HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-06-15, Page 21wl ASK FOR AN Treat Dad On Sunday COME AND ENJOY Father's Day Dinner trbe tittle 3inn •If you have hearing Problem contact The Zenith Hearing Aid Service by calling RlecK PHARMACY 524-7241, j4 Square. FREE TESTING. NO The Goderich Signal -Star is pleased to announce a decision to continue to chart ',"Corning. Events" to assist other organization's • to co- ordi4te their fund-raising events. If Nur group wishes to have a :date "reserved for an upcoming event, just telephone the Signal:Star with the proposed day or days. ,Whilq 'the Signal -Star cannot ensure that no other .event will fall on. the date you've selected, we can chart your event so that other interested com ing -4events calendar users will know, in advance,.of the da4s already selected by ottiers. . ;Tile .Signal -Star office staff will not be responsible for charting upcoming events unless specifically asked to do RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Leddy, (nee Dianne McPhee) on Saturddv," June 1972 fron19:00Ito 1:00, -in Saltford Valley flail. Music by the "Town ,and Country Gentlemen", Everyone welcome. -23,24 • Hearing Tests For appointment call Campbel i's, 168 The Square, phone 524-7532. "BEL TONE" Service Centre, second Tuesday of each month, • 1=3 P.m. Batteries and repairs for most makes. HIGHLAND Concert, Wednesday, Featuring' the. area Highland DancerS'and pipers from the well- known Bruce County Pipe' Band. Admission adults $1.50, children YOU ,are invited to attend the - Child Health Crinic Court House, Goderich, on'Saturday, June 17, for; . Health Surveillance: Anaemia Screening: Sipreening; -Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent cavities J61- ages 3 to 5 years . —24 MRS.. Clive Allin oT 145 South St., Goderich wishes to". invite everyone to a trousseau tea on June 24, from 2-4 and 7-9 in honbur her- daughter's forthc-omitig marriage to George trAm and Strawberry Supper at Victoria • St,' United Church, Wedzesday, June 28th; 1972, 6:30 p.m. Adults $2„00; Children (12 and under), $1,00. For tickets phone 4-7696.-24,25x RECEPTION' for Mr. and Mrs. ,Gary Sproul (nee Joanne Cook) on Friday, June 23 ft -pm Sanford Valley Halr. 'Music by Country Boys,- Everyone RUMMAGE SALE, Saturday. June Hall,. Goderich.,-24 LUTHERAN Worshi6..Service, Wednesday, June 28 in Knox us before leaving town for the weekend. 'Bruce Biorkquist SALE of used clothing, small household articles, dishes, "this and that" in North Street Church c.E. building, Thursday, Jitne NEW BINGO at Clinton Legion admission$1.00. Fifteen regular games, $10 each. Three Sha're- the-Wealth games. One Jackpot game for $200.00`in 59 calls or less, or guaranteed •$2 5 - consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if not won.—tfn BINGO every Saturday at Goderich Legion Hall; 8:30 p.m. Fifteen regular games, $12.00 prizes. Four share -the -wealth ,games with this week's jackpot HARBOURLITE INN—Public Notice. No bookings can be accepted from this date until - August 1, 1972. However, we will • •accept bookings for dates- after August 1, 1972,-24,25,26 WOMEN. of Knox Bake Sale, Friday -june 16 at 12:30 p.m.— Church Hall, COMPLI,MENTARY • CuFFEE. Baking available from GODERICH ART CUB—Regular R2CETTION• for. Mr. and Mrs. monthly meeting, Tuesday, June Art Mart, also 'bring flower paintings for the Garden Show on Saturday to this meeting. Full attendance important. -24. Tyndall): at ,Zurich Community Drinwidirych • Ci2e.roltorem, Juusqce .11)7y:„, C)3u@n t °I; 1111 IL, :Bovs". Everyone Welcome. -724 DIRU • DR1VE-IN THEATRE • ORGANIZATION (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Sidney Pokier Barbera McNair AND BROWN (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) • John Philip Il.aw - Don Stroud to The World War I story of the famed RED BARON and thy 'Canadian pilot •• who 'sfiot him down over France. Certain June 17-18-19-20 — DOUBLE FEATURE — THE OMEGA MAN (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Charlton Heston - Rosalind Cash The survivcrrs of 'worldwide biological warfare battle to keep' humanity alive. Frank & Gus Carry -Out I A ALSO ETTI-LASAGNA-RAVIOL1 Bridge scares 4 The Same Home -style , Cooking PHONE 565-2611 RESERVATIONS There were six tables in play at the Godprich Duplicate Bridge Club Tuesday night, June 6, 1972. Winners and their scores were as follows: first, Mr. Joe Martin -and Bill Laidlaw, points: - Chisholm, 85, point44: third, Mrs'. A. Galbraith and Mr. A. Weerasoortya, 811/2 points; fourth Mrs. Ken Hunter and Dr. W. Oakes, 71 points. DANCE SALTFORD VALLEY HALL Friday,*Jane 16 MUSIC BY Disc Jockey Unlimited Co. Ltd. DRESS OPTIONAL DANCING' 9-1. :MOTOR. HOW: FEATURING: JEREMMH PEABODY and.his Funky 4 -piece COMING PJEXT,_ STAGE, DOOR MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON 4-6 p.m. . 524-7711 DINING AND DANCING, EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT friday & Saturday. $8.00 PER .CDUPLE DEVARDINES ORCHESTRA Goderich Little PRESENTS Kitchener.Waterlpulrittle Theatre In their production of "Here We .Cott e Gathering' . • . a farce in three acts By Philltp King and Anthorl Armstrong. The story of a strange assortment of characters vyho occupy a vacant house equipped with.everything but furniture. Directed by 'Tessa Gillard, s. Friday & 43iturda JUNE 23 & 24 MacKAY HALL Thu.13 Fal 6, so.ii • a , PARAMOUNT PICTURES 14. PROUD M ANNOUNCE THE RETURN OF THE ma ENTERTAINMENT OF All THE PARTING OF THE RED SEA The'Stnple Moat Spectacular Scene Ever Filmed. North Street, Goderi,cti NpTE.: This is the third -and last regular' production of the 1971—, 197,2 season. Subscribers should -pick ug reserve seat accomodation in the usual manner at fhe offices of Reg Bell heatre BOX .OFFICE - REG: BELL OPTOMETRIST, GODEIKit OPEN 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. in 7 Pogo. ol Colo bn Juno 7 19611 STARRING: shoefong DON SCARDINO, RALPH ENDERSOT:.."2:1:17." ADULTENTERTAINMENT Beach THE SKIN, GAME James Garner f- Lou Gossett A black and a white con artist team up in the Old'South. Color • Cartoon June 2142-23 — DOUBLE FEATURE — WILLARD •••.. BURT REYNOLDS BARRY SULLIVAN :ARTHUR KiNNOY itIn everyone's life there's a ACADEMY AWARD. WINNER! ' a SUMMER OF '42 A Robert Mulligan/Richard A Roth. Rroductton Open Every Afternoon 1 5 p.m. (except Wednesday) Starting Monday, june 19 WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. #574416' DRIVE.IN THEATRE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 uw IN HARPER OPENS AT 8:30 ' AOULTiNTEPTAINMENT,* (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Brice Davidson - Ernest borgnine Color Listowel Rotary Club FIRST ANNUAL BEEF suppose THEY GAVE A 'WAR AND NOBODY CAME - (ADULT ENTEBTAINMENT)' Tony Curtis - Brian Keith Color •' ' Cartoon THE HOSPITAL (ADULT ENTERTAINMiNT) George C. Scott - Diana Rigs MANIATE BARBECUE AND DRAW SATURDAY JUNE jr. 'ADIOS SABATA (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Yul Brynner 4- Dean Rood the sfory,of savage Mexican 'revolt behlrld It. BRING THIS COUPON FOR FREE ADMISSION* I Per one adult with dm potshots* I of ono adult tickei *t oda. VALID ONLY MONDAY .to 1 THROUGH THURSDAY •1 Excluding holidays, pra-holiday I shows Aral special ongage'monta, rrl "AN EXCITING AND EXOTIC ADVENTURE!" Serving frotp 5:00 P.M. TO Draw for Monster LOTTERY Of Pre -Sold Tickets will be made during the evening iothewholttaatilyt sad RICHARD ATTEN1101011611 as "Blossom" Net by Maxi. an Arthur P.31cabsProdictliffl Enter taihment VINCE MOUNTFORD Master of Ceremonies REFRESHMENTS . I, 1 a %MEL . e . 0,, , T• 4 ' MEMORIAL, ARENA Adults 43.00; Public 'School Children 41.7S o