HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-11, Page 15When You Shop Say••. 1 SAW. 1T IN THE Aaur ::uiW.rJreei+N9w'nn,m • tw A, MRS. TELFORD ic toria iewpoiht Our class is having a bazaar there will be draws on a box of chocolates them . also will be candies, cookies, cupcakes, a fish pond and cakes, , we will have a draw on a planter, brownies, tarts, we are earning it to go on a trip to Niagara Falls.. MRS. CORY_ We have been watching the, hedge outside our windows leaf out, the grass turning greener, the robin that, always builds across the street 'in a vine and .have .decided that nature knows when it's time for spring even thdugh the weather man isn't sending us many warm spring days. We have been learning more' about garden flowers .and' have enjoyed duplicating them in tissue and construction paper. MRS. FISHER • This week we have been' learning that all plants don't grow" from seeds. Some grow from bulbs that we planted in our .gardens last .autumn. We have been .talking about the hyacinths, daffodils and tulips that wee noticed n ourwav to school. Some of use nought . pretty spring bouquets of them. It was fun re-enacting the story of a bulb to music. MRS. REDMOND ,On Friday, Billy brought three toads to school. We.talked about the toads and we made a story ,aboutthem. This is our story. Billy bro ightr _three- toads_. to _ school. Two toads are big and one toad is little. The toads are greenish brown: They have red and black bumps. They are hard to see in the grass and in the garden. The toads havestronglegs so they can hop and. jump. The `toads helped us sing. O'Canada ` this Morning. ' - 6 ` MISS. VERHOEF Stephen Boyce brought in a cocoon of a recropia moth. The class hopes to see it come out of Its 'cocoon. - .MISS McKAGUE In art we made pretty blossom trees and colourful kites. Our booklets about -the seasons told about our changing weather. MRS. CRANSTON I9 Room ,7 we are very interested in the story of, "Communication". Some. interesting projects have been begun to show the progress in communication. ' • MR. SNELL We have completed our studies of Australia and New' Zealand and are ,no* concentrating on an • investigation of simple machines. The grade sixes are working, on Measurement while th'e grade fives are studying fractions. in Mathematics. MRS. MacDONALD Laverne Barnett brought some Jamaican Johnny Cakes for us to taste. These are made with cornmeal and cooked in a frying pan. She also brought the recipe which some of our young cooks are planning to try. MRS. STEEP Mrs. Steep and the library helpers are very busy getting our new selection of primary books ready for the students to use. All the students have been asking to take out these books. MRS. HESK,'" On Friday, May 5, 1972, our class had a sampling day, for tasting foods, of South America, Some things we 'sampled were; grapes, coconut, chocolate fudge, , pineapple, cashew nuts, Bt axil nuts,, coffee, cocoa, bananas, tapioca and coffee cake, We enjoyed our sampling day very much. --By Deborah Ward and Jackie Schneider In the last few weeks our class has been studying South America. We decide -to have. our .Sampling Day on Friday, May 8th. On • Thursday our class made a List of fonds to bring. Christy Doddy and Cheryl Harrison made some, tires vpjcn•,oafdfeFye.cake randCheryl's mother +1g1110dgg„,fgr he^Clasq..r Other people brought different foods, So, on Friday we had a ' / / / / / 44, A.t Kin variety of pineapple, coconut, grapes, tapioca, coffee cake, fudge, brazil nuts, cashew nuts, coffee and,cocoa. It was a lot of fun tasting the food from South America.* By•Sheri.MacLaren and Pamela Lamb MR. CARROLL •Boys' basketball haS come to a successful conclusion with Team 3 emerging . its the over-all champs. They also won the schedule games by ending the series in first place. Thee points are summarized below: i'st = Team 3.- 9 pts. 2nd—T`eaii4'-7pts. 3rd — Team 2-5pts. '4th — Team 1 — 3 pts. The names of the winning team are: Larry Daer, Randy Little, Doug Thompson,, •Barry Tranquada, . Bill Ross. Jeff. •Baxter, Bill Sanderson, Tony Bedard, Randy Lamb, ,David Prouse, Erwin Schneider, Bob McCreight, Mike Milley, Terry Sweitzer. A REED BOAT We are making a life size reed boat. We are making it because the Incas,,used.reed boats. We're. yrng"'io Shaw ri`41 ' as firlftf' "— and how it works. We are making bundles of that will he bound together to make the boat.' We are hoping it will float. It is about 12 feet long. 'Sb ONO • to .pray for vocation GQIARIw!!!1�' R+irt• $1 assano asks • On Monday evening, May 1 St. the four resolutions accepted this Joseph's Council of the C.W.Lt year by the Didcesan Ccuneil, to met in the Church Hall with 19 be voted on at this convention, twos' members in .attendance. Father were presented by .St. Joseph's H. Cassano opened .the meeting Council. These two were with with the league prayer and Mrs. regard to increasing farm Joy Courtney presided. incomes and the preservation of In thetabsence of the Recording the family farmAlso mentioned the Aka was the resolution of St. Peier's ..(rauncii, Goderich regarding the insistence of pre -marriage Courses. The fourth is in regard •- to ,ass,iK xanc"e'wto needy pensioners.'Mrs. Jqe Courtney and Mrs. Clarence Doherty are representing three councils of our parish at this convention. Mrs. Walter Clare, Christian . Fancily Life Convener, reported that Vocation Dav was observed on April 23. A report was given on the Girl Guides in .which it was stated that new leaders will be needed for the Fall. Church Life Convener, Mrs. John - Austin. reported"' that Sunday, April 23 as well as. being Vocation Day was also Diocesan League Day. Our' new executive was installed with membets doing the readings and taking up the offering." Cultural Life Convener,. Mrs. Secretary the minutes ofprr" meeting were read by Mrs. John Howard, 'It was mdied by Mrs. John Austin and seconded , by Mrs. Eugene Frayne.that a President's pin be purchased to be worn by the President and passed on, to each new President. It was m(tved that drivers taking cars •to the deanery meeting he paid mileage. Correspondence was read by Mrs. Jotin Austin. It was moved by '' Mrs. •. Reis Miltenhurg and seconded by Mrs. Walter Clare that we -send for the Handbook for Conveners. The group were invited by the •U C.W, o'f Dungannon to a 'Ladies Dav" being held on June 1 from 10 a.m. to 3:30.p. m . in the Dungannon United Church. The Diocesan Convention is to be held this month in Sarnia. Of John Howard. reported that the 17 pins for the Grade 8 , gr•aduates have arrived. Communications and. Public Relations Convener, Mrs.'.Jim- Martin, reporte1on the meeting. of the Ashfield Women's David Prouse . Tony Bedard Gordon Budny CLOTHING The men's clothing was one burlap sack sewn together with fishing line. They wore a band around their head. Theo also wore a -pair of sandals made out of leather and a hat made out of burlap and a. very warm cape (Blanket) for chilly nights. The ladies clothing was one burlap sack sewn together with fishing line. They wore a hand around their tread and- a pair of sandals made out of leather and a hat made out of burlap and a warm shawl for cold nights, By—Kelly S. Patty P. Dawn 0, INCA HOUSE We are building an Inca' house. We are showing the .outside of the house and the inside of the house. There are pens and a•pond for their ducks. Their animals were. Llamas and alpacas, goats, dogs and pigs.. Theinsidewill have' mats. it was a one room hut. .We're covering the but with clay and we are going to have an earthen floor. On`the outside' we are going t8, have a stone fence and mountains in the background. __ ' —By Debbie Allen Barb Str"aughan - RIF SUSPENSION BRIDGE' . We are making a suspension bridge showing two 'Mountains with a small body of water. We have a frame with the realistic look of two rnountaitis and a small valley containing a —small body of water. We are trying to show the fashion in which the Incas did it. We are trying to use real materials. By D. Reed • P. Teichert S. MacEwan AN ADOBE BRICK & POTTERY. First we mix;'water,- clay, dirt, ground up grass, and straw. Then weut the mixture in a mold 3" X 8" X 32" -and let it hake fora week in the sun. We are trying to show a real adobe brick. We are making clay mbdels'to show the Incas pottery. By Jamie McGee Jim_ Clement Larry Crawford (ONLY YOU CAN , GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE I . 'The Goderich Youth Bowling Council recognized the achievement of these bowlers when they presented them with trophies during the annual banquet on Saturday evening. These bowlers who captured High Sin'gle honors are, left to right, front, Anne Marie Murphy, Randy Little; back, Lori . Beattie and Mike Cumming§;—staff photo . i bake sale May 2:6 Mrs. William Porter, presided at the May meeting of the Goderich Women's Institute. in the absence. of the President.. Mrs..G. Morley. • _ After the opening 011e and Mary Stewart collect was repeated. the roll call, was answered,by twenty seven members, and one visitor The'roll call. was, . naming one way, .in which l'irogress •has changed your life. The Secretary Treasurer. 'Mrs. El ;Sitter read the minutes. of the last meeting also the correspondence. A Food 'Foram. 'One Dollar's Worth of Meat is to be- held in the High School in .Clinton. on June the first. • The Horticultural Society. General Meeting. will he held in Gorrieron May.31 at 8 p.m. There will hea Bus trip on Jung 14 to the Pioneer ,Village.. at Woodbridge. 'for the Historical Society. Delegates to the District" Annual,for the W.I. on Mav the thirty first, Mrs. E. Sitter:Mrs. 'Ai Potter, ",1r•:;. ti. Chili:moot. and Mr's. Beit Mills. A report of Program Planning Meeting whist Vas held at'Vlrs. G, Morlev's. on April.1 7 . was heard. A Bake Sale, on Mav 2G at the .Mill End Store, on the Square. from 12 :noon: to 3 p,,rn., was planned. . Mrs. ('. C'r'ozier'.. Mrs—tick k 'Crank. and Mr's. H. Andersu11. ,ire to be the Nomination Committee for the year, Plans were tn;tr10. to participate in 411e Snow HAP Bazaar, in Dec'etnber The stos:.age of the Minute Books.- of the Intitirte. 't,rs discussed,.. Mrs. Bert Crawford then ..took c'har'ge of the l rociratrl. for the day,. her theme beim; Resolutions. Mrs. '1.11. •lolanstone t,tyt' ,tn inspiring reading, on beim; h,tltlw. with what we have.' Mrs. I. 1 tke prepared a paper- our."C• which provedto•be very thor.r'.:ht- provoking. • • ine Lake campouf The Round '-Owne-rs Camping Club of .Goderit'h will play; host • this weekend to a National Camping and Hiking, Association Campout for this portion of • • Ontario. The event is,to he held at Pine Lake Camp, just off Highway 21, 'between , Goderich and Bayfield. *Camping- enthusiasts from Kitchener, Stratford, Windsor. Sarnia, London, Kingsville. Niagara Falls and many smaller towns in the same region will he attending. This weekend. s• -event • will he the first camp for 197.2 and is set to get underway offic,ia11v at noon on 1','riday. Campers are expected to.ar'rive throughout the after'nohn and evening ' with organized activities starting on Saturday rr Among the activities will be canoe races... shufflehoard tournaments, horseshoe matches. a scavenger hunt and games for the. children as 'well Over 50 units are•expected with average of about four people unit. to IaF� r • The buck starts here: 77% to 85% of your dollars buys invet- ment unify, the remainder buys life insurance. Get into a growth situation with built in guarantees: Manulife Investor, a variable insurance plan,. CaII your nearest Manufacturers Life Representative. • o. 35.202 • We E. Williams Representative GODERICH Tel: 524.7102 LiT/a The Manufacturers Life Insurance Cor iparr.y • r' A lovely .discussion to.11nwed. by thio no tubers expressing their op1nlons, ern the present T -V. lrro'gNtns•.that .ire be'in'g- shown.. And what,E',tn he done ;,trout it. s, G 1n'elis t•nd her hostes:„it's sei-Ve(j a dainty lunch. atter thr' singinti of the (Jueen. and the Institute Grace, Beware of prejudice; light is good in whatsoever lamp it is burning. A rose is beautiful in whatsoever garden it may bloom. A star has the same radiance whether it shines from --the East or from the West. For more information write 'BAHA'I P.O.BOX212 Or Phone 524-6137 • FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. • `524-9442 One Gift that Every . a Mo m Loves' to Receive Nothing makes a woman feel so - special as a lovely gift of flowers , and noth- ing would make Mother .happier than to be 'gifted with 'flowers on her day. 'Dt Nummc FLOWER ........:„ _;..>..... Mari •. ... ;wya iq ..., Missionary Society which some of our iletnbers attended"ar 1 Ott which -Miss JessteMac hersonot Kincardine was, guest st)eaker with the topic `Reforta Schools!' Mrs. Eugene Frayrie, Social Action Convener, had an interesting .article ori what portion of the retail price • of , n beefsteak goes, to the rancher, • feeder, trucker, abattoir ,and retailer. On Wednesday, May 24 at 2 p. m. the league will look after the May Birthday Party at H'uronyiew,,, There are X23 persons with May birthdays Who will be remembered with a gift. Mrs. Eugene Frayne has offered to shop for those. The, Cancer Campaign had 12 persons Canvassing* this area with Mrs. Joe Courtney as team, captain. The theme of Father H. Cassano's dressage was "mothers". As this is the Blessed Mother's month he asked all mothers to pray for vocations. Moved by Mrs. John Austin and seconded by M'rs. Con Hogan that we buy card tables. Mrs. Wilfred Austin offered to buy one.' It was moved by Mrs. Eugene Frayne and seconded by Mrs. ' John Howard that the meeting be adjourned. • During lunch Mrs. Con Hogan won the Mystery Prize. Save as you Order - before June 30th Now is the time to reduce the cost of your lubricant= requirements by taking advantage of our Spring discount offer - on a wide variety of quality Texaco lubricants. - Don't wait until the last moment — offer expires .June 30th. The savings are mafde-to-order: tailored to the size of your order. Act now. Farm Lubricants VIC WALDEN FUELS . 148 MAITLAND 52 4 -881 • GODERICH call us todayand save! 1111 1011* 11111 Ole 11111 MP MP PIM INN 111. 1110 NM NMI 11111 111111 MD NM III OM NIB MI ON Mil NMI MIS • t• Ty THI \t()'1 P42()IIT .! tr,,rt.,trt It) .tltt. tnc1ti•ir\ THE \1051 MANIJ1 AC TIJRER-BACKING rt�;ti1 int lrrrrc! \ctur vvttil ,trl trctn c 1,1(1 t;tt,rr<rrlte't' THI MOST CUSTOMERS titir 0,111(u),11 .011t•rtp1,rn toils. t'm \\ her(' tion are THE., MOST SPARE PARTS v\i' st' st,1ht,(1 then) to AAarehoie,cs <ull over the ( enrratry THE MOST SATISFIED BUYERS '\.tihd.teII their mends, ,,Who tell their'tr,encts BECOME AYAMAHA DEALER TODAY r (why sell anything 1 For more information, fill this out: 1 1 1 '1 1 1 J am now a snowmobile dealer 1 would like to be a snowmobile dealer Name 1 1 1 1 :flower Sport ofCandalt• I1$4wYOI`JGE ST 128'8531BARRI ONTARIO 11 gists pro* 0. 0.00 iwoodp,