HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-8-31, Page 8w.J:wkts, 7171. OUT ISf OUT Bring it with you. This Cea°tif Cate enJit- Zes the bearer to a liber- al discoUT t an all School Sup plies purchased oat or before Szi,ep. 1 5th '98 J. I. Exeter. YOU WANT THEM SIR! $507S This is the popular price which secures to you a pair of onr celebrated made to order pants, for which other dealers ask as much as $5. or $6. They are our special- ty! $18.00! For this price we make to order the very best black worsted suits in the trade. Quality,workman- ship and style, the best that we can produce. We can only secure your custom by treating you squarely. You will be pleased with our treatment. $18e WE I HAVE THEM SIR! J. STEWART, LOCAL JOTTINGS. The vote on the Sunday car quest- ion was taken on Saturday in Toronto. Over 27,000 yetes were poled, with a majority of 1,003 against Sunday cars. C. H. McCallum, while handling a pail of boiling teilow. bad his left hand so severely scalded from the escaping steam that he is obliged to carry it in a sling. Mr. J. B. ilteLean, who had charge of the commercial news for the Toronto Empire, has left that paper to devote his entire time to the CANADIAN GROo- ER, the HAREWAR77 MERCHANT and the DRY Goons REVIEW. Mr. McLean is one of the hest writers on financial and commercial matters on the Canadian press. The newest invention of society is the onion socia'. Six pretty damsels stand in a row, and one bites the aro- matic fruit. For ten cents a fellow can guess which one bit if, and kiss the girl he guesses. If he hits a breath of the proper flavor he gets a kiss from tach of the girls in the row. Trot out your socials. Here's our pile. Seventeen years ago John A. Mac- donell, now of Leamington, was a resi- dent of Par.-hill,and los i 1 one A.. S. Macdonald $5. They separated st'i,ortly afterwards, John, A. going east while his friend removed to the west. Neith- er party new the address of the other until a short time ago, when John A received a letter from A. 3. enclosing a New York draft for $10. "If your uncle has an aunt who has a nephew whose wife has a cousin that .e married to an old friend _: of your wife's: sister, whose grandfather use i± ro live in the same town with an old. schoolmate of yours whose son-in-law` now lives in Chicago, you should at once renew your acquaintances with a view of saving hotel bills while at the world's Fair." Stich is the advice of the Wallaceburg Herald, While Mr. John Floyd was eittting wood on his timber land in Stephen township, last Friday, a tree fell on him whieh might have proven fatally, only for the timely aid of Mr. A Walters, who e' .ricated him from his perilous position more dead than •alive. Jr. Floyd and Mr: Walters had cut through the tree when in falling it twisted in such a way es to strike Mr: !~toed on the hip and fell on him, xt was fortunate that Mr. Walters was 'so ileaz' at hand,' Exeter Vouncit Proeeettinies The eounoil. net by order of the Reeve at the Town .hall, Exeter, 15th August, 1893. .Ail present except Mr. Carling. Minutes of previous meeting read and eontirmed. McOallum--- Cht istie--orders for the following sums viz: John Barnes, $3 35, rep, fire en.. glues; the Reeve $11 expenses re. sale of debentures,- The following are the resolutions adopted by L. 0. L. No. 924 Exeter, re $10 grant of the council to assist in the celebration held Here 12th July, To Tnri REr7VE AND .COUNCIL 'old Tun VrX;I,AG1'1 Oi' EXnTItit. GENri n.iinN,-At the regular meet ing of Exeter L. 0. L. No 924, held last night, it was unamiously resolved as follows: - 1. That this lodge refuse to accept the grant of $10 made by your counci to assist in the entertainment of our visiting brethren on the occasion of our celebration of the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne in Exeter, 2. Having with 'much difficulty against many odds and at considerable expense to ourselves, seen; ad for Ex- eter South Huron's celebration, which must necessarily result very profitably to our village, and to our fellow citi- zens of every class, creed or sect, we did think that our application to your honorable body for assistance would. have met with your ready, willing and unanimous response, therefore. when we find that your grant has not been a ready and willing ono, but made grudgingly and accompanied by aunts and jeers upon our Order, we s Orangemen believe we would stul- ify ourselves did we accept the money 3. That this Lodge tender our best hanks to such of your members as upported the grant and spoke words. f kindness and fayor of our beloved ider. 4. That this Lodge will be very uch disappointed if upwards of $3,- 00 be riot spent by our visiting breth- en and their friends in the village up - n the day of ce'ebration, and we shall e exceedingly well pieased indeed if our efforts to help our village, we o not as a lodge suffer more loss than e paltry $10 we beg leave to return you. Ewes H. DICIiSON, JAS. ACIisson, W. M. 924. Sec'y pro tem. In accordance with instruction g;iv- n at the last meeting of the council e clerk submitted the following re - y. o TFIE OFFICERS AND MEMBEnS os L O.L. No. 924, EXETER GENTLEMI3IN,—I am directed by the. ouneil of this Village to reply to cer- in resolutions passed by your Lodge egarding the action of the council en e matter o $10 granted by them to sist in the celebration held here on e 12th July. In resolution 2 it is ated that the grant was made grud. ngly and with taunts and jeers up - your Order. On these matters you ere certainly misinformed. Of theing litheness or unwillingness of the .antvi am not prepared to say, as ey themselves can only tell their in. and feeling, but I can assure you at neither taunt nor jeer was ex essed by any member of the council that occasion. Resolution 3 expresses thanks to e members of the council who su.p- rted the grant and spoke words of idness of your Order. I can also as - re you that the grant was made thout a dissenting voice, and words kindness were the onlyliud uttered any member of the Board. With this true statement of facts d on behalf of the council acknowl ging the receipt of $10 refund of ant, I am your obedient servants M. EACRETT, Clerk Packman—Christie—that the reply mitted be sent to the Orange Lodge arried. Mr. McCallum voted nay. Callum—Christie—the reeve and asurer burrow $500 for current ex ses.—Carried, Christie—McCallum hat the drain from the creamery completed to the riyer proyided the amery Co. bear one half the ex- se.—Carried. Spackman-McCal- -the reeve and Mr. Christie be ap- n ted to make arrangement with the emery Co. to have the drain co- ed as soon as possible.—Carried. ckman—McCallum—that the side - k at Flawkshaw s Rotel bo extend - 6 ar 7 feet south of the hotel build - and that the reeve attend to the ter The reeve's statement re sale ebentures. ount of Debentures $10000 0) us 495 00, rued interest 70 03 a s 0 0 m 0 0 b in d tri to L th pl T C to r th as th st gi On w wi g tri th pr On th po kit su wi of by an ed gr S sub —0 Mc tre pen —t be Cre pen !um poi Cre plet Spa wal ed ing mat of d Am Bon Ace Paid old deb. $10,000 00 25 daes'interest 39 92 10039 03 Placed to the credit of the corporation special deposit $525 08 The council adjourned until Friday the 25th iilst, at 8 o'clock p.m. M. Eacrett, clerk, Aug. 25.—Council met pursuani, to adjournment. All present except the reeve. Orders granted. E. Bissett, $10 63, street watering- John Dignan, 75c, hammer handles; John McDonefl, $1 29, rake and nails; the clerk, x;25, part salary, No other business done. M. Eaerett, clerk. While Mr. John Mallat was handling flax in the flax Mills one day recently he fell on the hard floor, hurting his side so as to lay him up for some time. While Mr. John Mallet watt working in the Flax mills, one day recently he slipped and falling on the hard floor, which hurt him so severely es to lay him off dutyfor some time, We understand Lieut. H. T. .Rance, No, 4 Company, has accepted the cap. taincy of Exeter company and will be gazetted in a few days. The promote ion is a deserved recognition of no a- bility of Captain Ranee and the Exet- er red chats Will find iii him all the qualities of a successful commanding officer,—Clinton .),Vewa-itteeord. i'erson,al mention - Mr. Harry Jackell, accompanied his wife and two little children, up from. Sarnia, Saturday night tovisit his sister Mrs. N. Dyer Hui Mr. J., returned Tuesday evening Mrs. Jackll will remain another —"Dick" Ma>'shail and brother Fr of Pueblo, Col., are chs! Ing h with friendsof their boyhood this week. Both look as though Colorado climate agreed with; diet Mrs. Spicer and son Bert left for don on Tuesday,—Herb, Muir, who been visiting friends le town for past month has returtued to this h i11 Clinton,--\lr'. and Mrs Geo. Wee who have been visiting Mr. VV''s h for the past few weeks, left for Gu on Monday to visit friends before turning to Chicago.—Missl4iell, of gersville, Out., is visiting her cou W. D. Weekes,—Miss Fanny Bis returned Monday after a two we visit in London and Niagara,—Ge Forysythe spent last week in Tees er and Stratford, He' left again Parkhill and Stratford, on Tuesda Will, Ross, of Woodstock, spent S day and Monday under the pare: roof.—W. Westaway, of Ldndon, spending his holidays at home:—Ar ur Gregory, after . spending the p two weeks with friends in Aylmer turned on Tuesday. -Miss Amy H man, of London, is visiting friends town. --Miss Amelia Oke, after a weeks' yisit with friends in Lond returned last week, -Mrs. R, Eacr and family, of Brantford, are renewi acquaintances in town,—Miss Mam Hooper and little brother Harry, the guests of Miss tfrith•jMeyers.— Muir, of Clinton, spent Sunday town.—Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Sanders, Clinton, are renewing acquaintanc here.—Mr. and Mrs. L. Thorne, of L Angelos; Cal, are the guests of t latter's parents, (Mr. and Mrs.W.Dre They have a host of friends who a pleased to meet them again,—Miss Hersey, went to London on Monday, attend the wholesale millinery ope lugs and is now in Detroit, on t same errand,—The Misses Horne, Da ling and Fravne, who will hold down part of the millinery trade the cotnin season, visited thewholesalemilliner op@@stings at London, on Monday,- M&srs Whi. Dearing, sr. Wm. Hoskin, Thos. Cornish and Mat. Kelland, leave o -day for England and, will sail via the Allan Line 5. S. Parisian. They were not all ticketed by Capt. Kemp, s stated in last week's Tidies, The wo latter having purchased their ickets from Mr. John Spackman; whose 'Ad" appears in this paper.—Messrs B, , O'Neil, E. J. Spackman, A. Q. Bobier nd C. H. Sanders, returned from the world's Fair last Monday. They all ive a glowing report of the great hof and are more than satisfied with heir visit. —Mrs. Thos. Neaman and amity, of Brantford, are visiting riends in town this week. -Mr. Geo. ossold, of Cromarty, gave us a call ridgy while on his u ay to visit friends n Zurich and a trip to the World's air.]—Mr,'and Mrs. Harry Glanville,. eturned last week from their trip to algary. Man.—Mi. T. A. Brown,'(Prin ipai of'Exeter P. S.) and wife spent art of the holiday season with friends n Bowaanyille.-Miss M. A. Ching, ho has been visiting friends in hadeland, Man., for the past several onths, is home again.—Miss Vosper,. ho visited friends in Kingsville and eamington, for the past two, /reeks turned home Friday night.—Mr. D. w oolifi'e, who has been working in e new mill left for Zurich' Wednes- ay evening to' take charge of the rist mill.—lirs Sophia Sweet, . who as been visiting friends in London- nd Niagara for some time, returned me Monday night.—George Precious St. Thomas, who has been' yisiting latives the past three weeks, 'return - home on Wednesday evening —Mr. td Mrs. Hoskins are the guests of rs, Vospe•.-Mat. Vincent, who has en out of town for some months, is ain in town.—:Mr.T.Collins, of viral- d, is visiting relatives and friends. by same Pitt. don, and week, ank, :Inds da ys, the n.— Lon - has the ome kes, ome elph re- Ha - sin, sett, eks' Niagara.—Geo wat for y— un- ital is th- ast re ea - in two on, ett ng ie are Ed. in of es os he w) re C. n- ho r - a y t a S a s f f F r r C C p w S re th a h a ho of re ed at be ag for ch w M Br mi he we Once more toe merry voices of the ildren are heard as they wend their ay to school, which re -opened on onday. We are pleased to note that Wm. E. Owningwas the winner of the two le county championship bicycle race id at Seaforth on Wednesday of last ek, While N. Dyer Burdon was playing th his little boys one day last week, met with a slight accident' which ght have been a serious one.: One the little fellows playfully threw rick which struck his father op the eek just below the temple, making the time anugly looting wound. On Sunday Sept` 10th, Rev. W. Ket- well, will preach ,in the town hall, the morning service ,and ..in the in St. Methodist church in the even- , in theinterest of temperance use. He will also give a lecture in ra hall, on Monday the 11th , inst. vet.' collection to help defray ex- ses. n Thursday last the scholars and chers of games St. Methodist church d their annual pic-nic in Shapton's ve, west of town. The day was orable for such an outing and a ge number of the adult metnf ,rs of chureh were present. Base ball, t ball, tennis, croquet and other toes were indulged in. Good edibl • plenty of it, (A characteristic of the thodist ladies) was spread ont—a ast fit for a king, to which all did Vete Everybody was well satislie& h their day's outing. niversary services. he Right Rev. M. S. Baldwin, an.hop of Huron, will (D,V) preach at h morning and eyening services in Trivitt Memorial Chnrch,nextSun- , Sdpt. 3rd. 10,30 am.—Morningdyer, Confirmation, Sefton. "Holy wi he mi of ab ch at tie at Ma ing ca ope Sil pen 0 tea. hel gro fay lar the fon ga and Me rep jus wit An 131s bot the day E'r Communion," 7 p.tn.—Evening Pray - on, o�nslu�'s IS A BUSY STORE! In spfte of the quiet season our store the past week has been very act- ive -the low prices for summer goods tells the tale . 15 Cases just in. 15 Cases new goods. for Earley Fall Trade just arrived. Some Specialties! Heavy all wool double -fold serge worth 40 cents now 25 cents, all shades; 42 inch double union Dress Goods 12i cents, single -fold 3, 5 and 8, all wool 10 and 12i cts, Heaviest shirtings 10 cts,. Cotton, ades at 10, 17 and 25 cents by val- ues. Our $11 ordered suits are the marvel of all who have. seen them, Blaek,worsteds $13 and $15 and the $17 suit is a gem, Each day • sees new faces who cro away glad and well pleased for their visit. G. G. JOIINSTON, McTavish's Old Stand. Opposite Hawkshaw's Hotel, BAHGAII\S 111 200 pieces at 25c. 200. pieces of all wool double fold Dress Goods worth from 75 cts. to $1., for 25 cents, . 200 Robes at $5. 200 Robes for Dresses, worth from $10. to $20. Your choice for $5. Wool Delanes. Wool Delanes in endless variety 200 pairs at. half price. 200 pairs of Lace Cur- tains bought out of bond at half price: . . • A very heavy rain storm, accomp- anied by- thunder and lightning, visit- ed this place Sunday night last. ' Clinton is forging ahead. The Rens- ford farm, bought by- W. Bawden, is being rapidly converted into town property. No less than about ninety lots have already been disposed of at good prices.—Clinton News -Record, At a special meeting of trio Paris Board of Education the application of Mr. G. H Armstrong, commercial master in the High school, for an in- crease of salary from $700 to $9C) was granted. He was offered an appoint- ment in Whitby: at $900, one in King- ston at $800, and Niagara Falls wan' ed him at his own figures. Mr. Armstrong is well known here, and is a brother of Mr. I, Armstrong. Sunday School rich"c. On Wednesday afternoon last the of- ficers and scholars of the Trivitt Me• moria] Church Sunday School had a very enjoyable picnic in the grove north of the bridge. The youngsters, one and all, seemed bent on haviug ,a good time, and with the swings, games, etc., proyided, it was their own fault if they failed to do so Foot- races (both two -legged and three-leg- ged) were indulged in, the following scholars obtaining prises in the sever- al numbers. everalnumbers. Senior Girls -1' !'yards —1st Susan Case; 2nd, Frankie Fish; 3rd, Charlotte Peterson. Senior Boys -100 yards -1st, Jcshua Morgan: 2nd Clarence Fatt; 3rd., prank Case. Jun - for Girls -100 yards --let, Norma Bob- ier; 2nd, bottle Leathorne: 3rd, Emma Morgan. Junior Boys -100 yards— lst, Alex. Stewart; 2nd, Geo, Hawkins; ard, Frank Dennis. Primary Depart- ment, boys and girls -1st, Millie Hynd- man; 2rtd, Charley Dyer; 3rd, May Acheson; 4th, Bella Hawkins. 'I race—Seniors—Isaae Bissett and Alex. Stewart, Three-legged race —Juniors—George Hawkins and Nel- son Case. Messrs. Isaac Carling, Jr., Geo. Case, Capt. Kemp and the hector were kept busy, and all present did Justine to the sumptuous supper pro- vided by the ladies. DELICIOUS TEA, PURE FRESH FRAGRANT. NTe OUR SUM ER STOOK MUST .`: SOLD A.li�, O ' �.�i O rt • a Eighnt ryiN CA rill 'Atm It is a well known fact that we have the most popular 'FA trade west of the cities, What can be more refreshing than a cup of Our choice Indian and Japan Teas are imported di- rect and we know that we can satisfy all tastes. We have been inspecting many samples of Fall and Winter ,goods from all the most reliable Wholesale houses in Canada and wish to state that our new goods will sur- pass anything ever brought to Exeter. NI DIM a SEEDS! SEEDS!! Large Stock of The Spring time is that Season of the year when everybody should take TIME by the forelock. This is just what we have done and now we are able fill all orders for seeds of any kinds and in any gieauty. This is the only way to secure good, reliable seed. While you are in do not fail to,see our new Spades,oes, . Rakes, Forks, . . Shovels, eLe, L; fact eyerything in way of Garden Tools. 01:910:1UL4.10,31E Folly • -® a1:n1 ktoy IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm TF Will WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend/Money IF YOU WANT Collections Ma,ke Call at Mr. Jno, Spaekman's Real Estate Agency, Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intendi`g purchasers will receivethe best advice in selecting land or town sites_ Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office— Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACE.MA.N, Box 44 This Wonderful discovery is the bestknown remedy for Biliousness and all Stomach and. Liver Troubles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Mood, etc. These Lozenges ere pleasant 1 and harmless, and though powerful to promote 51 healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills If your toll a is coated you need therm. AT ALL MVO tlronBt. DIUCIl LIKE A OSLO'S FAIR WILL BE Canada's reat 8.9pi, io Excelling all others New Stables, New Cattle Sheds, and many other Improvments SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Greater and Bette r than Ever THE ITOPLESRREATEST-ANNUAL OUTING CHEAP EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILWAYS President Man'g Toronto. Two more deaths occurred from chol- era at New York quarantine Friday night and several new suspects were removed to the' hospital. usmess or Shorthand Course? FOREST CITY. BUSINESS COLLEGE, LONDON, •Stands heads and shoulders 'above the average Business College reopens Sept. 4. d. W. WESTERVELT, Principal Catalogue for a Postai