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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-06-15, Page 10PA 10 DERZC1.SI%NA%, STAR. THURSDAY. JUNE 1:5, 1972 T, f�111t!1411t18111t1ttt111111.LIk111lgbltlllW{11k1#it1gltltltt8l_1h111111t�11Rlllfllllill#111111t11111t!)tpilHl�t141111��#!!1#N I��I IHMIHMUMHUMNOBWHIMI PLE -1011400.001$01101 1b141Nt11111t110111111i She's -tettortedo some big ones Mrs. Earl Howes has been a correspondent with the ign l-Star..�for 30 years, But all that isrto e`n`d satin. She feels she is getting too old to get around now like she used to—arid her hearing is getting poor, • _ Mrs. Howes was born July 26, 1904•in the very house she lives in today. She lives in Ashfield Township, R.R.3, Goderich. She went to school in a little one -roomed schoolhouse until the tenth grade, when she began at Goderich District d . ('ollegiate I stitute- After high school, Mrf. Howes went to Stratford Normal School and became a teacher. She taught for five years in Dufferin County and at Port Albert School Thendn 1929 she married Earl Howes in the `same hou.sein which `she presently resides. The Howes lived in-Wiiigham and Gorrie, and in 1932 cattle back to R.R.3, Goderich where they have been farming ever since. Mrs Howes' mother, Mrs. M. C. Mackenzie, was a correspondent for the paper through the 1920's, covering the same area. Besides being a correspondent, Mrs: Howe is also a mother and grandmother. She has a son Colin, who is married with two sons and,two daughters, and a daughter -- Mrs. Ronald Oke, with one son *and twin daughters. The grandchildren range tliri age from °21 to four, years old'. Some of the' worthwhile news our correspondent in Ashfield has related to us in•the past, IS: In 1938 the Union of Ashfield Presbyterian Church with Knox Church in Ripley; The death: of Dr. A. Simpson in 19401eft Kintafl without a doctor: F The 1945 drama when Flight, Lieutenant Donald MacKay was reported missing and later known to be prisoner of war; - The community honouring the war veterans at Kingsbridge Royal Canadian Hall and presenting each with a wrist watch in 1946; In 1953, the little one -roomed schoolhouse, `S.S; No. 3, Kintail„closing to be later purchased • by the. Women's lnstithte; . ' Inh� mid -sixties, the purchase of Kintail store `by Wm. Van Osch ending the ownership by Neil and Wm.. Macdonald of some fifty years. It will be difficult to fihd someone to fill Lilian Howes' shoes, She was a valuable correspondent to the Signal -Star, covering happenings in the Ashfield area. Regret at losing her is softened by the hope that he retirement gives her more .time to do ,,things she ways ,too busy to do before. U 1 vim s 1111!11111111Nfl1111111glllig111111U111 alllllllllllllllllllllllllllhlllllllllll_--------------------------•--------•--................_......----•-------------------------------------------------------i munlinininIninnumninninumunuminnfilinumniummuninifinurn • Area graduates Jeanette Dawn' Ainslie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Ainslie, Pat Witlert, daughter of -Mrs. "'I i''rttzs'n"'—W f1't a rt; 'G'o'tiertetr raduat. _ ' ar-at .. graduated from Alrrra College at Graduation Exercises June 7th. St. Thomas this Spring, His Excellency The R Hon.,Roland Michener, Governor General of Canada, presided at; the graduation exercises' Wednesday, June 7. Jeanette will be attending University of Windsor next.falI in the Home Economics Course. Jeanette was also the recipient- of the Fletcher Wilson Award for Nome..Economics. Maple Leaf IODE meet at Ross cottage Forty-three members and one guest of the Maple Leaf •Chapter I,O.D,E. enjoyed a delightful 'pot luck supper Tuesday,June 6 at the cottage of M'rs: Burns Ross Mid - Huron Beach. Mrs. W.G., McKellar, regent. condu`hted ' 'a shiirt business meeting. A picture .of the Hong Kong student which the chapter is supporting was shown. The members were reminded that a Citizenship Court will be held June 29,,8 p.m. at the Court House. Mrs, S. Anderson, tile services convener, showed a Nursery bag which held articles- to the value+ of $4:90-. ask rembers _t assist financially in filling these ” fi ags to be seat fo various ce reser Robertson School graduation later in. June. Mrs. Roy Breckenridge, special projects convener, reported that the hanging baskets were placed on the Square June 6. The Wine and Cheese Party will be held September 30 with Mrs. H. Murphy, Convener. and-.Mrs.,,L. Royal the Co -Convener. Mrs.. D. Sanderson and Mrs. J. .Henwood were welcomed into the chapter as new members. Mrs. -'J.W. Wallace gave the highlights on. the .1972 Annual Convention in .Hamilton. , Re Yid the world. The education convener, Mrs. ° J.W. Wallace, told the .chapter that our adopted school Will have many changes in the fall, She also saiidthat the school trophies will be presented at 'St. Mary's and C0Untry Ciub GQDERICH • •ice: TARS * PINTO MAVERICK * MUSTANG -* TORINtl * G1tAXI *.. LTD.,,.:. FOR THESE A-1 SPECIALS 1971 FORD' G1ALAX Fo-lir-doo,r °herdt ° a 'automatic, power steeri brakes, radio,'white.wal covers. 1971 FORD GALAXIE 590 Two -door hardtop, V8 automatic, pow'r`, steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl top, vinyl trim, whitewalls, wheel covers. 1970 FORD CUSTOM ' Four -door, V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. -- • 1970 METEOR RIDEAU 500 • i P 1 I . Two -door hardtop, V8 automatic, poweIr steering, radio, vinyl top. 1970 FORD``E 100 PICKU 8 standard trag$mission, radio. E SOO p, V8, g, power s, wheel 1968 CHEVJ IMPALA Two -door Hardtop, V8' automatic, power steering, power brakes, new paint,= radio. MOTORS 35 SOUTH ST .* GODERICH r 524- 730$ y'. L�chaIsh John Bradley who is working in - ° Ottawa for the summer, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Elton Bradley. Mr and Mrs. Neable 'have moved into the .phick farm home, formerlyOwned by Mr. and Mrs Walter Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Farrish Were recent visitors with relatives in Michigan. Lochalsh now has.a ball team. Come on, folks! Lets all support the players and .cheer them on. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Pallett andfamilq', formerly pf Uxbridge,' "have moved: into the Bradley house on' the 12th. Becoming members of Ashfield Presbyterian Church at Communion services recently were John and Bob Simpson, and by transfer -'Miss Mable MacDonald who lived for several years in Windsor', but now resides in the area. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs Oliver McCharles were John McCharles, and Ross Jackson of Petrolia, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCharles and.farnily of :Brantford. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ewan MacLean were ' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Calvert of Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver ,McCharles attended the District -.10 Agricultural Society's spring meeting at . Desboro on Wednesday. Champ steer could cost This year's beef 'cattle show nil auction at the Canadian National Exhibition could bring record high sales .prices to the owner of the Grand .Champion steer. • According to' agricultural offiVials, the judging and auction • . scheduled for August 28 and 29, could see -a new high auction price per pound for top-quality beef. - This, combined with the $500 gor rrto-Dominion-Batik pr=ize for ° the owner of the Grand Champion, means some lucky entrant has a gold mine an the hoof. The CNE 'awards a $250 prize to the owner of the Reserve Grand Champion steer. Current high beef prices will likely be*reflected inthe auction -sale which . traditionally sees buyersfrom Canada's top retail and foodservice outlets• bidding —strongly for the prestige ownership of the Grand Chair piocl' and Reserve Grand Champion 'steers Auctioneer is Senator Harry Hays of Calgary', as"'sisted by, Tom. BY SHELAGH SULLY Put on a happy face, all you golfers! Gray skies are going to clear up, and you may not have to stuff your golf 'bags' with extra sweaters and rain hats for a while. We should have added to our list of Restricted }lours,. that rainfall 'shall come between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. . 'Last Tuesday night was Ladies' Night, ; .-a ,-terrific_ group of — . _ ---fvrt •mitre.-A:•iot-of:you gals are fairl ..n golf s> so;,don't They ,discouraged by poor scores. They will improve before you know it. Besides, Tuesday nights are -fun nights. - There were nine Net winners. First was Maxine Martin (371/2); Janet Gemniill(40); Bev Wright .001/2); Chris Hoffmeyer; -Kay Duncan; Hazel Beaver; Verna Kane; Edna Overholt; and Joanne Much. •e;. Five putting prizes were given . as well. The winners were: Marie Huff; Doris Paquette; Mary Lomas; Shelagh Sully; and Kay Graf. • Men's Night was again a success, as fifty men turned out. John Kane led the field with the top Net score. Then came Ebb Ross; Al Sumner; Tom Cartipion; Jack Hinton;' and Bill Ross. A eininder to any man 18 years of age and oyer. -you are invited to join the fellows on Men's Night. The more--the--merrier.! The men's Scotch,2-Ball event is composed of twenty-five teams., Please check the schedule on the bulletin board, and have your first game in by June 26. The Men's' Invitational is coming up on June 24. Local entries have not all been turned in yet. Foursomes should ,get their starting time in right away. June 25 wilt be the day of the next Dinner Club event, at Wingham.'l he men are rell faded to get their names' in, if they are interested. Wh.o knovrs=