 'Only three winners from 'each Province will qualify to enter the, National Championships. Rigid scoring.under exacting, simulated driving were then discussed—Bob Park a good idea to form a Committee ,from .the G,oderich Pool was - of, people in the Community to present to discus this' year's think up and plan some actidi'ties swirnming'progr'am. • • to help raise money. It was decided that the lessons Warren Zinn presented a book 'would be in August'friim 9 a.n. to ofpr•ices•for a climbing apparatus 10 a.m. The cost of swimming for Dungannon and Ashfield Park. lessons and bOsing'the children Bill Black said'he would lihok into was then discussed. .it as he knew'where he could got conditions means that those wha Different ideas were givrt.lor some. do -reach --t G-."'rle(•iri ct � h tyS'_.,j3;:r� p-rnttt be r--tr�>eirg-t.hey-f��r true 1t-wa e t outstanding. The final wine s buses but nothing definite was "activity.ni,'ht at Brookside School will be, envied by fellow,decided. Last year the Recrva.lion ' one night a week dining the contestants, all of whom are truly . Committee paid i'or quite a hit of summer months. This is to he ` professional. the busing. The Walk-a-thon made held for the girls tooyoung.to play Primary purpose of Truck' this possible. but seeing that"no ball or if they would like to take ' Rodeo is to encourage continued Jeffr,fts? ideas had come up for thfs part in something other than attention to the need for safety,' year it was decided that the, baseball. skill and courtesy on the highway? This becomes more important every year... not only for transport drivers b,ut motorists as a whole because of increasing' use of the highwityalkodac t beta -of vehicles on the road. --- THRTNa ion, '"° r ck "`rodeo } Championships are sponsored by numerous provincial and Canada - wide agencies of goverji hent, the trucking industry itself and other bodies involved in promoting,safe driving and reduction of accident frequency, s. ADDICTION RESEARCH' FO U,N'D'ATJ�N parents would be, called upoi to , Mrs. Barry Hackett is going to pay for more of the busing. head this tip and she will he .Mr.. A•u s t i n asked the anxious to ' hear from people committee what. their feelings interested in helping her as well were ori continuing the swimming as1girls who are interested in +V.'AR9.rrukrcmc,.:t..vp,,., u' ai' eed�a iestmeiit'-..,,r Certificates now! coming to this fun night. • The meeting came to a close with•lots of conversation about the summer ahead. in a raffle. The minutes of St. Augustine Council were read 'by Mrs. Cyril Boyle. The deadline for clothing for Comber•mere, is June 26. It was decided to have another lake sale on Sunday, June 25. Roll call was- taken by., Mrs. Van Osch., Reports were given by Church Life, a.nd Christian Family Life Conveners. TheC.W.L. executive attended the Girl Guide * Mother and Daughter' Banquet held on Mav 25. Mrs. Walter Clare reminded us to stop further:' liberalization of abortion laws by: writing to the members of parliament.s'; etc.newspaper editortc. Mrs. .= Jim Martin., Communications and Public' Relations Convener stated in her report that eight merhbers had attended the Dungannon �, C • W. `s Ladies'. Day held on June 1. Members looked after the Mav' birthday party • .at l furor}vrie w. C'lin'ton: Patients° 'were entertained with a program and. lunch and birthday gifts were provided. Mrs. Wilfred Austin, . Social Economic and' v:ic tale. Convener, reported that Murray. Gapnt, M.P.P. for Huron -Bruce: has been asked to speak.at the August meeting. fids topic will be farming. • Mrs. Mark ;Dalton, So:olal Action Convener, . submitted an. article on unemployment, It was reported by Mrs, John Howard, Cultural Life Convener; that the keepers' trophy' for the Grade 8 Citizenship. Award' has- been .ordered. Plans are being made to *cater . for the trade 8 planation banquet held` on. Thu,-sday evening, June 29, The Knights of Colu:rnbus Cornrlrunior� Breakfast is .also being served on Sunday, June 18. Mrs. John Austin visited the sicMavk and shut-in during the month of Mrs. Joe Courtney and Mrs: Clarence Doherty represented the three councils of the parish at the 52nd Annual Diocesan Convention held in Sarnia during May. Mrs. Clarenc-eDoherty gave a complete and interesting report of this convention. A leadership Course is being held i'n'S°oder�ich during September.Father. Cassano spoke a 'few words inwhich he stated that this was his last meeting with the C.W.L. before he -leaves- on his new assignment in Brazil. Mrs. Joe Courtney thanked Father for the help he has given us during his stay in our parish. The meeting •,closed with prayer. Lunch was followed by a plant Sale. Mrs. Agnes Caskanet Wingharn was the lucky winner of an evergreen„ tree. I E Y PHARM 14 The Square Archie Barber,.PHM. Goderich Larry Rieck, PHM.B. 4 ., HAIRSPRAY REGUL�4iP• �iPd�i0�10 \0A) it — • - — 1 -6.3 oz. • 111/17-PFRsrPIRM RE6+(/LAR • a '. ,UNSCENTED, -6 oz. - ,FAMILY SIZE SUGC�• LIST s139 R161/14R P//ArTEA'f,Pffl/ An Agency of the Province of Ontario. Ai nounces A Summer Course On • ALCOHOL AND OTHERDRUGS Of DEPENDENCE University of Western .,Ontario"' London, Ontario Au§ust 17-26, 1972 PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS INCLUDE: DR. PAUL WHITEHEAD UNIVERSITY„OF WESTERN ONTARIO DR. ROBERT BROOK . ADDICTION RESEARCH FOUNDATION DR. MURRAY ROBERTSON THE ST. CATHERINES CENTRE DR. RALPH DENT , • UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO SYSTEMS REf' ESENTATIV'ES FROM HOSPITALS, SCHOOLS, SELF 41.0 -GROUPS, BUSINESS A* D THE MEDIA LOOK"AT STRATEGIES FOR CHANGE INTERACT WITH A WIDE RANGE OF PARTICIPANTS FROM -THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Inquiries; should h. diret+cted to: -. Director, S :Tenor Courses, , Addiction Research Foundation Professional beveloprner t, ” 33 Russell Street, lov+snto 4, Ontario .Or Local Residents. Mr. John Poce 477 Waterloo St. London, Ontario. '4313171 Cost: Residential participants 33, *Dily par1kipanfs 3150, (ibis 4e -includes kndlic dinner) tt:BURSARY FUNDS-AYAIIABLE + CLOSING DATE. FOR GRANTS JUNE 23, 1972 a N1 O Get yours today at... SHAM POO REGULAR, OILY- or PRY 15.5oZ• The senior Trus(Co :patty devoted entirely.fo serving tlydQpeople;of Ontario. FULL COLOUR 5"x7" ENLAR' EMENTS ENLARGEMENTS— from your favourite Kodacolor negatives. MountMin deluxe studio mounts. Reg. Price SPECIAL. O F'EI3 � �i■ $1.49 • NOW """ 'EACH . RZ4 and GREY T fteU.S I COMPANY SINCEr 1889 '9:00 to 5:Q0 Monday to. Thursday 9:00 to 6:00 Friday Lealand Hill, Manager `1524.7381 Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich' - - i4 - • 'Cup THIS COuPON'AN0 PCCE ENT TO 4EAOEPP m v 'this oiler valid drily with presentation at .I, this coupon. T`akr.your Kodaoolgt .mega. .I fives and 'this coupon to your'parttc:., pacing dealer and save! ' Don't Doisy! This otfst gond lot • limitedtiww �I�Iiflll111111,Ias IliI lila ,INA',jiNI,i •a.