HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-06-01, Page 20° -! DERICR SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 1,1972
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s back in Goderich
Acting Medical Officer of Health for Huron, Dr Frank
Mills, is back in his Goderich officethis week after
completing a two -semester .course recently at -the
• University of Toronto . chool of Hygiene The course is
compulsory and le'ads to a diploma in Public Health for
those serving n the ca citvp of !Medical Officer cof Health
as does Dr. Mills •
"The course involves mostly specialized training in
Community Health 'and serves as a, refresher course on
basic Public Health," Dr. Mills explained. "Much time is
spent on current concepts in community health and the
-current issues involved in that field," he continued.
151. Mills points out that the current' trend- is toward
community health and not public'health as it has been known
to date. "There has beenhee{j for a co-ordinating agency of
the various social, services to avoid duplication :" the
doctor explained. We know of one as locallywhere
purely by chance, .it was discovered a family was being
•, serviced by several ageneies, the family didn't mention it
because they felt that the children's Aid, for example, artd
the Welfare people were only interested in.a certain area of
the case and were'not interested in the fact that they were.
both : involved in the situation. Better, co-)rdination,
through the Public Health, could help eliminate°situations
like that." -
Ur. Mills was in prat; ice locally for 20*years,before he
accepted the post of acting Medical Officer of Health in
March of 1971 filling a vacancy left by Dr. G.V.A. Evans:
Dr Mills is married with.. a fanfily of five,' one in
university, two high school students and one elenmentary.
"Many peopled.° not realize the wide range Of matters
under the direction of the Health Unit," Dr. Mills suggests. •
"As a result the Health ynit may find itself, in the near
future, actiiag as the co-ordinating agency for other social
services at the ci hinrunity level. ".The new breakdown of
health organization, the doctor explained, will incluge
boards .on the regional, district and community levels
responsible to the provincial health depar•tnient.
At present the Huron County Health Unit acts under the
Board of Health and the Provincial Department of Health
offering services under horse visiting, clinical services;
school services. dental services, environmental health
and the new horne care program.
Horne visiting includes, areas of Mental Health dealing
with discharge conferences at the Goderich Psychiatric
Hospital and after care Support. an area in which Goderich
is a leader. This field also includes orthopedic, venereal
and.communicable disease control, health problems with
infants and children, family planning counselling and
hospital liaison. •
Clinical services cover immunizations, - fluoride
applications, hearing and anaemia screening, T.K. clinics,
and prenatal -classes. .
School services include the brush -in dental programs,
vision and hearing tests, immunizations, communicable
diseases sex education and education on smokier and
Choige grant structure
for Ontario farmers
• .The Minister of Agriculture limitations to the Dead end
and Food for Ontario, the lion. L)iseased.Elm Tree Program, we
William A. Stewart has anunced have been impressed by the. very
two substantial change in the logical arguments of professional
program of "Capital' Grants $for' foresters who are concerned with
Ontario Farmers,", which vas •woocflot management and good
introduced in 1967. Both of these forestry practices., We still wish
changes take place itnrnediately. to see these unsightly objects -
The first change `involves an removed fromkour , farm fence
expansion of thy'' program to lines and openu ields where they
include livestock fencing -as an are a hazard to livestock, farm
item eligible for such grants. The ° machinery an fences .
revision to the program provides Therefore, the program will
that capital grants of up to 40 per continue with these limitations.'
elolt (tithe cost of providing new, Capital Gra itl• appplication.
permanent livestock fencing will formes are available at County and ,:
lie made Available. The grants District Offices of theA Ontario
will apply, only to the cost of Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
'I'ht C'api•tal Grants Program
provides that any farmer whoThad CHOKING
a „C ass incotrttrof $3,000 from his . Babies and toddlers put almost
t,crrn operation in thepreviouseverything into their mouths
sear ui.iv be eligible for grants of because it is ones way they. learn
ulr.tu 40 per cent of the cosi 'of about the shape, feel and,taste of
ct,rt.asn capital works projects, to things. That',s why small things
.1 rriaxi.mum grant.of $3,000. In the must be kept out of reach.
se of partnerships or family Never • leave pins, needles,
t,c1'111 rorpor•ations, where two or- buttons and candies lying about.
more families` are actually Make sure dolls' eyes cannot•be
rlavolved in the operation of the loosened and swallowed.
farm, the maximum grant eligible Place his crib away from
tI it grants.: if the gross farm venetian -blind cords and make
ti'i.dorne of the tenant exceeds sure the spates between the rungs
'3.000 annually. of his crib are too narrow for his
Assistance is available in four head to slip through.
drugs. �� _ ._...—. r-_ tri lls'cat-OnT P's r`ti Attrartr- .__.-_.....hlever•buy-steeping•c1othes-wit.h." _.-
Cinder environmental health the department. looks into • E,arm Structures and Orchard a drawstring about the nock •and
matters involving water control, sewage and refuse I' 1'.e e R em o v a 1 ; F i•e l d d'en't use a pacifier with a long
control eating' establishments, air pollution, school ' Enlargement,-,---Fa,r•m Water cord or string,
sanitation, enforcement of local sanitary bylaws and Supply Farrir Vacation Hosting Always hold a small baby when
general health educations: m a x i m u rn- g rapt $1 , 5 00A) he is being fed. He may choke if
The new home care program organizes care from 'the Removal of Dead and ,Diseased left alone with his bottle propped.
Victorian Order of Nurses, 'homemaker -services. out- r ' ▪ f:lm Trees (maximum $5001.
patients services in co-operation with the local hospital as The second change in the
well as physiotherapy and rehabilitation. _ capital Grants Program involves
All these areas, as they are over -seen by the County = the , 'section dealing with the •.
Health Unit, are the responsihilitie's of the Medical Officer = removal of Dead anti Piseased
of Health' Elan Trees.. This Special
o ram intrad icer A 1ri1
• lir g introduced l I 1.
�ililitllilliillllllituuull111ftllllnllllnlnlnttltlnntlntlltnlllll111t1111111111n111111111111111111111111111111tintili11111111111tIIIIIItt1111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111illin1111111111111111111t11111111111111t1111111111111111t11111111111III1I111I1tIInli: 1971 provides for the'pavment of
rantscif '$500 per tree. to a
m.axiniunrof$500 per farm. As .01
Date drawing. near
range P�rade shaping up
With the July 8 celebration in
Goderich,only weeks away. the
County Orange Lodge of South
Huron, comprising senior.
• officers of the primary lodges.
was scheduled to meet' here
to deal with related business..
The day's program will be
, mapped out, a list of speakers
finalized, route ofthe parade
'decided upon, and who has a white
horse. '
Rev. Robert A. Carson; rector
of . L,lrcan, Will address . the
gathering, but other names have
not been announced.
Inquiry of several Goderich
Orangemen, this week, failed to
settle with certainty when the last
Battle of the Boyne celebration
was held, here. The annual event
has been swinging around among
the towns atilt villages of three -
.counties for manv years •
The jurisdictions normally
taking part are the county lodges
of North and South Huron. North
and South Bruce, and North and
South Perth. One of the brethren
said 1.952 was "pretty certain',' as '
date of last celebration 'here. but
couldn't have been, for there
wasnothing in the Signal about it,
In 1951 the district celebration
was held at Bayfield. and the' two..
column account in the Signal
shows. that in addition to
numerous Huron lo(jges. there
were lodges from Atwood.
Sorority enjoys golfing
a-tneW Sunset course.
Beta Theta. Chapter ,of Beta
Sigma Phi concluded .their
sorority year last week with two
very enloyal�1P eve sins spent at '
the Goderich ' Sunset Golf and
Sports Centre.'
The last meeting. of'Tiae group-
was'held in the footing of the club"
house on• Tuesday,,Mav 23rd"
Arrangements for a social
evening at ,Clinton with the
chapter there were finalized and
miscellaneous year ' end items
cleared up,
▪ Following this short business
session, bingo was enjoyed by all
present with Ellen Connelly
calling and , giving out prizes.
Lunch concluded the evening.
- On Saturday, May 27th. the
sorority members and their
husbands again returned to the
Sunset, this time for an evening of
golf. As many of the group were
non golfers, two hall foursomes
were organized with ...each
experienced players having anon -
playing partner. Inthis way no one
Te1r nn' c' n' Si a Wi goon! r -alt
enjoyed the game.
The first foursome teed 'off at
x,6;,30 pm and everyone had
completed nine holes by' 9 pm. At ,
this time a delicious lunch of
barbecued hamburgs, salads and
other refr..shments was enjoyed
in the downstairs lounge. •
Listowel, Trowbridge,
Milverton, Tupperville,
Mitchell's' Bay West Bruce and
Maple Glen.
Five lady lodges were
represented at the 1951 gathering
including uniformed units from
Listowel. Gorie - and' Clinton.
There was a prize for the oldest
member of the Ladies' Orange
Benevolent Association. Mrs.
.J.B. Armitage of Lucan. Belgrave
Had the largest number of any
Orange lodge. •
Lloyd Herm; . of Woodham:
county master of South Huron at
the present time, was secretary
in 1951, but also acting comity
master. and chairman of the
platform program. Speakers
were Gordon Keyes, then, deputy,
grand master:of Ontario West:
Elston Cardiff. MP: David
Savage, Listowel. and Rev.
Thomas Pitt, of Varna.. .
Of the ten, " 12fji of Julv"
celebrations to be held in Ontario
this year, five are to* 'take place on
the 15th, and that includes'
Thamesford, nearest to.Goderich
of any. consequently a' large
attendance here on the 8th as
looked for.
Church organizations ' aa'�
invited to enter floats= with a
religious thetne. There is to be ;a
prize of 825. given'hv the county
master. for the best such float
11av 19, 1972, this Program will'.
apply only to Dead and Diseased
Elm Trees located on fence lines
and in open fields and will cease to
apply to Elm trees located in farm
woodlots •or forested areas..
+1n'commenti-ng on these
changes, in the Capital Grants -
Program., Mr. Stewart elai,bor'ated
as a grantable item in this
Program in consistent 'with the
Government's - long-range
assistance policy, for the -beel
cow -calf industry''. lie said.,
" oilier today,. I announced a
p;rogram of ,,government
guaranteed bank loans to beef
cow -calf operator's to assist them
in expanding their herds. Fencing
is. a vital pit of. livestock
farming, and -we felt it imperative
that new permanent. livestock
fencing'" be added to ;the" list of
item's in this program."
rogram.'' �
-With respect ,to the
Scores were .tallied and Verna
Kane presented boxes of three
golf balls to the four top golfers:
Larraine Baechler, Dave Gower,
Allison Dowds and Paul Baechler"
All the other golfers received
packets of golf tees compliments
of the Sports Centre. The evening
concluded with dancing.
All present agreed it was "a '
great way'to wind up the sorority
year. °
Radio -Television
Commission -
Conseil de 1a1
Radio -Television
Ottawa, April 21, 1972
The Canadian Radio -Television Commission announces the
followirig decisions effective on the abrive-mentioned date.
Decision CRTC 72-97
Application by a company>to be incorporated, represented by
Ronald Gary McIntosh, Jr. for a broadcasting licence to carry
on a cables television system at Goderich, Clinton,
Holmesville, Ont, •
Decision: APPROVED
The Commission issues a licence expiring September 30,
1976 *ubject°to conditions to'be specified therein' and in
•parrticular conditional upon the licensed territory 'being
serviced before the expiration of the licence., - -
Monique Coupal
In May of 1919 at Dusseldorf, Germany; the All i ed Forces obtained
a copy of some of the""Comtnunist Rules for Revoluti-on." Nearly 50
years later, the Reds are, sti II following them. After reading the list
stop after each item and think about the present day situation where
you live— and all-around our nation. We quote from the Red Rules,:
' a• •h:
...a—.Corr up the-.• ng,rPnget--- them -a ►ay- .ro reagion —Get —them—
interested in sex. Make them superficial; destroy their ruggedness.i
B. Get control of all means of publicity, thereby:
1. Get people's minds off their ,government by focusing their
attention on athletics, sexy books and plays and other trivialities;
2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly h arping on
• controversial matters of no importance.
" '3 Destroy the people's faith intheirnatural leaders by holding the
latter up to contempt, ridicule and,.disgrace. -
4. 'Always preach true democracy, but seize power as ' fast and
ruthlessly as possible.
5. By encouraging government extravagaiLce, destroy its credit,
produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.
6. Incite unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil
disorders and foster a lenient' and soft attitude on the part of
government toward such disorders. •
7. -By specious argument cause the breakdown' of the old moral
virtues, honesty, sobriety, self restrairit, faith in the pledged -word,
•r ,r
c. Cause the registration of all fi rearms on some pretext with a view
to confiscating them and leaving the population helpless.
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That was quite a list, wasn't it? Now stop and think — how many of
,these rules are being carried out in this nation today, ldon't see how .
an`'`thinking person can truthfully say that the Communists do not have
any part in the chaos that is upsetting our nation. Or is it just once+big
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