HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-11, Page 23From the Mstolf Side • Ftislilon turnaround • Isn't it fascinating the turn -around the fashion industry has been experiencing? Yes, women still. spend" millions on creams, makeup, dyes, deodorants, 'diets and fat farms -brut they . are thumbing their noses at fashion. • Disregard for ".the color and hemline this years". can be laid at the door of young hippie women. who said to heck with it about five years ago--; and' and' many older women sighed with' relief and followed their lead. Thefashion business is really in a, tizzy. First signs turned up two years ago when th fashion -decreed midi skirt failed -lo sell. Right now on almost any street wometi-are dressed as they please in anything from pant suits, jeans_ and leather jackets --to the old rel iable tweedsuit with skirt at whatever length desired; III 6 The Academy Award ceremonies this spring were a revelation to the fashion -conscious. In other years actresses strutted to the podium swathed or unswathed in plunging necklines, plunging backlines or gl ittering,with' lace and sequins. This year the avyards were much more informal, with women dressed in • everything from simple long dresses to pants and turtle -necks -- comfort and individuality was the keynote in the audience too. From a woman's view the most pleasing aspect of the fashion industry's, discomfort is to realize. that fashion dictators have no one to dictate to. Gone are long articles in the media tell ing them where to put the hemline or bust) ine.'FIre few which do get printed—just aren't being noticed. Ah, FREEDOM. .. I wouldn't say I'm a health food nut,'but I do• Dave a hangup when it comes to food which 'has been bleached., colored, flavored, treated to maintain 'freshness, artificially ripened, sprayed, innoculated,..you name"it. I once had some very good friends who moved to the farm from the city and began to live only upon -foods produced from organic soil. No fertilizers -Of any kind were permitted. No sprays to kill weeds or blight. Just plain manure, 4compost, sun and rain. This couple raised all theft' own beef, pork •and fowl as well. The livestock -and chickens were fed (:1 Auburn. garbage rotes change The May session • of West Wawanosh Township Council was, held at the Township Hall on Tuesday,'May,2 withal members in attendance. Fred Wagner, a Trustee of the Village of Auburn, appeared before Council with regard to garbage collection in the Village. A request .was presented to Council to.have the mill•ratte for garbage collection . (,6 m.ifils) withdrawn this year, and a flat rate of $13.00 per residence, garage and store charged. Council will comply with this, request. A report from one of the Livestock Valuers for damage to a flock of sheep last October, was received by the Clerk• Bylaw.No. 6, 1972, was given third reading and finally passed on motion of Councillors Hickey and Aitchison. This bylaw raises the annual dog tax in the. Township to the following: $3.00 for the first male dog or spayed female; $5.00 for each additional male or • spayed female; $6.00 for the first female dog and $10.00 for each additional female. The Clerk was , instr tictecl e to contact the F;ngineer to report a washout on the Riptoul Drain A rruition by Councillors Durnin and McDonald accepted the, agreement with the Lucknow Fire Department for fire protection to West. Wawano.sh, and the agreement was signed by the reeve and clerk. Motiono'by `Councillors Aitchison and Durnin that the tender of Lavis Contracting Limited, of Clinton, Ontario, for • paving Elizabeth and MainStreets in the Police Village of Manchester (Auburn) be accepted, subject to approval by the Department of Transportation . and Communications was approved.' Bylaw No. 7, 1972 was given third reading and finally passed on motion of Councillors •°Durnin arrd Hickey, to amend Bylaw No. 6, 1971, authorizing the collection of an Interim Levy in the Township on the 15th of June or the Friday fallowing the 15th of June each yeat. - OPENING .MAY 130 For'Theiecond Season "THE KALEID�SCOPE" MAIN STREET — BAYFIELD , Gifts Far All Occasions H,an'dcrafted_ Articles FRAN LOGAN, Proprietress QQD1:l RJCii SIGNAL -MR, THU A 4 . 3200 Gan, 0001 Dr., Po • 800 FT. PRIVATE OCEAN BEACH TWO HEATED POOL5, SUN :l ECK$ • • LUXURIOUS GUEST ACCQMMQQA. TION$ • GOLF PRriligoES ON 3 CHAMPIONSHIP •COURSES • FREE TENNIS ON PREMISES • SUPERB DINING • NIGHTLYDANCING' & ENTERTAINMENT • Visits to fabulous Disney World available, FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: INNKEEPER. 362.7537 212 to ;:*r. W TORONTO $ h�•4a >,a Sd Ott ,r prr+ rq lr ;4* �12p.ppe.rArainrs, ,T, 4CCplaup, lrwt hifla„� Mtrlcaihpa4k.tat�Ia=n �1IFF�,. Woman to Woman With Shirley J. Keller rationing and shortsupplies of many foods.,•threatened to create serious dietary- problems.,_In Canada, largely -a -s -a result of the Newfoundland study, and at the insistance of nutrition authorities and the Canadian baking industry, white bread was enriched on a voluntary basis in 1953. OURR , DEFICIENCIESRI NUTRITIONAL POPULATION BEEN E%ADICATED? • 'A. Strangely enough, although we live in one of the world's More affluent economies, the • poor on organic foodstuffs only. No eating habits of people are additives to fatten or tenderize. showing up in the re -occurrence I guess they, were the first ones of' a number of nutritional, who got me thinking about the diseases which' had virtually prepared foods which- I ate••every disappeared in Canada. Wittra per day...and one of .the greatest . capita consumption of bread at 80 offenders, according to my pounds, Canadians a r e friends, was bread, especially reasonably assured . of . getting white bread. their daily requirements 'Of the Not long ago' I had a talk with a nutrients contained in- the representative from the Canadian product. Food and Drug directorate. She ' told me that her department has Q. DO CANADIAN FOOD AND_ strict controls and does "not, 'DRUG REGULATIONS REQUIRE under any circumstances, permit. ALL' WHITE BREAD TO BE anything to be put into food which ENRICHED? ° has not been fully tested — or • - does'not need.to be added. A. While it is estimated that 95 She 'set my mind at ease per cent of all white bread sold in somewhat, but this week° I Canada is made: with Enriched received a brief from the Bakery flour, except in Newfoundland Council of Canada. Apparently, where flour and bread enrichment the Council., has had' similar is, mandatory, Enrichment is a ....., .:i -�.-...:..>. -.n. vv i.}.�•str'ri, n�..•,YI.C. f... f.. .: :.:. ..• .�. �..4-.-.. ... .i':.'i-��.''.: Q. WHY DO CANADIAN MILLERS TAKE THE NATURAL NUTRIENTS OUT OF FLOUR. ONLY TO HAVE TO PUT THEM BACK IN AGAIN? ° A. Canadians in common with the peoples of most 'western countries prefer white bread. While wheat and other kinds of bread are readily available for those who prefer them. Sales however are only a fraction 'of those enjoyed by white bread; With the .Enrichment of white bread, Canadian "bakers give consumers what they want• and yet retain the bread's nutritive content. Q. WHY IS FLOUit•BLEACHED?• A...;Bleachi"ng is necessary to remove the yellow color of some . freshly milled flour and to improve its baking ,qualities: Q. SHOULD PEOPLE EAT ENRICHED WHITE BREAD AND FORGET ABOUT WHOLE WHEAT AND OTHER • "DARK BREADS? A. Canadians ,should eat what appeals to them: And, Canadian bakers' produce' many kinds of bread. The vitamin content of •Enriched. white bread and that of whole wheat breads.is essentially the same. Any nutritional y p difference is insignificant. , oubtas.>of—consumers......tos,sedl�a:t..�... voluuta=r •et- on�-Tthe� - -L-4 , -.... ...: �� �t.....:. insignificant._ ..: them...and I\ have decided to millers and bakers. 0 ,publish this sheet entitled "Facts .On 'Bread''' ' for your Q. WHY ARE NUTRIENTS enlightenment. TAKENQUT OF FLOUR IN THE You may not be as vitally MILLING PROCESS? interested as. I was in it...but I' A. In the milling process some of • hope you will read it thoroughly to the outer bran layer of the wheat give some idea of the kind of kernel is removed. This is intense thought which .goes into necessary to improve the baking the production of foodstuffs in Canada. qualities of the flour and to brighten it. The wheat germ is THE NU TR f T I 0 N AND also removed, since it contains ENRICHMENT STORY , oils which would cause the flour to become rancid. It is in this - process that certain nutritional elements are reduced: Most of these elements are present only in trace amounts, Sufficient Ie Q. WHAT ARE THE NUTRITIONAL COMPONENTS OF BREAD? A. Bread contains a number of significant nutrients: iron, vitamin Bi (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), niacin, calciurn; ;�rotein and carbohydrates. • Q. WHY ARE VITAMINS AND IRON ADDED TO FLOUR? A. In 1944, nutritionists and medical scientists found extensive diet deficiencies in Newfoundland. By enriching' bread and 'other foods .1 witty • thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and iron, and fortifying margarine' with vitamin A, the health of the people, particularly children,' improved dramatically. The. incidence -of tuberculosis and the infant mortality rate decreased sharply. Growth rates became normal: This was proven. through a follow-up study in Newfoundland in 1948. Q. WHY, IS WHITE BREAD CHOSEN "FOR ENRICHMENT? Bread is popularly known a the "Staffof,�Life" ° It is eaten by almesl every Canadian. Bread was first enriched during World War H in the United States When quantities o1 these trace e s are present in other foods, so • their reduction is of small dietary significance. The significant elements lost are thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and iron: These are returned to bread through Enrichment. In addition, the use of milk solids in bread—a government requirement for Enriched ' bread—increases the calcium content. Q. INI WHAT FORM ARE B , VITAMINS AND IRON ADDED TO FLOUR? Q. DON'T, . THE VITAMINS, MINERALS AND NUTRIENTS ADDED TO ENRICHED: WHITE $•READ LOSE' THEIR , EFFECTIVENESS- AS ' THE BREAD STALES? A. The vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in white bread are stable under normal household storage conditions. They retain their potency in bread with no significant loss, even after the bread stales. A possible exception is vitamin •B2 (riboflavin). It is' sensitive to light. The crust however serves as a light barrier to protect bread - from light. 'Q. IS THERE ANY DIFFERENCE �IN NUTRITIONAL V,ALU'E -BETWEEN VARIOUS "BRANDS" OF BREAD? A. In• *general, all. bread 'is nutritious. Government standards established by ..the Canadian Food and Drug Directorate. for Enriched white bread specify maximum and minimum amounts of vitamins and minerals which the product can contain. There may be some differences 'in the amount' of A.,,B vitamins and iron are added protein, fat and carbohydrates. in the form of chemically Baking processes And formulae synthesized vitamins biologically may differ. Different brands have equivalent to the natural forms. different characteristics. Bread Iran is generally in the form of may differ considerably in taste ferrous.sulphate. This is done at and texture, even though the the flour mill in Canada and not by nutritional qualities' are nearly the baker in wafer form as in the the same. United States. .. .Q.. ARE 13 VITAMINS AND IRON READILY ASSIMILATED BY THE 8O1Y? A. I3 vitamins and iron are readily assimilated whether in the .so- callod .naanral. form. oir , through Enrichment. Q WHY.AREN'T ALL BAKERY PRODUCT ENRICHED? - A. Most yeast -raised bakery products such as hot dog rolls. hamturger buns and English muffins, whether or not they are Please turn to,, Page B S'; _.:f:..."Y,.1 "'i.9�JC�'+rfkb°dti%�+.:� �z..3Y..r _r.Y..�W: -;�.a• `wring Bev Silver Seal mattresses ,L,MIiNIHMNII Mt III ° 0011 FAMOU GOLDs ,MATTSESSES SEAL Here is luxury you never saw before at this price! Magnificently quilted imported damask ... thick, cushiqny, heavy filling ... hundreds of body supporting coils .,. plus Springwall mattress construction to prevent edge and center 'sag • give you comfort and support from edge to edge. Fantastic at this price! Buy now! SOLD A'LL:OVER !AMAADA FOR 1119.95- NOW, $ twin or full, mattress or boxspring . This is one of the finest mattresses you can bu anywhere. It is beautiful) y imported ,damask. It is cushionedlweth the finest .filling- and most important - there's the exclusive Springwail construction to comfort, plus 1/3 more sleeping you sag ,proo that for comfort? And all p ng surface. 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