HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-11, Page 1113. AUCTION SALE 13' AUCTION SALE u , • AUCTIONEER'S & APPRAISERS iettuo tiieur, ONTARIO n - LIQUIDATIONS OF .ALL TYPES ', a • BANKRUPTCY * ESTATES., * ANTIQUES *FARM * REAL ESTATE * BUSINESS Bit f Licensed and Bonde• d * .7 Years Experience TELEPHONE (519J 462-3120 fCLINTONI ONTARIO WIDE INVENTORY & SALES PREPARATION SERVICES OFFERED ESTATE. AUCTION Of cars, trucks,, garage equipment & stock at themain intersection of Clinton. Wednesday evening, May 17 at 6;00 P.M. CARS & TRUCK: 1968 Pontiac 327 Strado Chief, 4 door (Mechanical certificate); 1966 Rambler Station Wagon 6 cyl, automatic; 1968 Int. Scout c-wfuliyhydraulic 6' Meyers snow blade; 1965 Willis Jeep c-w`"snow blade; Both trucks with ' mechanical certificate; 42" wide x 24" Diameter motorized ••lawn roller; truck bumper with hydraulic lift; 2-6' scraper blades. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Cash register; cheque writer; 2 office desks & chairs; combination cabinet file & safe; Victor adding machine; Colvens, coffee machine; Cigarette machine; auto manuals. • GARAGE EQUIPMENT & TOOLS:AllenScope; Snap-On tool cabinet c -w full set mechanics tools; Oxy. -Acetylene welding set; -180 Amp. Forney welder; 2 "Snap On" heavy duty AUR tester; 2 Marquette fast chargers; high pressure car washing unit; Snap On wheel.balancer; Walker floor jack & assorted hydraulic jacks; tire changer & repair kit; Dwell tack; Hunter wheel balancer; Racealigner.3 PtH. balancer; Champion spark plug cleaner; Bean headlight aligner; B & 0 hand grinder &buffer; B &D air sander; 2 air impact wrenches; air chisel; electric drills; bench grinder; axle pullers; fire estti.nguishers; Tartan timing light; paint sprayer & regulator; large assortment ot hand tools; etc, etc. STOCK: (Approx. $3,000.013) 25 new tires; 00 good used ti res; large quantity of mufflers, exhaust & tail pipes, hangers '& clamps, batteries, battery cables, heater hoses, windshield wipers, spark plug, brake shoes; shock absorbers,' car mats, fuel filters, PCV valves, thermostats, roto flashers, brake fluid;•oiI & gas additives, deicer, gaskets, carburetor tune-up kits, points, condensers, ,ignition wiring, ball joints, universals, wheel bearings,bendix; paint, motor oil, etc. etc. 'HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES: Humidifier, 3 pc.'bed?bRm. suite, 2 telephone tables,' Westinghouse air conditioner, desk & chair, etc. PROPRIETOR - ESTiTE OF ROY MANN RATHWELL'S l AUCTION SERVICE Brucefield 482-3120 -18,19 ATHWEIL.L'S ���hBTel���� CLEARI G AUCTION SALE ' Of 81 head of Dairy and Beef cattle, 3 tractor -s,. machinery and household -effects �ie,s a,;anti „a,#.Lot 4=& S, ,Co ession 14 "'i4u`llettT-oWigi ip; 3 ndmiles ea�sro"iEllY#h'or.3 miles wes �`o - Walton on Friday, May 12 at 12:30 P.M. LIVESTOCK: 1.5 Head of Holstein cows and heifers, some in ' full production, balance due in simmer and fall months; 6 Holstein heifers recently bred; 13 Holstein open heifers; 1 Holstein bull calf;.4 Holstein stocker steers; 8 bwf heifers and bull calves; 1 Holstein and. Charlois bull calf; 5 bwf 500 Ib. • calves; 13 stocker steers and heifers, Angus, BWF, Charlois and Holstein cross. • CAR: 1965.Meteor 4 door sedan, 8 cyl. 352 cc. TRUCK: 1963 Ford 3/4 ton, 6 cyl. c -w racks and tarp. TRACTORS: Case 730 gas tractor fully equipped c -w chains., .and heat houser; Int. B 414 Diesel with 1501 Int. hydraulic loader°andbucket,.chains,'and heat houser; Cock.shutt-30 c -w hydraulic loader. MACHINERY: Case 4 furrow 14" semi-mo}I nt plow c -W trip beams; Case 12' wheel disc; Case 14' land packer; McCormick 17runrgrain & fertilizer drill; 13'/2' Kangskield • cultivator with leveling harrows; 11' chain harrows; Cockshutt 15 run drill; Nevi; Idea 7' trail mower; New Holland 5 bar roto rake; Case 2,30baler; New'Hol land bale stooker; New Idea 210 bu. flail -type spreader,(new); Push pull snow blower;. One way disc; Case 8 ton wagon 19' flat rack; George White 8 -ton wagon 19' hay rack; 2-6 tori wagons and 16' racks; Lely fertilizer spreader; Post hole auger; 20' skeleton elevator; ..jet water pump and tank; 2-165 ,bu. gravity boxes; 1- Int. 4 furrow fully mounted plow. SHOP EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS: Comet 18b amp. welder; Comet•portable air compressor; electric drill; emery and motor; jack all jack; hydraulic jack; vice; handtools; etc., etc, MObERN iHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: 6 pc. living-, room ;suite -,French style (new); Rogers Majestic TV; Stereo oonsole (8 speakers); 2 platform rockers; office desk and chair; 3 pc, bedroom suite; chesterfield and two matching arm chairs; 5 pc. chrome suite; Admiral TV; 6 matching dining room chairs; ramps; foot stool; fern stands; tables; chairs; buffet; iron beds; vacuum; floor polisher;' and many, many more household {tents. APPLIANCES: Westinghouse electric range; Westinghouse, automatic washer and dryer; Vicount 18 cu. ft. deep freeze; Admiral refrigerator; humidifier; wood stove, AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: This is an outstanding offering, recentlynewfuenitureandnppliances, also recently new and well Maintained machinery. This s is an excellent offering DairyandBeef:cattle. Plan tb'attend. Selling in this order- furniture at 12:30, she!) equipment, machinery and tractors, 'then livestock. • TERMS -CASH FARM SOLD PROPRIETOR MR. ELI BURT RATHWELL'S AUCTION la SERVICE Brucefieid 482.3120 w18,19 1, 1. 14, SERVICES AVAILABLE GRAHAM ELECTRIC Colnplete Electrical :Service Residential = Commercial -- Industrial 155 Keays Street, Phone 524-8670 Goderich, Ontario. .27tf GODERICH TAXI Taxi Stand At L ionel's. Sunoco Seri ices Static 87 Victoria•St. 524-6594 Bill Swan, Prop. ..-4 .. a- r nimmoimmai CALL FRANK T UTT Farm Drainage __ ~._ .___ and sub-irri-gaiion,---•-•--- Latest Equipment Automatic Laser Grade Control Zorplow P.O. Box 544 Woodstock, Ont. Phone 537-8775 Screened Top Soil ' Landscape Work Backhoe Work .(Excavating, Trenching, Basements,Etc.) Gravel & FiII Cement Gravel Lyle Montgomery., CLINTON I • ,482-7644 13. AUCTION 'SALE Por all your flooring needs. Buy your carpet anywhere. • 20 years' installation experience. Five measurements. S24-6804 Goderich. CUSTOM BULLDOZING CHAS. BRUINSMA RR 2, Goderich 524-9804 15 SKELT'QN APPLIANCES Inglis—Meffat--Beatty Sales -Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd.'W. Ph. 52477871- -17tf SCOTT AND WILLIS • PAINTING • , PAPERING • • SPRAYING" FOR FREE ESTIMATES , .CALL 524-6902 i 3: AUCTION 'SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE At Lot 30, Concession 3, McK it lop Township, 1" miles north of Seaforth, 11/4 west, first farm north. ' On Friday, May 19, at 1:15 p.m. LIVESTOCK: 6 Hereford heifers and 6 Hereford steers, 1 yr. old; 1 market cow; 21/2 yr. old Hereford bull PIGS: 5 sows recently bred; 1 York boar;. 9 market pigs; 16 weiners. TR • ;Iet .with Superiorloader; 1020 McCormick Deering tree ion self -unloading forage boxes; 2-5 ton wagons; Dion lbng box blower, 40 ft. pipe; Case forage harvester with hay & corn head; Case corn picker; Turnco gravity box; M.F. 6 bar side, rake; Case 9 ft. pull type swather; Oliver 3 furrow plow; 3 drum, land roller; J'.D. one way disc; J.D. 12 A pull type . combine; Fleury -Bissell 2 -way disc; J.D. 10 ft. cultivator; J.D. 4 -section Diamond harrows; M.H. 95 Bu. spreader; 3 Pt. H'. Comfort weed sprayer. MISC.: 13-30dual wheels;.10. sub-soiler; J.D. Hammermill; 2 endless belts 50'.and 20'; 2-4" augers; 4 farrowing crates; 2 wheeled trailer; Int. milker and 3 units; cement mixer; etc., etc. . FEED: 15 tonmixed grain; 10 ton barley. ' TERMS -CASH. FARM -RENTED.. _• PROPRIETOR - Peter McCowan RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE • Brucefield 482-3120 . -19,20 BUSINESS LIQUIDATION Of Office, Garage, and' Body Shop equipment including $8,000.00 worth of Motorcade Auto Supplies on Hwy. No. 8 at the easterly limits of Goderich Monday, May 22 at 11:00 A.M. . OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Regina cash register; Smith Corona calculator; Paymaster cheque writer; bill writer; 4 -drawer steel file cabinet; Dominion safe; glass showcases; Kenstan coffee Machine; Motorcade catalogue and manuals. GARAGE, BODY SHOP EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS: Racetigner alignment unit; Manbee wheel balancer; Manbee alignment unit; Hunter wheel balancer; 9' hydraulic garage • hoist; May tire changer & repair kit; Oy-acetylene welder; 230 amp, twentieth century welder (new); 3 hydraulic body jacks; 11/2 ton chain falls; Forney fast charger; 3 paint sprayer, regulatorandhoses; taps 'and dyes; bumper jacks; hydraulic jacks; electric drills; electric sander; air chisel; electric. impact wrench;'shop & body tools; etc, etc. MOTORCADE AUTO SUPPLIES& ACCESSORIES: (All Stock New)125 tires (assorted sizes); 35 cases motor oil; 20 cases snowmobile oil:- 12--6 & 12 volt batteries; 50 wiper blades; '120 mufflers; 300 exhaust, tailpipes,' extension tamp and hangers (all' models); 40 fuel pumps; ..-17 generators; 36 starters; 25 water pumps; 8 clutch assemblies; 40 sets brake shoes; 4 master cylinders; 36 sets shock absorbed;; 24 "3M" putting discs; 300 sanding discs; '5 battery' chargers; .36 thermostats; 12 doz. spark plugs;' gas and oil additives; battery cables; carburetor tune up kits; 'bendixs• emergency brake cables; speedometer cables; univers>;,ist ignition parts; flash lights' and flares; car waxes; gleaner and brushes; ,portable AC, DC radios; hose clamps; gaskets; mirrors; hand tools; seal ' beam headlight (amps; . antifreeze;• fire - extinguishers; floor mats; ,radiator hoses; Targe quantity of - de&eative oar a, c cessories; etc:, etc. . MtSC: Lar eassort et df auto paint;9 used lawn mowers; 3 electric clods; garden & lawn equipment; 6' snow blade & truck winch; display stand; island bell; coke machine; school benches; quantity of steel, etc. VEHICLE:,1$69 Custom Royal Dodge. •1 PROPRIETOR Kasco Auto Body RAHWE.LLAUCTION SERVICE. Bruceiield=X4$22* 126 19,20 elt TEAV,AIi►"`:RtCtAV' !G. 4' "CARPENTRY :& MAINTENANCE, Gary Johnston, carpentry work, small remodelling or repair. jobs, miscellaneous odd. jobs. Reasonable` rates. Phone 524- 7789 after 5:30 p.m. -300 IIOME REMODELLING - Kitchens, bathrooms, rec room tiling, etc: Call 524-6921. Lou Robichaud. -18-21 CORVETTE 31 For Charter:Day, weekend or weekly. Sailing instruction or cruising. Full compliment of sails, radio and safety equipment. ,Junior and adult sailing instruction on day sailer or sailing dinghy Contact the Rosny Corporation Ltd., Marine Division, Bruce MacDonald. Office 524-8328; Home 524-8146.-18d 11A)LY ('Alt RKNTAL Reasonable Rates MegEE'S God.�rich l'hone "521.8391 19t1 LAMB'S DELIVERY MOVING - HAULING Phone 524-9657 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED 'Write or Phone, Harvey Dale, Clinton ' u PHONE 482-3320 13tf •n Sewing Machines SERVICED - 8, SOLD ALEX REED 197 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 524-8465 PERMA DRIVE' PAVING - ASPHALT CONTRACTORS Driveways -Parking Lots Repairs -Resurfacing ,.a,, Free Estimates Phone 524-6623 Goderich WEDGE THE MOVER WHEN MOVING ,PHONE • ACE RADIO and TV .'rvice, Frank' Wilcox, 60 Picton St, W., Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7771....m. 40tf SHARPEN UP! -saws, lawn !rowers, scissors, etc.- Forty years efcperience, C. H. Bomar, 246 Huron Road. - 19,20x GENERAL carpentry and - maintenance. Phone 524-9182.- 19 to 22 24-9182.-- 19to22 - WOIK wanted for Buckeye tiling' machine during summer and fall. Phone Seaforth 527 -0984.- 17,19,21x 27.0984. -17,19,21x 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE .ESTATE O.,F CLARA ANN LAWSON, late of the Village of Aubura,in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. 'ALL .persons 'having claims agaipst the Estate of the above- named who died on February 29, 1972, are required .,to file. full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 31st May -1972;. after which date the _assets .will.be_distxibutec .having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton; Ontario, this 4the day of May, 1972. E.B. MENZIES, Q,C„ Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors -19,20,21 19. LOST.AND FOUND LOST -lady's black purse, vicinity of .Trafalgar Street. Reward. Finder please phone collect Auburn 526-7555.-19,x GODERiell SIGNAL -WA TROROtIAT", pt A COX The family of the late Elgin (fox wish not Lamy to thank their ,• relatives, friends and: neighbours for their many acts ot kindness, but to assure all itapathy exists in the world, there is nothing batt -compassion in our distriet.,..: Phyllis', and faxniiiy..-.19/c - PRYCE--I wish to thank everyone for wedding shower gifts received 'at Mrs. Garth Cunningham's and Miss Chris Rompf's, -Joanne' Pryee. -19 CAESAR-- We would like to that* everyone for the kindness while Paul was in Victoria Hospital, London. -Paul, Joyce Caesar and boys. -19 DeJONG-I wish to take this opportunity to thank the Goderich f• ire departMent, speeial„thanks to Mrs. Burns Ross and Mr. Murray McGill who were se kind to helpeat our recent fire; it was very much • appreciated. -George DeJong and ,family. -19x LOST -loge• sum of money.....on..r,,,; 'iiiiarsay�,May 4th. Reward. Finder please phone 524-7750.- 19 24-7750.-19 LOST -near Park and Victoria; • Bible, name engraved, Grant Teal. Finder please return 84 Park or phone 524-8659. Reward. -19 LOST -a Border Collie dog, black and white with tag and collar. Strayed from 'Lot 12, Concession• 5, Goderich Township. Child's pet. Phone 524- 7095. -19nc LOST -Male Siamese, 4 years. old, with red leather collar. Reward. Archie Johnston. Phone �=-8758. -19x FOUND -cat with red collar, 'name Kese. Phone ,524-6110 or during business hours, 524, 83,73,-19',,. 22. TO GIVE AWAY. ' TOY Collie, Bajengie, spayed female, good with children, good watchdog, preferably to a farm home. Phone. 524-6987. -19 A. BIRTHS CROZIER -At Calgary, Alberta -2 -.2 8-'3-4 on April 29, 1972eto Mr. and M. . Wm.. M. (Bill) Crozier (nee Hutchins) a sin, Brent William, Clifford. -19 HENSALL, ONT. MOVING WITH CANADA SINCE 1873 • SANDBLASTING JACK HAMMER WORK HARDY -At Alexandra Hospital on ay 7, 1972 to Mr. and Mrs. .' Hardy, .Auburn a baby boy. POWELL-At .Alexandra Hospital'on May 9, 1972 to Mr. and Mrs. _Gene Powell, Goderich a -• ,::,�r,ul�R�,�-K:, ��•p��•C ..,.�;:�w���ba� ,,.Qi:c�i:rFlea.na. �.4�uis�:�x.,: BACKHOEING SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD STOrTHERS Phone 529-7403 f& estimates VACUUM CLEANERS Sales & Service All Makes BOB PECK • VARNA 262-5748 Collect • WEBER'S SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE • Modern equipment used. We pump septic tanks, piggerip Lagoons etc. • • • Phone 887-6700 R:R.2 Brussels -19tf -Where to Buy it RELCO •Sewing Cntre (APPROVED DEALER) 40 WEST ST. 524.8431 WOLTERBEEK-At Alexandra Hospital on May 5, 1972 to Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Wolterbeek, Goderich a baby girl. E. CARDS OF THANKS COX -For the gift sent to Elgin -while he was in Victoria Hospital, the food brought to the boys at home and -finally the beautiful floral tribute, we wishto thank the Farmers' Curling Club. The amount of pleasure derived from his association with you could never •be measured.- Phyllis easured.-Phyllis Cox and family. -19x MUGFORD=I wish/ to thank friends, relatives ,and neighbors also Rev, G. L. Royal for cards, flowers and visits while 1 was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. -Wm. Mugford. -19x SEERS -I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends and relatives for their visits, cards, gifts and flowers while 1 was a patient in hospital. Special thanks ton)... J. R. Leitch, Dr. J. M. Watts, Dr. N. C. Jackson and the staff of 2nd East. All was gratefully appreciated. -Kaye Seers: -19x WESTLAKE-I would like to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives who remembered me with flowers, gifts, cards, letters and visits While I was a patient at St. Joseph Hospital. Special thanks to Doctors, nurses and staff on 4th and 6th , floors. -' .. Dorothy Westlake. -1.9 ANDERSON-- I would like to thank all 'my friends, neighbours and relatives who remembered me with flowers and cards while I was a patietlf' at Alelcandra Hospital. Special thanks 'to Dr. J. W. Wallace, nurses and staffon main .tar/!yLSS°t` .Also Rev. 'FatIrbr Moyna-hgn r -Mrs. °lova Anderson. - 19 F. ENGAGEMENTS 'rJIE MAY meeting of the Women's .Hospital .Auxiliary will be cam; •Monday,• May f6•ik, at 2:30 p.rl1: Work ' alessatoa: to follow. -1" T 1E GOD,fidRlCl Woman's' Institute.13ake Sale, 124 p.m., May 261b, at 'The Mill End Store. -.-I9121 CAMEO i> qutd embroidery Open H9usg, Tue,sday;May 2'ard, at the home of Nora Curren, 160 -Park St., Goderich. Time 2'•5, 7.9. ,` free gift for ail; -19,20 YOU ARE invited -to attend the child Health Clinic, Court' (louse: godertch, on Saturday, May 13, 1972 from 9:30 a.m: to 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health.. Surveillance 2 - Anaemia Screening 3. Iinmunizati-•Qn 4 Hearing • Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of children's . teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years..., 19 MOTHER'S DAY .DINNE ;'.5- '7c30 p.m. Phone 565.2611 and - make your reservations now. The Little Inn, Bayfield`= -19 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hirst wish to • announce the a tgagement 1 f their -- daughter Linda to Robert H. Skelton. The wedding takes place June 3rd at 4 o'clock at Pentecostal Tabernacle. -19x BULLETIN BOARD HAYFIELD •Pavilion. Opening Dance, Friday, May . 19th, Featuring Walrus. Time . 9:30- 12:30,=Admission $1.50.-19 RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Ted Williams (nee Sue Seli) on May 13th at the Bayfield Arena. Dancing. to the "Broughams", 9:00 to ??. Lunn • will be served. --19 pv WOMEN'S Hospital, Auxiliary • Penny Fair, Bake Sale and Tea • will be held in Knox Church Hall, Wednesday, May 31st. -17,19,21 HURON ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL SERVICES FQRJAWN, COUNT& AND SMALL INDUSTRY NEW INSTALLATIONS AND RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES CPN RAID MACVICAR' PROP. PH,. 524-9861 FUNIesPLANT FUNK'S HYBRIDS N\fBR$D G4082 G4180 ,110.0V1/ N TL] T1.11 WL]ITLLI G5150 44263 RONALD BAER c, 524-9821 ' • R.R.S, Goderich HONDA [l5o .SINGLE CYLINDER .4 VALVES .OVER 30 H.P. ARGYLE— '5. MARINE And . SMALL ENGIIIES 88 Britannia Rd. ,Goderich 524--9201. FIGHT POLLUTION. PLANTA4tE1I WE HA,VE A LARGE SELECTION OF AND LARGER � ' n CRIMSON KING MAPLE T NORWAY MAPLE. SILVER MAPLE SCHWEDLAR MAPLE MOUNTAIN ASH COPPER BEECH WHITE BIRCH CORK TREES CAROLINA And LOMBARDI POPLAR - FLOWERING CRAB 4 VARIETIES FRUIT TREES Excellent Stock of a Roses n n d Evergreens TOPSOIL - By the, yard or truck load . GRASS SEEDS- WILSON PRODUCTS -FLOWERS--= VEGETABLE SEEDS--SHRUBS--CEMETERY PLANTING - TRIMMING AND MAINTENANCE OF SHRUBS -RAKING LAWNS -FERTILIZING OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK DAYLIGH1' TIL DARK DSCAP1H1 , . NURSERY - "itpc18ENNETT St. E. G0t''ERICH 54.91a6,L,, Member of, Qntsrie Ntlrssry t 'ad.s Acieelation