HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-06-01, Page 1.T.
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;.257( Wt - 22
Polic'e clamping
down • on bikes
John David Stringer, son. of Mr.
and M1'•s,. John Stringer, St. David
St., received his. Bachelor of
Science with Honors in Geological
Sciences at Queen's University,
Kingston, May,. 27. Mr. Stringer
will be doing post graduate work
at Queens iin_the fall
Marion Ziegler, daughter of,Mrs.
DorothyZiegler, 267South St.,
Goderich, formerly of RR 2
Brussels, and the, late Wm.
Ziegler, graduated from The
• Freeport Hospital Training
School. forRegistered Nursing
Assistants' `May "26. She has
accepteda poition at St. Mary's
Cenral Hospital in Kitchener.
Gotierich� Town 'Police will atmospheric conditioning a
clamp •dowrf a little harder on distance of 590 feet or less, every
cyclists in the municipality, bicycle or tricycle shall carry on
Police Chief tared Minshall said the front thereof a lighted lamp
last week. displaying a white or amber light
Chief Minshall said that the and on the rear thereof a lighted
Ontario Traffic Act will serve a% lamp displaying a red light or' a
a guideline for local policemen reflector' : approved by ''the
where bicycle traffic is Department, and in addition there
concerned. shall be placed on the, front forks
In Section 49 (4) it reads: thereof white reflective material,
-Every motor vehicle, bicycle —and on the rear thereof red
and,tricycl.e.bel equipped _:._.reflec_ti.ve materialAonvering•.
with an alarm bell, gong or horn surface of not less than ten inches
which shall be.- kept in good in length and one inch in Width".
working. order and `sounded'when --CTrief-Mifi 'h 11 said that IaSt
it is reasonably necessary to -• year, when bicycle licences were
warn pedestrians or others of its sold, the police issued reflective
approach". tape to the 'cyclists...•but this
Section '37 (14) states: "When really shouldn't be necessary, the
on a highway at any time from one- Chief complained.
, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, f '7 /yam
7 2
StudenteffortS rewarded
haft ho+ r after sunset to one-harlf "ProPery gaiety precautions
hour before, sunrise and at any should be built into the bicycles so
other time when .due to ' that when you buy them at the M Knox -insufficient light or unfavorable store, they are fully equipped," U athlet', award and the Brian
said Chief Minshall. The Kir'k,•Session and'Board of Dowds Memorial Trophy for the
lflstructors In fact, Chief Minshall dnce 4 Managers •of Knox Church, most valuable maleathlete went
wrote to thDeputy-Minister of "Goderich, have secured ' the to Gary Lounsbury,Transportation askingtrim togive services of ,the Rev, Ronald . C. Barbara Miller took the Arthur
The annual awards- assembly
was held at Goderich District
CollegiateInstitute lastThursday
and saw many students receiving
recognition for outstanding
prformancefor the school year.
Four of the most covetedawards were presented by the
valuable junior . boys volleyball
player, Ron Willis.
Most valuable junior • hovs
baketball player, Casey
Wlydgen mot valuable senior.boys basketbll player, Brian
MacKenzie; senior boys track
111 t�� �� champion, Gore for boys junior
•senior students. Brenda Graham O'Brien.
Mwon the most valuable female Midget boys trck 'championTim McGee; senior girls track
champion, Brenda Graham;juniogirlstrackchampion, Jane
Hopkinson; midget girls track
hampion, Lisa Scholtz.
Most outstnding cheerleaderJane Hopkinson: team manager of
the year, Philip Blaisdale; golf
champion, Don Bedour: curlingteam, 'Ken -Bogie, Al Worgan,
Director of .Education for
Huron County, D. J. Cochrane. •
confirmed Tuesday afternoon that
Wayne Horner, physical
education department, dead at.
GDCI has resigned his position.
M'r. Horner, a • Goderich
Township farmer and a member
of township council, plans to make
farming a full'tima t .cupation.
• 'Mike Vrooman, physical
education teacher at Victoria
School and Robertson Memorial
Schtfol, has also resigned,. Mr_
Cochrane said. Vrooman has
accepted a teaching. position with
the Norfolk, County Board pf
The Directorof Education -said
that more ”teachers in Goderich
and area have resigned but that
further information will not be
forthcoming until the board of
education cruets later this month:
red Mohring of Lambeth;wson of_
Mrs. Eva Mustard, ,
received his Bachelor of Arts
degree in • English from the
University of Western Ontario
this spring. He plans to attend
Althouse College ot,Educatlon in
September (photo by Ray's -
Portrait Studio)
Windsor ,
Beverly Go.rdon-; turran,- BA" -
son of Mr, and Mrs. James H.
Steele and the late Bertram. G.
Curran; London, graduated' in. the
spring covocation at the
University of Windsor with a
Bachelor of Commerce, Honors
Business Administration. He is
now employed. in London on the
audit staff of the firm of Clarkson,
Gordon and Co., Chartered
Accountants. He is the grand'"son
ofMr, and Mrs,• William H. Irvin
and of the late Mr. and Mrs. °
Herbert C. Curran; 'Ashfield
Tbwnship, (Beta Photo Studio)
'Lofna Jean Miller,'0-daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John S: Miller, RR 1
Bayfield, received a Bachelor of
Applied Science degree from the
University of Guelph on May 26,
on completion of a ''four-year
honors• program in Applied
Human Nutrition at the College of
Family and Consumer Studies. In
Septeamber, Miss Miller will
begin her Canadian Dietetic
Association iriternship'at Ottawa
Civic Hospital, Ottawa. •
Janke Ann Reaburn, daughter -of
Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Reaburn
reeently graduated with honors
from the University of Guelph.
She Vias a Me'mber of the first
graduating class from the College
of Family and Consumer Studies
and majored in fancily' studies.
Miss' Reaburn received the
degree of Bachelor of Applied
consideration 'to . introducing
legislation whereby all bicycles
sold in Ontario must be painted
with reflective paint. '
But the Chief's suggestion was
set aside pecause, as the'Deputy-
Minister ,informed him, the
practice would be• 'unfair to
Canadian manufacturers who are
already, finding it difficult to
conipete in the world-wide bicycle
When questioned concerning
the cost to parents for- outfitting
children's bicycles with sa4et•y
equipment, the Chief answered,
"I don't entertain cost in this
society 'in wltchr ve
The 'Signal -Star did a little
r s` e rch into the project and
found that a bicycle could. be
outfitted with .a good lighting
system, a horn and reflective tape
for under $8.00 - labor included.
Of course,. this price would vary
'somewhat depending upon the type
of equipment purchased for the
There are more and more,
bicycles on the streets,' too. notes
Please tum to Page 12
r, -
for swimming
upcoming . soon
Swimming registrations will be
handled 'lune 15,, lfz ., and 17 the
Goderich Recreation and
Community Centre Board has
announced.(An .advertls ment
.appears elsewhere in this issue
and interested persons are
- requested to consult this ad for
-further information).
A 'special request has been
issued by •the Rec Board,
however, asking more parents to
give consideration to enrolling
their children for the August
swimming classes this year.
In past years, registrations
have been heavy for July but have
tapered off for August. This
uneven distribution•of swimmers
throughout the summer makes
programming difficult and the co-
operation of parents and
swimmers is being sought.
McCallum, God erich, as . Peachey Memorial Awardand the
Assistant to the Minister.
A Signing Ceremony was held given to Kevin Coxa
on May 26 with the Rev. G,L., - Other . awards were: Boy's
Royal, T'fie Rev, R.C. McCa'11um, Athletic Trophy; Year 1, 'Tim
Gordon J. McManus, Clerk of Mr Gee', Year 2, Tom O'$rien,
Session, William G,Schaefer; Year 3, Doug Fisher, Year 4,
Chairman of the Board, Mrs. Gord McLellan; Year 5, Mark
Beryl Harper and Robert Bisset Ryan.
in attendance., Girls' Athletic Trophy, Year 1,
Mr. -McCallum will commence Chris Wildgen; Year 2, Becky
his,,duties on June 1. _His general Crawford ; Year 3, Nick y
area of concern will be pastoral Lambert; Year 4, Wendy .Ryan:
visitation,. .instruction in the Year 5, Barb Miller,
Sunday School department, giving Most valuable senior football
'leadership in Bible .study and player, Gary .Lounshury: Most
possible Cottage Prayer valuably, senior football lineman.
Mugs-, .talting_the__MiTristeris Al Drennan, Most valuable junior
responsibilities when the -"football 'player, Casey Wildgen
,Minister is absent,, ' .. . • 'Most vallrable junior football
Mr, • McCallum ins a native of ' lineinan� Murray Haggitt. •
Southwestern Ontario. On Most valuable . senior soccer
completion of tis Grade XIII player, ,Rolf Gottschalk:. most
examinations he atte-hded Lorne valuable junior soccer .player,
Park College, Port , Credit, Peter Willis: most vallrahle
Ontario, and the Roberts jur41or girls volleyball player.
Wesleyan "College; North Chili: Becky Crawford: most -valuable
New York, He was ordained in senior girls volleyball' slayer.
1942. Sue Powell.
'While in College he served a -Most . valfiahle junior girls
church in Toronto• for one year basketball .>..Nplazer, Marjorie
and, after -ordination, served,- Taylor most' valuable senior
charges at Sault St. Marie. girls basketball player. Carole
Goderich, Thornbury, Brantford. Cruickshank; most ° valuable
, all in Ontario;. and Rochester, wrestler, Al Drennan; most
New York, ; valuable senior boys volleyball
For some years past he has not player. Philo ,Petrie: most
been in the active ministry and •
GDC'I leadership Trophy was
. served as Business Manager and A I t'
DDirector-of Public Relations at.
.Lorne Park College, Port Credit'. •
Mr. McCallum ismarried and comp 1 e x'
lives with his wi'ife at 21 Cambria .
Road, 'North:, They have three at � � �� •
, children. Robert of Goderich,_•.
Mrs. Donald (Betty)' Alien, ni
More than 150n persons were
ehester�,.�-_N.Y..Y ,and.F--.Br-,i�vr.. ,_,..,�,.�_, .,
Rochester, N.Y. guests-at'a luncheon and" tour of
TheLtev. Ronald C. McCallum facilities ° at Canadian Forces
is not the first Assistant to the Base, Clinton on Monday in., an
. Minister in the -history of Knox attempt to gain popular local_
Church. In 1881 the, Rev, John A. support for an • athletic complex
Turnbull began his • labours in using Base facilities.
Goderich as the Assistant• to -the A'package.which includes such
late Dr. Robert Ure. He remained Base facilities,as the playing
in Goderich until late 1884. He. fields, recreation: ,centre, drill
was succeeded in turn by the ,Rev. hall, hockeyand curling arenas,
T.E. Calvert#,and the Rev. J.T. ° shooting ranges, swimming pool
Lesley Blacker, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Blacker, RR 2,,
Goderich, graduates June 7 from
Alma College, St. Thomas, where
she was counsellor to the May
Queen at the annual May Festiliel,
held May 6 at the school. Miss
Blacker. has been accepted at
and_..t_woblocks-of former
• 'In 1 8 8 8 the Rev. James barracks has been offered to the
Anderson came to Knox Church as Youth and Recreation Branch of
Assistant and Associate Minister . the Ministry of Community and
with Dr. Ure. In 1892 Mr. Social Services and ''Sport
Anderson succeeded Dr. Ure. Mr. Please turn to Page 12
. Anderson remained the Minister
of Knox Church until his untimely
death in 1910.
Dnring the 1950's and early
1960's Knox Church employed two
deaconesses, Miss Barbara
Woodruff . and :Miss , Marion
'.Moore, to -assist the Minister in
the Christian Education field.
Miss Moore resigned her position
in 1964:
Giri,1 5,
saves boy
from river.
Tony Knoop, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Tony Knoop. Sr. , who reside
on Highway 21 near Kingsiridge'
and'a Grade 5, student at St.
4oseph's school, was a near
drowning victim on Sunday
afternoon at Port Albert. '
Apparently, Tony and one of his
sisters were tn swimming and
, were pulled down under by d swift
undercurrent. Both managed to
come uppbut then Tony Was pulled
down again a second timeand his
sister was unable to find him.
She called for help to other
swimmers on the beach. Kathy
Doherty, 15 -year-old daughter of
Mr, and Mrs: Frank Doherty,
Port Albert: quickly dived into the
water and unexpectedly landed
• right on Tony:She brought him to
shore in an unconscious
Tony was given artificial
respiration and first aid at the
Scene and has. recovered fully.
on sick list
Mayor *Harry is
confined to Alexandra Marine
and General Hospital and as of
the first, of the week was
The Mayor fell ill Monday,
May 22 and has been in hospital
Since that time. According to
his wife, he is progressing
favorably now from a,, virus
infection although there is still
no word when he will be
discharged from hospital.
sit in Arts Until. his .recovery, 'Reeve
Western University the Paul Carroll is Acting Mayor
Course this fall. of the Town of Goderich.
Bonnie Westbrook, and Karen Mathematics , Contest Winners,
McPhee! senior, Dave Carruthers, Paul, -
Athletic. Jackets- Presented by Carman; junior, Mike Palmer, • .-
Mr. Horner, Mike Tafeit, Brian Ken Cutt; RifleClub Trophy, Alan
MacKenzie, Carole -Cruickshank, Bogie. •
Jim Reaburn, Al Drennan, Brian "
Westbrook; Clara Bedard, Cla e Bch°°I Pllaques, Honour- •
Sager, Barb Miller and Dong Plaques, Connie Oke, Shelley
Grange:, Barbara Miller, Peggy
Hanlly, Christina SujrTc;
Public Speaking Awa r s,
Kernighan, Sherry Moore,
Legion, senior, Mary Ellen Catherine Russell, John Bright,
McGill; Cathy Cruickshank, Janet Paul Warr and Robert Coulter.
Hyde: junior, Ernie MacMillan,
Susan ,Morley, Carl Le Blanc.. Executive Plaques, Karen
Collegiate Award, for public Such, Gary Lounsbury and Allan
speaking, junior, Ernie- Drennan.
MacMillan; senior: Mary Ellen
Hydro Award - zone winner,
Tony McQuail.
Music AwardsDwayne Linner;
Band Plaques, Nancy' Hills,
Trudy Kernighan, Karen Taylor
and Dianne Rodg'es.
Drama plaques, Sherry Moore_
Rick Fisher and Sue Dunlop.
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Afthe.annual Awards Assembly for students at Goderich and District Collegiate Institute Barbara
Miller received the Arthur Peachey Memorial Trophy while the G.D.C.I, Leadership Trophy went to
Kevin Cox.—staff photo o
The Goderich and District Collegiate institute honored top studetitt in various Beads last week' whirr
they held the annual Awards Assembly.. Top. athletes for 197 weee Brenda Grah*m receiving the
i ' u. who received the Bran bowds'Memorial Trophy as the
trophy for that distinction and Gary' Lounsb ry ,:. u
top male athlete. staff photo
a n
l 4,'