HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-11, Page 7f.? d'. los .tel--1)cily ' 01110701443.4,44 GPH will be host Goderich Psychiatric Hospital will be joining more than 300 hospitals in Ontario and more than 1,400 hospitaIS all over Canada in observing Canada Hospital Day, May 12. The date celebrates the birth of Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern nursing. Miss Nightingale pioneered concepts of hygiene and sanitation, taken for granted today, but which were revolutionary in her time. The revolution did not stop with Miss Nightingale. Her place as a person in the community, serving "needs needs of the community through the ,local hospital, is stressed in this ye'ar's Canada Hospital Day theme, "This is the House the Citizens Built ..." Unlike most. other industries, hospitals are a round-the-clock seven, day -,a -week business, dedicated to prevehting,Slyness, restoring health and saving lives. -.On theaverage: there• are -_21/2 skilled hospital workers for each patient adnfitted. These include doctors, nurses, technicians, therapists, medical record librarhans and a hOSt of other professionaland skilled workers representing some 200 occupations. The hospital is a labor intensive industry which spends 75-80 cents out of every dollar on wages. • The modern community hospital is reaching out into the community through its preventive medicine programs in its Out- patient departments and working closely with other health agencies in the community. Hospitals provide liaison with extended care and nursing home facilities. Goderich Psychiatric Hospital is your hospital, serving your community and you are" invited to take advantage of Open House on Friday, May 12, from 1:00p.m. to -- • A .44 The St. Peter's Roman.Catholis Church Youth Group of Goderich sponsored a•Youth Rally for similar groups from throughout the area on Sunday at St. Mary's SeparateSchool locally. Among the various activities during the day was the screening of a film. Foliowingthisa g•-oup of those involved discuss the day's events. SUNDAY, MAY 14__ WAYNE MCLEAN PLUS THE SIN'6ING'HISEY FAMILY Westfield fellowship Hour at 2 P.M. HURON MEN'S CHAPEL Auburn at 8 pain. . Men Prevails When Good Men Do Nothin fl Left to right are, Father Henry Cassano, Father Belanger • of Windsor, who helped co-ordinate the event, Mike Redmond of `Goderich, Darlene Kennedy'of Windsor who also helped run the rally, Janice Foran of St. Augustine, Ann Dalton of K ingsbridge and Stella Dubelaar of Bluevale.—staff, photo 4 From the Minister's .Study ./ \ • REV: PETER G. ST. DON • • Pentecostal Tabernacle, Goderich Getting close to God •' a Text: "Draw nigh to God; and he will draw nigh to you." (James 4:8) • ' The Bible opens and closes with God and man enjoying perfect harmopy and fellowship with each other. Man began his existence in a garden with God. The Bible closes in Revelation 22 with the redeemed in the city of God where the river of life flows. where the tree of life bears its fruit,. - Man is always at his best and happiest when he is close to God. God has always been eager,for•: man to live iii and to enjoy His divine blessings. When men refuse to believe in and to live for the Lord they destroy themselves and bring SOMETH1N FOR EVERYONE.. . m 1 YOar Special Deposits People Like you, from all walks of life ... that's who we're working for. Our serv- ices,, are designed with folks like you in mind, , and • tapetedeto your individual financial needs. Check us out, whether you need a loan or want to open an account. Cor%plete Financial Services: Fe i ■Safe Deposit Boxes , ■Travellers Cheques • Home Improvement Loans • 5avinps Accounts .a'hequIng Accounts .Mortgage Loans ruPersotial Loans Christmas Clubs *CarLoans rr8oat Loans" GODERICH (OMMUNITY 39 ..ST. DAVID ST. • harm into their lives as well as the loves of others... How close do you live to God? How often da y-ou,s..e.ek'to communicate with—Him? Hove . aften do you seek to he still' and silent in order that God -might communicate with you'? , • Dolyou feel accepted, comfortable• and at ease in the divine 'presence? Is 'God the ' sourceof your delight and living, D.o you consider Him as • a disturber(? As a restrainer? As an irritant? Jame's would encourage -us- to trust in the loving grace of God' and to abide always in the centre of His loving will, A• Wins M BIBLE* BY CORNELIUS R. STAM FRES. IEREAN SIDLE SOCIETY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60633 YOU DO NEED HIM, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto .the Father but by me" (John 14:6). These are the words .of the Lord Jesus. -In writ` ing about them years ago, the ,late Pastor J. C. O'Hair said: 'A Pers°on is our Savior and our salvation. A Person is our Life -giver and redemption.A Person is our right- eousness and holiness, A Person is,our peace and our hope. Thatt Person is the Lord Jesus Christ, 'the Man Christ Jesus,' the 'one Mediator be- tween God and men,' By His blood we have been brought nigh to God. "We need nothing more than Christ, nothing less will suffice or avail. To add any religion whatsoever to Christ Himself' is to displease God, la Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. -God was in Chest reconciling, the world into Himself. The believer is in Christ. The believer. is complete in Christ; accepted in Christ, without condem- nation in Christ, the righteousness LIVING CLOSE TO ' GOD BRINGS RICH REWARDS A...The highest possible happiness "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy ,presence of fullness of joy: at thy right hand `there are pleasures for • ev:ermore.,..',(P-sa.m_ifr 1,1): B. David the Psalmist Was greatly encouraged in times of crisis by an -awareness of the nearness of God. The comfort to which.hea refers in Psalm -23;4 is ,the courage that one needs for the living of ' life under difficult • circumstances. C. The source of spiritual vitality is to be found in daily fellowship with God. We need to put forth the effort necessary to draw near unto the God ,who is seeking continually to draw near to us. 2. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW GOD BETTER? A. Learn to believe that the living God loves yi7ii""andm'tt ag'er to help and bless you. Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please him? for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." ' B. Confess add- forsake all known sin id your life. 1 John 1:8-10 "If we say that we have no sin', we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess oyr sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sibs, and to cleanWits frrith all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not us." C. Fully follow the known will of God for your life. . Rev. 3:20 "Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door;1• will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he -with -me." The living Lord comes again and again and stands at the door seeking entrance into, our minds, and into our hearts and .into Our Ile has drawn near to us. Let us draw near to Him. k of God in Christ. The believer is blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ. Christ is the superlative • heed of the world. He is all that you need, but you do need Him. You must have Him, or be lost forever,,,," How wonderful to know that He offers Himself and all the merits of everywhere `no matter what their sins, no matter what their past. "The Law entered that the offence might abound," says St. Paul, •"hut where sin abounded, grace did much more abound...that grace might reign (Rom. 5:20,21), And Paul himself was the Jiving example of this truth, for he'was the chief of sinners, saved by grace through faith in Christ. He says: • "I was a blasphemer, and a perse- cutor, and injurious, but,..the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant.. 'This is a faithful saying and wor- thy''aof all acceptation, .that Christ Jesus came Into the.' world to save •sinnersrof vihom I am chief, IQ 40 } SUNDAY SERVICE'S d The family .'that prays together • . _.r stays..: together+ .. 2 (401 .•L1 _t �Pl i .�I i4, dt. WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park St. at Victoria H. ROSS NICHOLLSr, Pastor 10:00 a.m. —*Sunday School 11:00 a:m. — Worship 7:00 p.m. — Even1rng' Service. WELCOME THUl AY. IOW 11, dt4ituari MRS. OLIVE MASKELL lffrs. Glt''e Maskell, 50 A Hamilton Street, died 'suddenly May 3 at Alexandra Marine and. Genueral Hospital. She was. 82. She was born February +4 4;: 4890 pre to John Wilson.' and .Agnes (Halliday) Smith. :She lived all her life in Goderich and attended Central Public, School, GDCI and business college in London. She later trained as a, nurse in New York. ' She was married to -Lewis (Lew) H. Maskell who died in 1936. She was a member of Ifnox Presbyterian church. She was also predeceased by one son, Robert John in 1936. Surviving are several nieces and nephews. Funeral service was Friday, May 5 from Stiles Funeral Home with Rev,. G. L. Royal officiating. Interment was in Colborne" Cemetery. Pallbearers were Frank Clark, Eric Blaney, Jack Allen, Ralph Henderson; Jaynes Chisholm and Ted McLean. 7C E ITH-JOHN--Wit L -MORE - Keith John .Willmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Willmore, 169 Redford Crescent, Stratford, died suddenly at his home Wednesday, May 3, at the age of five months and three days. Besides his parents tie is • survi d .by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willmore, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. lieith Cutt, Goderich. Mrs. Calvin 'Cutt is his great grandmother: A private family service was held at the Heinbuck Funeral 'Home, Stratford, Friday CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC — FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BRUBACHER.; Pastor Church 524-6445• Residence 524-9497 MOTHER'S DAY; SUNDAY, MAY 14 10:00.a.m. Sunday School—A corsage for all mothe-rs. 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "THANK 'GOD'FOR GODLY MOTHERS" 6:30 p.m. Young Peoples' "Word of.Life Club" 7:30 p`:m. "HOW TO HAVE A HAPPY HOME' Wednesday 8 p.m.—Midweek Service WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHAhT ROYAL, B.A.; Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, MAY 14 - , 10:00 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. — DIVINE WORSHIP. - Sermon: "THE FAMILY AS CHRIST'S" (Junior Congregation•and Nursery) —.The Sacrament of Baptism -- Mother's Day Enter to Worship Dvpart-to'Stirtra • H. MORTIMER B.EZEAU liev. Clifford, Plant 'of Christ the King united Church, in Kitchener conducted the funeral servieeforH. Mortimer Bezeau, who died May in Kitchener at, the age Of 72 following a. lengthy illness:' The service took place Friday from the Grahn Funeral Home in Kitchener with burial•in • WoodlandCemetery. • Mr. Bezeau Was the husband of the late Phyllis Thompson and the father of Robert and Geraldine (Mrs': Stanley Kreby) 'of Kitchener. He is survived by his children and "a brother . Louis of Kamloops Hritish Columbia and ,sister Mildred (Mrs. Frank McCullough) of `Strathroy aswell as eight grand children.. The retired president of the Mansfield Shirt Company, Mr. Bezeau was the son of the late C. Mortimer Bezeau andthe former Edith Manning. He ' was predeceased by two brothers an --twosisters- M-r-Bezeau-was-arse• active in the Kitchener Waterloo :Horticulture Society. WILLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS A'irirl ' Inscriptions Stratford '-- Ontario RONALD 'McCALLUM Representative morning. Rev. G. L. Royal, 21 Cambria Rd., North, Goderich Goderich, officiated. Burial in Phone .524-6272 or 524-7345 • T. PRYDE &SON CLINTON—EXETER—SEAFORTH Memorials" Markers and Cemetery Lettering Frank Mcl.lwailrr 524-9465 200 Gibbons Sc. Reg. J. Bell 45 Cambria Rd. S. 524-7464 ARE YOU ATTENDING `CHURCH THIS SUNDAY? IF NOT YOU ARE INVITED TO. WORSHIP WITH US. Bethel. Pentecostal Tabernade • Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. REV..PETER G. ST. DON, Pastor - SUNDAY, MAY 14• (: 10:0.0 a -m. - SUNDAY' SCHOOL: 11:00 .a.m. — WORSHIP SERVICE. 7:00 p.m. o- EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday, 8:00 p.m.— Bible Study and Prayer. Friday, 8:00 p.m.— YOUTH NITE. For further information about church services earl 524-8506. • - "SO LIVE SO THAT WHEN PEOPLE SPEAK-EVIL;OF"'YOU, NO ONE WILL BELIEVE IT." ST.. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION DAY—MAY 14, 1972. Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m. Rector's Class 10 a.m. - Holy. Communion & Sermon by,Rector at 11 a.rn, Church School -and Nursery at 11 a.m,' The Rev. Wm. Craven at both services. ....acevM^�R4ll1'1..V..-,u:w :-ivWJM.rY •W!-'..r++Mu.'...aai.i,-r., �.uwvw. uura+...rrr.vgraa�.r.ru.-w+:.vr. r.r .. .. -. • Organist -Choirmaster: Mr. Paul C. Baker, F.R.C.O.. L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. Rector: THE REV. G..G. RUSSELL,,,B.A., B.O. FIRS. BAPTIST CHURCH (.Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) • MONTREAL STREET near The Square REV. W. H. McWHINNIE Organist: Mr. Frank Bisset ' . 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School. • 11:15 earl. -" Morning Worship. Sermon: "CONVERSION (3)"' Special Music " A Church With An Evangelistic Outreach COME AND WORSHIP" WITH US, Victoria Stee.t United Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP REV. LEONARD WARR 10:00 a,m.—Bible School For All Grades. 11:15 a:m,—Worship Service Sermon: "PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY" BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH 10:00 a.m.--Worship Service•& Bible School -E-L-C'O-M-E— VICTORIA STREET'S 94TH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY—MAY 28-11 A.M. & 7;30 P.M.- North Street .United Church ' REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT SUNDAY, MAY 14 9:45 a.m.•-No Church School 10:50 a.m,-.-Babies to 5 -year-olds 10:50 a.m.--Morning Worship- . (Service orship•..(Service will 'begin with a Hymn Sing) SPECIAL EAMILY.DAY SERVICE (Attend church as .a family today) Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.T.C.M. , ' Organist and Choir k eector Miss Clara li+llcGowan—AssistInt Visitor Phones Church &Noe S tud •, /4:1 31.•,_A.e Church,,Buildin -%.524.6951