HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-8-31, Page 7(I'.:DOliltiEll WHIPS CATTANACEI
h a Four Round Contest at Coney
Island Last Night,
w„ ING petrone e.ii Coney
lre7) ) Iehend lasb night) were
' teetered to prize fighting
exhibition as. EL bo ut
4,000 people reew tho
gleve oontesto et the
" (holey Deena Athletic
Club bort night. ,There
wore two bouts, the
re fird betweee Pb
001111, or Jereey City, and Jena Selliven, of
.New York, for Po puree of $1,000, end the
second between Jack, Cattanaob, of Prove
demote and Steve O'Dormell, of Australia,
for $2,500. Cahill amd laullivaar. or mid em.
%nights, while Cattansion aud erDerivellnee
b the heavyweight oleos. Cehill open d
/he tevenbreett raport by aware clever eparr ng
exit' ducking, but the first round ended with
boners even. Sullivan WOO the a ggreeror
ribroughout the faeond round and planted
/Mime bob once ma Cahill's jaw, Cahill, wee
eiressolOo in reepond, and when the men, went
to their oornem it was clearly Builivon's
Mewled, Male third retued heated but 50
worm/ids, Sulliven lending e terrific !awing on
bias opperenter jaw, huocking bim ono It
tteek five minutes to revive hire. Pew
" richne was referee.
G , ny Eokiixb,
roses warner of ceremooies in the filar net rim -
ales el -the night. At the cell of time
Olikeitell arid Cattanaoh Eparred caueitaiely
ler an .openiem After a lit t le bgl t aparring
lbe•rnen °Toed he, mod tor 20 see:rode there
NUM the hardest hied of figbting. ,
' ' lieoeod reund—Cattattach get his Man at
lever rouge, and by &Mg so platied herself
great advantage. Ho kept landing
weraireat left -banded Jebel with good elleot.
VIDosinell la a atrovg Infighter and hie Melee
e.t levg rage were net so effective es ilia
eierponent's, but he kept jabbing mese with
130 left and oat the 110%180 ID an teenier by
his clover tactics.
Third round— Cattansch prefited by thei
!Best ranme mod did not allow himself to
gable Woke quarter% Both melt lardee herd
end eft$
en but O'Dolunell bad the beet) ef
Abe rename es be !deceased himself Euperior it
45VBBY reaped. Cattanach was Elevate; segue
of 'fatigue.
Fourth rouxid—The men fougbt ye/ Around
rem, O'Doeneb landiug when he
wlee ev d. Be sez t Catto n sth doe n re !float
ithe least spiral wet effort, am d kept eouriellvg
limo ell ever tine ring while tbe taco* flowed
in etrieenue from Cattansehe beam, Cat-
taerech was beaten until ii, was te eatmele
,sight to see him saagger emceed under the
lee esendous puniehmenti be nee recotsorg.
'Modeles Eckhardt attempted to atop h. .PULti
of Immunity, but just as he pulled OlDeto
sell away Cattaurech breke past tent avd
landed several blow& O'Dorerell then went
at, Wm like an izitarlated bull are Iandee
many vicious blows. It WOO t illy Ito gong
thet saved Cattanach from beteg linseireel
orate Cattemach was carried to Ma comer,
end the battle brought to re clog* by Jimmy
Crated tbrowLeg up the epterge. It wss
lielgveceesary to call e pkyrecIan to de olopiii
Then e knekg azd fixing vp about
elaattaxmo e mouth and JOBB% Wkich were in
in, erightfully battered state..
r !LA
aillEDIctaila r vccEnernaLlnfl.
mutat erne Wations Articles on nhe Human
'he fellowing ibformation ry be used :
Spinach has a direct effect upen the kid -
mayo. The common eandelten, used BO
weenie hi excellent for the sums ereuble.
•Aaparamse purges the blood. Oenny ecea
admirably upon the nervone %Totem, arid le
* cure for rheumatiem and zeitea4e1a.
;Tomatoes act upon the Drew. B. ate and
etiorrips are excellent sweet, zees. Lettuce
-seed cucumbers are cooling in their effects
amen the eyeterea. °alone, virile, leeks,
eileees and shallot', a1l. of wteeti are similar,
poesees medicinal virtue of a merked °tele-
meter, Ebben/rating the oircelittory syrtene,
and do omosequent increase in the %diva
mill gastric) juice promote ilemption, Rea
anima are an excellent diuretio, end the
white elltS are recommended to be .1%stNin
.mew so a remedy for Women*. A amp
made from onicre te reeerded by the
TBSBOil as an excellent relit. native i. weak.
nem of the dareative ergartu.—London Tit -
Vise and 'Witty Brevities.
10ed as bhe dale%
Weeds of woe—Two for
A sEa 2gu11—Tbe lend Jebbei.
The nick of tirce—A wreolde.
Made to order—The welerme.
di noted composer--Chloco?oein.
Two wrongs mehe lawyers) write.
A peaceful•seluelott— Cembelo
Cenrtinnartial—A soldier's wooing.
A. storied orn—The patI vemer-filter.
A team heater—The lecennotive firma%
it roust be vanity that ormeee e. woe be ge
It is thyme that makee the old anon
8 Hotly in it—The mau evil° rows the
n dab contradiction—Cemmodlous apart-
titan without sayirig—The cipher de -
A .green goods man—The vegetable
out "to Bee a man," fer be always looks in
a gem.
A dead ehot—The pistol that Isn't
ere :loaded.
he buzz -saw is sewage ready to take a
band In.
1st a boxingboub ib is biebter to give then
lie receive.
Alive and kicking --The disappointed
once -soaker
it seem to be the Silver bar that waken
money tight,
Itot premed for payment—The roan who
rowers a parting abet. '
Smugglero are eccentric people ; they avoid
the regular custom%
A man has to be a great SUCCOEn before he
sem be a back number.
it is generally when he is stark abed that
a man leeks up to his wife.
Extrinnes meet—Drowning mon catch at
riteawa, but so do thbrety nuene
ellot be long ; but ib is net al ways long
mom& to make bobh ends meet,
Tho law's delaya are not maulfeeted in
the prementation of lawyers' blIls
Little wonder that ono of the loilliard
Iholle 30 sio red. It is often _kissed.
Public mutt le moat extensively exhibited
eeeet before abortion, and it code nubbin re
whom toe.
A eocer thing about perfumes tie that the
Imo thing that makewoman fragrant
euelene a man just smell,
Mho beekeeper is obly mother.' Port of
'Ambit and often the °herniae la only
ether sort of a barkeeper.
A Cynical Stiouse.
le..--bisey I hope tO Mee your. %der blab
t1 —rclIy She is Ohewing 8 now dress
to a friend joot now, and bleat will keep her
Jeney for several
Drove a Widow to the Wrong Funeral
and Was Discharged.
Now Ile le Taiwan tire avorld's -noir air
leer fateond looney Oleander
for nrinanigen.
F Flaunigen hied not
become coalueed on
the Sunday he drove
the Widow Doyle to
her first huribaneet
fuoeral and followed
, the wrong beano to
Calvary from the
Brookien side of the
aver he would still
\ be slaving in the
en North Moore street
yrg I livery stable intteae
ef doing thei World's
Fair in restyle befitting
geotlemau of mean% Flannigan
waste born to Ireland twenty-eix yeare
ego. He wee named William Frederriek,
Ria killer, a wealthy Dublin merchant,
wanted him to enter the ministry and, look-
ing ,towarel that end, sent him to oolkge.
Flannigan etudiea •theolegy for a while
and then revolted. RIo iather, however,
Rea re the Story Of One of Its Grant Allea's brifo.;1124nt ef the British
was totd the life story
of ;John Teeple en .old moidiern the Westmineter
.8.ANT writ-
.•, :
ho, elder years of eervice in Gazette, indiets t he
tho cameo of hie country, hem
, e
been Leib to etarve in a London 13isle Housof Linde
ee foilowe
Iodising -Immo sae a reward. for
his goodconduct., Ariebooreoles, es a
Amid all the terrible) disep- rule, all the world, over,
• minaret, and have ulwels
nt mores 1.4, hi:theorise to eiroh
of us ha the roue and • coneiete, of barbaric
tumble odes& for , when
so:macaroon: worhothielimr
ehe hand of every man above
when,. wo bave Olsen ie raked to pull no o the lama on theaver-
down, of instances, at a
down, and the toot of every man who has .re end sewer grade of civilize-
geteaetbr6h, 40t pea eebr:eve :0, el nyvi, sei Fitai rgrean oaWmalbnist: Po zvt.ti °I/hGkeuircevka 811:riee: t j:d::ocracy they 171,14 aZedhgul. "al° than
the heroine ei that great novel " leAssem- thOehtfzLIntferathaergethnirmeteel—lyhbiaerbtarria;pnialitguzholef
melee" termed. up the reward of a life's
distinctive marine hie surroundinge, lain
work as to have enough to eat and a bed to
die in, and that Is the desire of every heart ataidese.st cHocuntrlyrrs ehko iteoloa skiina.otialtao
in the end, ne mutter how lofty cur ariebi-
tiorie may have been, no matter how de- ""Thterel th't•91'd'didg °DIY that the"
serviegly WO may have fought Fate, and no shall he game, and foxes, and fieli for
matter hew rereemege may have been Our hie deleoiation. Be loves 4tbe moon, the
'failure. wolde, the fena the imams the Highlands
4 9
a he ette y of John Tyroll has been told in not an thepaineTear,t 3, 1 hot; :011:3 rOy
l lovesitt, (;rthem dotted from the time w en as a young Irish aeareher after bu
—for the eake ol inter wild life, their
heather and bracken, their froth, keen air,
their boundless tioreon--tub for the sake of
the thoroughly !embark lite be, and hie
dogs, and his reline oar heed in them. The
feat is, neither he nor his ancestors have
ever been really civilized. Barbarinias Le
the midair of an industrial community, they
have lived their own bfe of slaying and
eating, untombed by the culture of the
world below them. Knights in the Middle
.Agee, squires to the eighteenth century,
they bave never received a tincture of
the civilizing arta and crafts and
industries ; they have foughb, and fished,
and hunted in uninterrupted succession
eine° the days whet% in wild woods the
noble swage ran, to the days when they
pay extravagant rents fer Scottish
grouse moors. Their very titles are bar -
bark and rallitary—knight and earl, and
marquis and duke, early orystallieed
names for leadere in war or protectors
ef tbe frontier. Their crests and cleats-
ef-arms are but the totems of their
savage predator/sere, efterwarde utilized by
mediaeval bleickeenths se distinguithing
marks fer the summit of a helmet.
They decorate their halls with savage
wouldn't Innen to a change of plans. He lad, he left Ilia own green country
sallied out into tbe great, leativg world to,
de bed% for bread with his own strong
anus. It was shown how be had come to
Leedom iene, nob finding werk, had enlieted
in the 12th Lancers; and had gene to India
with big' regiment; bow he encountered
darsgere by land and Bea; how he marched
acme the parched plebe ha the furious
sun ; bow he endured, the cold and cruelty
oil the Crimean war, and then went back to
India to take part in the terrible; times
which rise before the eyes of every Eng.
linkman when the Indian mutiny is men -
Meted. And when thin bloody bluenose
was ended, it was narrated how the young
soldier, who had so for risen to the peti-
tion of corporal, tried to serve hie Queen
and ble country by volunteering into the
5th Berogal °emery, only to find thee by
some nahrunderotamiing, *bleb was noosed
hie with, he was diacharged, without pay,
pension er employment and 011013 more
to begin AIM over again, baying wasted his
beet year% But he dia net skulk or take
to drink, and fuddle away his sinews and
bis edema by releetirg hie adventurea in re-
turn for Pique% as other men have done. He
turned up his sleeves, went back to his old
trade arid commenced to earn his living
beneetly. If be did nob expect to make Ms
ertuee, kW he may bave hoped,
Having journeyed his stage and earned his
To retire as was right
to some little borne where he might, to
the blaek.plumed heatee drawn by two spiel uee the worde of Zola a heroine, have
black homes in heavy mourning trappings. hhengbto eat and a bed on which to die.
Driver Flannigan WOB green on the box or a Nat a very great or a very ambitious end
mech., however, and instead of getting near to 'Jeeps to ettaise, most people will say, and
oee lehlob weuld almost eeem spiteful for
the keret of the processien he got crowded
neer the rear.
'Upon reaching the Broolelyn side of the
river Driver Flannigan saw a hearse waiting
on the head of a line ef carriage% It was &
black plumed hearse, too, drawn by two
black bonen in heavy mounting trappings,
and it was only naturel that Driver Flume
gen ehould have pulled his coach into the
resisted that the young man aimed become
a minister. Se Flannigan concluded to come
to America. He arrived here last April
with vei y IIbtle money but lots of grit. He
tried to get a place as a bookkeeper or a
clerk, bun leas unable to find any vacanciee.
In des:Tenet/Mho applied for a job as host-
ler In & North Moore street livery stable,
which he got
This, particular livery stable where Flan-
nigan worked makes a specialty of Wraith -
Jug comilages for funerals en Sundays.
Ordinarily the proprietor has enough coach-
men for all occasion% On the Sunday in
queetien, however, he was short a man, and
so he prated Flannigan into the eervice.
so happemed thee the funeral Flame
gan's coach was aseigzed to attend was that
of William Doyle, and tbe occupants of the
coach were tire
and a relative. This in itself wouldia't have
been significant if Flannigan hadn't got con-
fused and followed the wrong beam to Cal-
vary from the Brooklyn side of the river, as
mentiomed in the opening paragraph.
The funeral of William Doyle was a big
one. There were more carriages in line
than the emit side had Eeen for many a day.
This la easily understood when it is known
that the deemed was worth at least
$25,000. •
ithe doesdon moved from Henry street
to tbe Bad River ferry at the foot of Grand
street. Driver Flaenigan's petition in the
line ehould bave been inirriediately behind
fate to baulk. And yet, what is the return
at the end a 64 years marked by inceesant
hard work, and no rewards save the
goodemoduct badges on hie bread, a
bundle ef eld yellow certificates ef dili-
genee, honesty and sobriety, and an old
%01%) i:etter from an old soldier who is dead,
to say *et he was worthy of any peeition of
keno? Ho might have hoped to end nig
It leaked alio as it they tied been weiting &elle, when hie etrong amos are weakened
by the sweat and blood Which he gave up
for eim because the proceseion got under
foe hie tenantry, when his hairs are whitened
by years and his brain eoftened by the noon-
day ems of India, on a small pension and a
place among the Mabee pensioners.
Ineteted of that, he finds his country has
fergottenhim, that he has lived too long,
thaa Me wife lias broken down in health,
and his son is away serving Her its,jesty on
f Herta teen, witt possibly tbe same re-
ward whizth he himself bas earned—a deo-
Yat e cold bench in tbe park" where he has
way inennedistely after he joined be.
In due time the grave in Calvary Wae
reached mod the many mourners &behead.
Widow Doyle was among them. They
gathered around the open grave, and then
appazen ly for the first tune the widow
made el:elevations through her beers
widow's weed. The result was startling,
The taco of the =owners ,were strange to
Thom are not my relatives 1" she
shrieked. "This is bob tbe casket which
penile/co the remains of my beloved hue -
Quinn, of Flatbush, euggeste that you
eau imaglete the seneation this announce -
meet ceased.
reviver Flenoigan lost control of moat of
hie mows on the Eliot. The more Widow
Doyle hyetericeliy asealled hien the more
demoralized he became. She den -exuded
time he drive ler his life and find the gte.ve
where her husband was to be burled, and he
lent no time in getting away.
Flannigen found the grave in • a remote
corner of the cemetery just as the under -
tidier was prepering to lower the millet.
He had muted as long as he could for the
mimeing widow and bad concluded to go on
with the funeral, as ib was nearly time to
clone the cemetery gates.
The °millet was over the open grave ,
when the gethered mourners were suddenly
enveloped in a ehowor of dust. When it
cleated away Widow Doyle was among
them. She threw a handiul of earth on the
with tompennyworth of laudanum'only to
itake up in the coil of a police station to
6:id be has failed even in this. But even
when the worob seems to have come to the
were)) in this °Ad mad cruel world, the kind
ibz magletrete, Sir John Bridge, listens to
his story, and finding itthaw none of the
/Ting mutt of the usual mendicant, makes
incentrien and finding his hissory is a sad
one, and:true in detail, root:rumen& his oase
ter ehe eharitable public, and gives hirn hie
freedom and a sovereign from the poor box,
ti.nd bbs aibhital wife leads the worthy old
fellow limey to their poor home, to wait for
the oherlteble public to find them out in
Vete gnat hive of poverty. But the
chaxitable pubibo le busy, or occupied
to perneing a bigger story, in which
Princes and Lord Mayors are interested,
arid out of which an advertisement is to be
get for those who do not care to do good by
etciattin and so he is again forgotten. The
jouraraliet, however, who tears human doon-
mente mat of the book of life, and holds the
lowered +rankest and then explained the loaves,
Widow Doyle celled at the livery dale
on the following (lay, and as a result ot her
visit Fiannleen was diecherged. Having
noted that Widew Doyle was yoneg and
and being young and havdtrome
himeelf, he decided to ask her to intercede
bn hie behalf. With this idea in view Rae
edger) called ripen the widow, His elequent
Quinn eaye, impreesed Ivo and
she greaited hie awned. As a result he got
his old job back.
The action of tbe story quickens here.
The acquaintance betneeenthe Widow Doyle
and Flanniguat ripened, and on July 28th
they were marled. The funeral °centred
en June 23rd.
Upon the death of Doyle hie widow came
in •possession of something like $25,000,
Quinn mom. So it isn't strange thee Mete
/argon gave up his job as hostler whr n Witlew
Doyle hereene his wife. They went to live
in a cosy flit le flat in Secured avenue, mad
Flannigan then secured a place in a mer-
cantile hewn eaolly enough. They have
einca broken up hounkeepirme stored
their furniture and gone to the Wora's
Sawdunt as a Holier Cleaner.
A Western ongimer clairee tbab the re-
moval of et -wrested oil from semen boilete is
readily awed by putting, lute tee bottom
some redwood somedtast, which, by ettribleur,
Mate off the oil, and by a importer affinity
abeorbe it, leaving the whole au a. loom
granular depOSit in the bottom IA the
Slane Truthlui.
She—Oh, George, dear, I never loved any
re on but vete
Ile—..Bute Muriel—they told Me that yea
had already been married and divcaceld.
Shea -Why, yes; but I didn't love blen,
or 1 wouldn't have got a divorce, don't you
A kioale EinftSSO cabbage tread hair pro
&wed 400 " Cigars."
up .11e the crowd, climbs up the steep atone
leans of EN Southwark tenement, and push-
ing gently by mama of dirtilyeareseed
and white -famed children, finds the poor
eld reedier in a frowsy room on the
roof, where,
tbough there be no 'comfort and
lees food, his wife watches over the poor old
hate, and kers to go to work lest he should
teem more attempt to solve the problem.
The rough old rogue Francois Villon has
beg the piethoe of the fair helm -maker
comma old, and so might Mr. Rudyard
ling, Kip-
whrz has taken Tommy Atkins under
hie podia wing, picture the sight and
the feelings of the old hero, slitting penal -
/wee in a low London lodging -house, and reW
viewing the &eye of his life, and falling
asleep to dreuara he was young and strong
seeks, relhag • his beautiful horse down a
street as he goes tothe war with the gay
pennons flying in the sturinaer breeze, while
the hand pie" and the Weinen• are warelag
their bendkerobiefe and the ME Cheer.
And bine &BIM 0130/400 tO the charge over
the kill, while the °Memos .beloli file end
emirs., the balls fly to left and right, and
men and horses roll ever in the Ono* as
he ohargedetnto the march ', through the
-Ithyber Pam And then to wake, and find
ho is grey and old, and io pitting in a fatuity
sena roan ab tbe top of Exeter buildings,
,Zear street, Waiting In Vain for the poitment
to bring bins a few shiniagti with Which to
ps,:r hie rent and buy biro food before the
whiter cotnee and finds him rabanding in the
street, with the eltioli penetrating his old
beets and the mete fsblbag on hie old head.
it 10 to attest this end to a worthy lite, spent
in the service or hie ementry, 010 these
lined ere Writt.On, and if anyone wiltoend no
subocriptions for this purpose we Will oee
they aro well applied.—Aittolyeks inLondon
Sun. •
. ,
Another inetiseAshirr Steele trip,
Lfluz, the oyellati, has arrived at
Meirelalay, after a feeler/3ythontgb
telegraptie ' the Rangoon ooreespondent
of The Loudon I'intes. He proposes to ge
oyer the. Arralten hills te India,and then,*
via Persia, to Europe..
trephien of the chase, like the Zulu or
the Red Indian; they hang up captured
arms and looted Chinese jars from
the Summer Palace in their stmecivillzed
drawing dome. They love to be sur-
rounded by groom and gamekeepers and
other barbaric re,ainers ; they raff8 their
lives in the midst of serfs e their views
about the Position and rights of women—
especially the wemen of the " lower orders"
—are frankly African. They share the
sentiments et Ate:lilies as to the individu-
ality of Olnyeeis end Brieeie.
Sach Is the actual erlatoorat, as we now
behold him. Thus, iming on hie own bar -
brume life be the motet of a civilized
community of workers and artiste
and thinkers seed craftsmen, with
whona he eeldom mingles, and with
whom he hes nothing in common, this char-
tered relic of worse dee a preeerves from first
to last the many painful traits of the low
moral and scoial ideas of hie ancestors, from
Which he hie never varied. He eepreeents,
moat of all, in the modern world, the sur-
viving savage. His love of gewgaws, of
bities, of oniform, of dress, of feathers, of
decorations, of fighland kilts and stars
and gartere, is but. erre external symbol of
his lower grade of mental and moral status.
Over till Europe, the truly cave
limed deems have gone on progressing
by the practice of peaceful arts from
generation to generation ; but the aristocrat
has stood still an the same half -savage level,
a hunter azd s figliter, an orgiastic royster-
er, a killer of wile boars and wearer of
absurd medleevel coeturnee, too childish for
the civilized and cultivated commoner.
Government by aristocrats is thus govern-
ment by the mentally and morally inferior
And yet—the bill for giving at last mire
scant measure of judiee to persecuted 're-
load will bave to run the gauntlet in our
nineteenth-century England of an Jr-
reeponsible House of hereditary barbarians!
The Petrel and the Frigate Bird.
Though the petrel is swift the frigate bird
le far swifter. S6OMOICI generally believe
that the frigate bud esen start at daybreak
with the tradewbed from the coast of
.Africa and roost the seine night upon the
American ehore. Whether this is a fact
has not yet been conclusively determined,
but it ie certain that this bird is the
swiftest of winged creatures, and is able
to fly, uoder favorable conditions, 200 miles
an hour.
Down the Street through the busy way
A lady passed on marketing day.
Who, pausing at a grocery store,
Stepped quickly in at the open door.
With bated breath and anxiotis ntien
She queried.: "have you COTTOLENE?"
The grocer, leaving off his work,
Interrogated every clerk;
But none up to that time had seen
An article called " COTTOLENE."
"What is it?" said he to the dame,
"That answers to this curious natne.
What is it made of? What's its use?
My ignorance you'll please excuse."
"You're not the merchant for my dime%
I see you're quite behind the times.
For COTTOLENE, I'd have you knoW,
Is now the thing that's all the go,
An al -title of high regard;
A healthful substitute for lard.
Its composition pure and clean ;
For cooking give me COTTOLENE.9
As from his store the lady fled,
The grocer gently scratched his head -'-
On his next order, first was seen,
"One dome eases CO TTOLENE."
Ask Your Grocer for it.
• Uaclo only by
IV. It.. PAIIZ8AISIK & 00.#
Welliegton axed Ann Streets,
enderreetetteer tee tretwet rote 'Weer
Castor/is :14 pro Saraztela Pitcher's prescription tbr Itufants
and Children.. It contains reitlier Opium, Morphine nor
toth,or Narcotic Sttlxittmco,„ h is a harmless substitute
for Paregerir.‘,„ Drops:, Seething Ely rups, and Castor Oil.
it is :ineasaut. Its ,gnararttee i., thiry 'soars' use by
Millions of Mothers. easttrria destroys Wonills awl allays
feverishnesi . eastoria vornit,ing Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind Celleeastern:, relieves
teetbing troubles, cures constipation and g.atillelley.
CaStOdeo assi:uailates bV food, regulates the sten:well
and bowels, giving healtlly and :eatural sleep. Casa
itoria in the eltildren's ll'anarsea—t'ite Mother's Friend.
"CkEtCTIR. 13 an excellent inedieine for eh":
dren. Mothe-rs -410.3.0 repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Dn. G. C, °seems,
Lowell, llass.
" Castoria is the best remedy or children of
which I am aolunInt,A. I hope the day 43t0
far distant when:mothers willeonsiderthe real
interest of their chihlren, and Ilse Oastoria in-
stead of thevariousouack nostrumswidell are
destroying their loved ones, by foretngeplum,
morphine, seething syrup and other hurtfel
agents clown their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Conwa7, Ar
-costeriais so well adapted to children that
I recoxrunond it as superior toany prescription
known to znc."
1L 4L Jimonnn, M. D.,
fll So, Oxiand St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Our physiciane in tree children's depart-
ment have spoizan highly of their experi-,
once in their outside practice with Castoria,...'
and although ,wo only have among our
medical supplie-s .what is Ilrian-rt as regular
products, yet WO aro free to confess that the
merits of Castorir, Jans won us to loolr with
favor upon it,"
Boston, Mass,
ALL= c. snare Pres.,
The Cantalal" COMITR/117, 1-7 Muerroy Street, riCW, Tork City.
Even 'Mary Anderson Peed to Smoke
"1 don't mind women mucking cigarettes
er, if they are old wernen, melding hard
tobacco In clay pipes," Wel Althorpe Tuttle,
of Cincinnati, at the Southern, says the
Post -Dispatch, " but I do not like to hear
anything about our &dela In the feminine
line that detracts in the 'lightest from their
divinityship I have reen Iota of wemen
smoke cigarettes and tome women hit the
clay pipe, too,and have never felt bad
about it. But' remember that when acme
years ego I met a lady in the streets of Cin-
chmati who tem me i hat she had just left
Mary Andersen ire the Burnet House and
that our Mary had her feet en the table and
was smoking cigarettes, the statement made
me feel so wretched thee I had to go down
into a nearby drug store and alt down.
" I could not itrAgixte such a desecration
of the good and the glorione Mary Ander-
eon with a coffin -nail, as the boya call a
cigarette, in her moetb. How would you
feel if suddenly du/rented with a picture
of Martha Wirebington with a cigar be-
tween her teeth or a photograph of Jean of
Aro or St. Cecilia with a stogy in the
oorner of her month? You would feel thab
there was something wroteg with a world
that made it loveable for nuch a thing to
exist. That's the we,y I feel about cigar-
ettes when the suggestion is made that any
woman I like may armee thorn. All women
on this plemet are welcome to use the
student's lamp ' if they desire It, but I
den't want eery of ray female relatives or
friends to tenth them with their lipe."
Bow to Bid One's SSif of a Troublesome
When you go tato the country, writes a
contributor to " Solentido American,"
avoid a twining, beartbiful three -leaved
plant you may find growing around the base
of trees, stone walls and old fences. An at-
tractive plant, jrAet the Ithed of glossy glitter
to its bright green lee,yea that impale one
to "just take a little of it Immo." Don't
do it, unites') you are one of those few that
may with impunity handle Rhus tox.
That's the botanical name of the plant that,
familiarly known or poison ivy, has caused
so much suffering to many. A strange
Wiring aonsestion, for which there
Is no apparent came, bo the firsb symptom
of poisoning. Soon a Small, ineignitioant
swelling appeseve juet where the itch is, aud
extends to other exerts of the body. The
itching is mule/plied. You are now a ceee
for sympathy, but a cure to easily effected.
Procure from the drug store a einall bottle
of little sugar pillar labeled Rhus tox."
A "hair of the dog that bit you" will mire
you. Take six of the Bale pills ab one doze,
four doses the first day—morning. noon,
evening and bedtime. The next day the
itching will be modifled a degree. The
second and third day take three doses of six
pills eaoh dose. As soon as the healingpro-
oess begins be very chary of taking many of
the pills, as they will, in excess of require-
ment, produce au intolerable, though harm.
leas, Rolling over the whole body.—Rome
.Down With High Prices For
Electric Belts.
$1..55, $2.65, $3.70 ; former prices $5, $7,
$10. Qualty remains the same -16 dif-
ferent styles; dry battery and acid belts
--mild or strong eurrent. Less than half
the price of any other company anclnuore
home testimonials than all the rest to-
gether. Full list free. Mention this
'paper. W. T. BAER 46 CO. Windsor, Ont.
The Wreck Krum of Plum Trees.
It is now an established fact thee kero-
sene oil will destroy the black knot of the
plum and cherry. Bettie the affected pada
thoroughly so asi to saturate them with the
oil. The growth of the fungus will be
stopped, and in time the diteaeed part will
fall of All plum trees Eihotila be examined
in July and August and the ell applied
wherever there is a Alga of the disease:1,
rick's Magazine.
Tenacity Of Nerve Force.
M. d'Arsonval states that a nerve remains
live for hours after death. trhts is demon-
strated by attaching, say, the whines
tendon of a recently.killed rabbit to the
myophone and then ebbing the sicked°
nerve by meeme of an intermitting current.
Saab a test shows Mutt the nerve can and
does ihot upon the natiedee,
Bill Nyo's Advice.
Bill Nye, in a letter to his son, gives the
following advice : " I knew not what busie I
mese yeti will adopt when eou leaee college,
tub if you marry a very tettutiful girl yeti
are liable to End a nude entitle of hew ab,
the World's Fair soma teem. It is only In
novels, Henry, that you read of a 111831with
% beautiful wife who deee 'not divide her
beauty between him sad the public. .Lete
of beautiful women are good, Henry, but I
wouid rot care to be the footmen ef a
beautiful warner. In my palmy days I
owned a bandedoe feet mare, and in our
neightorhood I was :brown as tbe man that
owned tbat roam. Tbet waa sp. If I
tried to harness her ebe kicked vine kinds
of talents out of me. Nobody knew my
mime ; but they all knew where the mare
lived, and semetinees tbey would sok Me to
show ter 1 o them, and they would admire
and criticise her and give me 20 cents and
go away."
Cranes Itobbrd ilia Nish Pond.
A farmer near Niles, Mich., had 75 trout
in his fieh pond. Wishing to transfer them
to another pond, be drew ,ffe p ortfon of the
water, so au to have freo access to the fish.
He left for a short time, and upon his re-
turn found that a flock of creases hadvisited
the pond and killed and eaten every one of
the trout.
Sick Headache and relieve all ti e troubles incl. -
dent to a bllious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness Distress after
;etinfrg:ltltge Vhrils
remarkable been shgscinl
Headache, yet CARTs4's L1zr14t Lime Pil-LS
are equally, valuable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they, won d be almost prneIess to those
who suffer from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try then: will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But alter all sick head
is the bane of to many lives that here is where
we make our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others do not.
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their geretle action
please all who use them. In, vials atilt cents;
five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail.
°AMER inDlOINE 00., Mew nOrk.
Izall Pill. Small DM Cmallirico:
is the latest triumph in pharmacy for the cure
of all the symptoMe indicating Kamm atm
Lorna Comphunt., If you are troubled witl
Costiveness, Dizziness, Sour Stomach,
Headache, indigestion, Poen APPETITS,
VIRED PEELING, Num/MA/TO EAtna ; SleeplesEi
NA.tiegshif'sib'raMy'eslanHchiudlYnePcainhIrgi'LlliArCeicr CA•cuntrrEe'
will give immediate relief and EPIUT e curie.
Sold at all Drug Store,.
Poterboro' Medicine Co., Limited..