HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-11, Page 20The 24th annual Federated Women's Institute of Ontario Officer's Conference was head at the University of Guelph campus, May 3 and 4th. Registration took place at 'Lambton Hall on Tuesday, May 2nd, when over 700 delegates came . Bus tours left for the Adelaide Hoodless Homestead at., St. George at regular intervals in the afternoon to give W.I. members an opportunity to see this historic home, which is owned by the Federated Women's Institute of Canada. Wednesday's session opened at the War Memorial Hall at 9 a.m. with MPS. I-farvey Noblitt. Ottawa,' of F.W.I.O. presiding. Greetings. were extended by Dr. Janet Wardlaw, MacDonald Institute and the President of tha,,„ University, Dr, Wm. Winegard'.. Mrs. Irwin Maltby, Laurel. led in a Let's Sing session during the morning Mrs Noblitt spoke ()tithe theme -Members See, Officers Foresee. " •You are here because you are Officers," she said. "Good leaders need ability, clean hands, di,spatch, impartiality, enthusiasm and good humor. We must have the ability to understand people, rood manners, gentleness and good will." "We should show impartiality toall members and keep an open ,. mind, on all subject,,. as to race, color and creed," she continued. **..With patience, bring a project to a good conclusion, with good example and clean hands. 'We need ambition to go in the right, direction, Many directions are found in the Hand Book, Enthusiasm overcomes obstacles." ' "l'he W.I. has a long history of accomplishments, but we must not rest on past laurels,".she concluded. "The 1972 project is to increase branch membership 20percent, We have a program to offer much to . all homemakers, whether in the rural or urban areas: When we do' . get new members wemust plan programs that are interesting and up to date, The'Officers Conference is the training centre." Mrs!. E.' -•V. Fulton, Birtle, Manitoba. is president of the Federated Women's Institute of Canada: She spoke . of many accomplishments at National • level. The., Adelaide Hoodless home, .which is owned by F.W.I.C., the work in the North West ,Territories, Winter Works programs and the Opportunity -for Youth program. _ `;What- kind of- a member we. should be?' 'she asked. -The 75th Anniversary proves we have • a great heritage to live up to. A nation may not rise higher. than its homes. We must strive for better ° homes, communities, and a better world. We should work with and listen to the Youth of the World. Have we let them down?" , "Do we appreciate the Sr. Citizens. and the wonderful, heritage' they have passed on," the speaker queried. "Canada is a leader in the world with its. multi •. racial WpeopTe` s we' a'r'e conservative, .. we have the freedom to think and freedom of choice. We must keep our nation's development and beware that we do not pollute the water and the . Or. A good community keeps up to ').- ate in society. Does:the community know •about the 'good qualities of the W.I. or do we keep it to ourselves, As ,a responsible world citizen, give something of yourself back to the community.," Miss Helen McKercher announced that the F.W.I.C. has • given $5000 to help 'Ontario W.I. ----with-the'purchase of the Erland Lee Home, which option will be picked up in June .1972. Miss ' McKercher projected the idea,if you :wiafi to•honour a W,,I. member, give her a contributing membership 'in the Associated Cquntrywomen of the World. This •assist•s the needy in underdeveloped countries.. The. afternoon session was given over to discussion groups under the chairmanship of the following: Mrs. Roy Westlake, MWS, ClarenceDiamond, Mrs. R. C,'Walkert, Mrs. John Craig and Mads. Austin ,Zoeller. There will be 21 groups. z., Wednesday. eVening of the Officer's conference'proved to be a tnost interesting and entertaining event, Early in the • evening there were walking tours around the MacDonald Institute, and- ' ° surrounding beautiful grounds. At War Memorial Hall, Mrrs »Niatltby'S surprise turned out to he a delightful old time 'concert with .s /5 voice choir, 'numbers, recitations:, vocal.solos and a , .meek Wedding,„ A poem dedicated /ytop(�{ Adelaide lloodlesl'A was. j-oyl{llo�wyMd byyy� aafy� beautiful rendition ptif". "Holly. Gl,oa�yta'Y thou, Art". ,A coffee party followed at 'C'reelttlan Ua►11. ' 'Thursday inoritingt with 1MM0. Harvey' %roblitt presiding. was given over. to further study in Plenary Sessions for all the officers groups. Thursday afternoon the guest speaker was Dr. W. C. Watson. Director of Gastroentherology, Victoria Hospital, London. --His topic was "Modern Medical' Dilernas "Theworldof medicine maybe should be ready for a futurt shock, so many choices to make. making decision can lean to breakdown of the nervous system," he said "We must - share concern for all our brothers. tiow can any- government nygovernment be concerned about the health, •when the general public . know very well that overeating, smoking etc. are. detrimental.", "How many Doctors should a • country .hare?..he aed• • ‘ Nurses and health centres could take care of some of the general p 'aiktioner's work. What will it be lrke in 15 or 20 years? How do you train young people properly, sometimes the untravelled paths prove to be the right direction?" -We must get Dr's. out of the medical school sooner," he stated. "At the moment we are overtraining them, remove them from the May pen and let them crawl around and investigate. Nurses should be used to the limit . of their ability." He ,said it - is compassion • sometimes to let people die, and added that abortion and contraception aro nor facts of life. "How much should the Dr. be paid?" he concluded. "They, are probably overpaid on the average in. Canada and the United States-. • • Mrs.,' Irwin Maltby, Laurel, again entertained with the Women's Institute choir which consisted of members from all parts of Ontario. Mrs. 'Gordon Mallion, Simcoe Area, extended the Courtesies and the meeting 'adjourned. Prefinished :OVERLAY' PANELS IN ELMWOOD PECAN WOOD TEAK WO OD And RO:SEWOaQD -Beautiful, Rich Finishes in 4' x 8' Sheets. A Great Value at ,Only See Tiles! 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