HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-11, Page 250
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Wiener Schnitzel Anyone
Air' Tafnd- Mrs. Kur�ti Burgmueller
Anyone for an • evening., out, dancing,
enjoying top entertainment and eating.
Wiener Schnitzel? No doubt the first two
sound familiar enough but "What on earth. is
Wiener Schnitzel."
In the not too distant future Goderich
residents may be able to enjoy a fine dinner
' of Wiener Schnitzel but there will be no hints
regarding just what it is. Everyone will have
to find out for themselves by visiting Mr.
�▪ tlllllllllllllllllllllllllll11111111111111t111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111illlllllllllllllllt1111111111111111111111111111111111f11111111111111111111111111111
and Mrs. Kurt Burgrnueller at the
Candlelight Inn and Tavern on Bayfield Road
in. Goderich.
As of April 29 the couple, who are also
new residents of Goderich, took official
ownership of the Candlelight Inn. As the
name betrays Mr. Burgrnueller is an
Austrian and guess what his favourite dish.
might be.
The couple, who have been residents, of
Canada now for 20 years; come to Goderich
from Georgetown and will be joined at the
end of the school year bydaug iter Nadia 1.5.
They also have a married son, Stephen, 23.
"We like Goderich very much and would
like to stay," Mrs. BurgmueFiet observes.
"We looked at 26 .businesses • before' we
purchased this one"'The couple say they like
,Goderich because • of its clean neat
appearance and the 'friendly people.
At the present time no big changes are
planned for the Cand1 fight Inn although tiie
new owners note that they have many ideas
for the future. They will be continuing to
cater to banquets and weddings as well' as
nun, the day to d ty, business.
One item the Burgmuellers hope to bring
in will be a. new variety of entertainment
with their daily; entertainment 'season
getting underway on June ?6. Entertainment
will be .confined to weekends during the
winter,however, as usual.
Everyone is ofcdurse invited to drop by,
and,meet them at the Candlelight and as soon
as final arrangements are made, in the
kitchen perhaps you might even order
Wiener Schnitzel:for dinner.
•fISHIHG Balsa- Wood
• Water Skis *AIRPLANES
and Accessories .Daninion
• MODELS - Roller Skates
73 Hamilton St.
Goderich 524-6985
Tiger Dunlop WI plans
luncheon for June 2
At the May meeting of "Tiger
Dunlop Women's Institute" the
new president, Mrs, , Eric '
Reaburn, was in the chair. There
was an exceptionally good turn-
out of members and one visitor
Roll call was= answered by "a
gardening hint or current event".
Creek Village".
Mrs. Richard Buchanan and
Mrs: Osborne Falkiner were
appointed delegates to the
Township Recreation Meeting to
beheld at Carlow Hall on May 4,
Plans were "made -.for the
regular Sister Party
Tnterest'was`siiown:fri the "H'uron whi—ch-this-year is to fake the form
of a smorgasbord luncheon at the
Township Hall with each of the
members bringing their favorite
dish. An interesting program is
being planned and, all former'
members are to receive,
invitations as this is to also
celebrate the 75 anniversary of
the Women's Institute, Date of the
luncheon is to be June 2, 1972 at,
. County historical ., Society .
Newsletter which described a
proposed bus trip, to "Black -
Mrs. Tait Clark spoke on the
motto—if you plant a seed of
character or kindness' in the
Home, it will bloom in the
Lunch was served- by the
hostesses—Mrs„ Ernest Bogie.
. Mrs. Vera Fisher, Mrs. Rod
Mrs. Moira Couper
county recreation
Huron County council has
aplointed Mrs. Moira Couper,
Bensall, as children's recreation
co-ordinator of Huron County.
Mrs, Couper will. head a
program aimed at improving and
expanding summer activities for
children in small communities in -
the county.
The main focus will.be the eight
communities in the county with
recreation committees but which
have no professional staff.
As co-ordinator, Mrs. Couper
will assist in hiring and training
summer staff in communities
where children's summer
programs have been planned;
work with recreation committee§
to develop .programs; provide
support and assistance to all
summer programs in the county
and `Organize inter -community
Mrs. Couper alsohopes to
arrange for travelling theatre and
music groups, and arts and craft
displays to be brought into Hurdn
so people may take advantage of
these activities, many of which
will be offered free of charge.
• Well'known for many years in
community involvement, Mrs.
Couper has, in the past; been
A good attendance of residents,
along with six volunteers from
Goderich, at Monday's program
of old tyme music, dancing, and
-sing-song, made the afternoon
quite worthwhile. Music for the
occasion was provided by Mary
Taylor, Norman Speir, and Jerry
Collins, accompanied by Alice
,jay the way, we could use some
help with the music on6Monda.y
TheBlu•ewater unit of C,N.I.B.
held their.May get=together in the
J. W. Coulter
says retarded
are capable
J.' W. Coulter, superintendent
of programming and planning for
-the Huron County Board of
Education was guest speaker at
the meeting cf,the Association for
the Mentally Retarded last week
in Exeter. •
He told the merilhe"rs that mann
'reta relates are capable of. doing a
great deal Tore than they are
given credit for.
...We can be too protective," he
-warned,, "'We must give these
people a .chance and not let them
-• eioo settled in the old routine.."
Mr. Coulter outlined the many
changes that have taken place in
the last few years in regard to
mentally retarded children,
.1-e„said 'each child is treated
separately_ and differently in
'admitting him to the .special
schools for the retarded. They
must first be tested at CPRI and
then be screened by an admission
board to determine .when a
youngster can. be admitted to
school and when his time at schoc l
will be increased from half 'a da.
to a full day.
After' Mr, Coulter's Milk, the
audience saw the film, Larry,
which depicts a retardate boy's
struggle to achieve self-
Case Van Raay outlined further
Tari °fi t'lie prolf ti'crbrt slttlp'u'
auditorium at • Huronview on
Tuesday evening. The residents
were invited to attend the
program which included slides of
Africa shown by Dr. Lambert of
Goderich. •
Dr. Lambert, his wife and
family spent part of his internship
at •the United Church Hospital in
Africa and his 'pictures and
commentary were greatly
appreciated by the audience.
Douglas Crich of Clinton added
;to the enjoym,eht of the evening
with several piano selections.
Chairman for, the evening,
Stewart Henry,- Wingham, called
on Rev. Dr. Mowatt, one 'of the
Clinton representatives of
C.N.I.B.• who. introduced Dr..
Lambert. Mrs. David Elliott.
formerly of Goderich, thanked
those taking part in the program.
on.behalf of the residents. .
Fol'lowing the business
meeting. lunch was served to the
members and their escorts by
Mrs. Webster of Exeter.
The Huronview Women's
Auxiliary held a very successful
Blossom Tea' and Sale on
Wednesday afternoon. Two
hundred ladies attended the event
'which was officially' opened . by,
Rev, Lewis of Clinton.
Father Kelly' held a communion
service in the chapel on Friday
a �
Diann 1 QNAL-.vrAR, 'THU
active in Girt' duides, Bro,nies
and several youth groups. She has.
had leadership training With the
youth>andarecreation branch of the
Department of Education and has`
run the summer playground in
Hensall for the last two years.
. She will` workout of the
development office of Huron
County Council at the court house
in Goderirich and can be
contacted at 524-2188 or 262--
', NAY U,, 1111;
. Agent24Pi*'.
New leader of the
Pack with 18 Husky
Model 1886 hitches up to a giant 54” rotary mower
This twin cylinder 18 hp tractor combines compact
econ'cimy and maneuverability with "built-in" big trastor
ideas. It packs all, the muscle you'll need to cut those
really big jobs down _to •size. 'Unique plug-in system
allows, easy switching f -up to 30 different attachments.
Hydrostatic drive lets you shift and control speed with • .�
foot pedal. Two spool hydraulic lift lets you lift and angle
attachments simultaneously, •
What big job do you have to do? Estate sized lawn?
Municipal grounds? Come •
' in and see the Husky®1886.
Hutchins Welding & Repair.
Hwy. 8 West %CLINTON • 482.9980
. .. r /4fWl1 .a3 t .
.... /Illi if Y w ,. •r .
a. .
On her special.day show
Mother how much you love
her ... gifther with pretty,
comfortable slippers, In-
cludedins our selection: slip-
ons, scuffs, leathers: Choose
Mom's favorite ,colors.
A Delivering a constant flow 'of power,
dependably and safely—that'syour
Hydro's round -the -crock responsibility.
And because electricity provides so
many services so dependably, most
homeowners can take it for granted.
And yet, in many homes over ten
years old, the quality of service is "
severely restricted—Simply because
,the wirink is outdated and inadequate.
Rewiringcan ma-ke a world of
.difference: In convenience, by
providing ample outletsand switches —
where you want them. In performance,'
by bringing full power to your
appliances so that they can operate
at peak efficiency. In safety, by ro
eliminating the hazards of an over-
burdened wiring System. Good reasons
for giving top priority to your home -
wiring when you consider making
To find out what rewiring can do
for your home, calla qualified
Electrical Modernization contractor.
And ask him about the Hydro Finance
.Plan—an easy
way to fit the .1k,
work into your /►
Put your money into
our guaranteed investment certif cate&
now paying seven and three quarter per
cent interest. ,
ri/1% For Two Years
73/4% For Five Years
0 0 .
9:00 to 5:0O Monday to Thursday
0:00 to 6:00, Friday
Lealand Hill, Manager 524.7381.
Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich,