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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-06-01, Page 25
©urging the Summer .of.1971, the Youth and Rec pation Branch of the_ Department' of Education. in co-operation with the Ontario Command, of the Royal Canadian. 40 Legion, began a track and field program aimed at athletes aged 1p to 15. With some revisions, this • program is now going into, operation in the counties of Huron and Perth under the direction of co-ordinator 'Bob, Knuckey, a - physical education graduate from Toronto. The province his been divided into eight areas and two regional co-ordinators have been stationed in each area. Mr` Knuckey, who • has competed in track for nine years, will lip organizing eventa • in the Hump -Perth region His job Mr. Knuckey is prepared to , stay the'eomlete Summer in one community tf this is " ieewec necessary. • A program of inter -community track Meets will be conducted, so that newly formed clubs and existing clubs dill not have to ,travel great distances •,, for 'competition. A team tf athletic" testing personnel will visit both ,the established and newly -formed clubs to test athletes so that potential athletics talent niy, be brought to the attehtion o the local coaches.' • • As ` in 1871 a track and field camp fpr promising Bantam awl Midget + athletes will be conducted will be to organize track and field, clubs where none ,have ,existed before. • mics -a iguSt:" "'T e program also has three 16 nun, training films that can ti'e obtained through the Regional Co 4xcirnator, two of tbk 1968 Olympics and the other of the li European Champi'onships. .•There is a great 'need. for interested and dedicated people Tbe u: aberiaj SIGNAL 1 2 5 YEAR -22 tes;in and organitation to take an active part as sponsors, executives, business managers, ..publicity people, .officials for track meets and many othi t of the . important jobs involved in the formation of a track and field - 4 01111111111111 THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1972 Track events for Robertson, Victoria_ students 411 val club,,, Mr. Knuckey stressed. "No [natter what your occupation experience, all, that is necessary is an interest in youth and their fitness and track and. field in general." The area co-ordinator also 0 THIRD SECTION erich pointed out that assistance was needed in the executive or governing body. The consists of five adults elected or appointed annually by' members ,and -or sponsors. . Officials 'of this body are I chairman, viceRchairrnan, secretary -treasurer, lady member or past chairman, A sub- committee, he said, will by established °to cover finances, training; coaching, transportation, publicity. and public relations. "The area of the new program," Mr. Knuckey said, •'wil•1 have Goderich as the central point bordered bythe rac 1, townsof 4incardiue in the mirth,.. Listowel and Mitchell. in the east 'and Exeter 111:tt a south; For those: interested, the' organization will be holding tts second meeting on Wednesday, June 7 at the "'Goderich Legion. Hall, Branch 109, beginning at ' ; 0 pm, Everyone is welcome to attend.. Athlete;a who are interested to the formation of a trabk club are also invited to attend. There will be a movie suing highlights of the 168 Olympics, Anyone seeking further information may contact Bob" Knuckey at the Bedford Hotel in Goderich, Monday through Friday at 524-733'7. • .4 Sr.GirIs44O Lori Keller, 'Vicki Dierolf, Dianne Mack, Debbie McAdam Sr. B'oy. s 88th . Peter Crew "Brian Yeoina n, Stephen" Crew, Pau Mackay • • 1 • Michael Hodges, Brian Reid, Michael Reynolds,, Steven Arbour iris lOOycI. snail MacDonald idy Langridge, Eleanor McMIllan, Claudia Hill In all cases; first, second, third and forth 1 r. GirIs440 Bonnie Reid, Denise.. Mitchel more, Lori Thompson, Laura MacDonald Paul" Bricker, Peter Crew, lain Lambert„ terry Schweitzer. ace winners are positioned left to right in the piopres,