HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-06-15, Page 20PAGE THURSPAY. 11►. 1972. in Landers r u Dauglflers forever Dear -Ann Landers: Will you please say a word in your, column for all women who have not been ab>e to produce a btly'' I have two beautiful little girls and all I hear Is. "Maybe next time ve)u'11 have a • son.,,. . I wish people would leave me alone. 1 ani perfectly happy with girls. It would have been nice if i had had children of both sexes but it didn't happen that wav and I see ri() reason for people to console; me.. When our second daughter was born iny, mother-in-law treated nee as if 1 had let the whole familydown. Stie even mentioned it to the doctor. He told her:, that the male is the orae who determines the sex of. the child.. not the female, abut she still behaved as if 1 were the one who had failed. A word from You in support ul the millions -of women who have produced only' piris would he very much appreciated.—Mother of Daughters Dear Mothers: A worldii who has produced only girls NF FI)S n) consel rtiori ; But here's a verse pat contains more t,I•utti than poetry: • • A son is a son until he takes a wife. A daughter is a dao zhter---.ill of her. life. -As a mother'who had only one - child, I can honestly say 1'tn glad it was a girl. 4. DIREST DIESEL Purnps and Injector's Repaired For AU PopularMakes Huron,Fuel Injection Equipment Bayfield Rd. 482-7971 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST -The Square 524-7661 Ronald L. McEonaId CHARTERED, � EDA ACCOUNTANT `39 St. David St:, 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario 1 For , • FASHION RIGHT. SHOES ,The Place. to Go Is ROSS SHOES 'The square Goddrlch,! O * , FRIGIDAIRtlE • tr1►ESTiNGHOUSE * -G IBSON * HOOVER Sales and Service JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIANCES & TV LTD. The Square •- Goderich 1 r-. For Pleasant Surrounding and , Good Food THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE' and TAVERN Card s-Fo►.. All Occasions * Gifts' * Books 1 * Stationery Supplies *' Records ANDERSON'S ‘BOOK- CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich - CHISHOLM FUELS utors For • PRODUCTS, HOME, FARM; - INDUSTRY Free Burner Service Furnace Financing GasoIines & Diesel Fuels 527b�. �R 529-75.24' I)ea r Ann Landers. Do you havti any hints 10•1; living, with man wt ase values ha'e not 'changed ,inti' ht' was ten :Veal's old" Example last year he war, -a trig, for two to Spain its :l sales contest When 1 'Irreritronecl buying, 'new ' luggage he sacci, -What tor" We'll bOrroll some.- He has plane that ci)sts us $10 a month to keep tied down -He hasn't flown in a year. He has t' () boats in the garage one br'alld new, and newel' used There's a M�100 motorcycle in our hasemerlt which he never 'rides For Christmas he bought himself the most expensive electric train hecould find. 1 • For birthday I .received a •• card. I shook the envelope for five minutes thinking there must he somethir 'else in -it. There wasn't. Our sex life is blah. If arlythir�g is going to happen I hale to start it. Any suggestion you have to give our marriage a shot of vitamin B-12, will he greatly appreciated.—Chico, Calif. Dear Chico:bA shot of Vitamin B-12 wc,n't do it. Honey.' Your • marriage needs a transfusion. Accept the fact that you cannot change a • selfish immature kid intoa considerate adult husband.' Yearn to live, with him—if you WANT to lire with .him, that is. with'nut.eating yourself up alive.. The alteriia-lfive is ulcers or migraines. • Dear Ann Landers,: Doyou have any advice for a highschool junior w l Stic rr. -() frig -with a' Feat_ ;i11 who has alrugeappetite'' This chick is always hungry, and' I am going' . - broke feeding her.,a After school shehas i) avec • c onwa t h. a Snack the way home It•'s never one hamburger. • it's two. Or weekends. the eating is murder. Then if I go to her house after . supper•` during the week she always asks me to bring her asundae or a malt. Last week I spent S10 on her stomach., Tef'ling her to Watch her weight is out. She is as 'skinny as, a flag pole. 1 don't know ho« she does it. (I Don't tell Me to op her. I can't. She's wonderful. Also there 'ar,e A plenty of g41Vs who Would he glad tri rake over and feed her. Please. Ann - do you see a solution here'' —Poor House Here I Come. G •d VIllt tNlll►..itllll llIletl e i fillftltniltlmmn ltromat eivinei � b E TODAY CHILD BY..HUEN ALLEN THE TQRONTOt„\3:SYNDiCATE = Imnuunaunnwunmin LIZ ' 11t': WANTS ,1 FAiIILY • The shilling picture is a good indication of -John's friendly, outgoing personality... - .lohn is 12', a slim, healthy ypuugstei• of Indian descent. with ='-dl-ark_ •eyes, •hinuk. hair and- rri•eclii►ni 'complexion. Isle -wears _•.. = glasses 1 ,astigmatism. John speaks .both liis native Indian language 'and English. - and. is very knowledgeable about his = Heritage. Ilei has spent parts of his Life in bel h cultui•es and feels = - he could be happy in either. • John definitely cants a 'fanlil's who enjoys the outdoors because his greatest interests. are there. Ile likes camping and is - keen •011 fishing, hunting and trapping. An j:njoyment for ail spats is shown but he especially. loves to swim.. Ile likes music - as a- listener; but not as a performer. This lad:is is an average student in (jrade five. It is felt his • school work will be e'en better when he has parents to take an _F. �. _ . role a e st �t�nd t1 ht it lie lnrox><'�s hrt -rs �i il1eK1�-irr .H--114of 1i�is•-•c�«'ra•.----- .John-is a pleasant, co-operatr.ve boy ready and anx•ious to have •a family and prepared CO d i his part to make the,, new relationship work. ▪ 1'o inquire about adopting Johan, plc ase t� i itt to Today's Child, g-• = Box xrtS. Station K,' Toronto. For general adoption information, __ = ask yours' Children's aid Soc•iet\. „, �111111IIIIIIIIIIIIImillull11111111111111111111t1t1fIIIItIIIItillalIIt11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III11R Medical secretaries hent two members from OH'IP: Hunt, Dear "Poor Holise;, Be -honest. Coj ty Medig.>r .'ecretar'if s,. ds ` "`Te1"1-htf- dell "re"" c ra z y a Pig5t r" ""�"' but her appetite exceeds your budget. Hey—Maybe you can encourage her to cook at home? It's cheaper than eating out. especially if she supplies.. •the' ingredients; When You Shop Soy I SAVV .I:T,1.N; -SIGNAL. 1 1 1 1 1 1 • s age� jai Gift Certificate'o 0 P fie/► ' �/ •� �E A m p" 8Y FROM SE `NtW. 6 H°Ndite 'f %S CER�'F9' 1,51004 7 t r'.\7 Cents ($ and " our stack. Dollars h rtaise► gra value' of purchase on e the pu pclte..� to th oot as® of ni,tsrc a , •„M dea for the store by r" • 10,000,04.400,00W01054V000000400, OR 'YOU CAN 'PICK OUT A PAIR OF 'SHOES F'OI HIM►T'' . . 4,, The next rueeting is to include a potluck supper at .'the home of heli°'"""at the Seaforth Mt'dioa1 Center, Wednesday evening.. gone 7. Mrs. Kay Hodgkinson. District repres6ntative was going to Citi t, a- r•esurtre of the Convention held in Toronto in May, but she was ill and unable to attend. • .. 'Guests .for this meeting were two members from the 01111, e Regional branch-. in London, namely Mr. D. McKenzie and Mrs. Pat Rogers. Mr. McKenzie gave res a very, interesting and in•f6rmative talk about the „Prq�ress tax Qf.,.a ??r..,.ttleclC .t claims',. and all felt they had kindred spirits'ctown in, London. after listening to the trohbl'es they encounter, and their efforts' to solve them. From his exp1'fra°tion , the•,group felt they could solve, their problems- as they occur,- and as time goes on. they will he advised who to contact at the Regional Office in regards to particular Doctors claims. Each Doctor is included in a special unit, and each unit has a `. leader- and .secretaries. wt'11 be able to thrash out our problems with that particular leader. After a very interesting talk. he threw -' -the meeting open for questions, and the girls were able 16 get special. ,problems cleared up tr our mutual satisfaction.' Mr, McKenzie advised that secretaries 'could contact MI',a► Donald MacKay. 15 Overlrr,r Blvd,, Box 1700. 7th floor, Toronto, '-Ontari'o •for specigrl accounts which they wero endeavoring to •get payments fix• prior to OH1P. He also said that the phone number for the Ref./Jowl Office in London is 433.4561 and they will he pleased to offer are; help possible at any time, The group was very pleased to, have Dr. P. Lr Braffv of Seaforth and Mrs. J. Addison and Mrs' F M. Newland attend the meeting. as well as other members. two of whom were new. --Mrs. Margaret •SaJlo;Ws thanked f;,; Mr: McKenzie and Mrs.:,Rogers. and presented them with pens. The group was advised that if at any future date they would like to arrang;ea Workshop. to contact Mr. Delaney. Thev Were also fed1 to tour the OHiP Regional, offices at a later date. r.- 111111 111111IiI1111IIIt111111111IIiHii t11I11iiJ111I1111111(Till Investigate conditions • ' BEFORE entering the Water, and always swim with a budder, erre acv, Bayfield. I'5. ,ee v oweI's: a • The Speaker was speechless as sorties sage put it,, does laughs last,or som6thjoug. interspersed t y the reading of h re•its ups and downs, does it Another Member ofethe dough -telegrams from the Minister of not'' treaded committee in chargeof the Education, the. Prime Minister' of Item. I have a beloved aunLand a big event kept reminding me that I the province, and' Pierre Elliott - belove 1 uncle. She was widowed a was to speak, and needling me Trudeau, whoever.he is. rouble of ' years ago, and. he about having the speech ready. . I was sweating about a quart a became a widower some years I.replied with a certain hauteur minute, not from fear but from ago. They Were - very close. Each thaf I' never failed to deliver, and humidity. My wife started to get vias living alone is a good-sized that the speech would be ready. a hairy, as Speaker after speaker house. They finally decided to And it was. Al 11:45• a."m. on the mounted the podium. She shot's pool resources, sell their houses morning of the ceremony, I sat lboks and hisses at me, aid and live, it an apartment, as ciown'and wrote a light but loving' murderous looks at the chairman, company for each other: Thev tribute to, the victim. The My -speech rustled in .my breast went off to Florida this past ceremony began; at 2 p.m.' 'pocket.' , winter: In 'the same mail I It was a bilge success. The The gifts were fabulotPs: an oil. received news that .she was ill retiring lady w as s almost painting set,. a Frrench poodle, - with terminal. cancer, and he, at overwhelmed. She had expected a live, and an in -perpetuity r 80, was getting married. tea with perhaps forty or fifty scholarship, in her name, for Well,''Life is the life", as my people, and some kind of a gift. students of French., daughter said when she was about Maybe a watch, or a-brooch.•�or an It ended, and the mob's murmur five. We thought it oa pretty oil pa, ,ting. became a roar. My wife leaped up, philosophical statement.' at that BA p.m., there were over 500' went to the chairman, and said age. It covers a, lot of ground. 'people in the place, some of them something probably not w.orth Speaking of daughter. the bride. from over 1,000 mile's aw0-. Then repeating. She came, -back to me, She and her husband made it to the speakers began. They ranged eyes blazing, and blurted. "I'm Vancouver and halfway back in a from her first principal, who going home. Right this minute." ten-year old car, which is about plodded with kindly intent but size„.. she did. She .st0n ped out, the same age as- an 80 -year-old 12 browns, through her early which, as a lady, she'd never have nran.'Coincidentally, my uncle is life, revealing her age and done. This is how you know your going to Vancouver for his various other unmentionable. '� wife loves you,' It didn't bother me honeymoon, He was followed by a couple of . much. I hate •making speeches. Kim rolled the car oveivk at former students, a couple of I gave rJry manuscript -to Dear Regina, on the way home. I haven't . former colleagues, the local got''the detail's, but, of course, it member of parliament. for wham wasn't her fault. They got S10 for she wouldn't vote if it -meant she the remains. was damned for eternity, and a I hope my uncle makes it _ to temporary -colleague.. •Vancouver, and 'doesn't decide to T e:t_e m"p e r a t u r e i n' t he roll himself over • in, Regina. caf forrum.(how do You like that unless for a very good rgeason. word?) was • about 110. Tile This prelude, as usual, leads acoustics were boneless, A great me directly 'into my t theme: ground -swell of murmuring arose making speeches-- My daughter from the back of the hall, where hasn't rna'de a speech, my..uncle people couldn't hear a word and hasn't made a speech, and- I started having a reunion. haven't 'made a speech. And, The speakers ' were therein hangs a tail.• - The tail hangs between the legs i}f a d- - • .- a--gxoo -fire-nil of min -e. l�'rtre weeks ago, he asked me if I'd make a speech...just three or f'oiir minutes, 'at a ceremony to mark the retirement of a dear friend and colleague. . Reluetuntly, I -agreed. I hate . making speeches. However, this was a special occasion. The lady who is retiring is a fine teacher,. a ,gracious persdf , beloved by:her thousands of ex -students, of Irish descent, ands good Anglican. What more could a person ha-ve? 'Two weeks later, my good frieral. who was.in charge'of lining Lip the occasion. asked ime if 1 Would make a short speechrat the ceremony. Rather puzzled. I told him he had already asked Inc. He assured me that the speeches would be short, there were only -1140 . our spea ers, and I would be last. Grace. On Monday, she wrote me a note that can only be called by that old-fashioned adjective: beautiful. It meant rri"rich more to rne than a thunderous ovation. Arid my goon friend; who had -fouled up -.- couldn't steep all that night. Before me, I have five invitations to speak at various affairs.' r'idit up -to May. 1913.' Should I burn then.: Bury them? Accept them, and then field out 1' m the speaker. without a- speech'' Life. is the life. Fathei's- Da.y.,SLaIe. 1 Discount ON'klCGOODS Getdad something,he will appreciate at :.. HUCK'S This suited me. He who lasts 1 '•a a st '73 HAMILTON ST. I • N 524 -6985 - Please Clip and -Save IMMING LESSONS a -...,,.a. , ,..+,-,,R A..A,,vRnY,PttA M,,_..K,,,..W:va;'44,': Judit.hGooderhani Pool Registration: Pool Off Cen Thursday, June 15, 4-6 p.m. Friday, June 16, 4-6 p.m. Saturday, June 17, ii 9-S p.m. Classes Offered: - ' FORMS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE 3 ELLMENTAR'Y SCHOOLS . n �. Tiny tots 'rages 6 mpnths--5 years) ' Bubblers (5 ears up) Gliders' Motor boats Paddle wheelers (Duration 2 weeks) Sharks 'Beginners Junior - Intermediate Senior Survival (Boating. Safety). •--- (Duration 4 weeks) Bronze, Bronze Cross,,,• Duration 6 weeks ro Special: -Tiny tots lessons c"o'mrrience Monday,'June 19th, Daily --2:30-3:15 p.m.- All .m;AIl others commence Tuesday; July 4th - Pool khedule For June: - Public Swimming commences week of JUNE 1 2 Weekends 2-5 p.m. r � Week Days 4-6' p.m. Regular Schedule Commences July 1 st, Registration Forms For National Lifegwa>rd Cootie Available At Town Hall Y," •N 4