HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-11, Page 21Auburn
125 YEAR
,Fifty years of Women's
Institute work was celebrated
Tuesday by the Auburn Branch
with a dinner in the Auburn
Community Memorial Hall. Over
165 W.I. members in the District
of Huron West and local ladies
attended this celebration.
The hall was decorated in, blue
and gold streamers, flowers and
'Silver candlebra with blue
candles. The head table was'
centred .: with a three -tiered
decorated birthday cake done. by.
Mrs.rr'Alfred Fry.'
The guests were welcomed at
the d•oo'r by Mrs. Eleanor
Bradnock, public relations
officer for the Branch. Mrs. Ena
Craig and Mrs. Ed Davies were in
charge of the guest book and Mrs.
` Donald Haines was in charge of
the tickets.'
Blue and gold ribbon corsages
. made by' the president. Mrs:
Leonard Archambault were
pinned vn the Charte members
by Mrs. Archambault, Mrs.
Lawrence Plaetzer, Mrs. Donald
Cartwright and Mrs. John
Stadelmann. The Tweedsmuir
History book was on .display by
Mrs. Celia Taylor, the curator
for the past 27 years.
•Mrs. Archambault presided for .
• ttie afternoon and introduced the'
head table which consisted of •
'Mrs. Charles Munro, president of
the London Convention area of
Embro: Mrs. Norman Coulthard,
F.W.I.O. Board director of St.
Paul's; Mr's, Harold Gaunt,
prescient of Huron West District,
of St. Helen's: Miss Catherine
.Hunt, home economist for Huron •
Cotunty; Rev, and Mrs. Keith
Stokes;,a,Mr s. Donald Haines,
secretary: Mrs. Robert Phillips,
pianist, Mr` and Mrs. Keith
Arthur: Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock.
P.R.O.; Mrs. Celia , Taylor,
curator; Mrs. Donald Cartwright,
new president and Mrs... 'Frank
• Raithby, past president.
The toast to the Women's
Institute was, proposed by Mrs.
Donald Haines and Mrs. Donald
Cartwright replied.
Mrs.: EleanorBradnock
honoured the only charter,
member whohad continued to be a
member for the past 50 years,
Mrs. Robert Phillips for her e*k
as pianist and .,help with the
musical programs. She paid
tribute to her work and on behalf
of the members of A1.tburn
:presented her with a bouquet of
red roses. Mrs. Phillips `fittr"nglr
replied and Gut the birthday cake,
Mrs. Frank Raithby proposed
the toast to the Charter members
and Mrs. R. Phillips replied. The
charter members present were
Mrs. John Neville, Welland; Miss
'Sadie Carter, Goderich; , Mrs.
Thomas Johnston: Mrs. •Robert
$hillips and Mr§. Alfred
Rollinson. Mrs. Maitland Allen
was unable to be present. Mrs.
Neville spoke a few words
expressing pleasure at being
present.at this celebration. •
Greetings were brought by Rev.
Keith Stokes.; Mrs, Harold Gaunt,
from the District of Huron West;
Mrs. Norman Coulthard, from the
Fed•er'ated Women's Institute of
Ontario: Miss Catherine Hunt
from the -Monne Economics branch
of the Ministry of Agricultire,
.and Mr. Keith Arthur, a village'
trustee, , frofin the village ° of
Mrs. 'Charles Munro of Embro.
Convention Area was the) gues1
speaker and. was introduced by
Mrs.,. Eleanor Bradnock. She
brought greetings from. 'the
London' area and cOngratulated_
the Auburn members. She lit•
candles downthrough each decade
- and fold of the highlights during
Thoseutaking the parts were.
Mrs. Donald Haines, the Hpstess;
' Mrs., Eleanor Bradnock, the.
president; Mrs. Wilfred
Sanderson, the secretary; Mrs.
Jessie Naylor, leader of the band
and step dancer: Mrs; Bud
Chamney, 'another step dancer
and soloist; M'rs. Elmer
Trommer, the reader „of "One,
Two. and Three"; Mrs. Thomas
Haggitt, reader of "I'm fine,
thank you, for the shape I'rrr in'•'.
Mrs. Eleanor Br♦actnock sang the
solo, "Just a little help from
you", accompanied hon the
autoharp by Mrs. Robt°. Phillips,
The play closed with a kitchen -
band "practise and lunch was
served in the dining room.
The play was in charge of Mrs.
Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Kenneth
McDougall and Mrs. Norman
McDowell. Gifts that had been
donated by local merchants were
in charge of Mrs. Jessie Naylor
and Mrs, 'Robert Arthur. They
were won by Mrs. Harold Gaunt,
Mrs: William Elliott, MrS.
Charles Schiell, Mrs. Bert
Shobbrook, Mrs, Olive Blake,
Mrs. Roy •Daer,• .Mrs. Allan
Miller, Mrs. George Walker,
Mrs. John Neville, Mrs. Gordon
Powell, Miss Lillian Stewart,
Mrs. Robt. Bean, Mrs.' Keith
Stokes, Mrs, E. Sitter and Miss
Sadie Carter.
The decorating committee of
Mrs. Thomas Lawlor, Mrs.
Frank Raithby, Mrs, Thomas
Haggitt,'Mrs. Ed Davies and Mrs.
Richard BrooI,s are to be
complimented on their attractive
tables and flowers for • this
The Catholic
Church in
year at the
the group
will be
at St,
in their new
last week.
guidance of,
St. Pet er "s
Mr's. Robert Phi IIips'(right), only charter member still active in
the Auburn WI presents a life membership pin to Mrs. Celia
Mrs. Thomas tIaggitt thanked
Mrs. Munro for her inspirational
message and also the U.C.W.
ladies of Knox United Church who
had catered for the dinner. as well•,
as any of the• others that . had
worked to make this day such' a
success. A sing -song was led by
Mrs,. Celia Taylor accompanied
by Mrs. Phillips.,.
A play depicting the women's
Institute in 1922, 'in appropriate
dress of that tine was acted out by
sow_ _members of .then Auburn
The first meeting of the C.W.L.-
under the new executive :for 1972-'a.
73 was held May 3 in St. Peter's*"
Parish Hall with the president,
Peter's Roman Catholic
executive for the upcoming
During the next term of office
left to right, Eileen Palmer;
Mrs. Dianne Buchanan in charge.'° ' contribution . to today's world
The Spiritual Readin,g. given by , problems.
Mrs. Beverls7 Jeffrey was on the The minutes of the .previous
subject of the individual's ' • meeting and correspondence
past'president, Diane Buchanan, president, Bev Jeffrey, first' vice
president, Tina• Gallow, second vice president Mary DeMarco,
secretary, Rosemarie Lassaline, treasurer and (absent from
photo) Eileen. O'Brien, third vice president.=Staff photo.
'Four young ladles were awarded county honors Saturday at .the,district Achievement Day for
completing six 4tH homemakingcourses. They were' (left to right) Gabriel Voelmle,' Margaret
Franken, Debbie Rodges and Sandra Feagan. (staff photo)
to -
'were read by Mrs. Mary De
Marco, secretary.
Members were urged to write
to the Minister. of Health, Dr.
Potter and to the local M:P.P, to
object to the formation of abortion '
clinics in'all Ontario hospitals,
"Mrs. Rosemary Lassaline read
the treasurer's report and Miss
Carrie O'Neill gave the auditor's
report. Motions were passed for,
• the payment of current expenses.
It was also decided" to make a
contribution from the League to
the Cancer Fund. - •
The duties of the' various
officers were outlined as follows:
First vice-president. .. Mrs.
Beverly Jeffrey will head the
Committee was formed with Mrs..
Dianne.Buc•hanan'}and s'i'x
assistants: Mrs. Marie
Buchanan, Mrs. Eileen Palmer,
Mrs, Tina Gallow, Mrs. Beverly
Jeffrey, Mrs. Connie Osborne and
Miss Carrie O'Neill. •
Mrs. Eileen Palmer was named
convener•for the bowling banquet
which the -League would..K,.:be
catering for on 'Saturday, May,6,
and , Mrs. Dianne Buchanan,
convener for the supper being.
served by the League to the young
people':attending the Youth Rally
at St. Mary's School on Sunday,
May '7.
A vote of thanks was extended tQ
Mrs. Gertrude Poulin for 'the gift
committee dealing with Church of a brief case to be used by the
Life; " President of the C.W.L.
Mrs. Tina Gallow, second vice- ''rheelocal council will sponsor
president is in charge of Cultural three members who will attend
Life: • the*ProvirD,zial Convention of the
Miss Eileen O'Brien,' third Catholic Women's League at
vice-president is responsible for Sarnia on May 16 and .17.
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Corhmunrcations and Public 'It was decided that the June
.It'elations ••• meeting would take the form of a
• Mrs. Phyllis Steffler heads the pot=luck supper.
committee on Family Life: Mrs, Eileen Palmer, , was
Mrs. Leone Sherratt is the presented with a .past -president's"
convener'for social action. - pin byMrs. Marie"Buchanan.
The committee dealing with • After the business meeting, a
organization and membership is film was shown through the
, in the charge of Mrs. Marie cburtesy of Bell Canada on the
Buchanan, . subject of " Problems Between
The Telephone Committee' is the Generations."
convened by M' r s . 'Dianne „ Coffee and tea were served at
Buchanan and the .. Bereavement 'the conclusion of the meeting.
Mrs, Len Archambault, president of the,Auburn Women's Institute (second from left) is seen with
three life members of the Auburn Wl, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, Mrs. Robert Phillips and Mrs. Celia
Four, of the chartered member's of the A+uburh Women's Institute are seen here. 1111-.. Robert' Phil Iips
(second from right) cuts the 5Oth anniversary oake while ilea to right) Mrs, John Neville„Welland,
Miss Sadie Carter,Goderich n'. ,
oh d a Mrs. Alfred Rollinson. ,
Provincial honors for cornpletrng,:12 4.H courses were awarded le ,Prom the deft are +t aui Seers, Joanne Pollock alid •8rerrdar Moor e
g `V' 4~'Absent when the•photo wa$ptaken We* Cathy Mcl twa in. (staff photo)
four' lits at Saturday's* distriht lrl Ao�levement Day at Gi�CI, A .