HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-11, Page 2888 ` SIGi ' 1L -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY II, 19!72 Roughly one million people • read this column. And they read it roughly, because that's the way it is written. Many of the old faithfuls. have read the column since the time rib, daughter first burped andcovered the old man's shirt with baby - spew.. And' they have' -associated,' and laughed'and cried as I described `the peculiar creature. that I produced. With a little help from my wife, of course. WELCOME SERVICE would like to call on you with "housewarming gifts" and information about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the SIGNAL -STAR. (:all her at. 524-9525 Wald* bells' . oranpd sad dads I feel it is only fair to the old faithfuls to keep them up to date. Anyone who is not interested can turn to Ann Landers or Billy Graham or somebody, who writes about something important. Kim is getting married. • Normally, this is an occasion of great hilarity, .geniality. joviality, and ,sometimes- eveh spirituality. • - Personally, !think she's out of her mihd. But this, at least,. is normal among parents. So everything is proceeding normally. . Today, I came home and found my wife surrounded by income fax forms and samples for material to' `cover onc. of our 'chairs. Normally, I.wouldn't,be surprised by this. It's a typical. But it's not exactly 'the pre -wedding hysteria one might expect. And where is Kim, with a wedding about ten days away? She's in the city with her 'boy- . friend; looking for a second-hand van in which they can eat and sleep and have their being during the summer..And they have my car. -Every time °'the phone rings, I flinch, expecting to hear a police officer telling me they've cracked Come over to five percent on savings Right now is the time to switch your °. .swingsto where you get five per cent interest on non-chequing savings •accounts. Victoria and Grey h,as less service charges, more convenient hours, pays interest from May first on deposits made' before May 12. Get more°for your money, today — at Victoria 'and Grey. VG The senior Trust•Company devoted entirely t& serving the people of Onfaria:..: RL4 and TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 9:.00 to -5:00 Monday to Thursday 9:00 to 6:00 Friday. 4_,Lea1and Hill. Manager - -�,,,,. " ` �E1g trah.t'"`i ingst"+isi`t' Stir Goderich 624-1 381 up my beautiful 196? bodge. And tomorrow night there's a, shower for her, and the next day a dental appointment, and next week an appointment in the city about a job; and another' dental appointment, and a h'air- dresser's appointment. And she ,hasn't even bought her wedding dress yet. •. ' . She's not at all worried about ' her "going -away" outfit. She assured her mother, "Don't worry, Mom; I'll begoing away in my 'jeans."- We -11, I'm sorry I can't invite everyone to the wedding. You would"enjby every minute of it, but we can't get one million people into our living -room, though you'd • never believe it when we have our ' annual party. And you'd enjoy the reception even more, with Kim's cat and ours flying: into a screeching, spitting, squalling fight every three minutes. One of the biggest ordeals, of course, is meeting the future -in-' laws. We got through that last Sunday, and it went off fine. The kids sat nervously biting their nails up to the knuckles, as they watched it. - Dot, a sensible person like myself, and I got along fine. She accepts life as it is, and does something about it. She'l be a fine mother -in -lad, Doug and my wife are both nuts—about classical music—and they got along fine. He and I are going trout fishing, so we got.along fine. • We had some chilie and some cough medicine (an • excellent combination, by the way) and could scarcely bear to part. . But to get back to my thesis, and I'm afraidI've wandered a bit, we can't invite everybody. So I'll make it official. Mr. and Mrs. W.B.T. Smiley announce the marriage of ,their daughter, KIM ELIZABETH (university drop-out,) to - Mr. Donald Sieber (impoverished artist)"on May 6th, 1972.. This dubious affair ,vi11 take p1age at Kim's home 30.3 Hugel Ave., Midland, Ont. (Probably) That'sthe gist of the thing.- Thene. Don't -feel h.urt because you haven't received a personal invitation, If you had, it would be like getting a perspnal.invitation to the Black Hole of Calcutta. Why do young people want to get married anyway? In my day, it was the only way to do you -know - what. But with the pill, and the new concept of "morality", "it all seems rather dopey. 'Oh well, I'll probably weep during the ceremony. And when L weep, it's a sight to behold, Strong women, wlro have never wept, in their lives•except.over a lost eye- lash, come up and pat me,' and' try to dry my eyes with• kleenex, and all they do is make me •weep louder, and _wetter, will understand. The only advice I can give at this momentis t ialif' Lou have to Y4 - 'have:- a d'aughte'r° , SAV'i re . 'I imagine by the time the fifth waw Au Ostlers says... Beauty in the 'eye 0 o f the beholder DEAR 'ANN LANDERS: 'The letter from "Refined In Steubenville" bothered me. After 15 years of marriage that poor woman is still undressing in the closet to keep theinystjque of her body alivefor her husband. I know what she's going.through `because I'm"a closet undresser, too --13 years worth. I realize there's something sick about it, but I am simply unable to behave in a rational 'manner When it comes to my body.' Why? 'Because ever since I've been old enough to walk, society -has decreed,through advertising, girlie magazines add the movies, that a beautiful body is voluptilMis, firm, satin -smooth and wrinkle -free. 'Mine doesn't meet the standards. It never has. And time isn't doing it any good. The problem is clearly emotional but I am helpless. Thank the good •Lord I married a man who loves me and has never made an issue of ' . ny advice Ann?—BLACK OT DEAR OUT: Yes. Get out of the closet and try a very dim . light. Beauty is in the eye ' of the beholder. You might be surprised by the reaction. + + + DEAR ANN LANDERS: How can a woman select a_good man? Ten years ago I married a guy with a bad. drinking -problem. He doesn't have much time for' his family, between his business and social activities. The:Other man in my life has been so wonderful to me I can't tell you. He helped me keep my sanity. But he is not free to marry. The other day I learned some very disturbing things about my love. It seems, after six years of being as close 'as pages in a book, he is seeing someone' else besides 'me. I can't figure out where hefinds the time or the energy. My confidence irl him -is completely shattered. But worse yet, , I have lost` confidence in myself. If I ebiniiynate this man from my life and find the courage to leave 'my husband and start over, 'how .can I be sure I won't make another • mistake? What 'I am Asking is, is there, some secret to.picking a good man?—CHANTILLY DEAR TILLY: A married woman who is having a side affair with a married man knows one thing for certain. He is a cheater. It should come as no surprise that a mate who cheats on his wife will also cheat on his girlfriend. If you leave your husband and -start over;" choose"" someone Who doesn't have to duck around corners'to see you. You'll end up with a classier fellow. DEAR AN -N LANDERS: Recently you said kids who have a steady income as the result of an inheritance often become loafers ALWAYS CIIF:I' RFt'l. • Just to look at five-year-old Jamie you know he's a lovable child. With that appealing expression he has shining blonde hair, fair skin, rosy4cheeks, blue eyes and lonely long lashes. Jamie's cheerful disposition stands him in good stead, for'he has a handicap that mightspoil lifefo'r some children.. This 'little fellow"was born -with mild paralysis On the right side. When he was a baby it was thought he might never walk or talk, but now he walks quite well and though' he limps a lithe he does not need a brace. Ile may fall more than the average child but he sturdily picks himself up and gets going again. Jamie is inclined not to try to use his right hand, but can when. reminded: Physiotherapy is helping and -so does the urge to do . things other children are doing. Ile is also having speech therapy,, because he was slow in speech. Now tests show Jamie is of average intelligence and, considering his handicap he is develo ing norw°mally. ' , 1 " • Peppy Jamie likes to be on the go. Ile „rides all over on his favorite tractor, is interested in cars —real or toy — and enjoys doing -puzzles. p ' Ile is an affectionate youngster who stiff enjoy4 being cuddled and he loves babies. „ 1, Jamie needs warm understanding parents who are ready to learn his physio and speech therapy and do them with him. He ^will always have a handicap, but loving parents can do a great deal to hatidle'it.• To inquire about adopting Jamie, please write to Today'sChild, Pox 888.,. Station K, Toronto. For general adoption in- formation, ask your Children's Aid Society. • D&J MACHINE Manufacturers of Dainty. Jane Playground "Equipment 'And D,& J Sports Equipment ° Also General Repair, Work. HAS NOW 'RE -OPENED FOR BUSINESS f, It AT THEIR NEW tOCATION IH DUNGANNON • PHONE 529-7922 . control yourself, to some extent. Give Mother a lasting beautiful iii ing gift for Mother's ' Day. See our selection of gorgeous rose- bushes, evergreens, geraniums in giant size, tub- erouu begonias etc. etc. . WARNING .Don't be tempted to plant' bedding plants in this area befor' approxi May 24. This warning is based "don 20 • years of local night frost records. This warning is to.. safeguard you against -possible loss of plants and time. NOW S THE TIME TO PLANT .: . ROSES . . EVERGREENS BEAUTIFUL CLEMATIS BEDDING PLANTS In •appra ima'ely. 2 weeks we will,. as usual ,, hav ready for ' you biggest seledfion b high quaitybedding plants. ° A bit of advice that could sas e you money and pre - tient disappointment. BE- WARE of overly lush look- ing evergreens at this time of year. They 'could be im- ports from southern USA . and. unacustomed to_, the Canadian winter. Please feel free to consult us for expert ' horticulttiral advice ... we are not just "tree dealers"! Catering 'Strictly to ,the 'Discrriminathig Gardener Government Inspected and Licensed. Cr We grow and sell quality only . our motto is "not "flow cheap, but how good". Nobody ever regretted buy . ing quality. We supply the Shakespearean F e s ti val Theatre, where nothing but the best is good enough. HOURS: wring illay we are open front 9 a.nt. to 9 p.m. Mondays to Fridays; Saturdays 9 a.m. to 5 pan. Closed all Sundaes. ,1 LOTS 0111 • FREE PARKING Sebringville Garden Centre The •r my harrtictlltar*t eatabilahmiitnt in Perth Candi, noised and operated by ,I Horticultural ,*rxduate ��eliriing�t'lle ; o. 8 Highway Olio, The Sehoo1 393.6131 erhYH7.e, and bums. I couldn't agree ;with you more because I am a loafer and my brother is a bum.. • tam 21. Jerry is 25. Since my 16th birthday I have been going` downhill. Jerry is in worse shape. He has let a pack of leeches live 'off him and he calls himself "popular." Our lives were ruined by inherited money which I'm sure °our grandfather believed would be a wonderful thing for us. Our dad died in his 40's --a hopeless alcoholic who never held a job. His father's money wrecked his life and now itis ruining. a couple more p6ople I envy kids who have to mak 't on their; own. They seem ice time°e for everything. I have ,NO time -and t' -m not doing a darned thing. Keep talking . sense, Ann. Maybe someone will listen.—$ILLY AND $TUPID IN $CAR$DALE DEAR $CAR$DALE; You don't sound so $illy and $tupid to me. You sound like a guy who' needs help and.knows it. Use some of Grandpa's dough to btay some therapy. Too much leisure time and lots of unearned money are a deadly combination. With some good direction you might find your way. ONLY YOU CAN GIVE THE, GIFT OF LIFE I • BODY REPAIR RELIABLEECONOMICAL M You'll Get a Good Deal frorm Us.. • Just ask your friends. You can rely on us for fair estimates, reasonable costs, %, expert work. After accident damage or just daily wear and tear, let us restore your car's like--new-look. FRONT END ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS Windshield Replacement at Competitve Prices MILLS W. J • MOTOR SALES LTD: St Davie St Godeiich 524-9449 ECTO R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 Ronald L. ji,_:,.,..„,..._,..1/4„.,,,..., . it, one, ,,,...„:„.... .1., Smiles & Chuckles - Rowntrees - Black Magic • GOOD SELECTION' CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St.. 524.62-53 • . Goderich, Ontario For FASHION RIGHT SHOES The Place To Go Is ROSS $HQES l The Square ' Goderich = r • WITH GUSSET ONE,SIZE FITSALL .' 7 SHADES cs For P.lea ant Surroundin, and Good Food THE GODERICH RESTAURANT • STEAK HOUSE; • ..?td TAVERN * FRIGIDAI IE` WESTINGHOUSE ``GIBSON i1 • HOOVER - Sales and Service JEWELL BROTHERS. APPLIANCES at:TV LTD. The 5q' lura -r Goderich DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repaired For All Popular Makes• Huron Fuel Injection Equipment' Bayfield Rd.. 482=7971 CI i nto n• - CkI ISHOLM Distributors For PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, INDUSTRY * Free Burner. Service * Furnace Financing * Gasolines & Diesel Fuels 524- 7681 O 529-7524 Cards For All Occasions F•• * Gifts *. Books * Stationery Supplies 'r Records° ANDERSON'S . BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich GODERICM BUILDING CENTRE 524.8383 Caih'tbr a it Anglesea e 4 •