HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-8-17, Page 7imperial Dein
Mirth of Two st
Great itg it
Society Walk
mighty to oho
,govern their pe
gringo and the
cielted enough be
trial God, but w
the German pe
)43pinien. Ever el
the Kaiser 11
fng Alto* of
113Zie fire-eating
between potatobit
have afforded alm
the arrant perm
and deem 13nt 1
what meet be rag
abeurdities, whit
mended" the bi
rest upon the
paseage through
to have tdken 18
DIvins Peovideac
.Empire ars a
curiously enough
mom. Bub the
passing of the B1
•Germany and o
Now that th
knocking around
Is a talk of red
present a liou'sen
receives $525 per
uniforms ; a oa
higher; a Cebit
modest sum of
officers being as
reason for the Bit
;obvious. There
the marriage
lieutenant being
he oan prove 141
yeerly income o
Loaptaio must ha
keep up the offi
ponsibillities of d
forced to emarry
a reason, albh
• walla meet
mnlb marriage
Jewesses are no
however, seldom
The Czarowitz,
spent a couple of
the other weenie
btm at the Math)
Kaiser Alexend
Czerowitzn own
with Russian
entranee eo the Io
shells and merbl
and wolnese), bb
Gamma -colored
young guest, wh:
.Majesby'e. Her
dinner, to whist
Amblesador, 0
other members o
In two hours the
amompanied by
' He lefti Berlin b
burg brain ab 11
between the Imp
,Isto Mile them,
greetings, consis
• oheek.
At the eud of
England be vial
'Victoria ab CO
mind this time t
trephiee in the w
• man eibher here
any he may acq
-wring to papule.
aubjects is deaer
• et sport in the
his mmit agreeab
'he la far seeing
famillarizbeg the
et ma, even in
Dianne of oultive,
more in the aeon
..grandmother, is
life. ;This nate
out a large navy
all he cam to gal
v. gain reveel his I
the Germain ar
tain sea porba up
Tam long been I
Imperial Crow
.world will see w
-opinion of a hig
In which the pro
head aineunb of
TRH atlas
Wilhelm was
.1:tasting of two h
'his hunting hou
;long expreseed
%tramway (whir)
'ts Song of the
:with groat eole
peek:toned till H
'The exact day
welconolug ore
little Allege
;Kaiser drove in
lour flee greys,
With theracteri
who was in hig
ound of evoryb
;detail too email.
master" wen
his head, the K
the customary p
work followed.
poured into t
,disappeared ent
ancomenitsID the
.alajesty novet ft.
Lhave a clear m
the ineorlption,
Hotted' end
es Ng. mm
William has
the book of hi
hien, but he ta
isubjeots nosed
4mam1er of itbsrop
• .
With the queetion than hie oneeebor, thet
eedoubtable weg, Frederick the .Greet.
Theft Peoporoh ke,ving mitered ati 4 Oen.
oi neeer 4 Cathohe town, the ithurclewisrdens
of theCothedrel mine to him and, begged
that the Moho eied eelios of their chum&
should be teamed 44 .444 May We FA
under the mere of Your Mejeety eur twelve
epeetlea ?" asked one of Mail Id gentlenien.
' Twelve apeettee ? Ms,de of woad, I tams
perm I" mid the Klieg, "Of wood; 1 Ohs,
Yoor Majesty,", cried the ohurelawarden, in,
pore disgtiet " all twelve si•e aro of Mae-
-. ' ' ' ' - '
sive ollrer," " Ah ! very well," answered
the Meg, rabbing his leen Waldo, " mars
tainly I shall take one of them and. fur -
• - .
thermore, 1 ;mem help them to fulfil
mission. They lustre been told, Go about in
, . •• -I. r. o . . .1 t
tne worm, 'lacy w a go, eine ewes. ng a.
onae for Mae twelves opeatles, he 'dem:abetted
them to the mlemt, 1 • "
The 17 th inetewas Prince Eitel Fritz's tento
birthday, aud, according to Hohenzollern
custom, this: smell boy became ou that' day,
a lioutzelemet in the Prussien ' ammynand re,
:Delved the righb to wear the stet. wad rib.
bon of the Black Eagle Order.. The °ere-
mony is. treated with the greatest solemnity
by the Kaiser, thongle to ordookers the
aimed of a °Mid in the full uniform of the
Feels Guarcla presents muoh of the Milieu-
loin. Prince Eitiel's fair curie accordiog to
• '
regulation, were olesely out. Early in the
maiming the whom regiment amembeng
before the Sohloom in full'Uniform, and With
the hiatorioal Grenadier cape and lump-
wire, '
All the Hohenzalern Primes who were in
Berlin and neighborhood ware present ; the
Keiserin. AM1 other ladies &inflected with
the family looked on•from. the &Mom win,
dews. At 10 o'clock the Kaiser appeared,
resplendent in gala uniform and all the
Pkassian' orderto adoompanied by the
Crown Prime and Prinoe Eitel Feledrich,
also in unIfOrm. The Hohenzellern Hmmee
Order, which Eitel ware for the firsb time,
had lain with other presents upon his birth-
day table. His imperial Majestm, then made
a s h " f 11 I d " kti la
pee° , u o. SMIti , W o was con-
eluded by a "hook" for the new lieutenant,
joincd in by all the soldiers preaent, The
epseoh was responded, to by the (Jolene], and
viten came ths rierenioner of traneferring the
Primo from his father's hands, so to speak,
to the Cate and 'discipline of Mee regiment.
, .
A crazy deem but a brae one, mines from
Frankfort-amMdain. A number of ladies
and gentlemen, who were taking a cold
„otter i
ottre, h h , woriehoten, hathgad a
bare foot race front Buckenheim to Haddam-
heina, a distance of abeut two and a half
English miles. In crossing hard rem&
sandals were permitted, otherwise compete-
tore were bound in honor to renounce Woes
and atm:kluge A lovely Monde of 18 gained
the day, having met 06 the way with
ounciry adventures. A pertly of rough
workmen attera b d t t h b h
p a o a op her, to s efoot.
won their hearts by purcomming st nip of
tobalice from them, and (teethe:lea her way
eokbeg. In e village the authorities
oonsidered ib their duty to toke her to the
nearest asylum; but the maiden escaped by
another wile and triumphantly reached the
goal. The competibora .were all people
moving to the best eociety and arranged this
novel race oub of ennui.
A T r •
11111110 IN DIAMOOS.
7 ' ' ' ' ' . ' '''. '
to thie he brine the triangular etene to a
Xound Shope by tubbing awes' thee polite ;
and ,Passes It °NV' iM theielltheri. The t
large bombe muet now be, divided into
emaller enees cad for WO prOOSSO is Peed
the diamond dint obtained in elsoving And
OUStillg. The jewel pollehee itself.
., .
, A rinnnfinar immune.
While io Metope poliehing le 01111 labers
111.34.1=gt1b4sett 44E4°44 genii"
mere intimate and expedietlotuhreet ?apple.
'sheet: met iron wh.eo. I m. akes 2,590 revolts.-
awe in a Win to. The diomend le soldered
Into a mpg° cup, end for mu* facet poi-
felted menet ' h nitn. red, in it.s peeitioP. A
full pone/Mug requiem twenty-4'0volt ethane'
t9.00s. ' . .
"Tho De Beers Consolidated Iliffolog
Syndicate," estates Commiesioner Ludwig
Wiener, " has b .
chase o'htiained Ye 0 na twr 01 g %Inv Et:rti I" in et lir ldy .P111.0
whole of the incluetrya Whoa the rich
Premier Weseettou mine , was disetivered
three years ego the owner wen itainediately
given $1,500,000 and the , first 5,000,000
tml owienode. ezsyo,ef thtbr 11111 ou eohogen:rvepounanun, die% it. el p4esibrti9dosyrisat a yo0u0t w5 !gob oe
nativee. The an P f8o6r,5th008,010a0et;
The . dividend cicala el fo
re r the 148b BiX
months was ono of 25 Per Mild
" Fatly One-flfth of the diamonds need to
beatolen buil the thefts have been greetly
Th Kaffi r - '
reduced.i le a re aro ob iged to live
in a large no OM area, out of whioh they
cannot „pees until the last den of their
Berme. - .
Itorlem Newman
' ThOcsande
to ' Wit"
e I.
' ' ' I . - .
met,', i
.1.* ..41;. ,_,,../.,,!"._,,
ii .. -
up her trope and
her marine residence
in order and nice
graodeone Emperor
fied his 'August
turniog up on
one Of hie tip-top
that Williem•hao
iu developing
etrong partiality
is egreat oonundrtira
hr.. to ,solve. .
back; when he
that savored
. That,
when he waa
mega. Among
ways he has adopted
of Wales in visiting
theta, though he
in respect to
wherever he may
ties. To Wales
berre,seing as
submittemete his
persons as he ielikely
country house
K • who carries
°mem w
ance with all
ohm e in the
frankly enjoys
namely as happy
a marked one
Royal etiquette,
thus set a precedent,
sore ever permitted
threshold of any
The joyous
wedding have
Her Majesty'a
Ambrose having
being summarily
service. Ambrose-
bright and .clever
protege of Queen
meted him to
her principal body
which flowed
day wee too
George and May
with the result
wanted him he
corner of BuckioghamPalace,
less and paralytically
reents was mammary.
gorgeous livery
duets of the royal
b the•
a tinle w
thab he took a
fare, and there
tunes u I
t- - -1 - ease
approved fashion.
very much upset
She shed royal
forted. The
in for spiritual
1111 til he had consented
over the body
her composure.
is that it would
men in the
stricter rale
drink and insufficient
give theta ex b
have proved their
The Duke
Knight of the
Fleece which
' bh
Austrian, bo
founded in 1429
where there is
knights has a
two r eraaoe
t 0 d took
'of thelast He
thedispute which
Ye. a The King...ts
i d la Ma Ch
tr e. y e
Ma • acousation
Ma ib .whettever.
au or y
ef a red velveb
it f
' man 6 0 purp
The cap Is of
and the shoes
, . , m
1 a a we
a re an
1 f th
sentat on o
whiela the Argonauts
; Toe return
1 ous members
vices annually
jusb been Meuedefrom
the following
into the capacious
owners. The
f Humaree gets
e -
Cambridge, •
Colonel of Grenadier
little Dem of $31,170,
than his grandgelablon.
weight follows
the Southern
Franois of Took,
Dragoon Gnards,
Molly, of that
17th Lancere,
burgh, as CommaudeminsChist
pore, draws $15,660,
as a ',deplete in
weans A BETTER
Howeger estimable
Ptince no ohe
gam as a Colonel
more about the
fine art of eoldiering.
le I 1 titter
0 Co one
in the royal
ictonodded that
His Ro al Highness
. y
' . •
a fireb-Ineto iiidge
• • berdeaut
These ere
' o one
and n
thing about
kneet. His Royal
" poste& " about
With ilisi emu
tell the differeet
ettbinitted to
. .
was tried once
NIvrein S..5Ch
1 1 " ' ' ' " r
and ooeiety uo o
., k.-.
PrIllee, With closed eyes, ead whieh WM!
amitigi*. wht04.•YquE;in, 4714104:tf% up;
3.101dche Peed Me forth, not a little tie the PP
velem of the ghetto all of whoM, however
Were gourMets in the wetter of vim, fins,
A Vvvo. nymphet) ergem Otzt ItEIIINISOEN9N0
• ,.
In 168e, jely 201M, was marked by the
eueoetion of !Jame, Duke of telonmonlibs
illegitimate on of King, Maxim IL, and
rdeebsete°crhihTtfate413 bh4oToluilhildrgenbILit DIOR!
.noompumted by . en unhappy jnolden%
which refleobs 'horribly on the character' of
dames. After Monmouth was eentenoed
the king granted him. a peraonal interviews
in which_ the rnisereble Mat begged for Me
1441feens'oahndruthrrelesdte trtinetionoculneteroesfuostedBinto.oialocan:
doroalsyfahmetilbyreme ammeter of the present
Qn, tngiNeanun:Zh'Sio:erre: TotrsQesu,tetenvadaire;•ree
caught Bernath/am of that nnoonventienall4
which disbloguiehes her lousitand and her
brothers and sieterosin-law, Her Ladyshipfe
o se. ' ,7 ' el ' .S. 'L ' .,
esnme.sseemnsm _me nem .-owever, exprese
Itself in e$Aoldy the sorb of waywhichweuld
seem likely to emceed with her noble hue:
otelptiVate:a7dirsertetfanortariteca0111::0AdilllyrniMae 1 t) r e"la13 tostess at ell
7, :tieno and,na hoe or fr yat hle:ti neh ojootin:
, y, MI or e name
voted of General Beoth's soldiere.
* *
i in Bola ad the
' • • ' • '
aily Bill
Stalwart Zulu Braves 0- u a r d the 611 ter.
- t
, , ,
mg Exhibit at the Fair.
- . .
, -,-..
• • IIRES stolwart, lieroulean
' I , - Zulu, bared to theirhrowo
. hips and armed with fierce
,, 'A TOMAdollffid601k0.0g-0111b6,
ivf „lib t 'a and heen*hladed. none:eats,
t 1 ‘'4; 5 stand tetiord over $1,000,-
000 ' di f di Dads I
'IPA the Pwaelrace °of MliMemise°, at thue
ts ; el
, World's: Fair. Ireade are
etrueg around their drove
neolee ; necklaces of horn
f.'.. IP ornaments fedi over their
? . MoturiieollIptatedaestraantrod tthuefitre
woolly topkuoto. Despite these gay onto-
ntents the weapons overawe one. ,Tlaese
glent Zulus are reputed to he the Most
violons tigthers of all the Kimberley region.
For Mae in the Came of Good Hope's eim
hibit. The richslitbie colony inthe big toe
of ogrima • from whim, dowagers and
duthesses, prinom end ' plumberta the world
over get their brillient a* apsrklere," is
giving the world A peep at diamond digging.
She has Dent over not only this terbium of
diauwada in the rengh-tbn big one el 282
karate t t
' WORTH ol5,00u. ALONE
-but oleo 150 tons of, diaraonditerous .soils
or Mae dirt, which containe a treasure of
gems and aome ohining beauties, no doubb,
worbhy of being cretin ' javvels. This eon
i huge seoge end
wies brought over sewn a
under guard of the seven -foot Kara.
Blue ground really resembles rook,' and is
a conglomerate of pebble end day.. The
blue Meet= doea nob 'lie on the Starga0e,
u roe prepense
b i ' below la revealed
by a yellowleh mil. photon& in
Africa were net disoevered, how-
over, in that way.. A , Dutch farmer,
mimed Van Niekerk vieited a friend in the
Hope Town district in 1867 and found • the
chlidren playing with a . pretty Moms The
mother preeented him with it mad he in
turn gave it to a trader. The supposed,
combat turned out to be worbh.$2,500. Bat
singularly enough that was the first and lest)
diamond ever found in Hope Town.
The De Beers ond Kimberley mines were
discovered soon after, in 1870, only 200
miles from Cape Town, The valtiebie dig-
giugs all lie within a limited circuit of 3i
mileo diameter. The blue ground has
eireedy been worked down to a level of
1,000 footmend becoraes rloher with every
f d ' t The monthly output of
o owe .
rough diamonds now averages about 200,000
karats, and so far the, mines have exported
fully 50,000,000 karate, equal to a beta
value of nearly $350,000,000.
The.blueground brought from these farm
oue mines haft been hoisted up in loads of
1600 pounds eaoh. In Africa ib is' dumped
on the ground and allowed to crumble and
pulverize in the sun for she or eight mouthe.
3Iere oportionolitispnlverized bymaohinery
bathe ore yards every morning, Ib is then
brought over to the glass -inclosed exhtbit,
where eversbody can See au) promema of
washing, separating, cleaning,
'from Btait te finish. If the spectator waited
to me anyfiamse pertioulaegem. fie throudishh its.
travels to Wing perfection, e vvoul ave
to Preaa his nese against the glass CABO for
'three weeks. -
mos lustreless diamonds can be
The al b
men imbedded_ in their mattrix of blue
earbh Then tha pulleys begin to whirl and
the'niecieris dirt is careful' lifted into the
h 1).Y ha b ter,
„gem washingpan, w ere. y cone ti s
ring th e clay bwornee soft mud. • The mud
1 ' hin '
slides into the carious pu satin mac e, a
cy se er w a. op a m
I' d ibh ir I Won and four holes
of various elm in a series. The pebbles aro
us surto e t oug our amortments
thus kl c1.1 hr h in f
, ...
mu on running
and are washed clear of the dfd
MI a below.
e, _P .
f i d bbl d
This concentrate o m ge pe es an
di ends Is then burned over to the sorter,
tun .
ren o
%roe 01Mriada it oub on the table in f b 1
1 1 Hie is I k
him with a stee trowe . eye . qu o
to debeob any gem in the rough nestled
amid the 'worthless pebbles. The orange
serve' to prevent a emelt diamond from
hiding among large pebbles, and the sorter
does his work so rapidly that he makes the
. inexperienced spectator nervous lest he la
sweeping away onus precious . stone wibh
the rubbiah. Oneasionally there is a "blank
sift, but usuaily 40 carom are found here
inestiohdagds total • Waohin In 100 tens
. . g.
of dirt there ie an average of one ton of
t at '
comma r e. .
' rnEsENTATioN.
The first one found was resented on the
,..• • r• 1 IN , 4,1.
day of dedication to LAM OM , •nt ""e
Department of Mims, and the first lenge
t b I ned from the dirt is to be
6t6126 0 e oose „
christened "The Star of America.
' h d* d
The largest roug lemon . ever
found has just been unearthed at the
Jager's Fontein in South Africa. Ib
d is 1 d b ' t
weighs 986 carob: an vs, ue y exper a
at $2,500,000. The diamonds as they
emerge from the washed gravel are not
lacklustre but the cannot
aboolutely , y
bomb A hint of the brilliance of the poliehed
They are not all white diamonds. Some
are yellow and some are brown, greenkblue,
pink or bloat The black or bort diamonds
are too hard to' be out, and can only be
used for drilla. The lighter gems range in
bi•water shades from orange to pure white,
the moat beetutiful and coebly of all. Once
in a great while a diamond is found which
is withoub &we and so . perfect) in shape
that it io EileDb direct) to the when But
the stone is mostly of an irregular, rough
shape or . impeded wibh IMMO radical
bleaniele Somefter all, it io the remodeler,
and not nature, to ,whom the world be in-
debted for the diemond.
, The remodelers have a. Mega apartment
sill to thetruielved,' and in this instoetoe are
Anwar:elm workmen, To fit theoutolvee for
this delicate and okilful art each has served
an apprentice:IMP of five years. The °leaver
le the first betake the diamond, and having
ascertained the
he places 'it properly ba the top a consent
holder, 'Then another diamond is tubbed'
' i t the mehdPulated one, for, 'as the
ege 12813 1 "diamond cute diamondOf
Plot= runs, nn• Y .
i ' i 4 el' - '
Wheel a euffialent Wale an a pro me , a
, . , '
hituet knife it intreduced andshorply tamped
bit ' ata1 lb tmtil the diamond a lite in
V.71 a s foS .. sr. a, P
he direobion deeireci. '
t . , , ., .
, about hin work of eplit-
The oh:weer goer: ,
thig the diamonds as non:Maim:0)1y ise A
guarryition chipping a Mon() slab. The
cdelb *on aro (tailed " leaps " and " ende,"
. .
and the polished "ands" aro atierWard
knotees ae " room." A diesnond int the renigh
t 60 'sr mute Of ittielf in
1 s°3 , • oboul
° . . a , , - , , -, punti-, .g
to ito finieheetate, an the cleaver is the
.• i .. co
ono who dinun ales 4 most
I) o Nex melee the tern ef the Mint. He
mate the geria away to dimovee Whethee
mem :me. 4ititusa .m. tistiiii 4,.4, . A Iiiihke.fliifirs
......— ,
ova esents-mrederiese nee
Champion. maker —nettle
, . 'es, i.
Prince Elita Asitlx6 a
evret Mare or m wins. u
mg mamas.
EBLIN, ,Julymedlf by
ono manner of meatus the
Kilmer could monufoin
tare or peocure a' welit
fittieg Imboand a pair of
the best azure tipped
wine that would • do alt
than WM meohenically
\, required of them, ' he
I would there and then
proolteim hinteelf a cosies,
tie' being and ene sent
; -
expreerly by the Al-
, :modern rulers how to
mile. Evan without the
moessary bele he ie oon-
tinegtratt himself a 'Amato
.ott he would be with them
pie alone' can form an
race he came to the throne
ma been the laugh-
the civilized world.
sTSoeches, sendwioluad
, prelim of universal poem,
;opt as ravioli am:moment as
at conceit in all he sari
aet week brouoht aunty
misled as the climex a his
du he pradloelly "omen
easing of the Almighty' to
lerman Army Bill ba its
the Reiehateg. He oppears
for granted that 'ne and
a are moreing the German
idett elleenlatien• And
he ie lucky in Ws ubter-
opinion prevails that the
1 is a bed day's. Work for
no that will ere long he
ire will be more money
for martial purposee there
sing thenffieers' nay. At
int in the Premien Army
anium4 and finds his own
gtain'e pay is but little
;era ineome reaches the
perhaps $2,500. 'German
plentital as hazel -nuts, the
tallnen of their ealanete is
Le a striob law In respeob to
ofc Ga man °Moen ; no
allowed to marry uniese
titurelefe in, neeettlen 64' a
I • n8ntn39 tne Rey a
e .$375. This le dram to
,er statiadard.ond avoid the
hb. Perthilme offioera are
women of fortune, and for
the antimernitio feel-
exelueively in the German
s of the *Moen with
D nufrequenb ; the result is,
a happy one.
.on ois wag from England,
hours at the New Palace
• Keiser Wilhelm met
d the band of the
a, an ..
r Grenadier. Guards. (the
I:melt:neat) Alionapzsaiedhica
iational mania.. At the
fusolieleSaal (Mat hall of
I whioh le unique in beouty
5 KAioor16, hi a becoming
oft alit gown, met • her
Its e great favorite of Her
lithe Imperial perby took
' se the Russian
., of oeur ,
tio.b 5 theuvaloft, and the
' the Embassy weremvited.
Crown Prince lett 'again,'
ihe Kalmar aud attendants:
the ordinavy Sb. Peters-
l'olook, and • bite fareorelle
oriel vermin, em the Social-
were as hearty as the
ling of two kisses on each
• .
hiemonth William gem to
a eeea
b hie grandmother,' le
les, He has made. up his
i bring back some yachting
e.y of pote, and no Eaglish-
or at home will grudge him
Llre,,for his pluck in enders,
rims yaohting amongst Ma
Mg oi all praise. Tiais loveA
Sodom's; ohmmeter la one of
A t trim this
te traits.. ' par
enough to pereeiee that in '""
' people with hie prowess
tunueemene, will be the
Ding their ...Merest more and
to mute which, like hie
the.greotoot ambition of his
'ally caned be done with,.
and the Keine ist striving
4this end. The next war
;tentioes mete fully, for if
as are then victorione car-
DR Whi.011 the Imperial optic
' ing e
ger . will be added to th
1, and then an astounded
hat ib will see. Olio is the
, Court functionary and one
found thinker can detect a
preeetit 'last week at the
age belle fer the chapel of
e at Romninten. He had
a wieh to witness such a
t in Germany, vide Sthillerhe
AV is alwaye oonduoted
,niby), and it was therefore
is Majeety could bo present.
wars kepb a seeret, eo no
rde were present in the
of Zehlendert when the
an open carriage, , drawn hy
to the. merle :of action.
able exactems, Hie Majesty.
h. good humor, wept the
Ling, examining Moods, no
When all wati ready the,
b forvereed and uncovered
UMW doing the same, and
rem fee the semen of the
Then the fiery mase was
ft " fortns n and Wilhelm
hay Mom view foe setae
heavy Nene. Ille imperial
bathed, no belle, which
aced ring on D mad F, beer
44 Ehre int Gott in dm
he strewn, and MOM:gram
armee oN Tat SILVAin OHS.
let yet giten to the World,
- .
i Oplisiion on the divot epee*
els a great intetesb in the
xeiese. The young cahoot,
„ 1..i.11vo ”iti, tin. treil.iltiV
-rens or tho moment Fleece-
Or Demi. h. 4 rum UsilsallY
"Offal WaybroeuortsimviWn:s_17,
Thug or Two
Joins rne Salvation annys
aTQattNiertig7tforNelaittitY' jtjeutettlhYtteitrtgat
; due the Mid week in
August,' and overY-
M. 'one who olainae tolls
"f Ahil In L d '
, , aoyone on on a
'creme de la creme
must, ae a cense-
gum"' Pi° in an
1Q8 'sPoPeheeeanrr aviV4:01eontbot rhai b:, t:ai os.
season of the mime
.." has already peeked
flitted moron the Solent to
juet to get everything
* . . .
and lady to , receive ' her
William, who hes signal-
relative •titot he intent&
or about the 2nd proidrao, in
men-oi-wer• How it is
been so' assiduoue of late
English Mateo and nth a
' •
for all Menge Britisho
which people are try-
Time .wee, end mg 00 far
exmorated all and everything
of the land of his another s
however, was in the days
atilt under the swim of Bine
other thoroughly &oleo
is that of his kinsman
the houses of his 'hub-
has improved on hie motel
suddenly inviting himself
happen to hear of festivie
this might pitiably be em -
he le most oareful to have
keen eye the list of such
to meet when at a
or dinner -party. Not 'seethe
off his sudden appear-
the nonchalance of a cavalry
autumn inaeceuvres. . He
himself, even if his hosts are
as he. .The innevaticuele
in the • annals of Gentian
as, till Mae present Emperor
none of Ms predates-
themselves to cress the
of their subjecta.
' EY
festivities of the late royal
been somewhat roomed by,
favorite footman nomed
scattered his brains through
dismissed from the royal
WAS a tall, handsome,
young team and quite a
Victoria who had. pro-
the proud postilion of one of
servants. The,ohempagrie
like water on the wedding
much for hina. He toaeted
too freely, if not too well,
that ,vrhen Her Majesty
was found huddled up in a
blind, ;speech-
drunk. Hie punish-
He was shorn of his
and kicked out of the pre-
domain. No one knew
h h at but 'lb seems
ere e weat, "
room in a modest thorough-
brooding ever his misfor-
ht, ihe cheeks in a met
Qaeen Victoria was
the sequel
when she hear .
tears and would not be cone-
11 d
Dean of Windsor was me a
coneolation, and it was not
to read the ritual
I. • d
that Her 3, ajesty repute
The morel to be deduced
be better to guard young
I I b to n
royal emp oy y a ra, ef
enabled) the temptations o
occupation than to
ra-grand obsoquiee after ;mese
rain I
of York has teen made a
Spanish Order of the Golden
is Identical in origin with the
b -in d 1 d from the Order
a g emve.'gilt
by Philip III., at Bruges,.
hi hih h fth
a (Marc n w a we o re
stall. The Lseparation of the
I in 1700 d th
. , on the sts
slim King of Span, and
P . g . ... .
. then arose io unsettiea
li ha Idclaimh
ye an o . to e
t r f the Order in cam of
esp e o _
of orime, and by no ether
The cestume oonsists
•th whits d
robe e via an a
I lined. with white oaths.
e , . _
purple embroidered in gold
and hose are red. The ribbon
. e,
ancoretion contalne a repre-was
e moo of rysomedIM,afber
fi Ch
sought. '
AR xons
t th .
of payments made o e van-
of the Royal Family for sett-
'rendered to the country has
which it appears that
thousands ef dollars are,wafeed
packets of their fortunate
Prince of Wale, ati a Colonel
$6 750, while the Duke of
P t• • •
as Commander -en -Chief end
Guar& nets the neat
or some'$25,000 more
The Duke of Con-
suit as General commanding
Division, with $14,112. Prince
as Lieutenant of First
draws $1 090 , Prince
i - i
ilk, as Beitond Lieutenant of
$935. . The Duke of Edin,
at , Devon-
and the Duke of York,
the Royal Navy, $1,170.
• '
Weles may be as a
will atinaib that he mum hie
. ..e
of Hussara. , He knows
fine flaeor a Seines than the
'If hie drew hie $0,750.
of the ' vieitassee laid down
41 ''
cellars i out be g n re. y
he worked for hie moiety, for
is ocknoteleSIged to be
- n la I
of wine, ar Mutter y of
and still ehampagne ,
the Fr/meet favorite liquors
' can tench him any.
. ,
' thorn that he does nob
Highneee le eo thoroughly
these wines that he oan,
0 e • -11 eitn 1 th t to
hue, A a P Y hY e aa
Mode of white bordeaux
, ,.
his pl4te. Tido experimeat
it Peat at et lintelenth patty
itifitrrtiti Air totN41*lie
. ---
Effect of the Weed on the igYes-Blindnem
. . .
calmed by Smoking. .
The bad effect of tobacco on the eyee WAS
. .
utnknow, even by physicians, until awitiain
toe present century, mys the Youth'a Oons.
Sixty years ago Dr. MoKenzie of Glat-
• y oe r
gew* wrote: I have already had °mai=
repeatedly to hint my sueploion that to.
Unto in a frequent came of amaurosis "-
complete or parbial blindness To one form
. •
of this disease Hutchinson gave the named
44 'be beam amaurosia," because he had often
found it in meri strongly addiabed to the nse
of telmeed ' •
Dr. Williihmes the celebrated . mullet, of
Boston., says i " To be of eervioe, treat -
ment in tobacco amau
been sameaded b.; ate;:o7Uld_b. e .begtin
in the early stage before the congestion hu
.1-/r• Fianide •Dewhog• of Oincumets,
within a few years tested the eyes of 150
emPloYeee in the principal tobacco factorial
in that ciby.. Only one woman was found
to be suffering from the disease, and she
had never used tobecoo. This showed that
merely working in the factory had velem
little effect on the • sight, though it did
. .
affect unfavorably the general systetn. .
mf the men examined 45 showed more or
. ..
less evidence of arasurosis, 30 of them being
PtettY well Marked oasee. They all min -
took red for brown or black, and &MOOR for
liMht blue or orange,' and , in all Caere was
also a contraction of both pipits. Thirty
out of 45 oompleined If a gradual failure of
In ene case -nob atoongtheemrloyeesjust
snokon of -the 'contraction of the pupil was
eo great that the aufferer,was unable to go
without assistance.He had etnoked from
' .
20 to 30 cigars a day. He renounced to.
bum and his Sight WAS fully restored in
three and a half menth,
Cheering has been found to be muchvionse
than ' enaokinfmas more of the poison Jo
The .opthalinesoope shows in the 'earls;
stage of dirsease a .congested condition of
the optic • disk and the retina. Thepre
sews thence, resuhieg at :length icauses e
gradual atrophy of 'the disk and °embus.%
of More or less of the retina, according .tc
the duration of the disease and the amorial
ef the infection.
Ilow They Are Made -many Needles or
INany Kinds.
One needle is a preht smell item, but the
dailyti - Y th' like censumg on of same ing a 3,000,.
000 needles all over the world mekee a
pretty big Utah Home; year the women
break lose and nee millions of them little
' ' •
instrumento. Our needles are the finished
d t f ingenuity,kill dbirth.
Pr° tut 8 n 8 an workman-
Alsip, And yet how many svomen, threading
a needle or taking a stitch, have ever given
a thought to the various preemies through
hich the wire mud am ere it comes out a
we- e„ P
needle ' '
,Dta Now, the manufacture of a single needle
21 22 different primulas,
merge° wine° ar the '
all .° °v78 : a ng , e wire into lengt
ferstraighMning, by rubbing while heated;°
pointing the ends on grindstones ; stamping
impreseion for the eyea by dies ; grooving ;
eyeing -the eye pierced by screw premise ;
lilting threading the double needle by
op-- - .., • .
the eyes on shorts lengths of . fine wir •
filling, removed the " cheek " left on . eaem'n
side of the eye by stamping ; breaking
separating the two needles on the Oni3
length of wire ; heading, heads filed and
smoothed to remove the burr left by atarap-
ing and breaking; hardening in oil, the
needle is thus made bribtle ; tempering ;
picking, separating those crooked onee ;
scouring and poliehing ; crooked in
hardening; eraightening the bluing;
sofbening the eyes by heat;. drill.
Ing or cleaning out and smoothing sides of
eye; head -grinding; point -setting or final
sharpening ,• final Pcillahlng ; Papering;
labeling. For wrapping, purple paperi.ss
used, becatuie it prevents rusting.
Needles are of various sorts and kinds.
Firsb and foremost, there is the surgeon'e
grewsome outfit-the'probing needle, made
for tracking bullets or hidden cavities of
pus, the harelip needle, the long pine for
pinning .open wounds, the post-mortem
needles of ourione pattern. Some of theme
little instruments are thin, '30M0 thick;
otherit aro long and straight; others, again,
curve once, twice or three times. The
vett:ricer, surgeon has also his medal
entfib. •
The cook's needles are wonderfully, fear-
fully made. His larding needle is used to
sew large pieces of meat together. The
traseihg needle is made on purpese to Meat
melted butter or mum. right into the 'vitals
of a Christmas turkey. It le hollow, and
as a arg _a .open g, re w c e sauce
h 1 in ito M h tth is
poured. Not less intereetin are Mee needles
wide the uses. room° aro hall- - .....
-- hupholstererd
carve , an so He
d d me have round pants. H
has needles with curlew oyee-leng, round,
egg arid counter -stink eyes; the same kinds
o needles are use y co ardna ere. en
b 11 k Th
there are the delicate needle° used by wig-
makers, glove -makers and weavers; they
are often as fine as a hair. The glove
dl / did im f kilf 1
nee es are sp en epee ens o a 11
wor manahip ; the fined of ' them have
three -cornered panto.
Oats et Long Ago.
The piercing and cutting teeth of SOMO of
the cats of long ago are the most perfectly
'adapted hestrumente • for cutting ptirpome
that ever were men, being unequalMd byoueeio
any manufactured tools for such U006. For
example, there was the " gomphodus,"
which was as le.imas the largest panther and
had two teeth in its .upper saw resembling
daggers, each five inches 16 length. As
weapsns for penetrating flesh they are un-
rivaled among carnivorous animals, recent
or :Maimed' They are rather the teeth
of some huge 'flesh eating dinosaurs, the
"terrible repbiles" of the Mesozoic epoch,
which had cutting teeth the,b nothing could
resiet. Doubblem thie creature was inoon-
oeivably b oodthireby. Quite as fierce
however, and even more formidable by tea-
SOU of its greater eizemvas the contemporary
"pogonodon," which was as large as the
biggesb jaguar. ' There were two Species of
thia animal, which held the field in Oregon
during the period I speak . of againse all
rivals. IS was undouotedier a great • des-
troyer of life among the herbivorous beaabs.
-Intzrriewin Wo8himyton.Star.
. ,
ms Sketched in the English Channel, OE
Beachy Mead.' •
Wibh this I send four skebohes of Mem
• ent boats we saw one evening reoently, he
tween 5 30 and 6 p m • when we were
• • ••
treated to a grand display of "mirage,'
which is a very rare event in these lad.
tudes. We were some miles off Beach
Head at the time, trona New York, ' booM
. Rotterdam. The sun was shinin
for - f
brightly, but there was much mist on the
horlzonand over the land, 1 havenumberei
the aketohem Ne. 1. At firstthis lookei
like a house onthe water, simply an obloni
block, with smoke coming frem the top
Then the hal b totill
upper i began rise wi
oeuld distinguish the . two hulls as h
sketch. The' upper hull continued le
rise until it eclipsed the topmasts,. whet
I ceased to Watoh it to continue my. dale
en the lookout. No. 2' explains itself. Do
b II f th to ' . t h.
balis or eve 0 e mes were mut
Mg, and the remterkable thing about tin
scene was that through field -glasses Mu
upper reflected hull was by far the plainer
• e e e ng easily made ou o. :
th d tails b i' out. N •
was verg ladiorens. Ib was a Meamer wile
,, _ _ _ _
a white funnel and thie funnel appeared ti
' hi h hi '
be overemif as g again se toe e p i
masts -i I ot she as 11 funnel. Nothhe
mas n a , t e w a i
else was distorted. No. 4. amused us vele
much. A thin stream ef smoke Deemed ti
sue , rom e. nne , and, s r g i
le f th fu It ikin bit
mast s shown Mimed/Mel spread oub inb
ma a , ya
a bread, dense black band stretching agrees
distance astern (further than ehown). .Thl
band' f d in
orme regular wa,ves or corm
gations, and the sides were perfectly parcel
l• h
lel. The ;amok° losked like a age flag. WI
Mao saw a brig with all saile set duplicate:
like the steamer in No. 2. -Letter in th
We864"184" °azetee• '
The Duties of a Married Man.,'
' .
Some people have very pronounced views
as to the duties of a marled man. Tide •is
how one of our esteemed conbemporeriee
h ld 1 th th b• ' t • Make it a rule
fthfii or on e Stt leo
o e never to be a aen rem your w e
t n 6 t f ' if
when consistent with your duty as a man
f b when,
and a oilman b s poses e tor
' * ' i i id. '
0 US AM ,
you to the preemie and never go out for
. ,. L
what tile wor co a p amour° w t ou her.
world II 1 ila 13 h
This s a sourt mule an a tun one. on
1 dd ' Y
ought to have ever thin in common, to
eng , . Y g
share moh other te sorrows and jott ; and
an who realty owe le tot o oan go
h mi hi f
ow a d find i
out anenterba ument nighb after
i hi: h'e wife at home, I am at a
n g sleaving 1 _
h ' it ht t b
lope to conceive. No man as a r g o e
b t f h' if beyondwhat ia ab-
"en rem la w e.
it lutelv neoessary. You will ay, "May I
-e join •• - i• •• me.
not a rifle corps? , . yes, by all
f h t• ' b b Me h rne
means, i you ove ime, i a oe: aa m
directly after the exercise . a over." May
I not go out with thia or that friend, or to
I say, " No not
bhie or that party?" y, , ,
without your wife."
A Telegraph Line to Be BMA From Cape
cairo. .
• ,
The Pall Mall Gazette gives some inter-
eating information in regard to the proposed
telegraph' line from Cape Cairo to an im-
port= the r or e r cm
t point ininte i f Af I
Capital to the extent of £140,000 has been
subscribed, end this is considered suffidentP
to construct the line as far as Uganda. The
materiel° are now being ordered in London,
end will be ehipped shortly. The poles are
bo be of iron, of light construction, in order
bit '
to ontomancouvre the w e ants, who would
eat away wooden poles. From Forb
a s nry . e ne s o e oarme olin'd
8 li b the line I 1 b - d t
on the Zambesi, and from thence
eot e me c i g n t
to an yre. ere onset . o na on
vn. repos e reau o a sorveys as e
11 t th It f hi to th
best manner of •proceedhlg en to Urganda,
Mul the construction party will have to
Dome to terms with' the natives mad the
• 4
Arabs by eubsidizing the chiefs and others
o mace. ere ,,, e no . ing a e
f mo me wits e te t. te,
way of impenetrable undergrowths or ronk
vegetation to contend with, as the line will
avoid the low country and.keep to the 'high
plateau the entire distance.. • There aro bwo
alternative routes for the conveyance of the
materials. There is a good transport from
the Transvaal to Fort Salisbury, or a shorter
route wou e a, op e ma ma a were
would b d t d' if ite " 1
shipped direct to Beira 'carried along the
railway now being bulitlas far as it extends,
then conveyed the rest of tbe mamma by
ox waggons. The scheme is being pushed
ferward with great isotivIter now.
nen III
Ed tie 'What ia Him Practical.
The folly of mechanioal juggling with
figures is shown by the following. recent ex-
Patience of a school official. , In a wheel of
37 pupils ,of mixed grades the following
question was &eked : . "Ib is ' now 10
minubes after 10. What time was it five
minute:: ago ?" Nineteen oub . of , the 37
pupile felted to give a correct answer. A
Similar line of .humiliating failuree moaned
vehon questions equally eimple were asked.
The trouble was not that) the children
could not subatraets but that they could
make no practiced use ef what they had
leorneci. They couhl use figures with more
or less facility when told exaotlyahow to
arrange theta, When =Min ' ennui "
were het, a fair 'elbowing was made. ' ,But
the Mot that the end of &Ding ouelmcienhani-
col work phould be to inestet the itpnlioa-
Men of a principle to elm practical everyd.ay
affairs of life wag far beyond their ,compre•
• , .
Anemarinable inedetead Mrora Bombay.
' A Borabag man has constructed a bed
stead 'priced at 10,000 rimeee. Ib is the
described :. "Ib has at its.four comma fon
full•sized, gaudily -dressed Greolan.damael
.. - ' a h Idha banjo,hit
-them at the boa o ,gow
those on the •righb. and left foot hold fan:
Beneath the cob is a musical box which se
tends the whole length of the •oot and 1
oapable of playing 12 'charming airs. Th
music begins the moment the least pretreat
has been brought to bear front the ter
which is emoted by one ;dewing or silk*
and menu the moment the individual rime
While the music: in in progress the lad
banjoists at the head menipulate the String
with their fingers and move their heeds
while the ' two Greoian damsels let the bid
tom tan the :deeper to elev."
. The Pigmies or apain. ,
An might have been Inspected, • the dwarf.
raw of Morocco and the Atlas hae been
traced in Europe, and fairly pure types ego
found in Spain, eepecisilly in the Province
of Gerona. These people aro only 3 feet 7
Moho. to 3 ' feet 9 !itches high, and are
otherwiee characterized by a yellow pkin,
broad, square faceit, Mongolian eyes mod red
hear of a weeny textetre. ' Specimen:I 'of
than are oceasionally to be Men in the math
, -
kets of &ammo°, ; and theme lo eisid to be a
number in Col de Toes and the ' Valley of
Ribao, several hour0 by rail from Toulouse.
It is nob improbable that the Mongolian
e e, whioh in observed in a small OZOGAMg
of Welsh and Englinh p,opie is derived, 1).y
inheritance from the Iberia' n pigmies or a'
' Wli gag '
common hileedtrY.--Gasse dune.
Dad the Teeth.
"Hold my teeth, Madame, and I'll tee
your son. ,
, a e man.o it
' Sayingthi th handed 6
agonized mother a full set of 'I uppers,
waged intei thit sarfs and broughb beidc tt
. ,
, "1 owl swim, Madame, with thee
teeth in ray mouth " the Man comistineds o
. , , „ .. . .• . .., . -
' he got Ma china back and pub ib where I
a w 1,, . hy
belesige , hen he em led a cream w
Pantie ea he received the mother's thanks.
. . , ,
Geed Ilse for ihe Tune.
• t •
Who daughter of a counbry rector ought
the choir boys et new bate at a Ildoeday
eveningle preettioe, to be sung on the foltow-
ing Senclam Sunday memeeig came, • .
' Well, &May," said Mies X, " I hope
you hamen't forgotteo the new tunei for tie
depend maoh on you." .
'' Now, MUM, 1106 A Mt. Why, I've been
us e
sheeriti' the Mows with it all wook."
Sacrilege. ' '
' '
Weary Watkino-Wot de yeti think of
thia? Heade a :tory about a feller !Akin! a
bath in whiiiky for hie thetimMieM.' '
HungrynHiIn gging-Took is hath whisky?
-- tem - - ' .." - ' - -
He was &heat e moot saorliegions cuss I
d • f • ' '
ever home o ,
New York has 7,282 lice:need bare.
Accord g to a report bg the Preach
Minieter ef inannn 148'88 fa 4
l'°aliiiee 41
since havo Melina °zombie:on from eer.
rr e
felt taxes mace* voted by tbb Pealattienb
0 .. e . .. , . .. .. , ,,,
on a mounts or nevang oval or mots eau
The Air rinmn tnint ina•attiteet ir. eaMi, •
To elelanee grette froth wood or cloth s
silk or attaw apply. the following eleatlidt
- . -, .- • appby
0 cream i Dotolve 2 Whom of whi 0 oas
ii0A . itrid hall . , i' i, pm in e pm
p atiau mince o . o . .
of warm eon water; turii tim6 ixdo •11 quae
of cam watat DM 4 aiinaog of ogee mem
k .i....A.,...i
Time flies faked tin the Wings' 0
inn 1.enrati. ...4.