HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-11, Page 8The Goderich Brownies welcomed -hew members to their ranks during their Friday meetinalast week at Robertson'Publ ic School. Leftto right are, front, Jacqueline Sansome, Sandra Fraser, Sheri PUT g,ala a�5 TO WORK FOR mU YOU MAY ENROL NOW IN A PROGRAMME OF ACADEMIC UPGRADING (Grades 11 & 1.21 Mathematics, Science, and English)' at the' CLINTON CENTRE Conestoga College • • y of Applied Arts and Technology The Clinton Centre offers individualized learning in an adult: daytime programme (8:30-2:30). Programmes in Academic Upgrading Grades 1-8 and 9. & 10, Commercial GrTades& __12. -.-and . Re-fr.'e- krer-, and-Cer•3i•fied i iting Homemaking are already in operation. The Academic Upgrading,diploma for Grade 12 equivalent is recognized byBusiness and' Industry; Colleges, Schools of - , f, Nursing, etc. Entrance Requirements: a) Grade 10 or•equivalent b) Minimum age 19 or ' One, year out of school . Other cases may be considered on individual basis. For information• Call Mr. BruceBork uist at 482-3458 or . `i_ .•.rw..J .�.,...,. .-'f.:.-- mail ffie coupa't. � _ To: The Clinton Centre, Conestoga College,, Box 160, Clinton, Ontario. • Please send"me application form and information for Academic is pkrading. Name " Phone A Address L M Moody, Lisa Hill, Tracy Lounsbury, Carolyn. Moyne, Frances Moyne, and Lisa Varga. Back, Kim Brady, Sylvia Brady and Carolyn Little. — staff photo , • C A.S. forms Foster Parent Association Following several --- organizational meetings. ' the foster parents ,of the Huron• County Children's . Aid Soci0,v have formed a Foster Parent Association. • The executive. of the Association are as follows. president. Walter McClure. R.R.2, Setr;forth:• vice Itrbsiiient. Gordon Blanchard, R.R.4, Walton: secretary. George Sikma. R.R.2, Wroxeter, and Russell. Snider. R.R.2, Zurich, who will net in .the dual capacity of treasurer, and liaison.. with the Society's Board . of Lirectors. Mrs. D. • Scott. Nile, is the -Association representative to the South -'western Ontario Regional Foster Parent meetings. and Mrs: M•a'rtan•-•Hindm'arsh of the C'hildren's Aid Society staff will .act as staff liaison. The aims and purposes of the Association. and a constitution were ratified at the March meeting of the Association held at Wesley -Willis United Church. .Clinton. Special guest at the Ma-reh-true-etii>~ was 'vti:ssShirley .Norman. of the CounSY..p;do-pf_ :ducation, who presented a film, and answeenquiries concerning children with learning. pr blems. ' "We anticipate a strengthehing in our partnership with our foster parents as a result cif our Foster Parent Association." commented Children's Aid Society Director,. B.R. Heath. "Our staff has long enjoyed an excellent working relatioinshiii with the Society's foster parents. and there has been in many ways , an informal 'association of 'foster parents in GET. THE FAMILY TOGETHER. Surprise Mom on Her Big Day With a gift that wi11 last her for years' MAY 11, 12 - 13 ANY 81RACK -TAPE WE CARRY A -PULL SELECTION OF HOME UNITS 1-1-. COPLAYERS PORTABLES & TAPES • AtA,A..AAA*--. ..,... ai......xa,44,14Mwhi0100.A-,; ANT AND. SERVICE'. STAT the County. " "Within% the context of social` fellowship and "a fostering of a spirit of cooperation and helpfulness among members. it is our hope that the'As•spciation will use itself to promote The interests of, and iml5rovetnent in, existing services for foster• chil( ren", he continued. r • It is our.hope• too that the Association will use,itself as a vehicle to promote educational activities related to the care and treatment of the • child in foster care". • The next regular meeting of the Association will be held May 15 -in Clinton, Plans are also under way for the Huron County Children's :lid Society to -host r --re ictn=a� Foster Parent meetirf in Goderich in June. G�derich • Thursday, and - along ' with - Jim LI.P. report were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald4 (Linda Little) in Goderich that evening. Miss Iva Carr, Dungannon. • Concern was expressed at • the itnporters looking for evr•y Huron Federation of Agriculture commodity produced in Ontario • meeting Thursday night in Clinton but they do nofknow we have these that the late spring could mean a products for sale. larger than normal planting of Bob Henry of Blyth reported to c� ,s beans in Huron this year..the meeting on the problems Phil Durand, commenting on involved in registering for the . In mid-April Alvin Sherwood accompanied Mr. and Mrs. the bean situation said he was government's two -price system 'was on a Dairy Farms Tour to Carman Hayden, Port Albert, to worried ,that the cold wet spring on Ontario wheat., There is Minnesota via Air Canada to Lucknow Presbyterian Church might hinder grain planting and presently $8 million in'the kitty to encourage fanners to s Minneapolis, transferred to bus Ann'iversa unday morning. In ow bealrs be "split up among Ontario wheat which travelled to Elmer -Hovel the afternoon they went an to instead. Such heavy planting at farmers, he said, and until a week 0Farms, then to SwisS Valley Wingham to visit friends there. the Last minute could mean a bad ago the government didn't have a Farms, M a, n to r v i l l e : to Last week, Mrs. Allan Rice, year for beangrowers, he stated. clue how to go about it. Owatonna: then to Minnesota " "-fol merly Goderich, flew from Edmonton to Nancy Robinson of He noted that last year the price of He noted that farmers applying Valley. Breeders at New Prague: Akeans had been •good because . must show the amount . of wheat and finally to Ben Webber anti visit relatives in this vicinity. She there was a short crop in the they produced for the last five Corky Wagner: Farms at New spent a day with Miss Iva Carr and United States and all beans could crop Years (from July one year to Market, Minnesota. The two day her two brothers, • Edgar and b e s o 1'd a t a g a o d price . July the next) and must send , in0. touti'ended Friday, April 14, when Harry Carr. Overplanting in Ontario, plus a receipts on rented land or tax, they arrived back to Malton in the On Sunday. Mr: and Mrs. John good crop in".the United estates, bill or_assessment slips from . • evening. Gardner of Lucknow. were dinner could mean low prices next fall, land owned. by p the farmer. He Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnston"guess o Mrs. Cecil Bi -4e and Mr: Durand, a Zurich area bean fecommended hattfarmers not of Dungannon spent last week,with Barbara. Other visitors were grower warned. her mother, Mrs. Jean Hill of Clifford Crozier of Goderith and having complete records should Mr'. Durand *also reported on get „yin touch with 'the Wheat Owen Sound, who wascelebrating his two sisters, Mrs. Stuart Nash the recent trip to Europe, he made, Producers board in Chathamto her 90th. birthday, Wednesday, 'and Miss Lorena Crozier of as part of a trade mission from see how many bushels they April 26. London. the bean board. , produced. Two carloads bf Women's ' Mrs. K. K: Dawson left on "In Europe," he said we _ These figures ha ie also been Institute ladies-_ from .. hese :.. •Thux.sday...DX Arne -' o make.. an• found -that if the price is •too high sent inby the wheat hoard and the attended the. Auburn dinner -•and:. _extended visit with .-ie'r daughter, these entintri s shoal u'nd-for P' government will check th see if program y better prices." the two figures agree before He said that Ethiopia produces 4, accepting an application, Mr, varieties of beans quite similar to Henry said. Ontario although not of as good e`¢ quality. These.sell for $100,, per ton less. However, he said, the mission made good contacts in Europe and the, Europeans do appreciate the quality of Ontario beans. Mr. Durand urged greater use of the Ontario Food Council to promote.Ontario-produced foods. In Europe he said,` there are on Tuesday, Ma y 2, Karen, Mrs. John Linton in 1972, for the 50th Anniversarr of Edmopton,pJ hn is studying in• ` their Branch as well as the 75th Toronto fo one month. - Anniversary• of F.W.I.O. Each Mrs. Robt. Stothers, along with enjoyed their celebration'• very her sister Mary, Mrs. Wilbert murk. MacLeod of Kincardine, flew Un Wednesday, May 3, 1%72, , from Malton on Saturday ,for a four W.I. ladies enjoyed the European holiday. • bazaar and tea at Huronview, On Sunday, May 7, Mrs. Elsie Clinton, and each visited some Haney of Wingham, was honoured . friends who are residents there, on her. 87th birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pierce and her daughter. Mr, and Mrs. Jack children of London visited this McGee, , Dungannon, had their weekend with Frank Pentland and family as dinner guests, 19 being Roger7• Frank suffered injuries there for" this special occasion. In ,broken rips) from a fall during the afternoon other visitors the week, 'and on Sunday Roger came; i,e. Mrs. Wilfred King and -s Ait1 '-awe€ml-aCeidetre--Jeaxr,M.cDr ,i1 114261 3 the rnotorcycic he was riding and Mr. and Mrs. Frank King, skidded into the ditch. He is now a Wroxeter; also Mr, and Mrs. patient in Wingham Hospital. • Frank Coates of Listowel. Mrs. Mrs. John Ryan had a fall, in her Sam Burgess from Brussels is. home on Saturday , morning , visiting this week with Mr. and injuring her right hand and wrist, Mrs. McGee and Mrs. Haney. On•Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. 'Congratulations,, to Mr, ".and Gordon Kidd, Georgetown, came Mrs. Jim Culbert on -the occasion for her. lylrs. Kiddis Mrs. Ryan's of their wedding Saturday in daughter, Margaret. Dungannon United Church. Mr. Arthur Elliott is receiving Jim is the son of Mr. and'Mrs, treatment in Victoria Hospital. 'Cecil Culbert of the' fourth London. ,He was accompanied thereon Sunday by Mr.'a.nd Mrs, Harold Elliott. We hope tie soon feels much improved.. Miss Ruth Schmidt of Tavistock visited recently with her friend. Mrs. Mary Bere. Miss L,ynn,Cul.b rt, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Culbert. commenced work in Kincardine at Anne'Ba;l,i Mr. iarveir Cu['bert is 'at Guelph University for three days, this week attending a road superintendents' school. , - Mrs Roderick MacDonald is in Lucknow with- her sister, Mrs, Gordon Ritchie. for a few days' visit, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eedv of Toronto were home for the. weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Irvine Eedv and Martha. Mr.. -.and Mrs: Warner Smythe of Tees•water and Mr, Claude Haughton of Toronto visited Mr. Jim Little in Dungannon. 'on _on progress �- Municipal officials rei "si "a'-" report 'onactivities to . date on Harbour Hill under. the Local Initiatives Program earlier this . Week. To date, the report explains, 250 Scotch Pine have been planted a. ,ng Cobbnrg Street below the Lighthouse and in the area of the Essex lookout. Orae hundred European White Birch have been set out in the same areas and the' initial plantings of Crown Vetch are under way. The first walkway has been completed connecting the Sunset Hotel park to the St+ Christopher's beach down the face of the hill. Side of trail plantings of Black, Locust, Birch and Scotch Pine have been carried out in this area. Workmen in the area report a surprising number of elderly citizens making 'use ofr the new fa cility. At present the project needs the donation of a number of, items from perennial gardens. The Local Initiatives Program grant cover's the cost of wages to the workmen involved but the town of Goderich is paying for materials needed. In an effort to keep costs down anations of Dayli'lies, Iris, and clumps of perennial Sweet Pea Roots would be appreciated. Anyone who could help out in this area may leave the plants at thePublic Works Garage anytime, weekdays between `8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. These items are to he put to use along trail ways and other areas needing this type of planting. Sometime next week workmen are expecting the arrival of 300 red pine seedlings and 1000 white spruce for the project. When the yoting trees arrive all available hands at the project are directed toward setting them out, ' - "---TtirPrOgratil Itirlittsunftittie a two week kXtension to continue the work under t,,,I.P, Concession of Ashfield. His bride is the former Sharron Ellig of Guelph. = + + + Cecil Culbert of 'the fourth Concession of Ashfield Township reports that on - Sunday, and 11rIonday''of this week he hasLseen nine large swans near his farm about two miles from Lake Huron. Folks has government approval • Word was 'received Monday from R. -E.-McKinley in Ottawa that the "Folks" group from Goderich has final ' government approval for their summer effort. The Opportunities for Youth grant is worth $8,668 and will be used by several Goderich young' people to take a variety program to hospitals andother institutions in the area during June, July and August. GODERItH , FROSTED FOODS' 65 HAMILTON ST•REET FULL SLICED ROUND •.STEAK FRESH SLICED - BEEF LIVER• FRESH 1/2 or WHOLE HAMS • ,61.09 .b: 59c ib.5Ac • McAINS - FROZEN FOODS FRENCH FRMS VEGETABLES . - PROZEN DESSERTS GREEN GIANT—CR AME STYLE CORN 14.01. TINS HEINZ—OVEN BAKED 151/4 oz. TINS BEANS PORK MITCHELL'S FANCY 19 oz. TINS 4*69c APPLE SAUCE. 2lc CHASE & SANBORNINSTANT 6 oz. JAR BLOOD CLINIC WED., MAY 17th Advertisement Published By . • GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE me els 1,97 1 ACADIAN SS Caton. 350 V-8, four :speed -transmission,' po•sit•ract.ion, radio, N.D.$ 1. 3 9 5 suspension, excellent condition., .Power disc brakes, K409140. 1 97,1 PONTIAC ` LAURENTIAN .STATION WAGON 350-V-8, turbo hydramatic;^ • power • steering, power disc brakes, radio,' six passenger, dark gold finish. X25274. . , $2995 1 968 BUICK SKYLARK CUSTOM Two -door -:hardtop,- V-8, • = autotrratic, .• -pavae t rite p e i al es• vitryri top, radio; rear defogger, tinted windshield, newwhitewalts. K48217. 1967 CHEV. IMPALA, SUPER SPORT CONVERTIBLE 327 V-8, console, automatic; bucket seats, radio, power steering, power brakes, new top, smart lady driven • automobi le. 208965. $,I 49 5 1 9-015 PLIf MOUTH SATELLITE Two -door hardtop, V-8, automatic, radio, bucket seats, one owner, has to be seen•and driven to appreciate the high quality of this car. J29310. $995 4 1 970 GMC PICKUP TRUCKS All in extra fine condition. 39134B, - 39137B, 391368, 39280B.' 1 970 VOLKSWAGEN WINDOW VAN $� [f 0 9 5 Full- glass, custom radio, 23,000 miles. X25469. glass, custom radio, 23,000 9.b6 BUICK SKYLARK Four -door hardtop, V°8, automatic, power steering,' power brakes; radio, whitewalls, wheel discs. M ch better than the avePage '66. 67856L, • SaaB- GODERICH • Pofitioc 524-8391 S i • 0 11'