HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-11, Page 6r 7, ' -Aut, Touitsoa, mAty11, 1972 CY 6 IAA co.ncil.Mela meet 0 rni still trying toget nv feet With the snowmobile being a back on the ground. Silly- t 1 must for every young family these' suddenly notice so much activity days, I can see where these two in and around the town that I feel young people kneww• what they were that I'm missing something -and doing when the' • arranged • we can't do that, now. clan -we" everything for all year round fun I thought •the building in town About opening time I'm sure would ease up once the Clinton you will see pictures of all .the base was closed and all those lovely rooms -but right now -with houses were on the market -but I a lot to be finished, you really had seelhat4it hasn't made a -bit of . to visualise -or -rather- -guess difference. as houses, what that funny little room•with all apartments and business places the boards and slat 'seats would are c.oming•along at a,great pace. be, etc. This dummy had never' I had known that the,new golf' seen in a sauna hath before, but course just out of town was with the fine shower room,, opening this spring officially but lockers and large space -I., now I•find'it will be having its suppose for changing and grand opening in :a couple of resting -lean see that they have weeks -Saturday the twentieth.:to thought of the best of everything be precise. for their guests. Shirley and Paul Baechler are I could easily go on and on two of the nicest kids y.ou'd want to discribing this fine club house but - know -=and I've heard how hard I expect Shirley -and Paul will 15e they had been working. so I happy to have you see it for thought I'd go and see just what yourself. So, do'•just.that. they HAD been'doi•ng, Everyone is buy down at the • I've always felt the country was harbour -and we will probably ;, ve•a bust y a, tan 1ailtum cdurs•e-not that we haven't a by the looks of the space left open pretty one right herein town. but. now that the old storage Takers I liked the idea of the rolling land.. are snuggled 'tidily together. the crooked. stream and. lots of The Blue Whater Sailing Club-- things tart would make, a golfer biggest name in water fun since, really work for the points he the Menesetung Canoe Club, have • made. CHALLENGE -that's the their program all set up for the 0.+Ar. wOrd andthat's what a real golfer summer. ' needs and he's going to get it out You will probably see it in the there. Still.- I understand that it paper or in some prorfinent isn't one that will discourage the place,, but I just wanted to remind .duffer' -or whatever you call the you that next weekend. Sunday. Out) swinger" that's making • the May 21. is the date for the first of ,tart. fly. their series of races. They start 'The club house was a pleasant at 10:30 a.m. • surprise. I just took a good look I just hope it'won't be too cold around and decided that whoever for us to sit upon the bank --(of the drew up the plans for the building proposed Sully Memorial Park) was •a golfer wilo loved to relax and watch, the fun these fellows, • alter his game and also have a are havingwith their trim little • nice place- where he might entertain' his,frrends-winter or Simmer, GOWER'S SPRING WORK BOOTS • CAR FOR SALE? NEED A; a7�� . -• varA7l.ba.w, yr ....- Advertise econdmrcally in the Huron Shopping News Want Phone the News -Record . at 482.3443 or the 'Signal -Star at 524-8331 to place your want ad. sailing ships: ; Every Sunday .morning -well, nearly every Sunday -from now until Sept. 17. •there's going to•he¢ great goings on in the harbour area, so get ready for it. One little craft that interests me -and I want to find out more about it -is the "FIREBALL''. What do you know about- it? Not 'much more than I -is that right? Well. 'we will have to do something about that because this fast little -..craft-•is going to create•_a greatdeal of interest this year -and. that's for sure. I 'know 'a great many of you enjoyed the musical "What's Yer Fancy?" last ,weekend. I was just unp,icky enough to. have -missed the playRuth Leonard directed -and I heard 'it was a real -laugh-getter, and also. the /Musical which was a real ass, .I'd like to bet that most of the riieltlffi�slitgr'g`a: "" a let of the lovely old songs • .Marjorie\ Hays -Dunlop planned•- for them. 'On good autbol'ity- from the ' most surprising critics -I was told it was the most enjoyable evening they had spent in years. Now THAT'S praise' • The semi annual meeting of the Grey Bruce Regional Tourist Council was held last Wednesday, Aprik-1 `at Sauble Lodge, where an assembly , of municipal leaders, tourist operators and others concerned with improving tourism, heard speakers from the provincial_ government of Ontario. Don Davis, planning analyst, Georgian Bay region of the provincial • government, forecasted highway 10 would be improved to a four lane artery. Mr. Davis claimed that stronger eoznmunication is needed between area and provincial planners. Any dialogue. such as these meetings, will be of great value in planning and structuring future development, Harvey Davis, warden of Bruce County, Lyall McInnis, and mayor Rober•t•Rttherford of Owen Sound offered their observations of °the Provincial Governments planning and also'reiferated their • willingness • to assist tourist, 14Y. SUE FREEMAN The school choir has resumed under his direction and tie directs . enter. the large concert band. You will • hear both of these tonight. The , Viking Concert Band played for the Junior students and. the Senior students heard the Beck band and choir in afternoon assemblies today. The 103 London students will be billetted in Goderich homes for the night. Also taking part in the. Music Theme for the contest is one of Night program are the 'Goderich the four seasons or a festival. Art Laketown'Band, G.D,C.I. Viking workcanbeany size up to 16 and Concert ,Band, and Top Brass 20 inches and in any medium the Stage Band. Such pieces as "Die youngster selects. -.Meistersinger", "Time Out For A Jam Session", "Chicago",, Closing date•for the contest is -Let It Be", "Jesu Joy'of Man's July 31, 1972. For further Desire and Salute ttre Duke'. ----information, contact .•,-._m.rs•, wilLbe played for your pleasure. • Prevett or Ralph 'E. Smith, The concert begins at 8:00 in principal of Robertson Memorial the new gymnasium. School. Tonight, Thursday, ik Music Night. The program this year features the band and choir from° L'ondoii Beck Secondary School, directed by Bill Bettger, a former •Student Council presidents oft;, G`. D.C.I. Upon graduating Bill attended the University . of Western Ontario, where he graduated from the Honours Music Course. He then taught music to the students of Westlane Secondary School in Niagara Falls for three years and was organist of Stanford United Church, in the city . Bill is busy, in this his first ronlziCIOn in xnv -way: .year at Beck, as he teaches p Instrumental Music at the •John Smith, M.P.P. for riding Secondary School as well as to of- Hamilton Mountain and Parliamentary assistant to the Grades 7 and 8 at adjoining 1 ady Beck. minister of industry and tourism, quoted. that • "The Ontario government is also interested in helping enterprising small businesses -particularly small tourist ' business -through exanding and; innovating -our .,ror•strv's Ontario Development Corporation Loans Program. Again, your region ., should benefit''. , A Fellowship Hour, was followed with music. provided by J Mrs. Kay Prelett announced this week that the UNICEF Art Contest is open to all Canadian children between the ages of eight - and 15. She has encouraged as .many Godericlr'pand area residents as are interested to Mrs. Prevett said that 12 entries from Canada will be selected by a national jury, for international exhibit in Paris: One artist and his or her parent or guardian' will have a free flight to Paris for the showing. ports report BY WILMA OKE Mr, Vintar reported letters with the Wingham town council to Ata meeting ot'the Huron -Perth from two,students who shared in seek a remedy "for the dust County Roman Catholic Separate the $75 .scholarship from the situation on the road to Sacred School Board in St. Michael's hoard to the l(iwanis Music Heart School in the town. School, 'Stratford, Monday. night Festival in Stratford -Susan Mr. Young reported a standard reports were given on the meeting Trethewey and Douglas Bell, both trophy case is being installed in the St. Mary's folk singers• organized by Spence Cumminu� of Stratford, - Immaculate Conception School in -" vc�1Yt �r#irrri r~ firvu �° ''=-~• -4--� Stratford and ones i i e -installed ' rn on, regar In�,T `Fie ports Ted Doughty recently complex at .the,former Canadian It was,a•lso announced that open in any school needing one - appointed general manager, was Forces Base near Clinton. house will be held at St. Mary's Mr, Walraven was authorized introduced: Mr. Doughty's Trustee Chris Walraven, St. School in Hasson on June 4 from to arrange during the summer to remarks were that of enthusiasm Marys, said .he believed the 12 noon to 2 p.m. to inspect the lraue'fill put• on t..e •section of the and he reminded everyone that- meeting of interest to Huron recent renovations !nide at the school yard at Holy Name School,,. "There is reason for you to be • County residents but grot to Perth. school. ''inSt. Marys where it is needed. proud. of Grey and Bruce as 'a Trustee - Vincent •Young' „ of , The Board granted Arthur Haid, R.R.'4, Listowel, toutist region. Goderich said he did not believe it a u t h o r i a•t i o n t o the ,chairman of the transportationFollowing w the meeting . concerned boards of education but Superintendent of Education to committee, reported on an president Harry Chapman, • approve texts and materials to be advanced bus driver's course at •responded to questions by the approve for special education Fanshawe College in London, press regarding the council's purposes in courses where these Jack Lane, Business opinion of Owen Sound's upcoming are not supplied., • 'Administrator, reported he hopes Vincent Young, chairman of the ' to show a film, The Broken Bus, at building and property committee. the next meeting df the board to reported his committee was demonstrate what can `happen in budgeting the amount of money an accident • t o student' available for repair's. such as passengers. rc Ming, windows. L.. painting. Michael Connolly, chairman,of fencing and asphalt. and then they the personnel and• salary will- decide which schools-• need negotiating -committee. said that' which, negotiations with the teachers' - A meeting is to be requested committee are underway; Y HELECONNELLY Although the weatherman was most. unto -operative over the .weekend, many golfers experienced that tremendous feeling of being on the course for the .first time ofthis season. Hopefully, the temperatures will rise during the- week making next weekend even more pleasureful. In the last stages of count down before the Official Opening May 20, Club Manager Denis is quite busy supervising all operafipns in the final groohming. It sure must be hard for him to keep up ,with all the activity. Must seem that there is not enough hours in the day. Gosh, girls, we sure are not goingto have any problems --.•getting to- the -Cour -se -this -season with the Transportation Service s provided for us or liquor vote. "The Grey Bruce regional tourist council has been on rzecbrd fora number of years .as being in favour of any facilities which will . assist the hospitality industry in attracting additional tourist income". "As• such Mr: Chapman added, "This executive snworts the possibility of any conii'i fitii itv in our region being licensed by the L,L.B.O. wefeelthat we are hosts to thousands of vacation...many of accustomed to these their home area' ", - _ ove;- Martha. people on whom are amenities in THE RED CROSS SERVES FOR YOU seemed to he an attempt to have a Huron County recreational' area formed. Five trustees indicated their interest •in attending the annual convention of • the Canadian Catholic Trustees Association in Vancouver oh September 21. 22 and 23 -Board chairman. James Morris of Stratford and trustees Howard Shantz of Strat1`ord. Vincent Young of Goderich. Francis H•icknell of R.R.5. ,aforth and Chris ' Walraven. 'Superintendent of Education..Jo,hn Vintar, said that it was important to keep updated: If you don't keep up' ,to date, you fall h'ehind.' • Reservations ill be,made in June when it is decided who will attend Mr. Vintar reported an ,-invitation from the Huron County Board of Education fortrustees to attend the offi•cial•opening`of-the new addition ' at the, Seaforth Public School which will he held at 8p,rn: onMav 2"9.•James Morris. • F.rancis Hicknell, Michael Connolly. Joseph ,Y.;oohv and Vincent Young said they expected to attend. ED CROSS D CU WED.., MAY 1 7th Advertisement Published By DOMTAR CHEMICALS LTD. ` Sifto Salt Divison .Evaporator Plant „ ..w WE OFFER.... ' . ' • Unbeata e • •V�lues QN ALL YOUR.DECORATIN.G NEEDS LATEX and 79 SEMI -GLOSS ii. ilkGAO. ALL'n. LESS' SUNWORTHY . 2110/ , STOCK -PAPERS W /0 . CARPETING NOW' ARMSTRONGS �. •:AwRipx HOWBOAT9GRUNNIN Ideal far bathrooms, halls, etc. FCX". IV�OOR OUTDOOR N STOCK CARPET� 329 .. 3 COLOURS • - y D SC. ♦ KITCHEN SALE 95 !ET SPECIAL `5C1. Ya. r w STOK• PRo M 95, CARPET If S(I. YD• a •r • SHOP IN YOUR HOME. �• • SERVICE.. FREE... ESTIMATES -.NO OBLIGATION •o , o • f"ESST.:,:. M'i.:.:' e. `IY,fbwc'REitLYLTD::: -4i2Y3l,ti.re...y DERICH that 'ha been any other golfing members of our families. Be sure,to call making arrangements to be picked up for your game. Now, if we can only talk the Management into a Baby Care Centre our games would be perfect. If golf does not provide a means of relaxation after your hectic day, then a leisurely, comfortably, warm showier followed by a session in the dry heat of a sauna and a cold shower may work for you. Please check the ad elsewhere in this issue for this type of membership. Remember, doing 'what does the most for -us is the - real objective in the constructive. use of our leisure time. "Th'e•_weather- seems -to -_have improved .already. . Are, yoiu swinging this weekend? See you at the Tee. fi 1t t1 ai• Y APPLES AY SALE ONLY xs " T.,'. MAY 13 BY THE BASKET OR BUSHEL ON SALE BESIDE BREWERS RETAIL .STORE PROCEEDS FOR ST. PETERS YOUNG PEOPLE TRICKL nee es you 1. 73 horsepower engine 2. Four -speed nchromesh transmission 3. Front disc brakes cr 4. Fully reclining bucket seats 5. Electric' rear, windosW defroster 6. 'Whitewall 'tires 7. Full vinyl interior 8. Electric windshield Washer 9. Two -spend ‘‘•indshiuld wipers 1'0. Padded recessed dash 11. Collapsible steering 'column 12. Glove box for 13. Cigarette lighter 11.1. Heavy y duty heater defroster 1 5. Three -position courtesy lights 16. Iland brake warning light 17. 'I'hrt'ic point retractable seat hells 1 N• Pol% er boosted fresh- • flo‘‘ ventilation 19. Swing -out side rear -- windows 20. Unit hods• construction much 21. 60 amp. hf.,battery. 22. I1iaal brakingsystem TA USED ECONOMY SPECIALS 23. 1Vrap around bumpers 2 4. Side running lights 25. Back-up lights -2.6. Washable and removable trunk. mat 27. Recessed spare tire 28. Tool kit and jack 29, Electrophorus paint application 30. hour -;way flashers TOYOTA Automatic transmission, radio, Tike new condition. L K51262. x2495 I9iO.FIAJ CONVEIIJIBE. 850 sports model, 5,700 miles, great shape. Lirc. K54557. • $1.995 1967 VOKSIA'ON SEDAN.: 42,000 miles, extra clean. .L ic. K47867. :1095 SEE OUR lUlt LINE OF NEW g USED ECONOMY SPECIALS et 334 'HURON RD. 524 9381 a n a xr• t1 91 4