HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-06-01, Page 6(it)Xt 1 1CIj'SjG'N' , ,-STAR, TH1URSi)AY, Jl1NJ I, 1972.
AcHng. MOH sayss
eed better commwiicutisn
A brief, `Slow Session or Huron
C9unt,y, Council in Gader'ich ,last
Fi'iitay began with a tourin the
morning of Dbrrlta'r's salt elides.
After lunch, the members settled
down 'for_an afternoon' of reports
:which opened with* one by, Dr.
Frank Mills. Acting Medical
Officer of Health. and Bill Empv.
Sanitation inspection chief.
Dr. Mills and Mr. ,Empv
stressed the need for improved,
communication .at the public. pools
in HuronCounty. Both men said it
Conununity and Social Services.
who would be responsitrte for 50.
percent of $12,500 of. the total
cost.." re d HughFlynn..
reeve of Huull t nd chairman of
the conunittee.Of r nnagenlent of •
In other business, council
learned that it will be August or
September before dlcire details
will be available .on the matter of
.the future of the Huron, County
Goderich teacher
heads OECTA
was of the utmost importance to
(rave one person in charge cif the BY WILMA OKE
operation of the pool so that the
health inspector has someone in ' Miss E 1 1 e e n () ' B ri e n o 1'
authority to whom he can go with Goderich, a teacher at St. Marv's
regard to pool problems School there. was elected
They said that the Huron County president of the Ontario English
sanit:ltion4department aims,,, for Catholic Teachers Associatrotr'at
water. in the pools which is.. the, annual meeting in gSeafortli
"drinking safe 'and noted some Thursday. She succeeds Patrick
of .the ways in tihich this. ideal ° ,Monaghan of Strartford.
level of safety can be maintained Other officeils- elected are:
far file protection of s +'immers. vire-presidents. Sister Mary St.
A motion introduced in council Louis, - Seaforth, and - Adrian
by Gerry Ginn, deputy -reeve of - Pontsi•oen of Stratford: recording.
Goderich Township and Ken secretary: Sister Rosemary
McMichael. reeve' of Turnberry Albon: corresponding secretary,
for the executive committee to Mrs. Arthur McMichael.
study the feasibility of decreasing-- ' Gader•ich:- treasurer. Jaynes
the urban road, • rebate by 10 Steffler. Wingham: councillors,
percent over the next two, years. '. Sister Mary Van 'Hu and Ronald
was lost in a recorded vote. • Gladding, both of Stratford:
—grim sagge-sted~-that of--the-_20---. Tearher=Truste€ :eorirm-ittee,
percent Of the road rebate over Miss. Mary 'Flannery, Seaforth:
which Huron County has control. Glen Ste't•fler, Kingsbridge: Ennis
only l0 peresnt be given to, the_ • Murphy. Stratford: -Sister
urban municipalities. In this, way. Marion. St. Columban and'' Miss
Ginn felt the -inadequacies of Evelyn Beaupre, Stratford.
taxation in , some departments': Two teachers, who are retiring
such • as - Welfare and • hospital ' a4 the endof June, `were honoured
.funding, could be offset in favor of at the dinner.,meeting, • Mrs,
the rural amunicipalities. Esther Kelly of ,Dublin who has
'Goderich Reeve Paul Carroll taught for 15 years and,Mrs. Mary
said Ginn's suggestion was only Murray of Dublin, for 24 years.
for a '•'short-term" solution and Sister Shirley of Stratfo"rd
.would provide no "long-term" spoke briefly, saying that
relief.. , teaching is not just a -profession
• Reeve Charles Thomas. GreV. but it is an art because you are
said the tax review committee •
should make a report to county
council concerning their findings
before any further action is taken.
Reeve Elgin Thompson.
Tuckersmith. reminded council
'that the matter of urban road
'rebates had been settled two
teaching persons;, each with his
particular set of problems.
She said that truth is the basic
concern, and that teachers join
parents in rnaking.a person grow
n telling hint what the universe
means and what he can hope for in
helping hint to realize what his
place is' in the universe.
She said teachers AT always
concerned about challenging
students but without realizing it
'we are always challenging them,
but the situation is so complicated
that sometimes we've lost
confidence in ourselves -we•
don't 'want to accept the cross, .
She urged that the important
thing was.to show concern for the
person and not say -I love you
Ilecause-.1- need you. I low -you,
therefore I ileed.you". When your
education is better• for •persons,,
she concluded. it will be better
Catholic education.
Over 80 teachers from Huron
and Perth attended the meeting
held„ in the , Legion Hall in
Seaforth. , Representing the
Huron -Perth Separate School
Board were: Joseph Tokar,
assistant ' superintendent of
education, Jack Lance, business,
administrator. and the• chairman
of the board, James Morris of
Knuckey say track'
workouts' start June
years ago - and should remain
A $25.000, landscaping job at•
'Huronviewwas approved by
county :council. The estimate
includes trees and shrubs.
sidewalks and 'pathways, patios; a'
planter. benches. - lighting.
engineering and contingencies eJc
for the ' field in front of the'
"Because the county share of
our 1972 budget .will be
considerably less -than the
original estimate due to . the
inception ' of Extended . Care
Benefits on April 1. and whereas
- -it is rea:sdnableto assume that the
cost will be considerably less if
the project is completed this
.year. rather than staging it over
five years. .your • committee
recommends the project be
completed this year and requests
your approval of the Ministry of
With the school track and field
season coming to a close the local
Recreation board heard. a one-
man delegation at their Tuesday
evening meeting--Bob'Knuckey ,an
employee in The Goderich area
with the Youth. and Recreation
Branch of the Department of
Education. Mr. ,Knuckey was on
hand to explain a program he will
be organizing during the summer
The Huron -Perth track and
field.club, he told the board. will
be starting summer practices ono
Monday, J.une.5 between 5.40 and.
7:00 p.m, at. Central Huron
Secondary School'irr-'Clinton. This
year the Ontario Junior Track and
Field development program is
involved giving both financial and
administrative aid."This". Mr,' •
Knuckey said. ''can °only'
strengthen, the club."
"It is our aim to carryon ' the
good work that the school systems
athletic program has started." he
Last summer ttie Youth and
Recreation Branch" of the the second inning and ,went on, to t MacKenzie, struck out five and
Department of Education,' in co' r -4-c`efeat Sifto Salt 8-5. Brian allowed four hits as Building
MacKenzie struck out 8 ;and, Centre defeated Brindley
operation with the Royal C'anadfan
Legion, began a Track and Field allowed 3 hits, Plastering 6-1. Building Centre
The former Huron Branch of the Co -Operative Health Service's of
Ontario has divided up the remaining assets af..the group in -the most
equitable fashion. Each of the five county hospitals received $1,000
of the $7,QQ0 t nd eeci,.., Ltbe three schools for the mentally_
retarded in the county received $500; and the Huron County Cancer
Industrial Softball League
Society received the remaining $500. Cheques were presented last
week in Goderich to the local ,recipients. Seen here are (left to right)
Tim Elliott; administrator of Alexandra Marine -and General
Hospital; Lorne Rodges of CHSO; Harry Bir Heil, 1i spital board
chairman; and 'F rdyce Clark, CF1,SO: ts=ta f -"photo)
Action hot; players too
BY KEITH WILLIAMS' Rumig's single. Sandy's scored
Building Centre and Gower's three runs in the top of the second
Garden Cemtre both,picked up two .incl added two more in the sixth.
victories apiece to move into. a In the second game of the night,
first place tie with -Sandy's Gower's Garden Centre scored
Clippers- who defeated Gard's two runs in the first,•three in the
Sports 5-•-1 last Thursday (May third and two in the fourth"to down
25). Sandy's Clippers and l)RMCO1-4. Bruce Stoll struck
Building Centre both have 2-O out nine and allowed nine°hits to,
record's while Gower's 'Garden pick up the victory.
Centre is 2-1. • For Gower's Doug Stoll was two
Sifto Salt evened their record at 'for'. three: Frank MacDonald. Bill
1-1 with a 10-4., victory over Black, Clare Harmon and Bruce
Fisher Custom ''.Building last Stoll were all one for three. Glen
Monday (May 2D). . Br,iridtey Faikiner had a sacrifice-- single
..plastering, DRMCO, and Gord's and fly out. Wayne Draper went
Sports all. have 1.2 records., three for four and Larry McCabe
Fisher Custom Building is Q-2, two -for three in a losing'caus'e.
In last Wednesday's- action, , On Sunday (May 28).• Wane
Building Centre scored 6 r.uhs,in Fisher,wtias two for two and Brian
..program aimed at athletes aged In the second game of the nietit. 's'cored twice in the first .inning,
10 to --15 years. This year the Brindley Plastering came up with two times in the third and three
program 4s:to be expanded, and 2 runs in the bottom of the seventh times in, the fifth.
.more young athletes offered the inning -to edge Fisher Custom - Brindl,ey's ruined MacKenzie's•
opportunity to "compete in local • Building 15714: Don Thompson s shutout •bid in the bottom of the
went four far five at the •plate for, fifth on a single and a two -base
meets. The winners of those Brindley's• Plastering. 'Jim throwing error. In the second
-events will .travelaut of --town -to._ . , _
district and regional.meets. Martin, Jim Fielder. Bob. game, two four -run innings gave
McWhinneyand-Mark Dauphin all` Gower's .Garden Centre a a.-6
At present, Mr; Knuckey told were two for fou.r.
the board,., coaches and other Brindley •Plastering Seni 14
officials. are -needed. ' to help - men to the plate in their, big
operate the program, and he inning. For Fisher. Custom
asked the hoard`s assistance in Building,.George Gould was one
recruiting such personnel..' for three -but scored four runs.
is worth
tw�.in t -bush
Why sell yourself short?
Return your Pepsi-Cola'returnables'
and get money - pennies and nickels
that have a way of adding up to keep
your food bills down. And after all,
isn't a bottle in the store
worth two in the bush?
Or three in the ditch?
Or four on the playground?
Or five in the lake?
Or six in the basement?
P•p,, o,•d Pao., o•e ,ecr,re,ed ,,od• mo,Y. of Pep.,.
levo ra esu
Doug Fisher was three for four at
bat and Bob Willis and Don McNeil
were both two for five, Brindlev's
rapped out 15 hits while Fisher's
had 10.
Last ertillftd '; ' bYZt
struck out five and allowed six
hits as Sandy's ,Clippers defeated
Gord's Sports, 5-1, Bill Hoggarth
had two singles in two at hats and
scored two runs for Sandys
.S Tippers.'
Russ Pruder was one for three,
and scored two runs. Gord's
Sports opened -the scoring in the
bottom of the first when Jon Ginn
singled and scored ori Brian, ;
victory over Gord's Sports. They
scored four in the first and sixth
innings: Glen Falkiner and Rob
Snell both went two for three and
•Frank MacDonald was two for
Arena will be
phis summer
The-Goderich Arena is in for
some renovating this summer.
It's getting an exterior
replastering job that will .t cost
"around $250. When it is finished.
the plaster will be the same"color
as the red brick. .. -
The arena seats are going to he
finished, and the storage room in
ti the northeast corner is going to be
A dance bandstand for the
upstair's hall ' is a possible
addition next year, and there is
some thoughtful consideration as
' to whether or not new sound
• system is needed.
The 'Qoard of Education has
'receiired letters informing them
that ice time can he had at reduced
' rates during school hours.
'Teachers could brink -their
,'classes for an afternoon of
physical exercise, skating. and
playing ice sports.
It was also asked. Haat the fee at
The gate be split between the
Association and the Lion's Club
when Young Canada Week is oil,
236.1505 This motion was ,carried and
Sifto Salt and DRMCO both
picked up victories last Monday
(May 29): Sifto Salt defeated
Fisher Custom Building 10-4 in
the early game and DRMCO
blanked Brindley Plastering 4-
Sifto,scored four runs in the
second and two in the fifth. ,sixth
and seventh • innings. George
Denstedt was two for four and
scored two runs for Sifto.
,Aon McWhinney - blanked
Brindley Plastering on three 'hits
in the second game. Ric -k
Duckworth managed two singles
off him and Bob McWhinney one_
DRMCO scored once in the third
and three times in •the fourth.
DRMCO got five hits off Mark
Dauphin and bunched them
together in, the fourth to get the
Don McWhinney, had a doubl+
and Ron Miller,'Jim McWhinney.
Wayne Doakand Larry McCabe a
single each. There was a strong
wind blowing which held some
balls up. ,
Games this week have Sifto Salt
meeting Sandy's Clippers at 7:-15'
p.m. aritt"Fisher Custom Building
playing Gord's Sports at 9:00 p.m'.
tonight ("Thursday, June ` 1). On
Sunday (June 4) Gord's Sports,
versus Brindley Plastering and.
DRMCO -play Building Centre, •
" Sandy's Clippers play Brindley
Plastering,and Sifto Salt versus
DRMCO on Monday (June 5).
In the only game on Wednesday
(June 7), Gower's Garden Centre
.play Sifto Salt.
• Farm
• Factory
Plain or safety toe. Choice of
seven sole materials.
142 The Square
Goderich, Ont..
• 17t1'
An evening of Two One -Act Plays
• at
° 8:00 p.m.
Adults $1.00 .•- Students .50c
• FIS:HING Baiso Wood
'Water skis •AIRPLANES
and' -Accessorue$.p�mjnjon --
• MODELS "holler Skates
73 Hamilton St. Goderich '524-6985
Thursday, friday, Saturday
stock reduction- sale.
Everything In The Store
Cash sales only
No boxes
All sales final
No .exchanges or refunds
:T. Ormandy
Jewellery - Goderich: